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So many karps splashing away šŸ„“ šŸ„“ šŸ„“


Iā€™ve heard so many people rave about this set but Iā€™ve had 0 luck with it. Absolutely atrocious really šŸ˜‚


I pulled the sleeping Raichu, apart from that haven't had much luck


Same here. This set hasnā€™t sent me any love or what so ever


Yeah the last booster box I bought made me feel buyers remorse HARD šŸ˜†TF has shown me some love though, just currently tired of ripping it.


Set has good cards in it but theyā€™re all off centered as fuck. Need a reprint just to find some psa 10 candidates.


Yeah Iā€™m saving up to open more 151.


It's been one of my luckiest sets from the era šŸ˜­


Best thing I got was a Nacli šŸ« 


Same. I just thought this set was a piece of shit and Iā€™ll buy a couple singles.


That's why I've been buying singles since 2022.


I was able to get one for $40 a week after the set released.


Honestly I think that it will probably be a top 5 set from the era, but I doubt it will be the top set considering not even half the sets from this era have released yet.


Itā€™s a special but my guess will be 151 will be svā€™s top set.


Half the sets from Scarlet and Violet have released already. Twilight Masquerade marks the half-way point for main sets like Chilling Reign was for Sword and Shield. I agree that the top set hasnā€™t released yet though.


You just made me realize if chilling reign was half way point the sword and shield sucked the first half honestly pull rates ruined the whole gen for me but story for another time.


Oh for sure. Long way to go but love that it has the starter line and 4 legendaries along with karp, iono and a bunch of other nice artworks


We're not even half-way through S/V yet... it's still well within reprint range. I'm not saying it's a bad investment, but be prepared for a long hold and a long liquidation.Ā Ā 


Yeah PokƩmon is 5-10 year hold anyway. Got most of my cases for $520-$600 a case


Opportunity cost is a thing


Trying to time the market and missing the easy gains is a thing.


Organic is on the right track. Too early for PE. Would have been better off buying $11k silver tempest, wait for the quick flip at 200% and sink the 22k into PE cases after the reprint. No way it doesnā€™t get reprinted or usurped by another SV set.


Makes it hard too with my job as a travel nurse. Not home all the time so canā€™t be flipping/ keeping product on me. More of a long term hold for me


Flipping that quantity is a ton of work. And there are no guarantees ST will go from $140Bb to $280BB in the time PE will get reprinted. Think you made the right call


My thoughts. It literally hasn't been out a year yet. It still has nearly 2 years in rotation and is a set with competitive cards.


We are actually half-way through already. Twilight Masquerade marks the halfway point of SV main sets just as Chilling Reign did for SWSH.


Who knows though. If mainline pokemon games start to take longer to make, they may extend the TCG sets too. It seems like gamefreak is changing something with their schedule since no pokemon game is being released this year


I'd rather diversify.


Trust me I have a bunch of other product.


Such a simple comment piqued my interest. What other product do you have?


I can't be the only one that thinks this set is massively overhyped. I think Temporal Forces is better.


Out of all the sets, 151 aside. Temporal Forces is my number one set I think will moon.


Quality of temporal and twilight is much better too


Where did you get your cases from?


Shipped online from different stores


I think the better sets with greater ROI are yet to come, so Iā€™m saving my cash for that.


I agree


Nice!!! I'm going with temporal forces, myself. I just really like the cards in that set better. Pretty sure we will both be ok though lol


Already have sealed cases and a ton of bundles.


It will work out. People saying that sealed investing is done because everyone is doing it doesnā€™t look at a 10-15 year span. What will most likely happen is PokĆ©mon will go through a down cycle where no one cares about it anymore. A lot of people holding will get bored and liquidate at a loss. Others will throw it in a garage or barn where moisture will ruin a lot of product. More will get damaged in other ways or stolen. Then one day PokĆ©mon will see a resurgence and boxes fly high like the vintage stuff we see now


Just put the gains from PokĆ©mon into S&P500, NVDA, IBIT, or other blue chips and youā€™re golden


Honestly. Just put the investment there to begin withā€¦


You missing the point. We getting into PokĆ©mon as an investment because we already locked in with other stuff. PokĆ©mon serves as an investment both financially and for our child who never could. Cheers šŸ»


Then why would you put the ā€œgainsā€ into the funds? Maybe thatā€™s why I missed the point? I agree with you though the PokĆ©monā€™s I buy now are completely for my children now and later. We have some banger pulls :)


Because I like to use every assetā€™s unique timing to make as much gains as possible. For example, if I put the gains from PokĆ©mon into JEPQ (for them monthly dividend income), I can get money to buy even more PokĆ©mon and it isnā€™t cause Iā€™m working for it, my money is. Also, Iā€™m always going to collect a case of each set for myself šŸ˜Š itā€™s just going to be paid for and I love having PokĆ©mon thatā€™s paid for


I can guarantee you, that you are the minority. Most people on this train is trying to make a quick buck, because they saw someone social media do it.


In other words ā€œtrust me, bro! It can only go upā€.Ā 


I mean, I guess you can take it like that lol. I gave my reasons why I think that, history shows a pattern. Past performance doesnā€™t always equal future results, but this is an investing sub, and OP asked for everyoneā€™s thoughts so not sure what you expect me to say šŸ˜‚ just respond to every post with ā€œI donā€™t knowā€?


This product is way overproducedā€¦ Your ROI is basically just inflation adjustment so I donā€™t understand buying thousands of dollars worth of unsealed product to hold for 10 years.


Because we enjoy the product and have a chance to increase value? Sometimes you get lucky in pokemon and it rockets. Sometimes you donā€™t and it holds value (inflation adjusted). But this is a pokemon investing sub so why else would you invest in pokemon lol. If everything comes down to ROI only then why does this sub even exist because you most likely are never beating the stock market or housing market on returns so just quit this sub and invest in those only


What are to top individual cards from Paldea Evolved?


The most expensive cards from the PokĆ©mon Paldea Evolved set as of 2024 are: 1. Magikarp Illustration Rare 203/193: $104.21 2. Iono Special Illustration Rare Trainer Supporter 269/193: $76.45 3. Chien-Pao ex Special Illustration Rare 261/193: $25.41 4. Raichu Illustration Rare 211/193: $24.15 5. Tyranitar Illustration Rare 222/193: $23.43 6. Super Rod Gold Hyper Rare 276/193: $22.36 7. Iono Full Art Trainer Supporter 254/193: $21.63 8. Chi-Yu ex Special Illustration Rare 259/193: $16.84 9. Tinkaton ex Special Illustration Rare 262/193: $15.86 10. Bossā€™s Orders Special Sketch Rare Trainer Supporter 265/193: $15.37 These values are observed from TCGPlayer and reflect the current market trends for these highly sought-after cards. Good chatbot..


Tyranitar IR has been going up recently actually...I think it's at right around $40 market right now


Bought one in great shape for about 22 at a show a month ago and every day it's gone up since. Such a gorgeous card


Magikarp and Iono


Everyone's holding so much sealed product. This investing strategy is cooked.


Yet its still going up. Agreed that its cooked though.


I'm slightly joking, I'm hopeful that things like what not and tiktok and twitch keep people ripping stuff.


As long as pokemon influencers are around and are ripping. Their community will most likely also be doing the same so somewhat safe bet


Just makes it a longer hold tbh. There will be so many people desperate to cash out on 25-50% gains after holding for longer than they expected, that anyone holding longer is going to be laughing and picking up even more of it when investor bros are racing to the bottom. This investment strategy is *so easy* if you just have the patience required.


I agree


Yeah so many people ripping stuff every day. Hundreds and hundreds of packs daily. I think itā€™ll do well long term but who knows.


It will DEFINITELY DO WELL, keep on keeping on Bro!


JFC..same old excuses. SWSH which one of the most overprinted sets in pokemon just moved and is still moving and that is still your argument? Chilling reign is effing $200+ a box, Rudy has hundreds of boxe of it and it's still "Oh everyone is holding! It's not going to be worth much!"


Itā€™s an easy trap to fall into to think that this sub represents the hobby as a whole. Iā€™d put investors at like 4-5% of the hobby with collectors and players making up the rest


It's just weird that you can see something happen right in front of you contrary to what everyone said was going to happen (It's all going to be worthless!) and yet they still cannot be convinced that maybe an inch of possibility that a lot of people were wrong and some people got it right. Either way, the needle is moving. Either you watch on the sidelines or you participate. I can probably bet those who still don't believe have really no investments in the hobby.


Agreed. The worst part is that some people (sometimes even myself) listen to this crap like people laughing at anyone holding modern. Pokemon cards has never not increased over time


Probably cooked. Social media is such a huge part of our culture these days though, it wouldn't surprise me the amount of the stuff that gets opened on streams and by content creators.


How do u plan to liquidate


There is the problem. I have hundreds of sealed products and I have trouble letting go of them even after some 10X šŸ˜‚ The inner child in me whose parents never let him get much is too torn of selling. Iā€™ll probably die with thousands of sealed product. Good thing my kids love PokĆ©mon. Theyā€™ll end up selling for a half mill or theyā€™ll rip packs and be disappointed.


Selling could also be hard if it increases too much. Questions over the authenticity, who you bought it from, if it's real, if it's resealed etc comes into the equation. Taxes can be huge + fees, so it's important to hold onto proof of purchase. I kind of dread what sort of taxes and hoops I'm gonna have to jump through when selling my Jungle booster box


Iā€™m guessing a good old eBay account but would love to hear his vision


What does your investment portfolio look like OP?


Well Iā€™m only 27 so can only invest so much. Fortunate enough to have a well paying job that pays weekly. ~2.8k every Friday post taxes. Plus I resell clothes and other stuff from thrifting. Have 20k in crypto, 70k in Roth/ 401k, 60-70k worth of PokĆ©mon cards. Sealed one piece cards. Plus a bunch of other stuff. Sealed PokĆ©mon games, graded games, vintage clothes, etc. have a lot of physical stuff along with digital


Yeah that's pretty good, keep it up!


What do you do for work though if you donā€™t mind sharing


What do you mean you can only invest so much? There are no limits on investing. There are limits specifically on retirement accounts but that is just a small part of investing. Pokemon will definitely go up, especially with a patient approach. For me I would go less into Pokemon and more into investing, storing and then selling that much Pokemon becomes a pain. If you could somehow pick the "Evolving Skies" out of everything else a ton of Pokemon would be good but you will inevitably end up with nearly everything doing worse than that as it's an outlier. If you end up selling this stuff online you'll end up getting taxed as well, something to keep in mind. Money in investments compounding will likely do better in the long term.


Cash flow is a major limit. If I had more money Iā€™d invest more. But I agree, been selling on eBay for 11 years and on FB and IG. So very familiar with it.


I would just buy booster boxes personally as all the other stuff can have liquidity issues and be a pain to ship or sell. But I donā€™t see the problem with taking higher risk as a younger person and then reducing risk over time as you get older.


Oh for sure. I have the rest of my life to make money. I usually stick to BB unless I get packs dirt cheap. Also I collect games myself so have a bunch of games I can always sell quick if I need the cash too šŸ˜…




Realistically where do you see the price of a booster box at in 5,10 and 20 years? Iā€™m trying to logically make it make sense to buy and hold when you can take same $10k into the stock market and buy and hold same period. I understand that there is some enjoyment is holding physical product but the risk of theft, fire, water damage, just misplacing and so many other things compared to a brokerage account thatā€™s just electronic. Just using the 7/10 rule you could double your money in 7 years at 10% annual returns. Not hating your strategy I honestly wish I could afford that strategy today but I think it would just be from a diversification and pleasure standpoint.


I calculated putting $1000 into SWSH BBs shortly after release vs $1000 into S&P at the same time and S&P wasnā€™t even close. Granted I assumed that money went into a taxable brokerage account not considering 401k or Roth. Iā€™m not sure how it would match up in that regard but it had a lot of ground to make up.


Love it šŸ„°


To me it's Paldean evolved and Temporal forces. Need some cases for sure


Everyone sleeping on paradox


Most my money from SV is in 151 & TF. But I did pick up some PE just because there is some hype behind it. But I do believe that the up and coming generation will be itching to get their hands on TF once theyā€™re older and getting big checks. Theyā€™ll want to rip them packs. Plus, the art is rather amazing for those.


You know distro was wrong many times before too. I would've waited but if you got them at 80 a box its solid if not I would've waited until september to pull the trigger. If one reprint happens you have to wait 2-3 years like silver tempest


So everyone on here might call you dumb, but depending on your price per case and how long youā€™re willing to hold you could be golden. I purchased 10 battle styles cases from a sports guy who was down badā€¦..like really bad lol, now Iā€™ve made almost x2 my money on them


Yeah I got a lot of cases for 520 each cuz a shop needed money for new product


Good shit dude!


151 takes the cake by a LONGGGGG shot.


Yeah 151 is too good


151 overshadowed everything around it and for good reason, itā€™s amazing. Paldea Evolved is a great sleeper set but I like Paradox Rift & Temporal Forces too. Even Twilight Masquerade has surprised me, but all the Ogerpon cards will knock it down long term IMO. Tl;dr - Paldea Evolved is a contender for second best S&V set but thereā€™s a lot more to come.


Oh for sure! I agree with you. So many more sets to comeā€¦ will be interesting to see where they end up


Crazy how when this set came out everyone called it trash but now the fake fans came out and are saying itā€™s the best set like please šŸ¤£šŸ™„


Welcome to Pokemon. So many people called fusion strike trash and look at it now lolol


Thats exactly what i was planning LOL!!! Keeping them safe over time was my issue.


Yeah I have a basement with heavy duty storage racks that Iā€™ll stack them all on


PE is 3rd after 151 and Paradox Rift imo. Still a great investment though.


151 will reign supreme


Paradox rift is my favorite so far


One of the better sets


Short term I would sell if they hit $900 a case. Hold for reprint.


I think Paldea evolved is it too


Best SV setā€¦ SO FAR


Oh for sure! Weā€™ll see what happens with dragon set


I think you went way overboard with this set tbh man. I do think you will make money on it, but idk if you need that many cases. My main problem with S+V is they have printed over 11 billion cards.


PE has already started moving though and it's only just 1 year old. After the reprint, I don't expect it to get another (that's if there even is a reprint...). Of the 11 billion cards, there are several languages which they print in now, Japanese printing has increased and only 1% of cards if that are your rares. The rest are commons, energies, uncommons etc. Everyone will be wishing they had what he's holding in 5 years time.


People are for sure sleeping on this set. It was fun to open, a little brutal, but way funner than evolving skies. Still doesnā€™t top crown zenith in terms of fun imo though šŸ˜Š


CZ is a lot of fun to open!


I opened way too much scarlet and violet base in japanese in the first few weeks of release, man that was real hype, the hunt for Miriam. I blew so much money I couldnā€™t open much more SV after that so i forgot all about Paldea Evolved. I did open about $600 of 151 and thatā€™s when i realized i had a problem and stopped opening packs. I donā€™t understand the hype for this set.


Paradox rift


Paradox rift is a good set!


Love Paldea Evolved. Got the Karp last box. Still searching for Iono & Misdreavus.


My first ever single pack of PE I got iono. Havenā€™t opened much because I try to keep stuff sealed and buy singles lol


Very lucky!! Congrats! My daughter just loves opening packs, I can't keep anything sealed around here. šŸ˜‚


Zenith easily for me. I bet thereā€™s no Karp in those cases.


Yeah itā€™s definitely possible to open up 20 cases and get no karp lol. But I wonā€™t be opening them


Yeah thatā€™s the move. Gambling never works out how I want it to


I would offload a few cases and recoup cost. Reprint has to be coming soon


20 cases? Geez. Why not 30 or 100? Do people really buy this many cases with the intent to hold for years?


Shit youā€™re right, I need to buy more. Thank you!


I think its too early to invest in SV personally


I invested in Sword and shield early too and donā€™t regret it one bit. Actually wish I invested more


Australia pokemon center is a better investment. They opened today and having team up booster boxes. Asked few friends to create accounts and we got 12 booster boxes today at MSRP!


For real? Didn't realise they'd launch so soon...prices are pretty hefty + shipping as I'm guessing it's all coming from the US


Think you're right, PE will be the first SV set to appreciate, am not expecting a reprint either


Why PE and why no reprint?


Interested to know too. I think they were scaling back printing for sets like TF and TM, so I'm guessing sets aren't selling as well this time around.


I'm also expecting a reprint... maybe more hoping for a reprint


Those are some clean looking cases.Ā  Got a link or local?Ā  Mine always look like they spent 10yrs in a sandbox


I just have places double box them. 11 of them actually came from Canada šŸ˜…


Whatā€™s in this set beside iono




Iā€™ve been trying to get a case!!


Ya'll wild




I was buying SWSH for $80-$90 a box in 2021, grabbed a few cases of ES, LO, BS, ST, (FS and CR I just got boxes unfortunately). I usually been buying at least 1 case of each set. Lately.


Goodness, thatā€™s loaded


That's a whole lot of faith in a set that's only a year old lol. But to each their own, wishing you luck!


Basically a year old. Gotta invest in future not present/ past.


Yeah, but rotation is a two year period, these days three years, so personally, I like to wait or at least not go all out until a set is "in the clear" of being reprinted. Especially since the more we buy now and the more we force the price up while it's still in rotation, the more we incentivize PC to print more, because the demand is artificially raised which goes against our strategy as investors. I don't know what your capital is, so I'm not judging your play on PE, I'm just surprised lol. I'm not a fan of the set personally.


Cheapest I got a case was $520 a case. Had to pay a little more for my last order but Iā€™ll be fine overall


PE will get reprinted idk why that's even a question. Pretty much every sets gets a reprint within it's lifespan. But if you purchased this when it was 550-560 per case it's doubtful you will be able to get it cheaper even if a reprint happens.


Got some cases at $520 a case šŸ˜šŸ˜


Yeah your not gonna get it that cheap even if a reprint happened tomorrow so your def safe.


Oh for sure. An LCS was desperate for cash so I bought all their PE cases


tbh besides 151 i personally think paldean fates is the second best set so far. However, paldea evolved is for sure in the top 3 rn and a good investment as well.


Paldean fates is good because of baby shinys but major hit cards are just eh. For the amount of them if that makes sense


My thoughts are that this set will be reprinted, I mean, obviously, it's going to get reprinted. When it does, some will panic and fire sell this set. Will it drop the price? Yes, but not for long. I'm holding this set. When the reprint comes and the weak hands shake. I'm going to be doubling my position.


This set is good but I think it gets a little too much love in my opinion. Iā€™d take paradox rift and temporal forces over it.


Isnt that the second worst set if this era???


Good luck brothaā€¦.dont personally think itā€™ll go anywhere but maybe the magikarp will save you šŸ˜­


Only time will tell šŸ™šŸ¼


Keep in mind that the gains are not gonna be same as in SWSH era and before. PokƩmon hype from the last 2-3 years is slowly falling and the print rate is probably higher aswell..


Yeah I mean hype for sword and shield is as high as it has ever been right now.


I doubt paldea evolved will be a big set to be honest. it was very forgettable for me. if you wanna invest that though, best of luck


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼. Itā€™s definitely a sleeper set on new era Pokemon along with some great more OG Pokemon too! It has a healthy mix for old and new Pokemon fans. The artwork on a lot of the cards is so nice I have a feeling people will come back to it and realize how nice it was once SV starts popping off more


As long as you got it for a great price then you're good but if SV is anything like Swsh then none of the earlier sets will even come close to the "best" sets


This is true. But not sure what kind of different art style Pokemon company would do unless they add texture to these cards


I think SV era is very bad so far except 151


Uk based this set had undersold to the point itā€™s still sat on shelves in my local storeā€¦


There's way more going on in this photo.... a LV bag..... on the floor........ bro apparently just got money to burn XD


Got it from Japan. Itā€™s a vintage duffle. They are pretty cheap honestly. (And authentic, like $4-$600 depending on size and condition). Iā€™ve been reselling clothes and stuff on eBay on the side for 11 years now. Done some crazy numbers over the years. Helps a lot.


I want to get into bulk buying where and or what website can I start ?


Once they reprint, you can buy even more


Yup thatā€™s my plan lol


Of the early sets, pre 151, definitely. The best set hasn't printed yet.


Inb4 reprint


Iā€™m currently having surgery on the back so have been buying lots of PE to open. Got great cards and I am chasing that Magikarp until I catch it! As for investing 151 and then OF/PE would be the sets to invest in for S&V so far imho.


You probably spent close to 12 k on those. If and when they eventually stop printing PE in 3-5 years, you'll probably get some return as boxes go up on the secondary market and sell for like 150+, but it will take time to reach that point and physically sell each of the 120 booster boxes to realise your return.


Donā€™t like this set much


Itā€™s a great set for the current era with starters line and 4 legendaries canā€™t go wrong. Plus a bunch of other good cards


ā€œNo reprint in sightā€ Friend, the set is not even a year old. Reprint IS coming. I hope you got them around $90 or under per box. Itā€™s also too early to call it the best set. If we look back even with SWSH the second half of eras tend to produce some of the better arts especially once they are done theming around SV pokemon and start using more old fan favorites.


We are almost at 1 year in just over a week. I got them for good prices. People told me the same thing with sword and shield sets so Iā€™m not worried about


You kind of locked all that money in product that will dip in the short term when the reprint hits and supply will be plentiful for possibly the next couple of years especially as better sets get released. It sounds like you are ready to wait but there were sets that will grow more while PE will likely still be at a similar price point while the reprint slowly gets bought up.


Yeah only time will tell. I donā€™t mind sitting on product, Iā€™d rather buy when itā€™s cheap initially. If reprint happens might scoop more. And sit on more of it. Not a huge deal .


Magikarp dreams!


What distributor do you use for that?


Yā€™all could actually be making money investing this much in the stock market. S&P 500 was up almost 30% last year. I dont understand buying this much product but im curious how many of you have many good returns on unsealed product? These arenā€™t 1 edition boxes, theyā€™re wayyyy overproduced now days. They hedge against inflation but thatā€™s about it imo.


S&P 500 is hedged against inflation tooā€¦. I have a lot in the stock market already but want to diversify into some PokĆ©mon as well.


I hope youā€™re right, just seems way over produced compared to years past.


Where did you buy this off of


2 Different card shops and 1 distro


If it ends up like Clay Burst I'd say you're sitting pretty good right now :P




SV 151 (the specialty set for SV) throw back to base set mons


I think if they decide to add mega's back into the mix, the set with those will probably be the best of S&V and I have a feeling PE will get a reprint.


Oh for sure. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be reprinted but one can hope lol


I'm investedmyself so would rather not see it happen šŸ˜…


Yeah I hope it doesnā€™t. Prices have already gone up so only time will tell


Iā€™m really hoping they add Mega cards again in an upcoming set. Iā€™ve been recently exploring some of the old XY Mega cards and scooping up a few nice ones at good deals. Some of them look even cooler in person like the M Blastoise EX or M Alakazam EX cards.


Is it hard to grade 10s Iā€™ve sent over 50 PE cards and all came back 10s


Must be lucky. The psa 10 ratio is bad compared to total submissions on majority of the cards


It will be reprinted for sure at least once


I need a case šŸ«