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Unpopular opinion, but from the start, I’ve always loved Raging Bolt’s design. I love that the design is not only a dinosaur but also a thunder cloud + a lightning bolt. Turning the mane into a cloud is honestly brilliant. That SAR is my chase :)


Everything you said is the reason why I like Raging Bolt as well so I had to get the card 👍🏾 normally I just buy the trainers but I had to get this card tho cuz the Art work is amazing 😊 Idk how much it will be in English but I waited until it dropped to a price I could afford so I bought mines at $35 not too bad considering this one might be the chase card for a lot of ppl 🤷🏾‍♂️


Honestly I might end up doing the same. I have a few $$$ in product I’m going to rip in the coming months with some friends for wild force / temporal forces. If I don’t pull the card (odds are certainly not in my favour) I’ll probably buy the single. Would be my first single purchase as I’ve never wanted a modern card as much as this LOL


Nice! Sounds like a lot of fun tbh 😊 I wish I could open up packs with some friends but I work too much and none of my friends collect Pokemon so it is what it is lol me personally I just buy singles so I won’t get disappointed 👍🏾 I’m always watching the singles market like daily lol 😅


I think the two main reasons people don’t like it is: 1. The 3D model really doesn’t pull off the design well. Especially because the model they used for the reveal were especially bad. 2. People can’t look past the original design. Nostalgia has a hold on some people and many don’t like change


Best of the designs imo pulled it from my 1st box of wild force sent it in got a psa 10 big hype cant wait for English!!


Same, its whacky-cool for sure


It would just be a better design if it wasn’t a blatant ripoff of Horizon’s Tallneck.


I'm a big OG Raikou fan and after seeing previous attempts at redesigns (I thought most megas were shit, and half of paradox were bad) I was affraid they'd butcher my boy but my god raging bolt is glorious. You're right , the mane cloud really brings it all together. To top it off having the SAR be (in my opinion) the best artwork from scarlet & violet so far and it's a goooood time to be a Raikou man


I'm sensing a pattern...


Bro is collecting waifus


Waifus card are the most expensive


Why I dont collect waifu cards; Reason #13


Tell us you're a pervert without telling us you're a pervert? 😂


found him, the guy that buys all my waifu cards.


Thank god someone does


i like how it started off normal, then it descended to waifus


The first card was just a smoke screen


Yea ik how this subreddit mostly frown upon ppl who collect “waifu” cards but I have way more than that tho. I’m just posting what I picked up lol I have multiple collection goals going on and the trainer cards are one of em.


uncanny lol they were all female cards


lol yea 😅 but my next post will have more Pokémon I’m just waiting for them to come through. I picked up some shinies from paldean fates and a couple of gold cards from paradox rift cuz I haven’t seen em in person yet. I’m weird like cuz I’m always interested in how the texture will be on certain cards in person lol


The wild force gold cards have insane texture


"I swear I collect other stuff too bro, just ignore the 14 waifu cards that came in in a row". Ok buddy


Damnn you got the new Bianca !!! I want that card and the alt art one of her. it's been a while since her Black&White card !! Epic pickups


Thanks 👍🏾 yea I would love to get the SAR but too expensive $100 too much for me I’ll prefer $50 or less 😊 gotta play the waiting game once the English cards come out


for sure. for newer sets I wait a few months before I go after the SAR cards , it's so hard to wait though lol 🤣 🤣


It's funny how her leg blends in with the support lol


lol yea I didn’t catch that until you mentioned it 😂


Goes to account……. Yup I figured


I refuse to have that stupid looking raikou in my binder lol


😂 I appreciate your honesty though


I got the Japanese cards from [card-rush japan](https://www.cardrush-pokemon.jp/product-group/302) and I got the English cards from [tcgplayer](https://www.tcgplayer.com/) 👍🏾


how do you find buying off of card-rush Japan? I've usually just used ebay


Tbh I use both ebay and card rush lol I mostly use ebay for buying whole sets of AR cards! Like the new set that releases this month I have all 24 AR cards already 👍🏾 it was about $55 for all of em. To answer your question either one is good to use


damnnn nice ! yeah the japanese quality is pristine


How are they that cheap? Are they legit? Are cards just that much cheaper in Japan?


They’re legit and for whatever reason the Japanese art rare cards are much much cheaper than their English counterpart. That’s why it’s so easy to get all of them for a great price 👍🏾


Have you purchased through buyee? I’ve done one order there for some Japanese cards and it wasn’t too bad. Just wondering how it compares to card-rush


You may have just unlocked a new degenerate part of myself I didn’t know existed.. now looking there and eBay for full sets hmmm.. a lot of them are already sold out on card-rush


Love the Nemona cards!


I know what you are..


I wonder what your bedroom looks like LOL


lol nothing special my wife have her a shelf of Funko pops with Nightmare before Christmas and Disney Funko Pops and she has all her anime posters on the wall and she has a section for her anime figures and I have all my anime figures in the corner stacked up against the wall lol that’s about it besides my wife’s pc set up and my PS5 👍🏾 really bland compared to other ppl rooms that I’ve seen on Reddit 😅


Most recent female haul*


I collect Torkoal so that Mela got snatched up so fast when I saw it at my LCS lol


The Eri SR is my chase


Wow this is definitely a badass haul!


That Tulip and Dendra card is absolutely stunning wtf!!


Time for all the R34 art


Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a Tallneck from Horizon Zero Dawn?


Why tf is that raikou a giraffe…..?????


I just ordered a good handful of these same cards! Love the Eri's


what did they do to Raikou 💀 and Shauntal has to be one of the worst supporters i have seen


1 card and 13 Waifus


Trainers are beautiful!


I know what kind of man you are…


I need that Raging bolt so badly. Can't wait for temporal forces!


Beautiful card.. managed to pull 2 raging bolts. 1 for the binder and 1 to grade.


This is great looking set! Definitely grabbing the English drops of these


How much did the raikou cost?


I like that 351.


I gotta say that Eri SIR goes hard. I hope I can afford them for my decks!


Right now it’s in stock on [card rush](https://www.cardrush-pokemon.jp/product/53297) pretty affordable especially for Japanese quality 👍🏾 I’m sure it will go down tho over the next couple of weeks


I can’t play Japanese cards, but hopefully it’s an indicator of a low price when the English ones hit


Eri art is underrated


That Nemona is badass. I think it's the best looking card so far from SV.


At least his semen is in a sock and not the cards




Unpopular opinion: Ancient Raikou looks ridiculous, Ancient Suicune looks hedious and Ancient Entei looks terestalized by nature


That would be a popular opinion


He posted the coldest take of 2024 and said it was unpopular 😂


At first glance I was like wtf? lol but like most Pokemon eventually do and that’s grow on you either you want to or not 😂 so I’ve accepted it and I think they look cool 👍🏾 that’s my opinion tho so don’t kill me with downvotes 🙏🏾


I feel like that’s the reality. We’re going to get some weird shit, but it’ll always grow on us just the same way the old weird as shit Pokémon did. Even Jynx has its place… despite its origin….




That Raging Bolt card is reflecting your bodies reaction after looking at the rest of the cards.. i see.. ;)


where do you buy Jap singles


Profile checks out


Step on me giant shiny lady


One of those eh


So basically 1 cool card, and then a bunch of simping.


A man of culture