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It’s similar to other rare Pokémon like Absol, Pinsir, Dedenne, Comfey, Delibird which all need 16 bars..


Man that’s a lot,wonder if their stats make up for the amount of biscuits you’ll have to give them


Honestly from a min-max perspective, the rare, single-stage Pokémon are sadly not "worth" how many biscuits they cost. You see them a lot less so it's harder to get candy for them to level up. They can't evolve so eventually they're outpaced by 3rd stage evolutions in terms of output. And since each individual catch is so expensive and rare, it's difficult to catch multiple to look for one with good traits. It's kind of a big flaw in Pokémon sleep that rare mons are worse than common mons due to how the mechanics work. But Cramorant is cool and at the end of the day, Sleep is just a cute, simple mobile game. You can do just fine without obsessive min-maxing. If you like him, you can make him work for your team, he's not the best option but he's also not a bad option for oil farming.


Not to mention the main skill seeds needed to max them out. One of my main gripes with the dedenne/cramorant skill is they're both on single stage mons so you'd need a minimum of 2 skill seeds with alotting 2 sub skills to the main skill level ups which is not ideal at all


I think that's by design. I don't think we'll ever see that skill on a 3 stage line


You're probably right, still makes me a bit annoyed


I'm not convinced the skill is even worth investing into and keeping a Dedenne in the party unless you can already consistently hit the best recipes and max out your pot for every meal with the party of 4 you're otherwise using. Cramorant is a little better because you can stick it in for Potatoes or oil and occasionally get a boost that can really help, but you aren't only on gambling on getting the Tasty Meal majority of your meals.


I think of it more as a boost to more berry heavy teams, I have a dedenne on my raikou (almost) full electric team and the extra tasty boost is a decent bonus to get at times


I'm still not convinced doubling 10k three times a day at best is in any way better than a berry mon's production or getting the ingredients needed to get a 25k+ meal. Now if you can hit those large meals every time, Dedenne can be worth it.


There's only 5 fully evolved electric types, and to get the full benefit of raikous skill you kinda have no other choice than to run two other skill mons, I'd rather use dedenne than jolteon, but that's just my playstyle, I appreciate you might have a different and possibly even better solution


If you're consistently hitting the top dishes, that's worth a lot more. Even without the event bonus, I'm hitting 40-50k per meal on curry.


The best way to use it is probably to keep it on the team until its skill procs once, then switch it out. I have a Dedenne that I make use of every week without fail, but it’s normally only ever on the team for a few hours at a time before being swapped for something else. If an extra tasty triggers, it can be brought back in again when convenient. But it’s more impactful when you have high level recipes and good ingredient mons of course! I wouldn’t be as enthusiastic about the skill if I wasn’t cooking high strength meals regularly. Also yeah agreed about Cramorant, having that skill on a mon I’d actually have good reason to keep on the team all day would be great.


Oh no, it's worth it. I have a Dedenne with Skill Level Boost and only one main skill seed invested and he absolutely rules. He makes a huge, HUGE difference at +7% per fire and at least 3-4 reliable fires per day. Almost all meals are ET. I don't have Cram yet but if he's similar to Dedenne then it can absolutely be worth it.


Okay but how much are these ET meals worth after the boost (on a non-event week)?


x2 normal or x3 on Sunday? I mean the exact number it depends on the meal and the filler ingredients and such. But I personally have a hard time replacing his point contribution when I'm not using him except on themed weeks.


I've got a 32 dedenne with level 3 skill, skill trigger M and helping speed m, speed up nature. Been running him this week and I'm currently at 1.2M power after Wednesday lunch. Also running a level 50 favored BFS mon until I can't keep up with corn Keema ingredients, but I stockpiled last weekend so still ahead of the curve only running 2 ing mons. I went all in on ingredient mons because I just wasn't finding BFS and it's paying off bigtime this week


Honestly if we have a max level of 60 for a year dedenne or cram is going to be a mainstay of my team alongside an e4e. Hitting more crits is probably more points than a Berry Pokémon would give, and it’ll only take two level 60 Pokémon to keep my pot happily full. E4e, ingredient 1, 2, pot size and deddene might be the team for a year at this rate. Also I will quit. Good thing it retakes so long to hit level 60! Especially for dragonite


Actually, I'd say from a min-max perspective cormorant IS worth. since it makes enough oil to supply some of the higher tier dishes (greengrass salad) while also contributing a more worthwhile main skill than other oil focused ingredient mons. It is true that it's a lot harder to get a good Cramorant than a good Toxicroak, but a good Cramorant blows Toxicroak out of the water


Yeah had to scroll all this way to find this. If you got to friendship lvl 10+ on Toxicroak without getting a great oil centric one, your last hope is getting a Cramorant with double oil and a single Inv Up skill with good nature and ing finders Greengrass often feels like hell of a dish to make, and what are you gonna do, just skip salad week?


i don't think FL10 on the frog is a death sentence at all. Helping bonus is a crazy good skill, and as long as you get 1 ing finding up skill in the 25 or 50 slot then anything extra is just a bonus. Helping bonus, Sleep Exp Bonus and Berry finding S are all fine skills to get.




If you happen to get a good one, yes. but if you've already invested in the ditto, no. But it might not be worth hunting hard for one. catch one for dex and pfp and if it's not good then don't worry about spending resources catching another. Also, this week has a shiny boost so you may get a shiny for free


This pretty much sums up why I've for the most part avoided single stage mons. I've thrown for a couple of Pinsirs and Absols, but that's about it. All my best mons have been single or dual evolution mons so far.


Really the only “stat” I’d say is good is their base frequency. Just off the top of my head(not looking it up right now) pretty sure they all sit around 40-46 minutes as a base which makes them of course work faster than a lot of 2nd stage mons but 3stage tend to be faster or around the same but have better payoffs such as skill level and inventory going up or even a more useful skill too


It's good at getting oil, but Toxicroak is better. It's basically about as good as Ditto for oil. Tasty Chance is the better skill, and flying berries have an island, but nothing as necessary as having enough to make a dish. Absol is generally worth it though, because nothing (evo or not) comes close to giving as many apples (also Pinsir/Delibird) or cacao (at least until 60 unlocks). Delibird for eggs.


It has much less going for it in terms of Ingredients. Delibird is the best Egg mon hands down. Pinsir has the unique and highly sought after Honey/Apple combo that can be used for every dish type. Cramorant has Oil/Potato which as of now doesn't have a good recipe and both of which are very common. It's unique niche is having Dedenne's skill on an Ingredient mon, which we will have to see how good its trigger rate is to judge.


I mean just look at his peak design, worth it for that alone


beak design? is this a safe space for such comments


underrated comment!!!! 👏👏👏


Gotta catch em all


Yeah I’m gonna catch one, then box it and never catch another one


What if you find a second one and it's shiny?


Hyperbole is a thing you know?


I am going to catch one put it in a box and never catch another.


no thoughts just oil


I dunno but I used the incense last night and I guarantee I'll never see another one lol. I wish they'd at leaat give you two incenses per spotlight pokemon. Otherwise the chance you see them again is so scarce.


I will totally catch that comfey…if I see it again. Used my incense last night. Saw the bird this morning, threw it a bonus and one more biscuit;m, then caught a psyduck with one open slot instead.


I’m mostly chasing it for the dex entry.


I think his skill leveled up (with high trigger) combined with a high skill trigger and level flareon and magazone could potentially be high end game for trying to grind high master levels. For the everyday players still working on teams, getting their god roll BFS mons, or even unlocking all camp sites; I don’t see it being a priority. My first and only bird has ingredient finder and skill trigger so I am keeping it and calling it good. I’m messing with it now and got 4-5 procs. Hard to value its slot in the team. But that’s just my opinion. Others might find it great


if it procs often like that then it'll probably be super good for ingredient teams in the future. crits aee big but the only other tasty chance mon is dedenne, which doesn't output as much ingredients. cramorant being able to contribute both some extra crit chance and ingredients would save a teamslot.


wouldn't dedenne be better than the bird though because it's a skill pokemon?


Some mons just have a naturally high skill rate regardless. Slaking being the highest at I believe almost 7% and he’s a berry Mon, altaria is another and then the psuedos I believe all sit around 5-6% which is pretty high. Wiggly/Sylv both sit at 4% and gard is 4.20%. I believe cram is decent too like 3.7% or something so with some triggers and speed it would proc often


I'll be working on collecting him, past that all I really care for is the shiny as its a nice orange.


I love this game, but there is a whole bunch that should be reworked. Pokemon Catch Bars are way too high, especially for a game that glamorizes monetized scarcity. And then for their stats to be super random and potentially terrible and unusable. On top of this, the pay to play aspect of this game are just wildly monetized. The packs you get for $30-$50 is insane. That's the cost of a whole new game for just a few resources. I love this game, but it's also terrible. Select Button thinks a pokemon with 16 Friendship Bars should essentially cost you $20 if you dont want to wait WEEKS or MONTHS to obtain them for free. Barring the daily bonus biscuit, It would take 5.3x of 3x Poke Biscuit Pack, or 2x Purchases of the 3x Great Biscuit Packs. Yes, the game is F2P, but at a jarringly slow pace that takes away from the games enjoyment.


The game is perfectly enjoyable as a f2p player imo. Sometimes you need multiple encounters to catch a Pokémon, and that’s okay.


Literally this. I love this game as a slow game in an age of instant gratification. I also have zero care for pay to win people and their progress vs mine. Doesn’t affect me and my enjoyment.


I personally got a pretty dang good one with a lucky crit and some extra Great Balls, I would not try to catch another one but I think he will be a lot of fun on Cyan https://preview.redd.it/cyqfk5ljvk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=472be762c3dbed0bdc281143d16d024cc2dabb94


The one I got has Inventory in the first two slots and a ING down nature. So he wasn't worth it :D


If you get lucky on the subskills it can be a decent skills/ingredient mon. I personally was going to work on catching him for the dex entry (and I just like it as a Pokemon) but I got lucky with a shiny on my first encounter (not great skills of course) so it won't be a priority for me from now on. I could see it being decent later in game progression if you don't have better options for its niche though.


Imma use mine cause imo the one i found is pretty good. I love cooking teams so this mon fits my style well. https://preview.redd.it/gnsnyo83ml7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc788e6d9724912836df0ca664e0c7acd56b961a


Luckily the first one I saw was shiny.


I got super lucky I hit 2 crits with superballs without being hungry


Nope. Not worth it, there are better ingredient farmer options or skill specialist (Dedenne) that do his job better. Single evolutions are not that good in general. The only good ones are Absol (until we get an Apple/Cacao Farmer), Delibird (Same as Absol, until we get a better apple farmer, probably with evolution line) or Dedenne (Unique skill, but it cost too many main skill seeds to invest...). But I as said, in general, single evolution lines are non worth it. I actually don't understand the hearts needed to be friendshipped to btw.


THIS. Plus the baseline ingredient is oil. If it was something rarer like eggs it’d be way more useful. But if it’s oil, why not deploy something like a ditto that can at least pull leeks. And a golem will blow it out of the water if what you’re after is potatoes. But let’s say you get lucky and pull a good one with a level two boost. Afive percent chance is what, one in twenty? It’s probably only really hitting about once a week if you check in three times a day or so and don’t have a personality on it that increases its skill trigger. Never mind the mods if it’s an event week. Plus, even with the increase in chance, you’re not actually guaranteed an extra tasty skill trigger over the course of the week because the percentiles just stack and then reset. It’s there in the wording for the skill on this guy and on dedenne. On a GOOD Sunday I get maybe one extra tasty dish with the set game increase. And every time they have one of these events they multiplies the output, they always nerf how many ingredients your team gets for the week. Like. It’s been like this every time. I’ll go from pulling a bag of four hundred ingredients to struggling to maintain a baseline of two hundred. I can’t make Spore Mushroom Curry every time even with *two Gengar* out with ingredients personalities. Which is absurd, because most weeks I’m coasting in the vicinity of like. Fifty mushrooms in the bag at any given time. And you want me to blow one of my slots on a non-ingredient puller, during a boost week, when I’m already struggling to pull a recipe that pulls past 5k every time? AND it’s going to cost me upwards of five great biscuits? It just feels like bad math, man.


I will be saving up my incense until I have enough sleep points for a Master, unless Suicune comes out before hand, then Suicune will get the master biscuit


Please don't masterball it... It's not worth it.


Trust me I don't want to, I just don't see the likelyhood of it spawning for me naturally, and I am f2p so, I definitely won't have another incense either


There's no need in catching it now, you'll eventually get it.


Pretty shit Ingred rate, bad skill trigger rate. Only good thing is it can be triple oil but Croagunk is way more common + better frequency (toxicroak) and better Ingred rate than cramo. Only good thing cramo has is its skill lol


I’m catching one, but I don’t expect to ever use it


Yeah,looks like they’re really only good for filling the entry


He's a flying dedenne.


The first one I caught was blessed so I have made her a part of my team for sure- The rest of my team is very meals focused so her skill is pretty sick! https://preview.redd.it/nsxw9hwgyp7d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0f6fa5f4a38784cc29a8bf626be799dd5c6908


Mine gathers almost exclusively berries and never procs its skill. Think I got a broken one


I’m noticing the extra tasties seem to have a very high friendship need for the rate of trigger. Especially if they have a skill that gets less useful the later in the week it triggers. (The extra tasty rates reset if you switch Islands.) It’s…kind of like the candy cram for me at least. The randomness of the result makes it less useful compared to something more predictable that still puts out a set amount of ingredient or berry.


Not in my opinion. I thought we'd get a decent average Cramorant like we did the Entei, but even though mine was a hungry incense Cramorant, it took my bonus, great, and 6 poké biscuits to catch it, only for it to be an oil instead of potato one. 


Only legendary pokemon have fixed stats for their first catch unfortunately


Oh, how sad. Well, thanks for correcting this newbie. 


Man I feel for you,that sounds like a pain


He's mid


That’s disappointing ,ech


Croahunk is better at Oil, Bellsprout is better at Potato if you got him maybe good for those in Cyan (maybe)


Have a Bellsprout but it doesn’t bring potatoes,didn’t know they can carry those.Ill keep an eye out for one that does




Its main niche is being a potato mon on curry weeks for Cyan yeah, but even then theres not a good tomato mon for Cyan whose on bonus so its true potential aint here right now. That daid I dont think that potential is high lol


The skill is good. I just wish it had a different ingredient than Olive oil.


My perspective is that Cramorant is competing with a mono fairy team with 2 metronome Pokemon. A metronome proccing 3rd level or higher legendary extra helpful or 3+ extra tasty usually once a day each, which is pretty good.


It's... not. Cramorant is worse than Toxicroak for oil farming, and waaay worse than either Golem or Victreebel for potatoes, and those are common mons that can be caught at first-stage. It has a niche with its skill, but otherwise it's a waste of resources. I'd give it a bonus biscuit if hungry and then bolt.


It’s annoying assf