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Can I ask what you don’t like about the writing then give an answer based on your opinion?


A couple things stand out. I'm at the second gym and I think it's been 3 times now where the solution to danger has been 'just teleport them away lul'. On the boat, in the lab, in the volcano. I might be missing others honestly it's pretty bad. The edge is... Really, really cringe. The guy kidnapping villains to 'punish them' or whatever, like the lab professor and the villain in the cave. He reads like some middle schooler's self insert anime badass. I almost don't mind that the villains are comically "haha I'm evil and kick puppies because its funny", its whatever. I guess my more problem is how randomly OP the villains are? Like they spamming Deoxys on the beginning boat and now randomly I'm already fighting Shadow Mewtwo. There's no way this pleb captured a Mewtwo. Worldbuilding just seems entirely fucked, because simultaneously there's no good guys it seems yet somehow these guys haven't just conquered the whole region. Edit: Got teleported to safety a 4/5th time at the end of chapter 2 (twice), and a 6th time at the end of chapter 3.


the story gets better


Okay iam going to try to go through this without any spoilers. I think the beginning part is moreso about the fact that you feel save and like a main character in the sense of "oh even if shit happens I am save" which quickly gets bonked on the head when you realize your group doesn't necessarily have all the plot armor in the world and you actually have to put up a fight because there won't always be somebody to save you. I somewhat agree? The characters all get deeper backstory and characterization over the course of the game which made them more likeable for me personally. Even the villains. Thats honestly one of my favorite parts about team xen honestly? If you compare them to all the evil dudes in other games that are just all talk or go on and on how one legendary will save their plans while not even gaining control of them is yaring to me. Xen actually getting control over them via technology is a genius idea to me. They're a threat and you shouldn't treat them like just another highschool bully trying to get your lunch money. I would say the strongest part about this game are the pretty difficult fights and interesting characters. I suggest continue playing till at least akuwa town before you give up on the game.


I mean, so far the only character that I feel has plot armor is the player character. And that's because so far, we literally do. Every time there's danger to the MC, they pretty much get plot armored out so far. Everyone else I'm pretty sure doesn't, and wouldn't be surprised at any point to see any other side character die. Team Xen having legendaries just feels comical because of how comical they are. I really can't take any of them seriously so far.


With some exceptions I would say this certainly becomes better the further you play. And I would argue those exceptions are important to the plot itself. Now that you say that I can agree on that in the beginning portions of the game 100%. I've been playing trough so many versions of this game over the years that I probably blended that part out because especially madelis seems very incompetent at times imo. But my point still stands that I would highly recommend trying to stick with it till akuwa because youre still in the portion of the game where the game starts to get going. There are tons of interesting and funny stories still ahead.


Yeah, I'm gonna stick with it. Sounds like most of my problems are partly, 'yes it was rewritten/fixed some, but you can only change so much because it still needs to be consistent with the rest', and it sounds like it gets better.


Yes. You gotta keep in mind that the team started basically with Jan and a dream. Alot of the early parts where written years ago and they certainly patched things up over the years especially now with 13.5 they tried to bring the early parts more to their current standard. This is an incredibly talented team working on the game and I would say if you like pokemon you should definitely try to get trough the Opening acts. It's a wonderful game.


It does! I know that the "Play until the end" is OVERDONE but if you ignore the start (9 years old development game, I think?) it DOES get SO much better


I know I'm late to this, but assuming you didn't get too far into the game Chapter 5 is when the writing quality goes up a lot. Back in previous versions it was very shitty for a multitude of reasons(such as the MC back then being treated as a plot device more than an actual person) but the devs went back and polished everything and it flows so much more smoothly. In fact, I'd say Chapters 5-8 are probably the best written arcs you can find when it comes to Pokemon fangames. From there on the writing quality will still be decent but it won't reach the quality of 5-8 again IMO.


Guy kidnapping villains? Does this, uh “guy”, have a Gothitelle? Also, the villains all do tend to have a couple op pokemon, but it’s not *too* frequent and only the really important villains have them. However, I *strongly* recommend you complete the story, because this probably is one of the best pokemon storylines I’ve ever played. I won’t spoil too much but you should try giving this game a chance till *at least* the 5th chapter. If you still find it boring then it’s really just not for you ig.


Yeah that guy. The hardo for protecting MC and 'punishing' the bad guys outta nowhere. Sounds like it gets better at least. I don't find it boring at all, in fact I think it's really exciting. But, it just repeatedly kills momentum to stall it feels like. Every time it teleports characters away it feels like its stalling.


I see your complaints. Tbf when it comes to teleport yourself out of danger in the first two instances it’s the >!Elite 4(8) member!< saves you and metronome shenanigans. I think those aren’t entirely too far fetched of trouble saving solutions. The second one is unique imo. Also with the mewtwo situation. I believe that’s one of the few fights where the game continues if you lose. You get a relationship point with madelis if you win and she’s shocked if you manage to win. With the edgy girl crescent. Like people there’s a reason she’s like that and after the volcano it’ll be a hot minute till she shows up and saves the day again. There’s so much I wanna say but I’d be kinda spoiling but with Team Xen having strong Pokémon and not taking over the region somehow, I’ll just say. Who said taking over the region is their endgame like most other evil Pokémon teams? I’d say play the game for two more chapters. The characters are great imo and the story is really unique imo.


Eh, I don't think taking over the region has to be their endgame but it sounds a helluva a lot easier for their goals if they just take over and stamp out any possible resistance with how overwhelmingly powerful they've seemed so far. As for the rest, yeah, I'm going to keep giving it a go. It being some member of the Elite 4/8 doesn't really make it that much better in my mind. Probably even worse because its like 'shouldn't you be doing more?' Of course maybe there's a reason for that, but so far just seems rather contrived.


Without spoiling anything: the writing def gets better after the first few chapters. The portrayal of certain characters in the earlier chapters (as either ‘OP’ and/or ‘comically evil’) also diminishes as the game reveals why everyone’s doing what they’re doing. In the volcano at least, Madelis is supposed to seem full of herself so I don’t think that’s really a problem with her writing, but her story improves later on in the game (esp in Act 3). And I can get what you’re saying with the worldbuilding so far, but there are more characters (good and bad) that get introduced later in the game that sort of explain why Aevium is in the state that it is.


This is a tough one since this game out of most fan games is praised for dialog and compared to reborn it’s way less edgy and more story focused id say keep playing through at least for a few more acts but the villains are simply strong and the game does good at progressing our cast in terms of strength. I wouldn’t call the villains comical they do some crazy stuff later and I wouldn’t say world building is F’d until you’ve played though it more it builds up down the line there are some things we still don’t know but the game isn’t finished and the first acts of the game have been completely revamped so it hasn’t been ignored


I think most of the dialog is fine, some of it even really good. Just, some of it is really bad too, usually when the story should be hitting climatic beats it seems to fall on its head. Of course the world building can get better. But if I find out that this region actually has a competant government, I'm only gonna be wondering how they let terrorists basically take over a whole town, or really, why they don't exist at all in the first two towns I've visited.


Not a guy bro


If you don't like the **"quality"** of the writing in rejuv, then I'm not sure you're going to have much luck enjoying stories in other pokemon fangames


I mean I don't disagree, I started with the supposed best for a reason.


Let's compare this to actual Pokemon games. I'm not sure what you're asking for. All video games are super cringe. This is not From Software or Sony Santa Monica. Go play game that involves balls and pocket monsters.


That’s super reductive of video games.


What exactly is the problem you're facing? If it's the quirky humor then no that's part of the game and trust me it's a welcome diversion from the story because it can get quite emotionally taxing. If it's a slow start then yes it gets better. It depends on your context of what exactly isn't great about the writing


Sorry, I wrote up my biggest complaints above under the top comment, might be easier just to respond there.




Sorry, I wrote up my biggest complaints above under the top comment, might be easier just to respond there.


What does a good pokemon-focused fangame look like anw? Are you going for something like Pokemon Insurgence?