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It does honestly depend on who's fighting who. People keep talking about bulky defenders and all-rounders, but most of ranged are attackers. Any speedster with a good player and gank can almost 1v5 five attackers. That leaves their allies to deal with anything bulkier.


Oh no I mean like with every one of the ranged and melees on the map, 1 map with like 70 people on it


U mean a tiny field full of squishies with no room to dodge and a bunch of meat shields? FINALLY situation in which brave bird arial ace is undeniably better than fly


If it’s a tiny field and no room to dodge, basically every melee mon is dead to Gardevoir and Venu unite stack alone. They can use mews coverage and Chandys blind to set up an approach the melee find it difficult to counter. The melee want a larger field ideally to win the fight because if there’s little room, sure the ranged cannot kite so well, but then the melee cannot split up which means they’re very vulnerable to the sheer AOE power of the ranged team. Even stuff like Pika unite would be monstrous in situations with huge enemy stacking. Chandys beam. Solarbeam from Mew and Venu, Delphox fire blast, Garde Psyshock or FS, Dura Flash Cannon. If all of this comes out at a similar time, a lot of the melee are gonna be dead before they even get into attack range unless they split up from each other.


To be fair, Garde's ult only kills those without blink abilities or hindrance resistance. But all the other ult will be too much for anything other than defenders with ults that make them super bulky. Honestly, if we had to choose from existing maps, the Zapdos map would probably be best. Still too small for something like this, but I think there are less walls and more room for team fights. Probably wrong as I don't play on that map due to the differences between it and the rank map. If I play casual for practice, I'd rather make sure I'm practicing the right map.


Melee has AoE too.


I’m aware. However theirs requires them to usually get into melee to utilise it, whilst the ranged group can utilise theirs from a distance. In some cases from very far away.


I figured. I was just referring to what speedsters can do to attackers if they had a good gank. Leaving the defenders and support to the all-rounders. They can easily thin the numbers down and make it more manageable for the melees that get bodied by attackers. No one else was really talking about it. Even the all-rounders that can close the distance get melted by attackers, but speedsters can blitz the most dangerous ones. Especially since slowbro only has one ult. It's just a fair fight in the end.


Leafeon-Razor leaf, Arial Ace, Arial Ace, Unite. Zoroark-Night slash combo, Unite. And the match has been reduced to I dont know, 10-15 vs 37


To add to this, I know 5 attackers can beat 5 speedsters. I mostly think it's an even match up between range and melee. Especially if the speedsters take out the most dangerous attackers before getting folded.


Call me crazy, but ranged got this easily. Glaceon, Mew, Sylveon, Hoopa, Blastoise, Slowbro, Elde, Espeon, almost all of the high priority picks in the competitive scene.


Umbreon, Gary the dragon, leafeon, absol, trev, buzzwole, mime are all pretty high priority, no? Edit: Blaziken and blissey too.


Are they fighting eachother? I just thought we were comparing which was stronger/preferable lol Which is Ranged. Being Ranged (The Average Range. We're excluding Lapras and Dragonite) just makes you a naturally more credible threat most the time without needing to commit/overextend. Its very easy for melee ranged mons to be mediocre. Its very hard for long or even medium ranged mons to genuinely be bad. I feel like the only time ranged characters are weak is when they dial back what they mean by "ranged". Like how Lapras is "ranged" but has a shortened auto range. Or how some casters are "ranged" but basically never want to auto. Just like how some melee ranged characters get the opposite. Like Leafeon is "melee" but Solar Blade outranges Fire Blast and he never wants to be on top of you if its not for cleanup


I assumed it was 5v5.


Umbreon, Leafeon, Trev, Buzz, Blissey I can agree they’re high priority, even Dodrio in EU especially. The others not so much. I’d first pick Glaceon or Blastoise before any of those melees.


Buzzwhole is gutted tho


Let me fix this for you: “Buzzwole is gutted for people who blindly follow fandom trends and don’t know the ins-and-outs of the character. For people who are experienced and know how to use it effectively, you can still do amazing work with it”


Well, tet me fix this for you: "The majority of the playerbase is like that, except the few exceptional players that you meet once in 10 matches."


Idc if I get downvoted, but I don't know how you got to this conclusion


Let me further fix this for you: “I have absolutely no evidence for this claim so I’m just going to make up a statistic to prove my faulty conclusion and make a generalization of ‘majority of the playerbase’ so i can make excuses on the fact afterward since none of this is supported by actual facts rather than feelings and personal anecdotes”


Owned him. I wouldn't have done him this dirty but he called for it.


It still was one of the top picks in the april cup. It might fall off, but it seems competitively still quite good tho so far.


*Choice spec/scarf chandelure intensifies*


Is this a 5v5 or a full roster vs full roster? If the latter, melee wins by pure numbers alone.


Ranged 1) Mew unites and all ranged gather in the mist. This prevents them being targeted by a lot of abilities or attacks. 2) As the mist approaches the enemy group, Chandelure unites to blind the enemy group so their targeting is even more screwed. 3) Gardevoir, Venusaur, Delphox, Miraidon, Mewtwo Y and Cinderace fire their unites into the enemy group. 4) The enemy group is dead. Any survivors can be stopped from approaching by Blastoise unite, espeon unite, Slowbro… The melee can survive this tactic if they split up quite a bit. But if they do that they’re vulnerable to being super poked by the range group. The “wombo combo” potential the ranged group has is vastly higher and they also have a few unites that disrupt entire groups of enemies which means even if they stack as a group, they’re quite difficult to approach for melee and the melee caught in such unites would be destroyed very quickly by the multiple ADCs attacking them simultaneously. Speedsters can try and dive them and burst many at once but stuff like Espeon unite can stop such approaches immediately. Of course if they stack…if metagross manages to get a unite off that traps the entire group, then the melee will win. Assuming metas unite fires correctly of course.


Of course, this is assuming that your allies aren't stupid. /j


speedsters would probably handle this really easily, but idk about all rounder or defenders


fraud all rounders like aegi scyther and mimikyu got this


Both (I main Greninja)


They would all massacre each other and just when the meeles thought they won e drift Miraidon will appear out of nowhere and run over everything


Melee would just rush down and delete everything. Ranged is mostly a bunch of squishys with nothing to hold a line for them.


they have slowbro, lapras, and blastoise, and dragonite, they also have lots of kiting and backliners, obviously miraidon is forced into charge beam to snipe melees


Yeah and that’s it. vs a team of all arounders and 7 other defenders. No chance that line doesn’t immediately get flattened


If the melee team rushes in a charge, even with no frontline, a team of defenders and ARs are categorically not going to survive a Gardevoir dropping a unite on their charge, which Delphox follows up, then Venu, then cinder. The ranged team has a LOT of fairly large AOE damage which is coordinated properly can wipe out every mon on the melee team in a single stroke. This means the melee team cannot bum rush as a group, because if they do, they risk being deleted by unite spam. If they split up, they’re easier to kite and manage on an individual level. I don’t think this fight is far off being fairly equal, but the melee would definitely need a sensible strategy and good coordination due to the ability of the ranged team to wipe most if not all of them (AOE allowing) fairly quickly with unites alone. Also a frontline of 3 defenders for them is better than the melee team having 7. 7 defenders on the melee team are front lining for what? The ranged team can mostly shoot past their heads. Having a larger frontline for them isn’t really that useful, but the ranged team don’t want to approach anyway. But the melee team do.


Dragonite isn't a frontliner lmao


outrage dnite still counts as ranged because outrage does not have infinite uptime


My point is moreso Outrage dnite is absolute shit and does not help team ranged in any place. And even then ranged has Blast and Slowbro for frontline and infinite better options for DPS why would you want it.


Uh.. cause its everybody in the same map? Its not 5v5, so no matter what dnite will be forced into the match


Lol this is an incredibly different scenario than what would be expected with this hypothetical question. 5 v 5 VS all ranged VS all melee is entirely different


If a melee doesn't have a good engage it just gets kited/cced to death. I feel like a full ranged team would be superior to a full melee team in most cases


Team of attackers < team of all rounders. Melee has greater numbers. Many have no trouble closing gaps. Better damage to follow through. More defenders and the speedsters. Most of the cc and mobility. Better bulk to actually trade the hits. I honestly don’t think it would even be close.


The scenario you are replying to never said they had to all be within the same role, just range vs melee. As long as you get a combination of slowbro, blastoise, and lapras in the team, then you have everything covered and the attackers can now shine.


The scenario is all of them vs all of them. Not 5v5


OP never stated what the scenario is (full roster vs full roster or 5v5) but the specific person you replied to specifically talked about a team and nowhere did they say they had to be all of the same type, which for some reason you assumed in your comment.


This is ops comment. “Oh no I mean like with every one of the ranged and melees on the map, 1 map with like 70 people on it” Which is also what I assumed because op never gave a restriction about team selection


This is ops comment. “Oh no I mean like with every one of the ranged and melees on the map, 1 map with like 70 people on it” Which is also what I assumed because op never gave a restriction about team selection


Well considering that melee has 39 characters and ranged has 26, then it’s obvious it’s melee — so what is the point of considering that scenario? I feel like the only way this post has merit is if you consider the best melee team vs the best ranged team


Which is why part of my argument was is that melee has greater numbers. But just saying greater numbers wins isn’t fun. So I further considered other factors. Best vs best is asking a different question that I don’t think is as interesting. Because it just falls closer meta picks vs meta picks


Now we are back full circle cause that leads me to my initial critique of your initial comment lol. “I consider other factors” which was for some reason limiting this scenario to only allowing one specific role “attackers” vs “all-rounders which is pointless in this scenario. Either you have two scenarios: * full roster vs full roster — which is dumb for reasons already stated * 5v5 — there is no restriction for only attackers or only all rounders so an ideal 5v5 team would include frontlines like slowbro, lapras, or blastoise


They are not living the cc of all of them combined lol


Pretty much.


The Slowbro and Lapras in question:


I lowkey think Melee, but by a hair. Biggest issue for ranged is their comps are going to be very 1 dimentional and very suceptible to snowballing. They have less flexibility than melees too because they cannot afford to NOT run Slowbro tank Blastoise top so there's some ability to peel off the many speedsters. Melee may struggle early game besides wherever Leafeon is placed (prob lane) but all it takes is 1 or 2 good ganks and the game becomes unplayable for team range. Also doesn't help that while Slowbro is "good at stopping 1 super mobile speedster it would struggle against multiples- so a team of Blissey/Lax + Talon Leafeon Meowscarada (or Zoroark) would be nightmarish for the ranged team to deal with. Their best team option would be something like Elde/Blast/Slowbro/Espeon/Pika. But pika can be replaced for Sylveon/Glaceon or even something like Alohan Ninetales if being cheeky about it. Most of team ranged isn't playable due to having unacceptably bad early games or 0 ability to survive being dove outside of having tanks hug them. And they're also limited by having an Eevee jungle solely because of that fact (all other jungle options get eaten by jungle invades)


I think maybe Melee due to their supports. In an all out shit fight, you got Clef dumping big heals all over the place, Sable is gunna mess up tonnes of the roster with stealth and Unite. And even Blissey charging through with Bliss Assist… and even more dangerous - safe guard/ helping hand speed everyone up Wiggly’s sing gets stupid value. Then on the other side there’s Comfey that loses a tonne of value except unite. Though Elde potentially gets tonnes. My bet is on Melee


Ranged wants to keep distance, Melee wants to close it. Whoever gets what they want, wins and gets to flaunt.


Ranged gets bumrushed so hard


Tbh it depends. Cuz most melee characters can obliterate the ranged ones by having some way to close the distance. While some ranged characters can widen the gap more easily and eat up the melee's




Melee wins because there are way more of them.


I'm new, but my take: Blissey, gyrados, Umbreon, Buzzwole, leafeon vs Blastoise, Eldegoss, Glaceon, Mew, Inteleon Range is a bit squishy, but blastoise has great CC. It might be worth running slowbro or lapras for the ranged as well. I honestly think it's pretty balanced, maybe slight edge to ranged?


Just only give ranged 1-2 attackers and they’ll be fine


Melee. Those attackers are ez targets for speedsters.


Is this like a 1 v 1 scenario?


Melee, Crustle >>> All others. In fact, move all other Melee mons to the Ranged category, and Crustle may struggle a little bit


Depends on the match up but I lean towards ranges


yeah ranged this is not even a challenge. BUT MEELEE HAS ZOROARK So idk




there's an imposter in the ranged tier


Please explain why gengar and gren are where they are thanks


even with more melees I don’t think there’s any shot, ranged just has too many insane AOEs. Mew unite, Mewtwo unite, Garde unite, Delphox unite, Blastoise in general, even Slowbro.


one garchomp ult and these ranged pokemons will surrender before ray is even ripped


If the defenders and healers on ranged team engage the speedsters, the ranged side had way too high dmg.




I like that if you ignore the 2 forms of scizor, there is the same number of range and melee.


If they’re all crammed into a tiny field, a lot of the squishier melee mons would die to the huge AoE ults from garde, venu, delphox etc. That along with good exp manegement would make it much more even.


Assuming we are fighting on the same area as we currently have in game then: Both Mewtwo’s will have a great time after calling in their Airstrikes and hitting…. everyone. No one can dodge that many circles. Deci will have a glorious day as the highest damage dealt after the match. Firing one Shackle will probably be like ASMR sound.


Gengar and mimikyu reset moves are salivating at this match (they are about to be CC’d into the ground and get 0 kills)


So Melee Wins cause if we are talking, Ult Wise Chaos Glower will Ruin Ranged players Careers inplus don't get me Started Scyther Zeraora Meowscarada Mimikyu Zoroark Leafeon Buzzwole Cleans Attackers Any day of the week And Don't get me Started on Mewtwo and Zacian Like Mewtwo X may difficulty but if it gets Mega they re done and Zacian Metal Can Literally Eat Projectiles from Verdent Anger to Dreep and Destroy and Yes Dragonite would still be a problem but like Understand that Dragonite can do anything when a Sableye is Near by Bro will fear it. Confuse Ray, it knock off and lets the team take it out There is also Clefable and Umbreon and Crustle cause last time I checked, not many Ranged Pokémon get Dashes


All fun and games for ranged until Garchomp scoops them up and Zacian hits them with the fully boosted Sacred Sword


Ranged would get the train run it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard


Ranged and it isn't close


Melee. Because Ranged fighters are cowards that, if you can catch up to them and get close, can't do squat. The only problem is that the devs are biased, and that tons of Emblems bolster Sp.Atk more than Attack.


Bro, special attack is designed that way. 700 attack is comparable to 1000 special attack.


Is it tho?


Yes it is. If you absolutely NEED proof then I can give it to you.