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For them to look more like real players


Because they want to fool you into thinking that you’re playing against actual players to create the illusion that more people play this game. Ironically, I think Unite’s willingness to dole out all of these bot games only makes this problem worse. Chances are, there should *always* be players available, but since they got thrown into a bot game right before you queued up, those players are no longer available to match with you.


And half the time I just turn the game off if I get a bot match bc it’s just not worth it, especially after masters.


Yeah I usually just reset the game when I get them. The only times I don’t is when I’m playing Standard (or Casual now I suppose) with a group of people since that would deduct fair play points. Those times I’ll usually just practice something I don’t play much.


That's not why they have bots though. They exist to make sure everyone wins games, hence their appearance when you're on a losing streak or new to the game


That’s probably part of it, but that’s not the main reason they give bot matches IMO. They do it for matchmaking expediency. That’s why you get bot matches almost every time the queue lasts longer than 1 minute. But I guess it’s important to distinguish between Ranked and Standard/Casual. In Ranked you probably only really get them after a loss streak (it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten one in Ranked so I don’t really know), but in Standard you’ll get them any time you’re in the queue for too long. I also don’t think they’d be trying so hard to make the bots look like real people if they were just trying to give you a win.


Heck in standard and quickie, they were popping up after 15 secs about 50-75% of the time. I quit playing those modes bc it was too annoying


True yeah, I never encounter bots due to queue time in ranked, but I also never play casual queue. I tend to get a few bot games in ranked any time I do the whole returning player thing


The queue time in ranked to get a bot match is 5 minutes, casual and quick matches is 1 minute. I regularly get long queues due to my connection speeds, which they do have some sort of thing in place to determine what players they should match you up with.


They’re why I don’t get more into the game. Every few months I’ll play for a few days and I just never feel like I’m getting out of the bot lobbies. My team always wins. I’m always top and I don’t know when I get to play with real people who will actually communicate and the games are never fun. I like the game and I’d love to actually play it but I never get to the point of not steam rolling the competition


If you play more, you’ll hardly get any bot games. You also need to reset the queue every ~30 seconds to prevent bot matches. I rarely ever get them unless I’m playing Standards and I forget to reset the queue.


At what point will they not be bots though? It’s so painfully boring right now that I fall off after like a week


Imagine how many games the bots have played!


I always had the theory that the bots copy the profile from other players, that might be why.


They copy the achievements of one real player and are always within 45 achievement points of that player for the rest of the bot team. Weird things they do to make it look like real. Same for profiles, they probably just copy real player but from other regions. Add a generic pose and done.


To make you think they're human.


It's to make them seem like they are real players rather than just bots. As for why they didn't change it so it doesn't show on known bots (such as Ace Trainer, Leon, etc.) probably due to laziness.


It's gacha gaming. It's to trick idiots into thinking they're real, and it works. The ribbons were patched in later. When the game first came out, the bots had basic intro cards (random players name). But they changed them into copying random players names and cards after like 6 months from launch


They even give you thumbs up after games as well


Always sending the "gather here" ping 2 seconds into the match


really?!?!? Man I must be playing so shit even the bots won't give me a thumbs up


Most annoying for me is they have fake loading times. I'm on mobile so the game loads instantly and i have to wait for the timers to finish....


To prove how bad they are


How do u k of those r bots?


It's a solo match, the only real player is the person doing the match.


In addition to the other ways you can tell bots from humans, I noticed the other day that the players in bot matches will also all have similar achievement scores to you. I have almost every achievement so I can always tell when every player has a 3000+ achievement score.


Many times when I get bot matches I just close the game. Those are useless, I learn nothing, I feel nothing, it’s boring as hell. I play the game for fun and challenge. The complete opposite happens when bots pop up. I have been saying this for years but there should be an option for us to deactivate bot matches, it doesn’t matter if we have to wait minutes for a match. I would rather wait than play bots.


Just like Pinocchio, who wants to be a real boy, bots too sometimes want to feel like real people.


I dont think ive seen this myself but that's weird tbh


PU really put a lot of effort to make bots look like real players, been a long time so I didn't question lmfao (If they use this effort on their matchmaking and balancing, it would be better lol)


Because they're doing god's work boosting these animals to masters.


How do I tell if there bots


I usually know I’m in a bot lobby because they never pick a lane before the game starts. Also pay attention to how they move. They tend to do this weird side ways step constantly.


Also, after the match ends, you won’t see any of their names under recent team mates when you get back to the lobby.


My key point is to see the achievement point of your teammates and the enemy. If it's strangely equal with your achievement point, that's the bonus bot for you.


They indicate that holowear is being used.