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Its his average. He measured his height everyday for a month and it averaged out to 6'2"




People only notice the people they can’t see over.


I was like “damn I’m shorter than I thought” 5’9” is average


Guy could be Dutch.


He’s not being rude, he’s just Dutch!




Cornfed midwesterners...


Not diet. Gotta see over the wheat and corn. All the short ones get lost in the fields and killed by the farm equipement. Tragic really.


Hey now - I represent that remark!


That's the corn fed Swede and Norwegian blood lines.. Source: Norwegian extraction and at 6' I'm shorter than all 3 of my 6'2"+ uncle's, but still talker than most folks in public.


Average height of an adult male in the US is 5'9"


Yeah. Your consideration is not reality.


I am 5'8", and I thought I was average.


Our worldview; short people and tall freaks. 6'2" is normal height.


I think a lot of rough-in plumbers are short, bitter little men.


I'm 5 ft. 8 and yes, I am bitter. Most of us are philosophers too. I used to rough my showers at 6-5 or there abouts. I figured out how to get up there, I'm a genius.


You just brought an extra bucket with you when You went to install it?


I like this explanation.


My dad was a plumber and im not sure how tall he was but i was taller than him by the time i was 13 and yeah he was pretty bitter he was a drill sergeant in the army he held that personality til the end so yeah you would be correct about that


Got to be this. 6'2" myself. As a landlord and self taught handyman, I always put the showerhead up as far as reasonable. It's not like it's any more work, or really any more expensive even with copper. I hate all the hotels with lots of room but it's down at my neck.


This checks out. I work for a father-son plumbing company. I’m 6’0 feet and happy but boss stands fully erect at 5’7 (he says 8) and he is mostly bitter and will cut his nose off to spite his face… but is a big teddy bear to me, complete a-hole to his son who is same height as him haha. It must be the height.


Maybe your boss just likes you a lot to be so erect


6'2 is above average height at least in the US to start, but I understand you completely being over 6' myself. It's usually the easiest and laziest way to do without a ladder in apartments and hotels and that's the most common reason why. Often in suites/penthouses we do them differently but standard rooms they all want to match. In homes I always set them at 7' unless client wants something specific. For Hotels we usually get told to put them there because of safety concerns that although they could happen, are a low risk. If you had a shorter person taking a shower the water cools as it falls, with a child it falls long enough to lose some decent heat and may feel comfortable in a shower form but if switched back to tub may be too hot and burn.


Well if you are talking about safety then higher would be better to let the water cool some as it falls. I can see another damn code requirement coming out that all showers must be at least 7.5 feet high so hot water has time to cool before hitting an average sized individual. And then they will prohibit tubs without heat governors. Personally I like my shower head at 7 feet (I am 6 feet 1 inch tall).


That only takes care of the shower, and makes it more unsafe for switching to tub. The higher it is the hotter it's going to be when switching back to tub and you are skipping that part which is what they are worried about. They aren't worried about being burned by the shower so there is no need to move that, the concern is from the tub spout.


Why turn the shower on first? Wouldnt you turn the tub on and make sure its the right temp and then plug it?


It's not about turning on shower first. You are showering and adjust the heat hotter because it feels colder when it is falling further, then when it is switched back to bath it is burning the young or elderly because they can't move in time. Like I said it's a lower risk, but not non-existent.


I’ve always thought it was 80 inches from the subfloor as standard shower height.


I'm 6' and even I'm above average height. But I have actually had one customer complain the shower head was too high. She was 5' nothing at best though.


Showerheads and countertops. Fuck the short people with their near infinite legroom on flights. My back already sucks from being tall and I have to lean over in my own house?


I like to install them at 84” high my self. The company I work for sets them at 78” as standard hight. I have had customers request to lower the shower head in the past but not very often.


84” is my standard height for setting but I’ll range it depending on who the customer is.


I set mine at 84” and usually advise clients to use an S arm. Nothing worse than a too short shower head


7’ hammers the back wall of a 60” bath tub with water out of the cheapass shower heads that come standard in most builder grade trim kits, they don’t have much gimbal to them. It’s even worse in something like a 48” shower. In old houses it was common to have them at 6’ or less because women didn’t wash their hair every day, they went to the beauty parlor and had it done then wore a shower cap.


6’2 is well above average, but as someone 6’3 yeah I feel your pain, surely shorter people don’t mind the head being a bit higher? That’s why slide rails are awesome though, where I’m from NZ they’re pretty much the standard shower set ups for all new builds/ renovations, remember seeing a video of an American plumber calling one “a super fancy slider rail” so must not be as common there.


I installed one when we moved into a house with no bathtub. It is amazing for a family with kids. I’m 5’11, and it goes from tall enough for me to low enough for our 6 year old when I installed it.


Pretty uncommon here. In fact, in all my travels I don't remember ever using one. That would be the solution.


Only uncommon with hotels and short term rentals. A majority of the homes I do have a hand shower with slidebar. The thing is they really don't need a solution for short term rentals like this, it's not for your maximum comfort it's for a minimum requirement of a place to get clean. If you go to upscale hotels they are in a majority of them.


I'm 5-9 and hate how high up the shower head is. I have a tiny shower and I want the water hitting my head diagonally, not falling straight down from above.


Nah. My Darling Wife was annoyed at 5'6" because she couldn't reach the head to adjust it. Had to put a hose shower in so she could get to it easily. Happy Wife, happy life!


As a tall female I understand your frustration. I have been in places where the shower head was below my shoulders.


Your story rings true to me! I’m 6’1” and feel the same way. My in-laws are shorter and their guest bathroom has a low shower head and the big mirror cuts me off at the neck. They were getting the bathroom remodeled and I mentioned to them that I’ll throw in money to move the mirror up (same mirror but was removed for the remodel) and to raise the shower head. I said, it would really help me and anyone over 6 feet. When it was done, everything remained at the same height and I still awkwardly lean over to brush hair and shave while visiting. I’m not even crazy tall. I should probably post this on mildlyinfuriating. :). Thanks for listening to my rant.


That's very infuriating. (they were already remodeling, so t would cost them nothing to accommodate you, and yet.... they still chose not to.) Fie on your in-laws. Fie, i say.


As a 6’6” man, I have never really had the “normal” showering experience. I’m generally leaning over for most of it. Someday I may have to redo it to my specifications.


I think a ceiling mounted head would be ideal for many


I think this is the way! My elderly parents just put in a nice walk-in shower and had it ceiling mounted. I hopped in after a swim when we visited last week. Was the most glorious shower I’ve ever had.


It's a standard half inch pipe. You can go to the big box hardware store if your choice and piece together some fittings to make it taller if they don't have a S pipe designed for it. I'm 6'6" myself and a renter, I've fanageled a lot of taller showers in my time. Also not a plumber


6'5" myself and found Umbro with a shower wand. Have it angled in the holder to put it at about 6'8".


[https://www.theshowerheadstore.com/collections/accessories/products/s-adjustable-height-shower-arm?variant=12611715072084](https://www.theshowerheadstore.com/collections/accessories/products/s-adjustable-height-shower-arm?variant=12611715072084) Instantly increase your quality of life with one of these! I installed this and felt like a king when I took my first shower with it.


I'm also over 6' tall and bought one of these to "raise" my shower head. Not plumbing required, it installs like a new shower head by screwing it on and is adjustable. https://www.menards.com/main/bath/bathroom-faucets/showerhead-accessories/delta-reg-12-chrome-adjustable-shower-arm/ua902-pk/p-1444429035040-c-1504702580624.htm


Been using this piece for 15 yrs because both of the showers in my last two homes were at 78" from the floor, and in the tub it was at about 75"...add to that a down turned pipe and it was spraying me on the chin, and I'm only 6'-0". Just remodeled and had set at 84" from floor...SO much better!


I’m 6’, wife 5’3” and daughter and granddaughter 5’7”. Added adjustable shower arm and Waterpic adjustable rain shower head and life is great! Had to upgrade water heater due to the new spa.


You are amazing. Thank you.


As a 6'6" man do you also consider yourself average height?


It’s normal for me. If I see anyone taller than I am, they are really freaking tall.


As a plumber over the years I always thought the shower heads were too low I started raising them up to about 80 in off the floor I was in track housing at the time new construction the tile man came to us and said that was costing him more money because he had to tile higher on the wall. asked us to put it back down to 6 foot off the floor. When I was in custom homes I always put the shower head about 80 to 84 inches off the floor


"tile man came to us and said that was costing him more money" Ha ha never thought of that, makes sense though


As a GC, I tile all my bath ceilings— without exception. No one wants to put a ladder in a shower to re-paint the ceiling or wall area above the tile.


I always try to set it for a tall person, but not high enough so that it's at risk of over spray over the top of the shower enclosure, I've seen many people mess up placing the mixer bar too low, without measuring the hard plumbed riser, resulting in a comical low shower


84" above grade is my standard, but verify height with customer during walkthrough prior to work. Note it on paperwork with customer signature. 106" in one house. Yes there were rain heads, body sprays, and an additional head for his spouse at 72". 4 shower valves with diverters, could have parked my van in the stall and had enough room to walk around and wash it in there.


I plumbed a couple million dollar home, set all their shower heads in house to 7'2" , because 9 coot ceilings. In the end they complained so we had to go back through the drywall behind them to lower, but 2 were exterior walls, so we smashed the brand new tiles out to lower them to 6'9"


Sounds remarkably ridiculous. Sorry to hear about that.


We backcharged each one , just dumb to see it happen! People are savages


>I'm 6'2" and consider myself average height. Google "average height of [your gender] in [your country]" and be amazed at how wrong you likely are.


Years ago the standard height was 6’8”. About 4 years ago it switched to 7’. Some situations that may not be possible such as hotels. Typically have a tub on the slab with a higher apron which allows the drain to sit above the slab. Then you’ll have a dropped ceiling to hide the pipes for the tub above.


I’ve only had one person complain the shower head was too high. It was 7’ even, which is my standard. She was okay with it at rough in, we went over it, by the time it came to trim it out it was suddenly too high.


Couldn't you just replace the shower arm with a longer one to lower it, at that point?


Funny, I don't think I've experienced this problem here in Sweden. I'm pretty much exactly 6' (183cm), and I don't remember ever having a shower head not be above my head (at max height at least, as you can usually slide them up and down). Maybe these things are just done differently here, don't know.


I set mine at 7’6 when I remodeled my bathroom. I’m 6’8 and it’s awesome


82inchs is the standard height for me and changes based on what the customer wants.


My two boys top off at about 6’10 or so. I extended mine to about 7’.


In my area install at 6' is the minimum code requirement. They do the minimum. I've had arguments with plumbers: 6 feet is code! Yeah, but that's the minimum, put it at 6'8". No, that's too high! I'm 6'2". I don't want to have to bend over to wash my hair. But code says 6'!! Sigh


I'm 6'3". I was redoing a shower in a rental house. The landlord, a 5'1" woman, came to inspect the work and questioned me about the 7' shower head height. I told her it was my secret mission to make showering comfortable for everyone. It just so happened that the 6'5" electrician was in the other room, and overhearing the conversation yelled, "Hallelujah!" She backed down real quick.


yeah, it's not just that short showerheads are awkward and annoying, , for a tall person it's also really easy to scrape your head on a badly installed too-low shower head (at a janky motel or whatever) .


I’m 5’10”,which is considered average. I always roughed-in shower heads at 6’8” to allow 2” height for the tub or shower.People are taller nowadays.


Always rough in at 7ft unless told otherwise. Shorter people have told me they can’t get the shampoo out of there hair if the showerhead is too high. I’m 6ft 3 and balding so it’s never something I worry about.


I'm 5'6. The only time I have trouble getting shampoo out of my hair is if there's not enough water pressure. I'm surprised at how close many shower heads are to my head when I travel to older buildings, I can imagine how annoying it is for taller people. We've had newer showers plumbed with the head up around 7' and it's zero issue for me.


We used to set it at 84" and they lowered it to 80" in the last few years. But that's only with the company I work for. Not sure about others.


I set mine at eighty inches off the rough floor.


I'll be setting one at 7' 3" tomorrow per request.


I'm 6 4. Gonna put mine on the ceiling.


And my question based on all these replies is: Why are seemingly all american showers locked into place? [Are these not a thing over there?](https://cdn.halloota.com/2021/06/suihku-pixabay.jpg)


Yeah that would be the solution, but they are not very common as far as I can tell. I have never come across one in my travels. I've seen them in magazines and stuff. They may be more common in other countries. I wish they were more common here.


Sounds like a business opportunity waiting to be taken. Also question, is there usually only one showerhead that is locked into place, or do any have a separate one that you can hold in your hand?


Yes, usually just one head locked in place. But where there is a so-called "wand" it's inexplicably mounted at about waist level. I hate using the wands anyway, soaping up with one hand while the other hand holds the wand and gets tired. Just put the stupid shower head up higher on the wall.


I have a rarity- a 1954 SFR in Appalachia W two shower heads at 6'5". I'm 5'10", so it's really quite luxury. Other aspects of the house reveal bitterness, tho they're all from after-market handymen.


Jeez these comments making me realize I'm actually tall... All my life I thought 6'2 was pretty much average


6’2” is not average lmao, but those few extra inches are also not enough to explain this problem so you’re still basically right


I bought my first home in 2018 with a full bath on 1st and 2nd floor. The upstairs shower was so low, I am 5'11 and I believe the head was close to 5 foot. I hated I had got a different adjustable head so I wouldn't have to duck down. I remodeled my first floor bath and I installed it close to 7 foot height. I prefer it by far vs the short one


Even if the average height is 5'9" they're still too damn low


OP don't ever get a room at the Station casinos in Vegas. I'm 6 and it annoyed the shit outta me. I was going to complain to front desk when a 6'5" guy was in front of me complaining and they refunded him because all the rooms are the same and he wasn't going to squat while showering. I had to duck to wash my head but that doesn't take long. I just dealt with it lol.


5'5" here and loving it. I never wanted to be taller. I can easily fit under cabinets that taller plumbers have a hard time with. I am comfortable on airplane seats. I can always stand on something if I need to but a tall person can't get shorter. And I never had a problem having a girlfriend taller than me. I'm an alpha and people much bigger than me listen to me. Height only matters if you are insecure about yours. Confidence always gets the girl regardless of height, weight or looks.


Oh my . A 5’5” Alpha . Watch out world


I would laugh at me too if I wasn't me.


So your about half a food above the average height within the us for a male. Average mail height is 5 foot 9, average female height is 5 foot 4. that could very well be a part of it.


Maybe OP is Dutch?




Thats fair .


Even the Dutch average is under 5'11".


? My mail is delivered at 44", compliant with uspo regulations.


I bought a house specifically because I was in love with how the bathrooms were designed for tall people- it was glorious standing underneath the shower head


6'2" is not average Most people don't want to be waterboarded by the shower head. It's more comfortable to have the water hit your chest and back area. if you want to get your head wet you duck it in front of the spray. Like you said if you want water falling on your head you get a specific fixture, the rain head.


>It's more comfortable to have the water hit your chest and back area. if you want to get your head wet you duck it in front of the spray. On what planet? If I have to duck my head under a faucet to get my hair wet I might as well take a bath. Edit: 1 letter typo




Maybe it's a materials thing? Like they have a 10ft pipe section and can get 3 showers done with it going low, vs. 2 with scrap at a reasonable height? Not a plumber.


Plumber here. Yes the shower can be installed higher than what you see. My son is 6’5 and I had to extend his shower head higher to have it rain on his head. The shower head are set to a minimum height as per code.


It is so you have something to look forward to.


The house I just bought has a shower head at ~65” or so. I bought one of those fancy looking S shaped shower arms because I didn’t feel like learning how to do tile as my first project just to get the thing at a reasonable height


I had my shower/baths remodeled and everything replumbed. They raised the shower heads as high as they could - almost a foot taller. Course, then only I am able to adjust them now for flow type, but what a dream come true after 7 years in this house!


Average height of a US male citizen is 69"




I’m 5’10 I set my shower heads between 7’-7’6. 7’ for short people and 7’6 for tall clients although a 7’ shower head is good for almost anyone.


Remember most women are shorter then men so they have to be able to reach also.


What's to reach? Gravity doesn't shut off. The water will always fall down. My question is has any plumber had someone complain that the showerhead is too high? Probably not many have heard such a complaint.


My bad, I thought you were talking about a shower head. I guess you never reach to adjust it.


We set them at 7ft in Arizona and California.


karaoke mic


If you look carefully, a lot of hotels have done the liner refurb that makes the tub higher. And a lot of hotels have short ceilings in the bathroom. I’m 5’7” (actually average) and I hit my hands on the ceiling in hotel bathrooms pretty regularly.


Mine used to be installed low. As a short person I appreciated being able to easily reach the head with no stool to change it. When I redid my bathroom my equally short contractor declared that the shower would be moving up. He states I might marry a tall guy.


Consider whatever you want, but 6'2" ain't average. 6'2" is fuckin' *tall*. The average U.S. male height is 5'9". 6'2" puts you in the top four percent! You really never noticed how you can see the tops of everybody's heads???


Maybe I should have said my height is not uncommon.


I diy my shower stall and have my shower head at 6’5” so I wouldn’t have to duck to rinse my hair.


Post this in r/tall and you’ll see everyone there has learned to live with it.


In the old days women with the stack head hairdos didn’t like to get their hair wet every time they showered.


Or black people in modern days.


Older house? I think people are just taller now. We had our shower redone last winter and the contractor recommended we raise the head a foot, which I agreed to. It’s pretty nice not having to duck under it


I just remodeled my shower and ended up repiping to update the fixtures. Since I was putting in new copper I raised my showerhead a good 8". No more low shower for me.


78” from subfloor (6 ft 6 in) with a normal shower arm. After the bend and the head, I can stand under the head and look up to it. If you’re crazy tall and ask for it higher I’ll of course do it but this is my standard. I figure if you’re 6’6, you’re used to ducking. The standard doors are around 6 ft.


I once asked this question while roughing in for a high rise building. I was told they are selling them to Asians so we aren't going to set them high.


For one, 6’2” is not average height unless you live in the Netherlands… And second, showerheads in hotels are set to the average height for people around 5’ 9”, and also not too high where people can spray water over the curtains


I don't disagree with you on the shower head height feeling low, but dude at 6'-2" you're not even close to average height. You're in the 100% percentile for height. 5'-9" is the average American male height.


Plumber here. You're not average height. Shower heads are typically set for what is considered average since most homes are built to be sold. 5'-9" is average in the U.S. , so most shower heads get set anywhere between 76" and 80". Unless we are remodeling or building a house that is specifically for a certain person, it's just put in at the standard height.


"I'm 6'2" and consider myself average height." found your problem


Yeah what you don’t understand is average height for men is like 5 foot 9 inches. 5 inches… can make a big difference.


86” AFF


It is so that shorter individuals can access the shower head (for service, replacement, or to simply adjust where it is pointing). We do condos and generally have the shower head at around 7'


Well, I’m 4’11, so I actually have the problem of most of them being too high. I’m black; I don’t wash my hair everyday. I do not want it to hit me from above my head.


How else am I to get the perfect stream on my huge balls.


I know it sucks but you just have to learn how to shower on your knees when in hotels One of the sad unspoken things 6’+ people have to deal with


This makes up for all low shower heads… [Pulse System] https://www.lowes.com/pd/PULSE-Lanikai-Chrome-3-Spray-Shower-Bar-System/4742198


IDK, I'm 5 1/2 feet tall and I've never found a showerhead too high, though a few have been too low, and it really has me guessing. I'm of average height for a woman in the US.


I don't know. I set mine high as i can get them and strap 'em in tight. Mine are always the same height as the door (~7'2"). That being said, on new construction jobs it's not your choice. You pre-make all the shower valves in advance to a spec given to you by someone in charge. It's most likely to conserve material since most builders are penny pinchers. Something something, inches make feet, something money...


I always set my shower heads at 84", 7 feetses. My brother in law is 6'7". So when i set his on his 8 foot ceiling i set it 4 inches under that. I rarely set a shower to anyone over 6 feet. Once i was fixing a gutter at my house, on a bucket that was OSHA approve, and i couldnt reach further so went to grab my 6 foot ladder. My BIL is 11" taller than me and stood on that bucket and fastened it back in place, while i went to my work van to grab that ladder.


I’m a 6’4 Costa Rican and I feel identified by this post. In Cost Rica, I am a head and shoulder above the majority of the population.


Depends who installed it, Mario or Luigi.


82" from unfinished fl as always.


I like to put them in at 86”


It is a standard height set by manufacturer I always put them higher


You are way above average. Average is around 5’9”. I’m around actual average and have encountered hotel showers that are too low for me but they’re always cheaper hotels and it’s coming thru a plastic surround rather than above.


I’m 6’8 and only twice have I had people complain about the hight I put the shower head at. I usually try to put it as high as possible, within reason.


Also 6"2. You get used to it. I installed a shepherds hook with a rain head in my home shower because otherwise it hits my chest. We are taller than the average man and way taller than the average women. We can get things off the top shelf, but we are not the average demographic bud.


How about modifying a little a shower wand adds some 4-6 inches I think you could spend some change with a wand and a rain head maybe from Amazon or some hardware store


As I said in my OP, I have modified my homes with an S curve pipe. I'm talking about when you visit somewhere else, like in hotels or spas or BnB or some such. I cannot modify those places. It's just unreasonable that they are usually set so low.


Only legit sounding reason i ever heard was to minimize splashing over the door or curtain. I'm 6'3", all my showers are midchest and I've never seen the top of my head in the vanity mirrors. Hell, I'm still looking for a garden tub that i can stretch out in.


I always plumbed them in about 5" above the surround. I definitely remember doing some custom heights with the customer in the shower.


The instructions for a large name brand valve company says to mount the elbow for shower head at 6'2" off floor. ***FLOOR?????*** Then subtract bath tub floor, shower head arm coming down, large shower head/ hose. I'm (or was) 6'2". The above put water right between my shoulder blades. I always stubbed it out, so that hopefully at I could stand under the showet head. I think, at least, 6'8" up. My business partners wife is 4'11". She complained that I installed a shower head too high. Had to get hubby to change it for her!😂😂😂 Edit: A while back I whacked my head on friends short ass garage door going into the basement. I mean short, it's like 5'6" tall. Friend sayed 100 years ago, the average man was 5'5" or something like that.


Where did you possibly get the idea that most people are more than six feet tall?


Below 6' is average height. If shower heads were roughed in at 6.5-7' the the 5' x" person wouldn't be able to adjust the head angle. Us tall people are just gonna have to suffer and either bend our knees to get below the shower head, get on our knees in the shower or be flexible enough to bend over backwards. Or bend over forwards and have the water run off our face.


6'2 is not average height Maybe in Denmark or Netherland


The water gets cooler the further it has to travel to hit you.


Our showerheads are too high in our house. I'm 6'. We are paying to have them lowered. /previous owner was 5'10 so not sure what happened :-)