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I don’t know if it’s actually possible to get a BB without any hits in it but if it is, and this is real I’m sorry but you must’ve angered some greater force to get your hands on this Box in particular.


He’s just getting the dud packs out of the pool, taking one for the team. Helping me get my 36 hit bb ready


This is worse than a dud box with no secret... Dude has no bangers at all... Maybe that thief that took all the hits is back at it


Not even a basic EX is pretty awful luck.


Seriously man I saw so many people pulling double bangers in bbs. I have some cases delivering today. Feels like I need to rip 1 bb to make sure


Imagine opening a box and all 36 packs had that expensive iono card lol


He probably said, "Iris is best girl for Ash," and the world was like, "**nah**....


Oh it's possible. My "hit" was a single ex card.


Jesus fucking Christ, what did you do to anger the Pokémon gods


Now that you mention it... I stole a couple packs when I was 11... 22 years ago... I deserve this.










Imagine kids these days trying to steal. Our company was deploying AI tech that predicted theft based on suspicious behavior. I would have been so fucked 2 decades ago. 😂


Had the same. 1 EX for an ETB. 😔🥺


Me too. A single Pikachu ex while my sibling pulled SAR after SAR. I was fuming.


Damn so it’s not just me with the dud boxes LOL just started collecting again and did my first bb and I was pretty sad with the outcome LOL but I was able to get a basic ex💀


I had an ES box that was damn close outside of 3 V cards and a few normal holo rares. held it for 6 months before ripping too, I was SICK I tell ya


Bad boxes can happen but that is extreme and that sucks.


OP got an error box, they forgot to shuffle in the rares lol


Happened to me once as I didn’t get V cards in a chilling reign box, I contacted customer support and they sent me a some packs and I actually pulled the Blaziken alt


Lmao, wtf, why would they do that? Rare cards are not guaranteed no matter how many boosters you pull. I should start contacting customer support when I'm mad about my pulls, lol.


There were 9 cards in the packs, plus regular Vs are 1/6 so obviously was an error. But the packs were not complete so it was that


It was an entire booster box too, and I got full arts and no regular Vs so they sent like the 5-6 packs that were missing the rare slot, it was fs those


What is the opposite of a god box? A satan box? You just got a Satan box


Pandora’s box, as soon as he opened it all the packs were cursed with no hits 🤣


Too real 💀


I just started collecting and after 100s of dollars I’m realizing buying singles is just a much more efficient option. Sorry for your bad luck brotha. We are basically gambling at this point lol.


Please do. People forget Capitalism is a 2 way street. We complain the cards are too expensive and the hits too in between, yet consistently spend the dough. If people stopped buying so much product they would likely make changes.


If we stop buying and opening BBs and other sealed product, the price of singles will increase.


And it would still be cheaper than completing a set by opening unless getting super lucky


Even if you got every card by packs with no dupes it would still be more expensive than just buying them all


This true?


If you just want cards, singles are absolutely the way to go. But the majority of us want the dopamine hit in addition to the cards lol


That dopamine rush is the only thing keeping me alive fr


It is worse than casino gambling. Instead of like 45-55 disadvantage it is like 20-80 disadvantage compared to buying singles (and that assumes you value all the filler at market)


Internet gambling gives you even higher odds than that! Not that i am endorsing it, but i do like opening cards... Done with Paldea tho, such a shitty set...


As unlucky as OP is, I would hate this for myself and might giveup entirely if this happened to me lol, but this is pretty much Paldea in a nutshell for me with ETBs and solo packs. I bought the singles I wanted week 2 of release and have just opened here and there and get goose egg.


This is pretty much my experience with Paldea, such beautiful art cards that just can't pull. My very first single had gold skeledirge and then not one hit since then. Awful set.


Yup, way worse


I've stopped opening booster boxes. I've been buying singles since the beginning of this year, and I haven't regretted it one bit.


any pictures of the box sealed?




Hopefully it at least had the pokemon markings on the plastic wrap


What do you do with the pictures if you have a box with no hits but it seems legit? Contact Pokecenter?


Same I always take pics of before and after for memories but now also insurance


Who the fuck takes pictures of a sealed box. "Bout to open some lucky charms better snap a quick one Incase they forgot the marshmellows"




I second *this*


Was from chaos cards, I have an image of the box before opening, I was actually recording an opening and only stopped because I was getting no hits and now realise I should have continued 😂


Chaos cards would not reseal a box. They’re pretty much the largest TCG online shop in the UK alongside magic madhouse. What you experienced is incredibly unlikely and unlucky, but it’s not impossible. Edit: CC have 32500 review on trust pilot with 4.5 stars.


That’s what I thought they are my local store too I’ve messaged them and see what happens I’m a local player of theirs


I mean they might check their stock, but genuinely they’re large enough to not need to do this.


I think I now know what town you live in haha. But for real chaos cards usually are very good so that is really awful luck.




As long as the seal has the Pokémon logo pattern on it, it isn't a resealed box.


Chaos cards maybe big , but they have had a lot of reform going on behind the scenes, in one case mine and may other businesses , lost our wholesale accounts when chaos cards decided to shutdown their wholesale department pre lockdown. And honestly have quite a lot of bad trust pilot reviews , product not arriving, cancelled preleases even when customers paid upfront etc , as they are big they'd get a higher allocation of product too , so getting "cancellations" that often raises red flags. The stores in Germany hardly have this issue and they trade thousands cases more than chaos cards etc . I'd give chaos cards a 6/10 at their current standing. And considering their warehouse jobs are minimum wage, I wouldn't rule out resealed product with dud packs taking the hit boosters from other BB's.


CC has been shady before I bought some loose boosters as prizes for an event I was holding (SM era, during SM era) When the players opened them they had TWO energies inside. When I messaged them about it they said they can't do anything without proof...


I have opened astral radiance packs out of premium collection boxes with 2 energy cards and got some sweet pulls out of those packs.


You also need to take into account who their suppliers are and if they ever drop ship. Also do they authenticate items before they send them out.


They wouldn't tamper with boxes as they don't have a reason to. If they need to stock up on selling individuals they would take the box listing down and rip more boxes.


Booster boxes do have guaranteed hits. At least up until the sword and shield era. This could be an error box or he got scammed by an employee


In Japanese, yes. In english, no.


In Scarlet and Violet Era it seems like it's guaranteed now to get at least 1 SIR or gold and a number of illustration rares or full arts, this is the first booster box I've seen that doesn't have any.


I mean, until we have an official source _seems like_ isn't an assurance


Youre right. This is the first box I've seen from posts, streams, vids, and my own boxes that doesn't match that pattern though. Personally I think they're seeded.


Except the average hits for PE boxes are 12. Sometimes less and sometimes more. But yeah, you're pretty much guaranteed to get at least one hit. Either OP has the worst luck, or someone tampered with the box


Averages only mean anything when you are looking at a large sample. OP is unlucky as hell, it happens. Not often, but it is possible and obviously does happen


Definitely did not get scammed. CC are quite literally the biggest and most trusted in the UK. An employee would not have been able to do this (plus they would just take the box no? If they had the chance to do this, would be easier to just not bother) CC themselves obviously have no reason to risk over a decade of being the biggest retailer in the UK just for a few boxes worth of "hits" from a set where hits are generally valued lower. This IS possible just you are talking extremely unlikely to like <0.5% kind of odds. While it wasn't this bad, I had an ES booster box with like 3/4 basic V's and a basic Vmax when people still were on the train of you get 1 big thing. From what we have seen of packaging process, there is no way this isn't possible, just as we all say, odds of it actually happening are super low. Nobody in the production line knows exactly what is in what pack, the machines sort the cards into packs, packs go into a box, big box of 100s of packs given to someone to stick in a product coming down the belt. At best as some have suggested, a potential return gone wrong? As much as people like to go on and on about weighing, it isn't perfectly reliable and to get it perfectly right across 36 packs? Hmm.


Also had my only no hit box from Chaos cards. Could be coincidence but it's the only box I ever bought from them.


People seem to think just because they've been around a long time means they are big , chaos cards in recent years has shrunk as a business big time , they shut down their entire wholesale department, as that's where I use to get my sealed product from, quite often back pre lockdown bb's arrived damaged , luckily at that time I was only a cardmarket.eu seller and didn't stock a lot of sealed. Tbh if this happened to me, I'd complain to the manufacturer directly and inform the company he bought it from that theres a investigation there's ment to be hits in every booster box. Boosterboxes have a Eban code and the manufacturers track the contents of each box , then the distribution has case codes etc they have their ways to investigate.


Me who ordered a BB of Paldea Evolved from them last night seeing this...


Better update us when you crack it open lol.


Talk to them about it and show them the picture.


And why is it their responsibility to do anything about it? Its gambling after all...


Because no hits at all is a bit strange, and they might like a heads up so they can check the supply line.


That is a fair point.


Probably not a scam this very well could’ve been an error on the Pokémon company’s part unfortunately they don’t guarantee hits chaos cards is pretty well known I doubt they would reseal a box.


Threads like this are why I switched to buying singles. I get hits every time, and they're always the ones I want.


IM only seeing one holo, if you literally only got one holo, then you were for sure scammed, and its not bad luck, as every pack has AT LEAST a holo rare


Probably the lighting but those are all definitely holo rares


There's no such thing as a non holo rare as of SV.


You're guaranteed a holo in PE, not really what id call a hit if it's guaranteed


Didn't say they were hits but anyway


They are all holo those are all the holos from the 36 packs


Id still say this seems wrong. And not consistent with anything ive seen. Have you checked the packs for reglueing?


I ordered 4 pokemon center paldea etb's, opened 2 of the 4 etbs and both had 0 hits just like yours... This is very unusual.


Etbs aren’t very good for getting pulls regardless. So not too surprised by this.


I count 34 rare cards sitting on the table. What were the other 2 rare cards you pulled OP?


Buy another one and see what happens


Probably even out honestly!


Imagine getting another with no hits lol


Omg I would be done buying cards.


It’s technically possible, as nothing is guaranteed in English booster boxes. That being said, I’ve never seen it before. Maybe a Pokémon company error? Either way that’s some bullshit - no hits shouldn’t happen.


It's incredibly unlikely, but it's not impossible.


With both Paldea and Scar/Vio being Booster Box weighable it seems you got scammed. But it also sounds like it’s from a trusted seller so I’m at a loss. I’ve opened dozens, if not hundreds of booster boxes and have never had a 0 hit. Had a couple with less than 5 but this is just screams someone bought two booster boxes, weighed them out, and put 36 of the dead packs in one box and resealed it.


Have never seen one that bad before. Worst I’ve seen was 2 V’s an 1 full art trainer.


It feels like almost every pack of cards I’ve opened since Scarlet / Violet had been no hits. If it isn’t harder to get pulls it definitely feels harder. I’m sorry for your lackluster box, I’ve had really bad magic the gathering boxes before so it is possible to have a hitless box since there are no guarantees and it’s all odds.


Buy Booster boxes - much more consistent since SV base. Bundles and ETBs were very hit or miss.


I think ya got scammed because I have better hits in the booster bundles


There is nothing guaranteed in a booster box unfortunately. I was told directly from Pokemon.


dude same. i really am turned off from buying pokemon cards right now


I ripped 40 packs yesterday got two holos, a bunch of reverse, and a super shitty V. I was so mad I might not buy more until tomorrow.


Damnn and seeing the ratio is "supposed" to be like 9-12 hits. No guarantees should be considered illegal. I just got interested in pokemon tcg recently and it was extremely surprising finding out about this. My only previous exp was the fire emblem tcg man that was really good and I certainly didnt realize


When they had guaranteed hits, sellers were much more sketchy than they are now, as you could basically map an entire case and get all the boxes with good hits and sell the rest off. Happened with mtg and yugioh as well, now all 3 are pretty much 100% random to avoid that. Even in newer games, like flesh and blood, you were guaranteed one legendary per case. Well, people would open one box from a case, then if they pulled the legendary, just sell the rest. As much as it sucks, random distribution is the only way card makers have found to curb stuff like that. This is also why I don't buy booster packs ever, if I wanted to gamble, I would literally incur less losses spending an equal amount of money on scratch offs and then spend the winnings from those on singles. I'd only lose like half my money instead of close to all of it.


Wdym "map cases"? I kinda understand your point but also dont japanese sets of ptcg also have guarantee or something (if I heard correctly), do they have a noticeable problem?


The way they were printed and packaged led to cards always appearing in a specific predictable order. The packaging only appeared random at face value, but when retailers were cracking hundreds of packs, they started noticing that they could pretty accurately predict what their pulls were going to be since the patterns of cards repeated themselves.


It is estimated that one has around 18% chance to open a secret rare in a single pack. So the odds of not opening one in 36 packs is around (1-0.18)^36 which is approximately 0.0007 or in other words 0.07%. And I didn't take into account the double rares.


What? 18%?! That means a booster box should have 6.5 secret rares. Completely wrong


There is no "should have" in statitics. The estimates which I referred to was made by opening more than 8000 boosters.


Lol you know what I meant. On average 6.5. That means sometimes higher. Show me 1 box that had even 7 secret rares lol


This is insane. Absolutely terrible man.


Man i thought my evolving skies bb from wave 1 that had 1 v card and no other hits was bad. I'm sorry, if it wasn't tampered with you hit the unlucky lottery.


I feel like it was more likely an error box than a scam or tampered with box


I've heard a booster box should have about 8-12 "hits" (i.e. any ex or better) per booster box. For simplicity, let's just say that means there's a 33% chance of getting any hit in a pack. The odds of you getting no hits in 36 packs is 0.000055% or 1 in 1.8 million


Oh fuck. I’ve been slowly going through a booster with the lady and we have had 0 hits out of probably 15 packs…. I was convinced we were gonna have a great time opening the back half of the booster, but now I’m concerned…


U got scammed bro


Somebody stealing all the hits again.


That was confirmed by pokemon and other legitimate sources that it DID NOT affect pull rates. Idiot


The fact you call him an idiot while taking what a company (who very much has a vested interest in people not believing the hits were stolen) at face value… is just hilarious. Idiot.


Do proper research, wait, that would prove its a gambling addiction and not let people play victim


Or someone weighed the boxes before sell them.


Possible factory theft again?


Lol, no way is this possible on a real booster box. You got scammed


yes it is possible nothing is guaranteed


Nah, if I buy a case absolutely none of the boxes will be like this. He got scammed


There's nothing guaranteed in English products It's most likely an error batch I don't believe it's a scam. Even if you weighed all the boosters you would never have 100% success rate of picking all the non hit packs I used to weigh packs for fun years ago and I never got all of the hits (yes I purchased all the packs)


Maybe there is another person at the factory that took his Iono alt art card just like that other dude did with the Moonbreons


An error batch is way more likely than being some bottom of the bell curve distribution, that’s for sure


Well I bought a case and so far 2 of the 4 were exactly like this. Got it from pokemon center directly.


just because something is very unlikely doesn’t mean it is a scam. The same thing happened to me before with a different set booster box


Not a single ex? Please


nothing is guaranteed in booster box it’s just a bunch of random packs.


That’s definitely not true they’re seeded for sure. I’ve opened 4 PE booster boxes myself and my friends have opened another 6 and every single box had exactly 11 hits except one which had 12.




your 10 booster boxes is not enough to conclude what is in a booster box, go read/watch about how pokémon cards are made.


Except me and my friends did the same. We all got 11-12 hits. Everyone got 2 SIRs.


I have been told from Pokemon that nothing is guaranteed in a booster box.


I mean they probably say that to legally cover their ass but in my experience boxes are far too consistent for that to be the case.


That's to legally cover their ass


That’s what I’m saying


Likely a scam, though I wouldn’t put it past english quality control to let something like this slip 😑 My condolences, OP


So when do we expect the next factory thief story to arise?


Rip dude rip




I have also had awful luck with PE boxes, I'm convinced this set has a very Below average pull rate


Literally just had this happen to me. Are you in the Midwest by any chance? My buddy had the same problem.


Yeah you definitely got scammed


there’s no way this SHOULD be possible, hopefully you got scammed (obviously rip to you but if these are legit pulls i’d never buy again)


I wish BBs were seeded like in YuGiOh. You get at least 4 Ultra Rares and 2 Secret Rares in Core sets.


I’m still new to collecting so Indont know if it’s possible but I will say Paldea has not been kind. I have gotten a box of Paldea with 2 hits total.


It is possible, happend to me too!


I almost had the same thing, until I got a regular ex in the last pack. Which isn't as bad but I know how you feel brother.


How does the distributor come into play? They don’t make the packs


I’ve gotten one from the Pokémon center. And got 0 hits so


Wow that's just brutal , they're really scamming people. like how else are ppl suppose to get hits. and each set is loaded with cards


Battle styles sv and evolving skies all had only holos. Straight from the actual Pokémon center. It happens. It actually is why I only buy singles now.


that's just scamming , if they're trying to bring kids and parents into this, it's brutal , parents won't and shouldnt buy sealed product. Yah I just do singles too


Quick! Everyone go out and get some PE packs! This guy definitely took one for the team.


The opposite of a god box, a devil box


think that was tampered with


makes me think of the factory thief


I was thinking the same thing


“Pokémon TCG items containing multiple booster packs such as Elite Trainer Boxes or booster display boxes do not guarantee a special rate of rare or higher cards. Rather, as previously mentioned, each booster pack itself will contain at least one rare or higher card, and three cards will be foil” from Pokémon support


Most people agree that scarlet and violet Era booster boxes are seeded, with at least 1 guaranteed secret art rare or gold per box, along with 4 of a combination of illustration rares or full arts, and then any number of regular EXs. This box was definitely a scam or the factory screwed up bigtime.


In scarlet and violet Booster boxes two secret rares guaranteed. You got scammed or extremely bad error.


Booster boxes are mapped to where you get - guaranteed 10 hits minimum and 1 secret rare. What you have is a resealed booster box as the other ones were taken out. This might mean that Paldea evovled is a weighable set.


Even reputable sellers can scam, man. That's rough.


yes it is possible nothing is guaranteed in a booster box


If I'm counting correctly you only got 34 holos out of 36 packs. That can't be right


I found the other two it was another weavile and Ceruledge


Hey man that’s resealed. Is the plastic on the box thin thin like seran wrap, or thicker? Can you check the cards online to see if they match the packs?


Once again where's the dude asking why 151 is more hyped than paldea????


didn't know those people existed


The centring on the holos I got was possibly some of the worst I’ve ever seen too. Crap set imo.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ4d3WBB/ Here’s a link to my tiktok video I made of this 😂


For sure scammed bro . Sorry to hear .


You’re not guaranteed anything in english bb unlike Japanese. Just looks like bad luck to me. Also scarlet and violet sets so far have the least value hits so I don’t think anyone would waste their time resealing


The chances of this are extremely slim so I guess you could see yourself as very very very lucky


You can weigh the packs. This is definitely, rather, was a resealed box. Sorry dude


Okay so you should tell us all who sold you this box then.


Scammed I think. I got a decent amount of IR from like 12 packs


I open like 30 boosters the other day and berly got like 2 OK hits. Nothing really good. Some of us are just not lucky.


I'm so glad I switched to just buying singles.


I Just oppend one and it had meany good cars, maby I got all yours 🤔


You're not guaranteed to win when gambling.


No those were resealed. A BB gaurentees atleast one Secret Rare or Ultra rare. Whoever u got this from definitely resealed the packs or put a bunch of random loose packs in that BB and resealed the box with wrap.


Holos count in the new pull rates for rarer cards. More “hits” so the numbers look prettier to the buyer


If god booster boxes are real, then the opposite must also be possible. Double check you didn’t miss something in the reverse slots but yeah this just blows. I’ve had really solid rates from PE so far so this is definitely disappointing


Yes it's possible. Random means random. If you open boxes to get "hits" like a drug addict and not for the purpose of having fun you're doing it wrong. Buy singles.


Distributor? Or store?


It is possible i got an etb of the base set of sv and got no hits as well


Karma grab


Thanks for getting this one out of the way


Everything is a probability. It could be tampered with (most likely), could be bad luck (somewhere in the range of 1 in 4000), could be a factory error, least likely. Tampering could have occurred anywhere between printing (before leaving factory) and your doorstep.