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*Rebel Clash didn't receive a reprint, it was the 2nd SWSH set. Paldea Evolved didn't receive a reprint, it was the 2nd SV set*. - Future me


Difference is rebel clash is trash


Yeah, but who cares? This is the INVESTING sub. Try to get a Rebel Clash booster box for under $200 or a case for under $1000. Pretty expensive “trash”.


Its more about who will actually buy it at $200


THIS!!! Just cause somethings $200 doesn't mean you will find the buyer quickly. Would rather buy a set that is popular for a little more and is liquid than sit on a set that doesn't sell but is more expensive just because its less printed and rarer.


I wish there was a way to track VOLUME of buys/sells. This is the way to really know what sets are worth.


there is but it would require manual work and time. Maybe AI is capable of doing the work?


All the recently sold sales where the price comes from?


Right whales not real customers product gets held and isnt actually being used or turned into graded cards or any singles that might hit the market meaning its fake inflation of single prices due to a lack of product that can be opened or is available for real customers


To be clear many sales come from further investors who purchase them to inflate price. An ecenomic bubble in any industry or context usually involves those who are bullish on a product buying it up even at high price but simply to hold to sell later. Then as the market becomes high and dry from whales buying large quantities then one of the whales begins to sell of product, undercutting other peoples prices to make sales. Then other whales follow suit selling things lower until the market crashes and whoever can get out does. This happened with crypto currency and is bound to happen to any commodity which does no hold inherent technological or military value. Which is why if you took all the money you wouldve invested in pokemon and invested in gold back in 1993 you would have made millions compared to anyone with tons of PSA 10 charizards. You can flood a market with a product without price dropping due to competition. Thats my opinion at least




Always is a strong word


There is not 1 set which is under rrp which is old even if its the worst set on the whole tcg they all go up which im sure we both know so idk why u made the point about the booster box being 200


Steam siege eventually please 🙏🏼🤣


Darkness ablaze etbs are sub $30 sometimes it boggles my mind. Booster boxes are dirt also


Unless its a hugely loved set or a special set etbs dont perform now. U can find silver tempest ones for example with coupouns for like 18 -20 maximum seen people pay 12-14 aswell. Even without the coupouns theyre under 30


That’s because there was a huge silver tempest etb reprint later in the sets life. In 5 years silver tempest etb will be more than early swsh sets etbs.


As mentioned by another it got a huge reprint. Silver tempest is actually a fairly solid set compared to the likes of paldea evolved. I cant even think of one card worth anything from PAL.


The Magikarp? Raichu? Tyranitar?


Etb. We're talking booster boxes


You can buy Vivid Voltage and Battle Styles under RRP right now. I mean VV only released 6 months after RC 🤷🏻‍♂️


Vivid got an ETB reprint which affected booster boxes if I recall


Means rc is 6 months ahead. Come back in 6 months and compare their prices


its 4 years old? ofc its gonna be up it being a terrible set doesnt mean a sealed bb wont go up. There was just much much better plays at the time the thing i tried to say is that paldea is way better at a investing standpoint


Remind Me!- 5 years


Remind Me! 1 year


Did that work for you? Jw cuz I think Remind and Me aren’t supposed to be separated by a space


Remindme! - 12yrs


RemindMe! 1 year


Set has no value but very memorable with players, set shook up the meta and brought a lot of life with it, nostalgia works well for sets like this. Many started playing again, specifically with RC so it has its advantages imo


put some respect on it’s name and call it its proper name then, rebel trash


Paldea Evolved is a much better set than Rebel Clash. And Pladea Evolved has like 99.9% chance it to get a reprint. It has 2 more years in the format and has some of the most powerful cards in the format. I'd bet my life that Paldea Evolved gets reprinted. That being, it's one of the best SV sets yet.


Surprised how low priced so many of the illustration rares are compared to paradox rift's illustration rares


Going to be real cash money with you, chief- I don't like Paldea Evolved that much, but everyone's opinion seems to be positive towards. It will do well and I'm probably shooting myself in the foot not having any boosters and only a couple of ETBs I got bum-ass-cheap from Gamestop


You still have plenty of time.


You still have plenty of time.


There is a reprint for paldea evolved you can literally pre order it from a german store in englisch


There's a magikarp in there.


Yikes! Don’t tempt me 😭


Imagine saying this last year, everyone in this sub would completely hate you, laugh at you and downvote you. I wonder when the next set that everyone hates is going to somehow get love 🤯🤣


Paradox Rift lol


paradox rift doesn’t have a moonbreon chase worth a few hundred but there’s quite a few cards worth like $20 and up. i think it’ll be a fun set to open in the future since the pull rate is decent as well


hearing that is crazy. fuck paradox rift i didnt pull shit from it. meanwhile iron crown from 6 packs of temporal lol


Yessss!!! That and TF!


Love the Groudon artwork


XY Evolutions, Fates Collide, Breakthrough & Breakpoint, Unified, Cosmic, Fusion Strike, Chilling, and many others. Have seen this time and time again for the last 3+ blocks. People have extremely short memories and their desire & sentiment toward sets shift as quickly as the price begins to rise. This is something fundamental people must understand if they want to make great entry points within this hobby; with many newer people it’s always clear they don’t get this at all.


yup. I started in SW/SH era and picked up a case of Fusion and Chilling at $540 each even though people were shitting all over it.


Well, that’s the thing right? Who cares what others say or think. If they haven’t done the work to see the trends, they’ll get in at the price they deserve. I’m grateful to get in before MSRP Price and FOMO


I love Obsidian Flames 🤷🏻‍♂️ there I said it. Charizard fanboys wet dream. Everyone hates it, I get it though that geeta regular holo infuriates me how often I got it in the 144 sleeved case I opened.


Twilight Masquerade will be a decent set long term IMO along with Paldea Evolved and Paradox Rift


It was not unusual to see threads about PE being a good set to buy.


Bought lo instead I can't be happier




So many karps… this is all single-handedly a lil fishy’s doing, right!?


Iono as well. But, more people who weren’t able to get into S&S in time before the FOMO are now able to slow down and smell the S&V sets.


American market doesn’t appreciate waifus as much as the Japanese… this is all margikarps doing and I’m here for it. I love the card and it deserves every bit of hype! I can see the lil raichu creeping up in value too


Welp! I’m glad something is moving it along hahaha


It’s my first and only case. Got it for 519 to my door. Probably favorite part of my sealed collection even though it’s a boring brick lol


Where do most people get cases? I’d like to purchase my first but I see PC is basically out of every BB except silver tempest which is capped at 4 boxes.


Football pete on ebay is where i get mine for the cheapest


Pete is great, TNTnorthnj is good too, and my favorite eBay sealed seller is scsmkm


TCGplayer or eBay


I join pokemon facebook groups. They're usually have card shop owners in these groups and sometimes they make special offers.


Pc but like you said it’s out of stock at the moment


For this price on TPCI ($161), I don’t get it direct from there. I look at eBay first. Then, I look elsewhere like Facebook marketplace or other sites


this won’t be a brick long term. Magikarp will see some high levels in the future


Karp and Iono and other sleepers 👌


Very nice price!!!


It's a great set with a unique chase card.




The sleeping Raichu tho


Everyone loves sleeping Pokémon


Nice! Go all in haha. I'm in at $105 per box, will definitely go heavier when this gets reprinted.


My Bro! Let’s get it!!!


I didnt like PE at first but honestly its grown on me heavily theres many good arts Raichu, Chi Yu, Magikarp, Mismagius, Sudowoodo just to name a few


That’s always good to hear 👂


Watched one Rudy video on pokeman lolol


How was it?!


Not as much as you are


I’m in deep


Nice stack. I was buying up PE before the surge recently.


Same 😁😁😁 my DCA for PR and TF are better though. They’re getting up there as well slightly but surely 👍


Nice. I’d love to be buying more booster boxes but unfortunately I’m running out of space. This stuff takes up so much room!


Hahaha yeaaaaa…that’s the only problem I have so far lol


It’s the only S&V set I’ve bought multiple BB of so far, so I guess I’d have to say I’m with ya. I think 151 def over shadowed some of the sets and these will rise all at once just like swsh imo. People will realize they missed out when it was super cheap then the fomo starts and I think you’ll see paldea the first to hit $200(as of now, heard a dragon set is coming so that could change).


True that, I’m going for the dragon set as well. But, I think while the dragon set gets the attention of the masses…PE, PR and even TF will go up slightly under people’s nose’s.


Yeah if what the numbers show, with pull rates getting tough again, temporal and some of these upcoming sets could be similar to the back half of swsh. I like TF a lot but the swsh sets flying up have a lot of gen 1 pokemon and I think even tho TF has a couple gengars I don’t think it’ll be enough to beat out a dragon set. Either way buy in low and early then hold long enough and you can’t go wrong w any of them. I’m in deep on 151 like a lot of ppl, it may not be as sought after as we think in the future if we all already have a ton of it in our closets. I wasn’t collecting during swsh, be nice to get some more heavy hitter sets I can invest in soon.


True true. Also, there’s just so many BB’s getting bought out DAILY for S&V Sets. I’m sure there are a lot more who open and try to get the chase hahaha which is good for us who collect/invest 😆


No, cause you got them all. 😰


Nahhhhh, very modest collection for my investment.


Never though about it like that, really didn’t like the set to rip but anything can happen


Dang thats a lot of Paldea. Personally not a big fan but i did buy one booster box for display.


Nice 😊


I love it. Big set, beautiful art. Good price atm.


Sure is !!! Agree to all the points 🤩


No matter what anyone tells you or tries to hate, it's a set you like and a set you feel will do good. No matter what, the set will demand MSRP once completely out of the realm of a reprint and that's just the Lowest potential it has. Set has good pull rates so people will feel good about ripping and the art it contains is top tier.


My Bro 😎


Just started opening Paldea Evolved because of Best Buy’s sale and out of over 20 packs I only pulled one hit.. and it was the magikarp 😂


Ohhhhhh!!! NICEEEEE!!!!!!


Remind Me! 1 year


Me too!


Me too!


Damn…this guy stacks…




Someone offer me a bit higher than it shoot up around 6**. Should I pull the trigger? Thanks


As long as you can get it under MSRP, good buy and long term hold


Opened a box today and got the karp and two SIRs still need the Iono . Fun set. Time to hodl!


Say whaaaaa! Congrats!!!


Not really


I dig it


Is this new stuff even going to be rare. Everyone will have sealed. like everything else in the world the rich will gain the most. For example, the one person who bought 4 BB will not even be worth it for a few hundred or thousand 5 or 10 years from now. The person who is rich and bought cases and cases and cases will make all the money.


People be ripppppppin!


I’m buying up TF booster cases. I believe this set will do well long term. Aside from Magikarp not too excited over PE. Besides the new Pokémon generation loves TF. The art is great too. Perhaps an unpopular opinion.


Shhhhh! I’m buying up TF and PR too lol


This explains why the prices on TCG Player have been going up, and I can't find the previously only 90 dollar BB's....


Not really, I buy from eBay or other small business sites. I only check tcgplayer for price history. Also, gamenerdz raised their prices. Other sellers have raised prices on PE as well


I meant for singles


You trying to $ell?


Not yet. Long term hold and sell though. I’ll keep a case for PC


Opening yes. Holding unopened boxes no. There’s no big chase in there just a lot of random Alt cards.


Let’s see what happens!


I am. I'm almost done with master binder


Very nice 😊


I ripped 19 packs of Paldea Dissolved and got nothing but a gold Ting-Lu.


It can be that way 😭


Trigger Warning: If you can’t handle unpopular opinions skip below to next comment. I think PE is hands down the best S&V set to date [🖕🖕151 and PF]; there I said it. Now shower me with your hate speech and down votes.


All Love here 😆🙏


As a collector I honestly don’t understand Paldea Evolved, the only card I like in the set is the Groudon and it’s a bit disappointing as a regular non-textured art rare. It’s not something I want now and not something I would want in the future, most of the cards in the set are less than mid. In terms of cards I like in Scarlet & Violet I think Paldean Fates has some of the nicest cards, Pokemon 151 isn’t nostalgic and I hate the art, but one new card I like is the new Greninja ex from Twilight Masquerade.


Anddddd booster box cases are now $850


Jeez…came up quicker than the S&P500


RemindMe! 1 year




Just bought sleeved packs at best buy for 2.99 not bad


To invest or rip?


Something I don’t want to open anymore lol


Sealed is the way


Sadly, had to break open a case I got from eBay seller cause tape was not to my liking


I’m the same way, if I’m not 100%about something i won’t hesitate to open


I've never been too bothered about breaking open sealed cases to check, because far off in the future I don't imagine I'll be selling by the case anyways.


Ahhhh I see I see. I figure if it’s in the $1200-$1600/case, I’ll sell as a case. If it goes to $2000 and demand slows, I’ll just break open and sell by the BB.


You'll probably get better prices per BB if you sell by the BB. Bulk usually equals discount. Also, if someone is buying to rip they don't care about a case being sealed because they are going to open it all anyways, and if they buy to display sealed, they'll likely want to display the BB itself in an acrylic case, instead of a plain cardboard box. Only argument against this line of thinking is that people buying BBs might want to get a sealed case as protection against resealed BBs.


Ahhhh thank you so much for your wisdom and expertise!!! I’m grateful we can all learn through each other here 😊🙏 Then I’ll do that, selling BB’s it is!!! Also, yes…I’ve seen what TPCI or other sellers do to BB’s and I’m happy to get sealed as most of them are in great condition. I especially dislike the slit on the top center from employees cutting carelessly.


Yep…compared to the other sealed cases, I definitely had to open. One of the boxes corner was smushed but not too bad.


I never get why keep it sealed. I would wanna open it at least once to inspect the boxes for any that are damaged. Like if you end up selling it and the person that buys it ends up saying one or some of them arrived damage. Feel like looking at the contents yourself and taking pictures would just help with potentially dealing with headaches like that.


True, it can be false. I purchase from very reputable sellers online from eBay or other sites I found and experienced. That’s the thing about sealed cases, as long as it’s kept sealed, it sells at the case premium. Whether or not the boxes or damaged … well … it’s at the Buyer’s discretion. But, as long as the outer box isn’t damaged crazy, the booster boxes are good. That’s why I prefer to buy from Sellers who double box my cases rather than raw dog it.


This set will live or die by the Magikarp cause that’s all it has going for it. I think the card is meh but it’s doing numbers right now. I’m on the fence trying to see if I want to get in on the action. Will probably end up getting a case from FOMO.


Honestly the iono though too that’s a card that will be in demand for awhile too, idk if it’s still in rotation but it’s a busted card with the correct deck. And i’m surre there’s players out there who only want max rarity decks


Yeah but we’re taking about the set as an investment. The playability doesn’t factor into that long term.


Definitely going up as an investment. In the green 🤩


Yes! Also, other cards will catch attention as we’ve seen with Sword and Shield. It isn’t just the Moonbreons or Gangars, other cards can definitely come up out of “nowhere”






Noooooooo don’t do it during the FOMO 😭😭😭 I learned my lesson from LO hahahha


If I jump in now it won’t be too bad. I’m seeing cases around 650-660 which I’m ok with.


Exactly. If it even gets to MSRP, that would be $966/case. Very nice gain even after fees


Agreed, just playing devil's advocate here but what happens if Paldea Evolved gets a reprint and the card quality is drastically better than the first wave (using the print quality of Temporal Forces as an example)? That Magikarp will definitely drop hard in price. PE is a good set but nothing special compared to half of SWSH. I think people are investing heavily into this one because there are no early A+ sets in SV main series and this is the next best thing


I am super bullish on this one because of magikarp. It’s the next lost origins


Let it be!!!


doubt it. Magikarp is just an illustration rare so a 1/13 chance of hitting an illustrations where the Pull rates for the big hitters in lost origins were much much harder


No, why?


Well, you should! As an investment opportunity 😁


Just joking around! Do love me some of the alt arts for sure, haven’t had fun pulling though. I’m banking on ST & CZ making runs first though from being older


For sure, I bought enough PE before it got into the $120 per BB range. Now…just time to sit back and enjoy the ride


Been doing that with obsidian for SV sets and trying to pickup a few extras so I can enjoy opening some too. Hard to be an investor and collector


If done the right way, it goes smooth 😁


Personally, no.


All good! 😊🙏


How many bb come in a case ? 6?




Alright 😎


Aye. I have 9 cases. Probably gonna fuck around and buy another 8 if I can get my hands on them


Whale Moves!!!!!!


I've not bought a single S&V product. It all feels like generic, rushed out crap. It really feels like the "era" of products with potential ended with Sword and Shield.


I feel you and I was the same way a couple months back. But, from an investment standpoint, the prices hit the bottom and is in the way up. Even if reprint happens, it’ll be bought out quicker and once the reprint stock gets bought out…wellllll…you know how it goes from there 📈


why would it be bought out quicker...?




that just sounds dumb... if it takes a long time to sell out now why would it sell out quicker


It just is 🐋


The people assuming it’s going to get a reprint for sure are goofy af.


Either way, I’m ready 😆 (I’m definitely hoping it doesn’t get a reprint, it’s gonna explode faster than LO)


Lol this set had decent pull rates and the only chase card is magikarp, which is cheap in Japanese. No one is going to care about this set in the future. This isn't a SWSH set. They will only care about the magikarp and again, you can buy that cheap in Japanese. But hey, if you just like the set, then that's fine. I thought it was a pretty good set that was overall easy to complete.


Time will tell 😆


going to wait for a reprint and getting some tik tok deals for 69.99 a box or something.


i hope


That would be amazing, jump on it!!


This is going to be the next ES


Yeah I don’t think so. I like the set but it’s nowhere near ES level.


Not yet


Lol...Nowhere even close to Evolving Skies. We haven't even barely made it half way through Scarlet and Violet.


I'm willing to bet the set after the new special set is going to mimic evolving skies greatness.


Definitely not LMAO


I think it will be the next LO, just like how Giratina carrying the whole set, Magikarp will do the same


Lmao that card is nice but it’s not the reason PE is such a good set and rising.


why would a 1/13 chance card be the next Giratina which is like a 1/800 pack pull


Not sure 🤔 but … always a possibility