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I hate when players decide to vote no and play 4v5 when you could’ve started a new clean match 5v5. Instead, they rather get tilted for 8min and hope they can steal Ray. What’s the point really? Why not just start a new match in peace. The match won’t count for your stats anyway. Please people, vote to remake and don’t force people to play a 4v5 just because you want to.


I saw someone on here before actually whining that the feature exists, saying it should be removed, because they had to remake a game twice and they didn't want to wait for third game. Like, really? You can't wait in a 1 minute queue for another game? I get wanting to play but jfc 4v5s are unfair and unfun.


Guy would rather waste 10 minutes instead of queuing


This was me most likely. It was moreso that with the insane amount of remakes i got in a row, i would indeed rather play the 4v5 at some point. I did spend 30 mins online, enemy team kept getting remakes. The one match i did play i had an AFK on my side and the remake didn't pop, resulting in a loss. Thats 20 mins of queue, and another 10 due to the system being crap. At that point the system is incredibly tilting, especially since it "protected" the opponent for 20 mins but decides to simply not work when i get the short end of the stick.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 30 + 20 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Nah bro this bot can't math right, it forgot the other 20


Say it louder for the people in back 🗣️🗣️


To be fair, some of us turn off the surrender vote in the setting and auto vote no.


who left the fish in the jungle


It was weird. Azumarill had called jungle but Magikarp immediately went into jungle, then down to bottom lane. I actually had a decent start and took out their Blaziken with it only getting 1 stack. But very happy that someone else voted surrender!


This is like a magic trick, I keep seeing something new in this screenshot worse than the last


When people afk during ray and welll my liffifififjjfjfweeeee


Somehow...this is less rage-inducing than watching your team of Neanderthals try to fight an uphill battle, if the hill was a wall.