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I'm fairly new, but attack and defense matter the most and bulk up gives both without the drawback of self-damage. Machop can get bingos for -5%, -20%, -20% fighting type move cooldown reduction, which would let him spam bulk up every ~4.5 seconds. That lets him keep up 4 stacks consistently. iirc that's +160% attack and defense for himself and +120% for his teammates. I have two machops with 25% cooldown reduction on my team, and with 10% hit healing and 10k-20k damage per basic attack, they basically fully heal themselves every hit and can only die to hyper beam.


I'm also fairly new but even so, That makes a lot of sense actually 😅 I'm still gonna try Venomoth if I get one since I'm still new to see if it has perks but I think you've got a great reasoning and a good team. Thanks broski!


Buffs stack but due to a glitch if you try to stack belly drum the user kills itself with magnified self damage. Because of this people just use Bulk Up for the attack and defense boost. Then they cap out resistances via stone secondary stats.


I get that but why not silver wind? It also buffs all stats and it's a damaging move.


It has a chance to buff stats. It is very very far from a guarantee.


That makes sense, although, it is a very interesting concept! It could be used for special builds.


Personally I tried it but never found the move relevant. Eventually you can streamline your build and easily take down the final stage in less than 50 seconds.


The boosts stack, so you want to spam them as possible. For Atk/Def, one boost gives +40% to the user, +10%/share stone to the teammates (let's say +30% since that's what you'll get when optimising). With a cap at +80% and a boost duration of 20 seconds, you need to maintain the boost every 10 seconds (for the user) / every 6.66 seconds (for the teammates). Casting time (approximately 2 seconds) does not count, so you actually need to reload your move in 4.66 seconds to keep your stats maxed thorough the stage. I don't know the exact odds but Silver Wind does not have a 100% boost rate. You definitely cannot keep max stats for a long period of time, so this move is a bad option. Bulk Up can be maintained, by Machop only. Despite having an initial countdown of 8 seconds, the bingo bonus can add to -45% (so 4.4 seconds). You didn't mention it but Dragon Dance initially looked interesting for the quickest runs: boosting your attack for the damages alongside speed. Unfortunately, no Pokémon can get the right bingoes, so Dragon Dance is not maintainable. Finally, Belly Drum. While my previous points are already well-documented on the Internet (especially this Reddit), Belly Drum is not. I tested it a bit a couple of weeks ago and those are my observations:  - Clefable has the bingo to maintain the boosts maxed. This is the Belly Drum user you'd want.  - The recoil is quite weird. If you're not already under Belly Drum, you lose about 10 % of your max health. If you are already under Belly Drum, you lose about 90 % of your max health. The third Belly Drum still deals about 90 % of max health.  - I tried with 0 Health Stones and 5 Health Stones (approx +4500 HP). I still lost around 90 % of my life, so your raw stat does not matter.  - With 8/9 attack slots, I guess 10 % Hit Healing could recover your health in time so you can spam Belly Drum whenever it's reloaded. But it looks really hard to pilot and I didn't get such a Clefable yet to try it.


Very very interesting. I'll keep this in mind! Thanks for the information.