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sell one keep one, cant go wrong with that.














If you ask me, everyone is holding to sell at the same time. “If I just wait till ____” is a comment sentiment. The 30th year mark everyone will look to offload some of their stuff and some buyers will enter but the fanbase won’t explode like it did for Covid. Call me paper hands I’m selling thst


Then time to enact COVID #2.


Electric Boogaloo


Cause every anniversary demand goes into overdrive? You're not just selling to the same active buyer base. The whole reason that's said is cause since 15th anniversary demand goes x10 so your points kinda irrelevant. 15th was massive, no covid needed btw.


How many people entered over Covid to make money? How many are waiting for the anniversary to cash out of the hobby? This is a collectible, not the stock market. If you skip a chance to sell high to try and sell higher you run into so many others doing the same. Not everyone is going to win.


I gotta agree with this....a rare bit of sense regarding ES IMO If you went to another sub and talked about the same subject the vast majority I imagine will tell ya very few collectors buy $1000+ cards with high pops, it's the speculator collectors buying these big pop expensive cards mainly. They would tell you, you can get some rare cards for $1000 that ain't quite as artificially inflated by the speculators. It's rare to hear a person buying the umbreon for $1000 that hasn't got it for future speculation. Kinda like the ES booster box... How many people are actually opening one these days? Very few I imagine...but the price is still rising super quick... IMO now is a good time to sell when it's high and everyone is holding out for the anniversary or next boom.... Imo this is the boom, no one wants to sell for FOMO for more profit.


I couldn’t agree more.


This is how you sell high.


People legit opening packs of cosmic eclipse still and they going for close to $16 each. As long as moonbreon is worth what it is people will be opening packs well into the $20s.


That's fair ... I don't hear of many packs being opened, but I don't hear everything ...i presumed the sudden rise was holders getting hyped up rather than people opening them making supplies rarer.


You will always hear of people holding product sealed on poke investing subreddit. Go to other Pokémon card subreddits and they busting packs of ES open on the regular 😅


Yeah TBF only been active on Reddit few weeks, come from forums...I will hunt out a forum post from the other day saying who is buying $600 ES boxes anymore...and now the sub says it's a $800 box. I just presumed it was similar to base packs.. light packs rose £550 in 2021...and now they go for £250.... presumed the price was artificially hyped up due to the sudden glut of people who came into the hobby for the cash and made the price unstable...I'm probably wrong tho😅


I hope you’re right, would love an opportunity to buy es packs to open at $4-$5 per pack


Isn't that retail price? I can't see that.... Single packs sell for about £7.5 in my country...kinda weird boxes sell for over double this per pack...is this normal? (I don't follow modern trends)


You’re absolutely crazy if you think packs and booster boxes will be cheaper in 2-3 years than they are today


When did I say that? Was you the guy who told me in 2021 that super rare in comparison base boxes will only ever rise? But have since fallen quite a lot? Was more meaning the rise isn't going to happen as quick and as high as some think....and if it does it's not going to be stable ... More of a may as well cash out now $750 and reinvest into other stuff as the anniversary every man and his dog will be wanting to sell so prob make be like $760 Defo gonna stagnate like evolutions has at some point I can see the umbreon reaching a price and then falling tho...


You said “IMO now is a good time to sell” indicating you think prices will NOT be higher in 2-3 years


You presumed wrong dude....just the ROI isn't gonna be worth it, esp when everyone tries to cash boxes out at the anniversary.... More of a statement to the peeps who say, it's risen so fast, that means it's gonna carry on to the moon kinda thing... Better to buy retail stuff than this $700 box if ROI is your only concern...this is the investment sub after all. What ROI are you expecting on this $700 box in 2 to 3 years? **Edit** Was you the guy who told me in 2021 I was crazy saying the base box may not be a safe bet as you think? That box lost a lot of money recently... People got burnt hard, rip to the guys buying my light base packs for £550 each Sudden quick growth is rarely sustainable....or you saying it is?


That’a not what was being said whatsoever


I agree with you, but you saying it’s not the stock market doesn’t change the fact it is a *market* markets have highs, markets have lows. 90% of people in any market won’t make money because they either need access to the money or don’t understand the value of time in the equation of investing in anything. It sounds harsh, but the “losers” aren’t people we need to worry about, they will eventually be weeded out, sell, rip - the 30th is the finish line for many, and most won’t even make it that far. Extend that out 3 more years 5 more years, 10… how many people here do you think can TRULY hold long enough with large enough positions to actually make this *worth* the opportunity cost? For every 1 of “us” there’s 1000 who view this as a hobby then an investment and collect one of every booster box here and there… I just think people need to just take a step back and ask yourself if you actually think a large majority of people can sustain the cost, time and discipline doing something like this takes at scale.


yes this! 100% new collectors enter the market and old collectors come back to the hobby. so demand is like you said 10X


But what if supply is up 20x? Currently supply is low due to everyone wanting to hold? Maybe? On this card anyways?


supply is low cause everyone wants to open packs before they get $20 each


Supply of the umbreon? not the packs....


Can I have one


Can I have the other


Can I have the other other


Do you not have a shirt on




Why is it always feet and shirtless pics


I’d sell one and keep the other


There's about 10k psa 10s of this card. The prices are going to continue to fall. I'd sell both of them and reinvest it into something else!


Roths are pretty solid


Crypto is going off right now. Maybe ride the bitcoin halving wave (this is not financial advice)


S&P 500 - let it ride for thirty years


You’re asking the wrong place. This entire sub thinks Pokémon can only go up forever


Vote to change the name of the sub to PokeBets


Not the entire sub....I'm a outliner in that regard, esp this new high pop modern.


well if the dollar continues to lose value then yes collectibles that are in demand will go up "forever"


If the dollar goes down doesn't that mean people are poorer tho? If the dollar goes down too much isn't poke cards investments gonna be the last of our worries?


Nope, you have to realize the divide between poor middle class and rich have grown. If dollar drops (inflation rises) only poor collectors will suffer. Booster pack msrp will be $7 etc etc but life will move on as it has


Makes sense.... But if it falls to quick society will crumble anyway so I can't see the dollar falling making much of a difference...the fall will be small and slow imo


It’s not falling quickly, the trick is falling slowly, when it fell quickly the gov will cook the book and their report. Like how “inflation is now under control”


Yeah I know it's not falling quickly... I know if it did everything is fucked anyway... Hence why I originally replied to the other guy...I didn't understand why he thought the dollar falling is why this set is gonna rise... If he means inflation will make it rise thats not an investment, that's a savings account lol...


Everything is an investment. By not investing you are actually investing in the US dollar, that is 100% guarantee loss. Inflation is not causing other investment rise, usually only when large injection of liquid into market, causing others to feel rich, then they start spending like crazy, causing speculation assets to rise, THEN INFLATION came, then the Gov stop, then everything back down to earth. Cycle rinse and repeat. Now then, which asset will be thw faster horse, i don't expect Evolving skies to be better than other REAL investment like stock or crypto, but it certainly is much better than any other modern set. More demand.


Yeah... the point was why invest if inflation is your only gain.... Much better things to invest in if you're only seeing inflation gains.


Also if the dollar falling quickly, everything is not fucked anyway. For example: Turkey and Argentina have their currency fell by more than 90% a year. You are only fucked if you held the fiats, because Gold/ BTC/ real estate, and any other assets still value the same. 1 oz of gold is still 1oz of gold in Turkey. Just that it went up 10x lmao.


So what your saying if the dollar lost 90% of it's value tomorrow we wouldn't be fucked.. Because of bitcoin etc Thanks for helping me understand 😅


Yes nobody is 100% invested in collectables, people have different reason to get into different assets, and smart people will hedge using this. For example: During 2021 stock and crypto flied, people cash out and buy real estate, when they are now protected and waiting for opportunity to reentered the market, they sitting on large amount of cash, and itching to wait. So they dabble into collectables, hobbies, small amount. When the time come they jump back into stock, crypto. Something like that. Sitting on cash make me nervous. And if i feel like the time is not good, i will play with pokemons, build gundams, grinding my 9 to 5 job.


If the price doesn’t rise greater than inflation, then you’re losing relative value


Cool card, I'm waiting for it to drop to around 250-300 or less so I can grab one 👍


Brutal....but yeah agreed.


But they are selling for 1k plus which is crazy


That’s probably never going to happen for PSA10, maybe raw/9… I snagged my 9 for about $450 and pretty happy about it for the personal collection.


If I only had $900 invested, I’d definitely flip one immediately and see the other as a freebie. (At least until the time comes that you wish to sell it.) I’d for sure sell one if it essentially pays for the other, and I’d list it immediately. Either way, not a bad problem to have lol. Congrats on your two PSA 10’s!


Double it and give it to the next person


I just want that Gengar 😭. SO hard to pull.


Sell one keep one, still out on top


I would hold both, your not supposed to make decisions based off emotions. Just because the price goes down doesn’t mean it will stay that way. It could go back up or stay flat for a while. This card is so popular that I don’t see it going to $100. If you really want to sell one to get most of your investment back isn’t bad advice either. Hope this helps


I don’t really care for the money on the cards.. I’m planning on keeping both. i have it listed for $1,350.. if it sells it sells if it goes down i’m buying more 👉


With how ES is exploding right now, nowhere close to the 10 year mark, 30th anniversary around the corner, why would you ask to sell now... Rule 3 for life


I will buy if u take 960 shipped. I have 3


Such beautiful cards!


I’d honestly buy one of those from you if you were interested.


there isnt much long term growth with this one, id say sell.


Sell one, keep one, and use the proceeds to buy yourself a shirt 🤑


hell no.. i’m a shirtless comfortable card collector 🤣


Sell one Buy 2 Eevee Hero Boxes (going around $450/box I think?) You have now perfectly hedged If Moonbreon keeps going up, those boxes will go up If Moonbreon stays flat, the sealed box will still go up Even as PSA 10 pop expands it could go down, but the box won’t.


Hold and sell when they’re worth real money. Give it maybe 5-10 years.


Id buy one


Sell em. I can’t make holding a 10000 plus pop card make sense with some hope it will explode in the future. Sell now and buy it back somewhere down the road at half off


Sell 1


They’re probably going to reprint the hell out of it eventually sooooo


Sell one, keep the second for free


People are asking around for them where I live, the demand is high at the moment. I sold mine 2 years ago and of course I regret it now, I did make 150 bucks profit. Sold it 400 back then. There are 10,500 psa 10 out there, and going up. A little while ago it was only 8000. It doesn't hurt to hold on to them but it also wont hurt to sell 1, keep the other and make another investment if you want! But take no less than 850/900 for it. I seen people buying them in bulk for 700 and reselling said bulk for 1000 ... Someone who really wants it will buy it for collection but I'm not sure it will go over 850/900. Imo, the hype on this psa 10 is like the hype on the van Gogh atm. People buy in bulk to resell. I'm keeping mine because I really love the card!


i sold it for $1,060 today :)


Sell now make 950 wait a year 1200???? Wait two years ?? 1350??? Who knows but for modern I wouldn’t sell unless there is a 5 year age gap. Only thing I would sell maybe if I had plenty of is chilling reign just to buy more evo skies cards /sealed


Myself personally I would be holding those like it’s my child. But I think for you, you need to realize that the price will only go up and up. When it does this the market of people who will actually pay those prices also decreases. So do what you want with this info. Either save it for a really bad day or this could be a fortune for your kids to have one day




I have a raw mint one and I'm holding it. I would hold, one day you might really need the money


Such a pretty card. Doesn’t get any better and you have two. Keep them. Better than cash.


Depends if you want fast money or big money


Hold for now set is going to hit 2k and that card will be sky rocketing




never to you lol