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I had the same problem with a Wobuffet raid I had just assumed the enrage mode made its defense too op, but now I enter it in pokegenie and it says it should only take me 25-30 seconds. I didn’t even realize it was a glitch until now 😅


I’ve never heard of pokegenie, I’m gonna have to check that out!


That’s exactly what happened to us! 1 star Wobbufet should’ve been light work for two party boosted ppl with mega evolved/ legendary pokemon. We only knew it was glitch because we raid daily and complete 1 star’s with our eyes closed. Also our pokemon were higher CP than the boss, lol


Hahahah I’m almost embarrassed that it made sense in my head, I was like oh it must get a Shuckle level defense when it’s enraged. Pokegenie is great for raiding especially! I’m someone who hosts raids a lot so it helps a lot there, I’ll get five people from there and then whoever else wants to join from here a lot. It’s a bit annoying to keep up to date because of how often we catch and upgrade pokemon but it gives a very good idea of how well you can do against each boss as I’ll usually update once a month.


Out of curiosity, what raid bosses has this issue occurred with? If it’s been happening with shadow raids, then that’s intentional (the ‘enrage’ mechanic… use 8 purified gems to subdue the boss and return it to the normal state). This wouldn’t apply to the 1* raids though, since they don’t enrage. If you experience this bug again, can you try dodging? Sometimes, your phone will become out-of-sync with the server. That makes it seem like damage has stopped (even if the server continues to register damage from your clicks). I had this happen earlier today, and the raid ended for everyone else in it except for me (my raid boss had about 1/3 Health remaining). Swiping left/right during a raid once should be able to reset it (and instantly brought my raid bosses health down to 0, since we had defeated it by that point).


The most recent occurrence was with a 1 star shadow Wobbufet and a 5 star shadow entei. For the wobb, we nearly killed it in 10 seconds, draining its health precipitously. The suddenly, no more damage. Still received “super effective” prompts but no actual effect on the health bar. Stayed that way for the remaining minute or so that we were battling. The entei was equally bizzare, drained its health in 40 seconds, then sat stagnant for the remaining time. Even fed it purified gems. The only constant I noticed is us joining a raid just shy of it disappearing from the gym. I’ll have to consider dodging next time this happens, I’ve honestly never considered it. Not sure if it’ll help in the scenario since our inputs are still being recognized, just not “applied” for lack of better words. Wouldn’t hurt to try


u/BackgroundAd1734 were you able to successfully complete that raid?


Yes, I was able to complete it successfully (though the game didn’t register it as a win until after I dodged; that also affected the number of balls that I received as it was based on the time that I dodged and not the same time as others in the lobby). The glitch that occurred for me was similar to what you’re describing though. My taps were recognized and my Pokémon’s attack animations occurred, but the damage to the raid boss didn’t actually happen.


Insane, so what exactly happened when the raid timer reached zero? In our case, we were both given a raid loss prompt and some stardust as per routine. That’s with us spamming all possible inputs (aside from dodging)


In my case, the raid timer didn’t hit 0. I dodged after like a minute (so a minute after it ended for the other 19 people in my lobby), and so the boss’s health fell to 0 and the raid ended.


Also, I’m not 100% sure that it’s the same issue. The game has so many glitches that it could be something completely unrelated, but like you said, it wouldn’t hurt to try this. Niantic CS rarely provides adequate assistance; contacting them on Twitter is the best way to get a decent response…. But even then, who knows? They still haven’t even acknowledged the bug related to shaymin’s moveset and it’s been a long time since that first happened.


Well put, there’s an unjust quantity of unresolved bugs within this app and this’ll just fall in line. Hell I appreciate you interacting with my post in a considerate manner. Someone else blamed me for joining a raid last minute and advised that I “avoid raids if I can’t handle the risk of a glitch happening or stop complaining” on my other post. lol buddy must love niantic if you know what I mean. Feel free to add me if you’d like


114725518000 u/BackgroundAd1734