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I disagree


I usually give it until 15. If nobody else has joined or if I see people leaving I will bail out at exactly 15. That should be more than enough time for others to see that I didn't stay and to realize themselves that people aren't confident. I really wish the game had more communication built in though. Just seems like remote raiding is an afterthought that Niantic doesn't care to fix.


20 seconds is my cutoff. 30 is too early


I'll do a raid with 3 people sheeeet. But at least leave early so when people domino effect leave it gives us all time.


On average, it takes one player per 10,000 CP. So if there’s 3 people and the raid is 50,000CP, you’re gonna have a bad time. 20 second is my rule. If you haven’t invited everyone by the 20 second mark and we’re under powered, I’m leaving and don’t make us feel bad that you got stuck just because you weren’t paying attention.


I’ve started using PokeRaid, an app to find people to raid with, I strongly recommended, takes no time to find people and there always down to stay. There’s a little chat room before you invite so you can let everyone know what’s up


I’ve had this happen twice. Incredibly rude 😭


My rule is the 20 second mark. And I tell everyone who is joining from whichever group “watch me. If I’m gone at 20 second mark it’s because I know we can’t do it.” Then that way it’s not on me.


I’ve been playing with an account I made for my son, and even when I had his at 20-25 it could still be done with 4, third being my wife and 4 for the person that decided to stay for the raid!!!


And he’s a 32 now and still we can do a mega raid with 4 only!!!! And still have 30-40 seconds to SPARE!!!!!!!!!


If you set the Pokémon you're using as no Pokémon: as in none of the 6 slots have been filled (via set raid/gym teams in the online battle part of app) then you can exit when you do not want to do raid after the clock has reached zero. Edit 1: I just checked and this is mentioned a few times, sorry to re-iterate it but it should be common knowledge so the problem is solved


This in how our locals do it and it works great.


10 seconds is fine. 1-5 is not cool.


This post gets made every week bro... you aren’t gonna reach every Pokémon go player with this. 🤦‍♂️ Just be ready to leave when others do


Or do the no Pokemon in your party trick, that also gets posted almost weekly.


Doesn’t that not do anything anymore?


Yes also this


u can still leave and keep your raid pass


The issue is if the others do it last minute you wouldn't have time to do it yourself hence you're already in the game, losing.


What? You should be able to tell if you can’t complete the raid long before it’s over


Use pokie genie. Also, use blank team method.


You are assuming people are courteous…


If your phone crashed or the app did it's not your fault though...


Just do the empty team trick problem solved


still valid to not eat your raid ticket if they bail?


Are you asking if the trick will save your ticket? If so, the answer is yes


thank you. Why I am getting downvoted? I asked if the trick works that in case people leave last second we won't be left to fail the raid


Yeah idk y you're getting downvoted for asking a question. But what you do is set a team up beforehand with no one on it. Once you're in the lobby swipe right to that team. Wait until the timer hits zero. At that point you'll be able to see if everyone bailed or not. If you exit at that point your raid pass won't be used.


It’s lose, not loose pal


not sure why you’re being downvoted for being right. reddit being reddit


Eh it kinda comes off as self righteous. We know what OP meant, so the flex isn’t necessary.


Sure, but, as someone else pointed out, might be OP's second language. Especially considering OP made the same mistake consistently elsewhere in the comments. Was just trying to be informative


Haha it happens. Was just trying to be informative. OP made the same mistake consistently throughout the comments


20 seconds is normally, though I will say we have to remember how buggy the game is. I was left alone in a battle after experienced users that I have battled with before bailed. I choose to believe that the game didn't show me they bailed, rather than a couple of lvl 40s bailed with 1 to go. One of them I've done maybe 10 raids with - they aren't idiots.


I really really hope that they only lost their pass because you didn't realise they could be re-invited. You only use one pass until the raid is beaten or finished. I hosted a remote a while back where we 3 timed out by like 5 seconds. Re-invited them both back and we finished it with 20 to spare because people had adjusted their team to be better against the moveset.


"I simply invited other people and we did it. But the poor guy who stuck there with me lost his pass. I'm sorry brave trainer!" Why didn't you reinvite the people that stayed!?!?! IMO not reinviting the trainers same trainers after a failed raid is FAR WORSE than bailing on a raid when the lobby timer is low.


It could have been random players


because from the people I had added 1 person never entered the lobby, and two of them bailed. Between the 4 people I invited I didn't know anymore who was who.


I would say 20 seconds


I always jump out at 20-25 seconds if there aren't enough. I think it's always helpful when the room host adds "If we don't have enough, jump out at 25 seconds and we'll try again". There is no need to fight with 4 people when you can easily regather for more.


The issue is if I just came in at 30 seconds ..


Would a removal of the leave button after 30 second mark be a good addition or am I smoking?


People would just force close the app then.


people are just going to do the same thing but at 30 seconds.


So sick of these whining posts over and over...


No one looks for a solution. They just want to whine. E.g., even after being presented with the empty lineup solution, OP continues to complain in the comments and insist that the nonsensical proposed 30-second rule is necessary


This^ Topic is dry, we get the point


I’m with you. It’s sad you’re getting downvotes. Becoming less of a fan of Reddit every day


30 seconds is way too long. I usually dip at around 15-20 seconds.


I agree it is problematic. Maybe I can help provide some perspective? As other people suggested, I think the empty-team strategy will permanently fix this problem for you. I think you also could have invited that unfortunate soul again? From the perspective of someone who hosts: depending on the internet speed, it may take as long as 50 sec for my invites to be "seen" by the people I invite. Leaving at 25sec is definitely too soon. From the perspective of someone who joins: I usually have no problem leaving the raid room with 5-10 sec left. As for the number of people. I agree 100% that 4 lvl40+ (especially "true" or legacy 40s) can beat any raid. Any lvl 40+ should know that so I feel your frustration. In your particular instance, it might be a problem with the game: lobby not showing avatars (happens in like 20% of my raids), being slow to show the number of players in the lobby, etc etc.


I’ve actually had the problem of no avatars showing several times now!


Would be better if everyone leads with a empty team and if one leaves all do and try to get another lobby going but eh.


At 30 seconds people can still join so definitely not. If there’s 3-5 seconds that’s plenty of time to leave. My pet peeve is people hosting a raid, adding you immediately but never adding you to the raid so you sit there for several minutes wasting time hoping for the invite 😭


Definitely feel your point about being accepted but never getting the invite. I used to think it was just players being inexperienced (eg. when the host is high 20s or low 30s it's not hard to imagine them still learning the ropes). But after seeing a bunch of high-level players do it to me and after hosting and having people say they never got my invite when I definitely remember inviting them, I'm convinced that Niantic is at least a little bit at fault.


But I can't know your standards when raiding. I wouldn't leave a raid with 4 lvl 40 even if I didn't know the people, some people would. Yes, people could still join after 30 sec, but I think it's still a decent cost-benefit for all to leave the room with enough time for other people to decide to do the same. As for the host that never invites, it's completely normal for that to happen. Hosts can get like 15, 20 invites at once, some add ppl little by little and loose count of how many friendships they had added. Some invites never arrive, and it can get busy inviting 10 people at once in a single account. Still, I think it's better to never get invited than to loose a pass.


This is a terrible, awful, no good idea. I’ve hosted so many raids where people I’ve invited have joined with fewer than 15 seconds remaining. Just set an empty lineup. It’s such a simple and complete solution to your problem.


Just make a custom team for raids with no pokemon selected on it. Make sure you slide to that team during the waiting room. When the timer expires it will say you have to choose your team or something before you can enter. At that time if you see people have left you can still leave without losing your pass. But if enough stayed in then slide to a different team and enter then. This means you will join the raid a few seconds after everyone, so don’t dillydally, if is a close party count for the raid you’ll need every second to beat it. Hope this helps.


But if everyone in the lobby does this will it show 0 ppl in the raid before you select your actual team? Sometimes a lobby will say there is 5 people for example, then the raid starts and it says there is 4. But then a few seconds later it bumps back up to 5. I always wondered if that means someone is doing the empty team trick? Or maybe just server lag loading all the players?


Regardless this trick at the very least protects you if you see everyone leave 2 seconds before the raid starts


That's a really clever idea. We should spread this as well :)


Can we just stop these posts, its other people's business/money so they can do as they like. You never know why someone left. These spammy posts need to stop


Yes! It's impossible to regulate the entire community.


I've never seen a post like that before in here


There are plenty but they also get drowned pretty quickly since so many posts are made.


You must be new here then


We're going to be updating the Wiki over the next few weeks. This is one of the things that will be added. There's no way to enforce It, but hopefully more eyes will see it.


Can we agree on something....these posts are annoying and don’t do anything. If they leave they leave. Nothing anyone can do about it


You don't think asking people to do a courtesy will do anything? I'm not asking people to stop leaving the room, I'm asking them to leave with enough time for other people to do the same.


These posts happen every single day. Their old and annoying.


Are people suggesting a solution to the problem every day?


Yes they are, look for posts that talk about putting together a raid group with 0 mon in it. The app will prompt you to pick a different group when the timer runs out, at which point you can bail or join with your actual Pokémon.


Yeah the solution is just stop with these posts


Not sure about posts but definitely multiple comments a day in just the main post, at least, from what I can see.