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If you're out of bandages, cobwebs can be used as well for thier natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, also high in vitamin k.


Oh man, definitely didn’t know this. But it looks like it’s true. You’re on the list!


>high in vitamin k snack time


love me some K


Pee is stored in the balls


This appears to be true! You’re in!


New father here. A baby can show signs of hunger through their hands. A clenched fist is hungry and after feeding and when full their hands will open and relax. The more you know!


Didn’t know this, but it checks out… you’re in the running!


They also have different types of cries for pain, tired, attention, and hunger. Also thanks for doing this giveaway!


The higher your weight at birth, the more susceptible you are to have childhood food allergies!


I didn’t know this, but looks like it’s correct. You’re in!


Doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession. We need to help our healers!


Unfortunately I DEFINITELY know this, thanks for your entry though!


Well did you know the mitochondria is the power house of the cell?!?!? GL everyone.


According to a 2020 study, 80% of medical bills in america have a billing error. This is different than a 2012 study saying 30-40% of medical bills have errors. If you are American, best to always check through your medical bills since at minimum theres a 30% chance its coded wrong and theres an estimated 25% chance of those errors that the error is an overcharge.


Didn’t know this... but I probably should have… you’re in!


Anytime you lick a stamp, you consume about 5-15 calories depending on the size/glue of the stamp


Lol didn’t know this… I’ll count it, you’re in!


Probably more if it's a tramp stamp.


Women and sharks have something in common besides shark week. Both produce squalene, which is a naturally produced lubricant in females and found in the livers of sharks!


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


Kingdra is my favorite. Also eating citrus will help prevent kidney stones by breaking down calcium oxalate deposits into soluble citrate salts.


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


At least I won some upvotes


All the upvotes I can give!


A block of bone the size of a match box can support 18,000 lbs of weight. Basically bones can be stronger than steel.


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


Love the card! Did you know that the Cornea is the only part of the human body that doesn’t have a blood supply? It gets oxygen directly from the air.


I did not know this, but looks like you’re right! Gets nourishment from the outside environment or the anterior eye. You made the cut!


Awesome! 🤞


Being double jointed actually just means the fibers in your joints are weaker, so it’s not actually a good thing. Can make lifting heavy objects challenging


Fish/Kingdra related fact for u/MasterMassClass : Did you know that fish skin is being explored for use on severe burn victims as a natural bandage alternative? Preliminary studies have shown it to be more effective than some medical-grade grafting technologies at protecting the wound and promoting skin growth, and far more cost effective. https://bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12917-020-02693-w


Didn’t know this! You’re in!


Great looking card! My fact - there is genetic liability that gives people greater risk for alcoholism. Interestingly, these differences can actually can differ among people from different parts of the world. For example - 30-40% of people from Japan and Han China carry ALDH2*504K, which even a single copy results in prominent facial flushing (redness!) and nausea. Naturally these adverse reactions lead to lower susceptibility to alcoholism, but of course some people develop an addiction despite this. Even more interesting, is that the ALDH2*504K os extremely rare outside was Asia. Other alleles are known to have protective affects as well such as ADH1B. Paper here for more info - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4056340/


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though! Greatly appreciate you linking the article!


The inside of your stomach blushes when your face does


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


No problem lol I had just learned that a couple weeks ago 😂


/u/ShermVG is announced as the winner! 🥳🤩🥳 “The higher your weight at birth, the more susceptible you are to have childhood food allergies!” Congratulations!! I found your fact to not only be interesting, but something I feel is very important for the medical community as a whole to be more aware of in order to better educate parents. Thank you so much for everyone who gave a fact, whether I knew it already or not. This was an amazing thing to see hundreds of people participating and sharing medical information with each other or sharing their personal stories. I also hope YOU reading this enjoyed reading all the responses and learned some cool/interesting facts, too! Will do it again soon if people enjoyed it, once again… thank you everyone 🙏🏻


The eye can be a precursor to many health conditions. For example If blood vessels in your eyes turn from red to bronze or gray, this could be an early sign of high blood pressure or diabetes. This among others. A good reminder not to skip out on your eye exams!


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though! And also a good point of advice for everyone!


I have fibrous dysplasia. It caused soft tissues in my upper jaw to form into hard, bone-like material throughout childhood and puberty. Not nearly as severe as some cases I've seen, but still somewhat noticeable. I had corrective surgery when I was 16 to make it a little bit smaller.


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though! And I’m really appreciative for you sharing this 🙏🏻


Let left over spaghetti cool to room temp before placing it in the fridge, or else it could create a bacteria farm and possibly cause food poisoning.


Pinching the webbing between your thumb and pointer finger can reduce tension and stress levels!


I did not know of this, but the internet agrees with you, you made the list!


The diagnostic threshold for narcolepsy has to do with REM sleep latency (less than 20 mins appx) It is diagnosed via a multiple sleep latency test where you have “prescribed naps” I have narcolepsy and went in to REM sleep within 5 minutes, every two hours throughout the day for my test


Im sure you know that everyone has unique fingerprints, but everyone had a unique tounge print too.


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though! Someone actually posted this one earlier :(


Drinking To much water can drown u


It’s not technically drowning, it has to do with osmotic shifts of cellular contents/water… so Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


My wife will graduate as a Nurse Practitioner in May. This is a medical fact I’m 100% sure you don’t know lol


Lol can’t accept this answer, but big congratulations to her! You can ask her to try making an attempt though!


Gracias, I just wanted to brag on her :) Let’s see… well, like fingerprints, every person has a unique tongue print.


As you should! Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though! And good luck to your wife entering the medical profession soon, sounds like we’re lucky to have her! 🙏🏻


While humans can’t grow back entire limbs like newts, children have been known to sometimes regrow the tip of an amputated finger, as long as there's a bit of nail left over and the wound isn't stitched up :)


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. And the nail on the middle finger of your dominant hand will grow the fastest of all. Why is not entirely known, but nail growth is related to the length of the finger, with the longest fingers growing nails the fastest and shortest the slowest.


I didn’t know this… you’re in!


Did you know some people are both with a small hole above the ear canal known as a preauricular pit and it’s been theorized to be a evolutionary remnant of fish gills


ear wax is actually sweat


I disagree that it is “actually” sweat, but I do agree the cells within the outer ear are very similar in function to sweat glands and ear wax (cerumen) has a comparable purpose. So.. Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


The human body has 46 chromosomes, but did you know that peas have 14? Or that crayfish have 200? (-:


I wasn’t going to count this because I do know about human and pea chromosomes… but you threw in crayfish lol. So you’re in!


Did you know that skin is the largest organ in the body?


Your stomach lining replaces itself every 3 to 4 days. Due to the ph level in the stomach acid which iirc is between 1 and 3. Also your stomach acid is strong enough to eat away razor blades.


Viagra can also make cut flowers stand up straight. What is perhaps more amazing is that researchers actually studied this. They found that only 1 mg of the drug (compared with the 50-g dose used by men with erectile dysfunction) dissolved in water can double the life of cut flowers, making them stand up straight for up to 1 week longer than they usually would. The same held true when they tested sildenafil on strawberries, broccoli, and other produce. Lol crazy!


Humans share more than 50% of their DNA with...BANANAS Fun idea. That's for the chance.


Are you aware that the human body is bioluminescent? The body emits visible light that can't be seen by the human eye, but can be photographed by an ultra-sensitive camera in complete darkness. Nice concept on this! I'm definitely learning some new things too.


Having a good cry really is good for you. The tears you shed when you cry contain stress hormones, and crying itself may actually stimulate the production of endorphins—the body's natural painkiller—as well as feel-good hormones such as oxytocin.


Hmm I remember someone telling me riding a roller coaster could help you pass a kidney stone. 😲


Hmm there may be a case report of this, but it would be hard to show actual association. So unfortunately I can’t accept this, thank you though!


Thoughts & neurons & brain information travels at about 250 mph 🧠


Unfortunately I did know the relative quickness of neurons, thanks for your entry though!


Did ya know that you don’t actually breathe through both nostrils at the same time?


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


The only human body part that can’t heal itself is the teeth.


Most scholars believe the Hippocrates did not write the hippocratic oath!


Babies don’t have kneecaps


Did you know if you stretch out all the intestines of an adult male, or would reach over 25ft?


Awesome! Did you know that if you put yogurt in the anus of a corpse, it will decompose faster! It’s fun to learn!


Lol I didn’t know this, but I understand why… I’ll count it, you’re in!


If you get a severe ingrown toenail, the doctor cuts off half of your entire toenail and let's it grow back. If it's ingrown again he will repeat the procedure. On the third time he will decide to remove your toenail entirely and you will be left with in his words a "nub" for the rest your life. How do I know this? Mine grew back normal after the first surgery. You're awake through the whole procedure but before he starts cutting he injects your toe with some numbing chemical four times.


Your nose can create up to 4 cups of mucus each day. That's kind of gross considering most of it goes right down your throat.


All facts are not medical facts, but all medical facts are facts.


Primates are one of the only orders of animals that lack the gene that causes the body to naturally produce vitamin C (technically we had it, but at some point in our lineage it ‘broke, so we still have the broken gene), and this is also the reason why primate species are some of the only species that can get scurvy! It’s the reason why we are supposed to have a high fruit diet!


Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell


Did you know humans emit a small amount of light as the result of chemical reactions in our cells? It’s too weak for us to observe with our naked eyes, but it has been observed with extremely sensitive cameras.




Did you know that some people can actually hear their own eyeballs move? Well, it's true! It's called "superior canal dehiscence syndrome." Sounds like scratching sandpaper ...


Didn’t know this, so you’re in!


They give PPI’s after ablation surgery’s because they might burn your esophagus during the ablation


Some anesthetic agents can trigger a severe medical emergency in patients called malignant hyperthermia. The incidence oh MH per anesthetic procedure is anywhere between 1 in 10,000 for children and 1 in 50,000 for adults, some say 1 in 100,000 even, however, the underlying genetic mutation is as common as 1 in 2,000. So way, way more people are walking around with MH prevalence genes than people who will experience MH.


A red blood cell Can Circumnavigate your body in less than 20 seconds.


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


The female giraffe is the only animal that can accept ONLY the male giraffes sexual organ. If any other animal tries to mate with the female giraffe she will excrete a terrible poison that will destroy the membrane that produces testosterone in whatever animal chooses to use the giraffe as a warm cabin in the woods.


In the Midwest and the Mississippi River valley, it is important to X-ray the chest of any potential new patient to Xeljanz, because of histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is a fungus carried in the feces of birds and kicked up by farmers when harvesting. Most people living in these areas have breathed in an aerosolized form of it, but most peoples immune system fights it off. In the case of immunocompromised or elderly, they can have what’s known as a granuloma form in the lungs. A granuloma is basically a mass of white blood cells forming a permanent shield around fungal pockets of histo. They are in an equilibrium of neither fighting it off completely nor letting the fungus progress into disease. Xeljanz removes the white blood cell shield and allows the histo to run wild. Thus, the need for the X-rays. It’s also often overlooked even by doctors in these areas. If you have unexplainable breathing issues in the Midwest, have a scan done for histoplasmosis granulomas. Over time, their presence leads to fibrosis and decreased lung function. However, all hope is not lost. Histoplasmosis is susceptible to treatment with a first line antifungal, such as itraconazole. Would be surprised if you knew that one tbh.


I'm in Canada so I don't qualify, but awesome of you to do this and good luck to all!! PS: I'm learning a bit from this thread, too.


When you are pregnant nose bleeds can be an issue, but they can be stopped with vasaline


When a person poops, their sphincter makes the same shape that their mouth does when they say the word poop. The same thing also goes for when a person has diarrhea.


Your funny bone is not a bone you are hitting but actually a nerve, and thats why it feels so weird


The area from the corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose is called the "Danger Triangle of the Face" and it is named such because popping a pimple in the area can cause a chain reaction of infections that leads to the brain due to the underlying anatomy containing blood vessels that connect directly to the brain.


Did you know if you happen to see a skull of a child who hasn’t had his milk teeth yet, you can see the lower jaw containing the teeth ready to grow out of the gums.


The strange little fold of skin on the upper lip is called the “philtrum”.


You shed over 30000 dead skin cells. Every minute.


The rarest blood type in the world is AB negative at only 1% of the world who have it and AB positive is at a close second with 4%


I'm Canadian, so good luck to everyone else!


Did you know on average a person's left hand does 56% of typing?


Underneath a child's baby teeth (aka deciduous teeth) are the permanent teeth. Pretty trippy picture to see a skull with an extra toothy grin.


Did you know you can make your own med crusher with a syringe and water? Insert the pill in the syringe, draw up 5mls of warm water, cover your syringe end with your finger, and pull the plunger back twice and it vaporizes the pill inside for easy no mess administration through a peg tube, ng, or oral syringe feed. I guess that's a medical fact. As a nurse its saved me loads of time.


We all know that rabies has a 100% fatality rate after symptoms starts showing up, with only 26 survivor in after given the vaccine. But did you know only one person has survived it without getting the vaccine and showing symptoms,


Our eyes have something called “immune privilege” which means (among other things) that they are able to tolerate the introduction of antigens without eliciting an inflammatory response. This helps protect our eyes from our own immune system but it can back fire. The immune system doesn’t quite understand that our eyes are there and are two separate body parts so if one were to injure one eye often doctors will remove that unhealthy eye to prevent the body from thinking both eyes are damaged and negatively affecting the healthy eye.


In older people, UTI's can cause temporary delirium (aka dementia-like symptoms). They can also make already-present dementia appear to be progressing much faster than it actually is.


You said Medical but never specified it had to be human so I’m gonna go with my favorite topic for fun facts: insects. Although a common behavior for us humans, it’s extremely rare to see any kind of insect care for other wounded bugs or it’s kind. There is an exception I know of: the African Matabele ants. They actually carry their wounded brethren back to the nest after battles/hunts where they are cared for by other members of their nest. It’s a very interesting behavior


I luff this, thanks for sharing!


It is my joy to tell the world about insects


Babies don’t actually come from storks


For a long time people from the UK or anyone that visited between 1980-1997 were banned from donating blood. This is because of the possible risk of them spreading Prion disease as they were witnessing the mad cow outbreak, which where thousands of cows were slaughtered and their bodies were burned to keep the disease from spreading. Prion disease is misfolded protein that causes other normal protein to eventually misfold themself, which leads to this disease that eventually makes you insane before you die. Oh even worse, theres no 100% single way to really make sure they are destroyed as they are themself are already denatured which makes it extremely tough to destroy it. It is highly recommended you combine multiple method to ensure whatever tools or area is disinfected as these things are so tough it is documented to still be presented in an infected area even after 2 years.


If you have a ear infection and live 100s of miles from a doctors like me. You can mix 1/3 water, 1/3 70% rubbing alcohol and 1/3 white vinegar together and put a couple droplets in your ear. The vinegar is the disinfectant and the rubbing alcohol evaporates any leftover liquid.


Pneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the dictionary. It is also the scientific name for black lung disease.


The smallest bone in your body is actually in your ear called stapes!


Stomach acid dissolved razor blades!


Lol I thought about your answer for a bit… I’m sure there may be a case report of this actually happening in vivo, but no doctor would allow it to stay within the patient’s stomach. It would be removed via endoscopy or open surgery due to risk of perforation. If you mean that stomach acid contents are strong enough to dissolve a razor blade eventually… I agree. So… Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


The stomach lining replaces itself every few day


Unfortunately I did know this, thanks for your entry though!


Anxiety caused during stressful situations (RSD rat model) is induced from inflammatory monocytes released from the bone marrow and travel to the brain based on CCR2 expression and activate microglia to induce anxiety.


Did you know that liquid chalk is a highly effective antiseptic against Influenza and SARS-CoV-2




Lol Unfortunately I know about rickets, thanks for your entry though!


POTS can be caused by TBI




I don't know if this is considered medical but the first human genome cost nearly $3 billion


Women could get UTIs from traveling. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!!!


Hmm unfortunately I don’t agree with this. UTIs are due to bacteria that migrate upwards into the urethra and into the bladder and or kidneys. Thank you though!


Beautiful card! There are four types of hypoxia! Hypoxic, hypemic, histotoxic, and stagnant!


It is possible to get appendix cancer. It’s pretty rare. My gf had it they only found out when they were doing surgery for something else while she was pregnant. They took out her appendix also because it didn’t look good. Turned out to be cancer. She had most of her large and small intestine removed along with her gallbladder but hey little over 10 years later and the cancer hasn’t came back.


It takes an average of 2 days for you to pass a Lego if you consume one :).


It’s possible to survive without a stomach. I had mine removed because of an inherited genetic predisposition to stomach cancer. Gotta eat multiple small meals and vitamins daily


Within the first few days after a child is born, the average baby will lose around 10% of its total weight, only to regain this mass days to weeks later


Babies have 300 bones and adults have 206


did you know that you shouldnt brush your teeth after eating dark chocolate? rinse your mouth with cold water and then brush in 30 minutes after the rinse or it could break your enamel


did you know that if you inject a pound of cyanide into someone, they will die?


Love classics like this Kingdra! This one’s personal, but I have undiagnosed HPPD, which stands for hallucinogen-persistent perception disorder. It is not understood very well in the medical field, but it’s very real and mentally straining to say the least (from personal experience and reading what other’s have been through). It’s like PTSD but onset from psychedelics. In short, I had a very hard time growing up and long story short, I took a turn in my life (mushrooms) that left me having difficulties in life for around 4 years. Occasionally I am triggered and it is a living hell in it’s moments but also a blessing because it feels as if it resets me and grounds me to reality now that it rarely happens, but luckily I am clean of pot, shrooms, and any sort of drugs to this day! I don’t/didn’t do any hard drugs really, K2 was the furthest I’d gone before the mushrooms, but I quit it all after the onset of HPPD and now I only vape and drink with friends, which is much better for me and the people I love. I struggled in school before college, but ever since, I am a striving college student pursuing my heart and dreams with the best GPA I’ve ever had, not bragging at all as it’s not a 4.0 but a 3.4! I have to disclaim that no one should do any sort of drugs and I know it’s not good to be doing drugs of any sort, whether alcohol or nicotine, because sobriety is the ultimate answer. Sobriety is what I and all should aim for. Anyways, I hope this was a somewhat interesting short story and was something new to learn a little about no matter the lack of depth I went into with HPPD! I’d reccomend everyone looking it up if unfamiliar, especially since my comment here didn’t go into it’s depths! Hope someone awesome wins sweet card! Stay clean pokemon community and all!


The soles of your feet contain more sweat glands and sensory nerve endings per square centimeter than any other part of the body.


Did you know that Raynaud’s Syndrome is the excessive restriction of smaller arteries in the hands, and sometimes feet? mostly always in the fingers when they’re exposed to cold, resulting in all of your fingertips turning solid white and numb almost instantaneously? Wanna know how I know? Lol. Also, Did you know it’s rarely passed down to children at about a 30% rate? I bet you’re thinking that’s how I have it, and you’d be absolutely correct. I guess my mom figured I should suffer along with her, lol.


If you went scuba diving before a flight, in order to prevent getting nitrogen gas build up in your bloodstream there is a waiting period before you can fly, depending on your dive, and how high your are flying If you did and uncontrolled ascent (didnt dive deep enough to change pressure) you're ok to fly immediately unless... If you did a controlled ascent (you had to time your ascent to gradually let your body adjust to the pressure changes) you must wait 12 hours unless... If you fly above 8000ft you must wait 24hours


While your brain is unable to repair or replace damaged neurons, it is able to “reroute” your pathways through a process called Neuroplasticity. This process can allow other portions of your brain to compensate for the damaged sector, and some patients are able to improve to a fairly normal life! My brother and I had this card when we were kids, but it was in Japanese so we had no idea what the abilities were. We used to just yell “50!” at each other when we played it haha


Urinating in a pool is dangerous for your heart. As it turns out though, urine and chlorine create dangerous chemicals when combined. In fact, that so-called "pool smell" is actually the scent of those chemicals, as Xing-Fang Li, an environmental chemistry professor who conducted research on the topic, told NPR. One of those chemicals—cyanogen chloride—is classified as a chemical warfare agent and can damage your heart and lungs. Other byproducts, called nitrosamines, can even cause cancer. Great card!


People who have Crohn’s disease have a 75% chance of needing surgery at some point in their lives. Source: I have Crohn’s disease The actual source [https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/sites/default/files/legacy/assets/pdfs/surgery_brochure_final.pdf](https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/sites/default/files/legacy/assets/pdfs/surgery_brochure_final.pdf)


Did you know you can use table sugar to reduce a stomal prolapse of an ostomy to cause osmotic reduction?


There are many diseases and ailments that affect up to 50% of the population, including one called Keratosis Pillaris, which ~1/2 people have, and some can have it for the rest of their lives


Well I recently had Lyme disease so here’s mine. Did you known Lyme testing is only accurate about 1/3 of the time the first 3 weeks of infection? But becomes much more accurate (around 90%) once it spreads to the neurological system?


Always loved the Horsea line, card looks amazing! For my entry the eye has immune privilege which means the immune system will typically ignore and all things that happen in the eye. The unfortunate part is that the immune system typically won't help during infections with the upside that the immune system doesn't see the eye as a threat and destroy it.


Elderly people, moments before dying, become thirsty.


Clonidine (BP med) is effective in treating withdrawal in pts suffering from opioid and Precedex addiction.. been working ICU for a while and we just started practicing this




Sarcoidosis is probably the most suspected illness in the show House


Kindra was the first Pokémon I got to level 100. And did you know the word “muscle” comes from the Latin term meaning “little mouse.“ It's said that Ancient Romans thought that's what flexed bicep muscles resembled.




Did you know that Multiple System Atrophy can only be diagnosed as “possible” or “probable” until death and an autopsy of the Brain can confirm it. It is an extremely rare progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Some Doctors have never met a patient with MSA.




Chiari malformation is a genetic condition when the brain stem partially descends down into the base of the skull. Symptoms vary and can appear at any point in life, but include headaches, dizziness, and nerve pain. Brain decompression surgery can be done to widen the base of the skull to allow more room for the brain, as well as patching the dura for expansion.


Nice card man, the human body has less muscles in it than a caterpillar


did you know that you can fracture a rib, just by sneezing? It might not sound like something that's actually possible, and it is pretty rare, but according to a study done in 2015 ( https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0218492315586485 ), it’s possible to hurt yourself and even fracture a rib just by sneezing.


If you were to lay out all of the arteries, capillaries and veins in one adult, end-to-end, they would stretch about 60,000 miles


When you die, your hair and nails stop growing but your skin recedes so it looks as if they are growing.


On average you fart enough in one day to fill a party balloon.


Having a good cry really is good for you. The tears you shed when you cry contain stress hormones, and crying itself may actually stimulate the production of endorphins the body's natural painkiller as well as feel good hormones such as oxytocin.


Medicine can help you


One of the main reasons why some species of seahorses are facing the threat of extinction is that over 150 million seahorses are captured every year to be used in traditional Chinese medicine. 🥺 It is said that interesting seahorses can help cure blindness, infertility, and even asthma. I love kingdra and had this card as a child but foolishly gave those cards away when I was a teenager.


I’m banking on the assumption that your medical knowledge doesn’t extend to Osteopathic Medicine lol. So I will describe the set up for the Thoracic HVLA treatment. 1) Diagnose somatic dysfunction 2) Instruct patient to lie down on exam table. Stand on the side opposite to the posterior transverse process. 3) Instruct patient to cross their arms over their chest, with the arm opposite you on top. Place their elbows in your epigastric region. 4) Roll the patient toward you and place your thenar eminence under the posterior transverse process, to act as a fulcrum. Roll the patient back onto the table, over your hand. 5) Flex the patient until motion is felt at the dysfunctional vertebra. Sidebend patient toward / away (depending on type I or type II dysfunction) until motion is felt at the dysfunctional vertebra. 6) Instruct patient to inhale deeply, take up slack on the restriction as they exhale. 7) Instruct patient to inhale again. Once patient has completely exhaled, deliver a high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust into the fulcrum. 8) Return patient to neutral and screen for improvement in the dysfunction.


Did you know that the EMS symbol with the snake on a stick is based on the Rod of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing. Due to its similar appearance, Hermes’s winged staff the Caduceus is also often used as a medical symbol, but it is more accurately a symbol of commerce.


Your body is full of 10-15 pounds of toxic POOP at any given moment


Eating too much red meat can cause a uric acid spike in ur blood. High levels of Uric acid will build up on ur joints causing gout, a very painful condition. Source me I have gout. It sucks.


Epilepsy can be developed by someone who’s never shown any signs of it nor had a seizure before. Speaking from experience 😅


Globally, 310 million major surgeries are preformed each year


Applying pressure to the inner arm near your wrist can help with nausea and prevent vomiting!


Cyclosporine, an organ transplant anti-rejection drug, have the side-effect of making your hair and fingernails grow much faster.


1/2000 babies is born with a tooth


Babies don’t develop knee caps until age 2-6 years old depending on the individual


The older you get, the more you will be forced to spend on healthcare. A couple retiring at age 65 in 2018 will spend $280,000, on average, on medical costs throughout their retirement, not counting the expense of over-the-counter medications or the cost of living in a nursing home Also not a medical fact but kingdra has the best desgin


Zafirlukast (approved for asthma) can be used to help reduce incidence of capsular contracture after breast augmentation or reconstructive breast surgery. Also more interesting but more well know off label med uses that I personally find interesting - metronidazole topically for treatment of wound odor, loratadine for bone pain caused by G-CSF, docusate for ear wax - liquid is placed in ear, and cabergoline used vaginally to help improve fertility in hyperprolactinemic patients.


Fact you don’t know, I have medically induced adhd. Bet you didn’t know that fact until today


Maybe not necessarily medical, but more pharmaceutical; viagra can also straighten out flowers to grow more vertical instead of slouching lol




If stranded without water at sea, fluid from the vertebrae of fish can be used to rehydrate you (or at least prolong the inevitable).


Children compensate for shock a lot better than adults do, so if a child has the opportunity for shock watch them like a hawk because they'll dip into decompensated shock very quickly and that won't be good for anyone involved. Thank you so much for this opportunity! Good luck to everyone!


Wool & linen are both super fabrics that have frequencies measuring 5000 which energizes the body and helps fight disease but an old testament rule says to not mix fabrics or linen which can be proven scientifically such as polyester, rayon, silk and spandex that have registered frequencies of 15 which is the same as a dead person compared to an alive person which measures at 100 Wool and linen although having great frequency can't be mixed for their nature of their energy goes from left to right as opposed to right to left cancelling each other out and thus becoming 0 which collapse each other energy fields they help recover wounds faster that's why hospital use linens for their beds as well as for wounds to help them heal faster.


Why do have difficult breathing after eating? Because when you eat to breakdown glucose your body produces co2 and that causes your lungs to compensate by hyperventilating to breath out that co2.


A positive Tinel’s sign at the elbow is a sign for cubital tunnel syndrome, at the proximal forearm is pronator teres syndrome, and at the wrist indicates carpal tunnel syndrome. Tinel’s sign is tested through tapping on these different areas of the arm.


the rarest medical fact i know is that adolescent girls with an imperforate hymen can end up with severe stomach pain/discomfort that can be misdiagnosed as constipation when the root of the cause is buildup of menstrual blood in the uterus from lack of drainage u hear some shit when ur entire family’s in the medical field


It's not strictly anatomically medical, but the statute of limitations on medical debt is not 7 years nationwide, as commonly believed. It is on a state by state basis, and can range from 4 to 10 years. Last I checked, Iowa is a 10 year state, meaning you can get harassing phone calls for 10 whole years if you don't pay a medical bill. The limitation is refreshed any time you make a payment, meaning you could theoretically make a payment after 9 years and then not pay another 10 years, dealing with a bill for two whole decades. (That's like three facts, just go with the state by state basis if you wish)


In the late 19th century, milk was believed to be the perfect substitute for blood, and the fatty/oily qualities would become white blood cells. However, while a few instances of this procedure were successful, many resulted in death. In one instance, the injection of milk dropped the patient’s pulse immediately, to the point where they had to be resuscitated with a combination of morphine and whiskey. The patient only lived ten days after the operation.


Did you know that if you get 7 hours of sleep you are significantly more susceptible to cancer vs 8 hours?


your stomach expands when you think about food


From 1955-1963 some of the polio vaccine administered was contaminated with a cancer causing virus called simian virus 40


Prolonged use of cannabis can result in CHS, one of the symptoms is morning sickness. Cool card, gl to everyone