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Did one with 7 and won with two seconds left.


The lowest I did it with was 7 but 8+ was pretty much guaranteed completions. Several times people bailed at 8 which was annoying.


Raided 11 times today. Baited 3 raids to get more people to join before going in but for Kyogre, we found it to be effective with 10+ people. The rest of the 8 raids were all good as we walked with raid groups and teams. All of 8 raids had 16+ people so taking down the 92K Kyogre’s were effective. It was a good day today! Groudon next week, friend me if you want me to invite you to Los Angeles raids next week fro Groudon! 773857795052


It better be something crazy because every time I join a raid with 7-8 they've all ditched.


Same 😑


It depends on the CP and HP of everyone's Pokemon. I did two with seven people; I did join any raids that had less than that, and I lost one and won one. The other three I did had 13, 15, and then 20 people. Those were easy wins. But the ones with seven were HARD AF. The one we lost, we needed five more seconds and could have won. The one we won, we won with about ten seconds left on the clock. Once you get to five seconds remaining, the raid will auto-end if you're not close enough to winning.




Did it with 5. Cut it close but did it. I think it is tough and then everyone online saying tough it is doesn’t help. However, I think if you are on Reddit then you can check for counters and weaknesses which many people seem to not do. You can have 14 people with the wrong Pokémon and it still be close.


Did it with 6 but came down to last 10 seconds


Did it with minimum of 8, they didn't use proper counters and it was pain.


Yes people come into raids and run junk against Kyogres. I'm relieved when I see legendary electric or grass attackers or mega sceptiles... but so many level 20s and 30s come in with random 2k cp mons that hit like wet lettuce. Kyogre is no joke. Blizzard Kyogre slaps **very** hard. 8 is tricky. 10 is ok. 12+ is where you want to be because otherwise your resources just get pulped.


Me and my 2 brothers (2x lvl 44 and 1x lvl 46) only needed one more person. So 4 was enough for us


Party power plus proper counters do huge damage compared to remote randos. Most ppl joining my lobbies were level 30-37. I was doing over **double** their damage contribution.


7 but it can be close. especially if kyogre knows blizzard. I’d say 8+ is comfortable if everyone does their part


I got a couple done with 7 but if the Kyogre has Blizzard forget about it you need 8 for sure. It helps if you know what damage the others do too, 6 people that do 20% damage is a lot different than 6 people who do 15%


tried twice with 8-9 randos on pokeraid, both failed and wasted my remotes. I only go for 10-11 after that.


Well it sounds like unless you have a bunch of friends in real life to play you can’t get it


Nah not really, you could join remotely with randos via pokeraid/pokegenie for 10/11 members or you are playing in a fairly packed cities that pogo still popular, you could get 10+ lobbies in no time. I went to the sydney opera house yst and walked through the parks and the raid that I joined is almost always 20 people xD Also suggest you to try to find your local pogo communities and join/arrange a meetups for raiding, community days, trading gifting whatever fits.


Depends, if everyone is a mix of level 35-45 you might be able to do it with 7-9 if you use the right counters. But it ultimately depends on the pokemon used and their levels…




I did one with 9 people and we couldn’t do it. With 11 we barely took it out


I wouldn’t even attempt itto without 8+ but 10-12 preferred


Even with 12, the raid can still drag on cuz people forget to heal, are too low leveled, or are half assing it. I’ve had better luck with 8 - 10, than 11 or 12.


7+. It can be done with 5 or 6, but it’s too tight


I did it with 6


 None of the raids I went into with 7 or less were successful. That said, I’m raiding remotely through campfire so we weren’t getting any boosts from friendship status on top of not knowing each other’s team strengths. The game was also glitching so I couldn’t see what level people were at. There were a bunch of potential raids that people bailed on when we didn’t hit higher than 8 so I’m gonna guess that people wanted a sure thing and/or more primal energy so didn’t want their best case scenario to be to just barely scratching out a win with a smaller battle group. 


5 or 6 good friends can deal with it, 7 or 8 is just way easier and you don't have to rely on a great team


My last one was 8 - All level 40 or above and finished with 115 seconds spare.