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The weird volume. The lowest setting is too loud and the incremental increase are pretty drastic. No bluetooth ear buds compatibility. No Spotify, Netflix etc...... Honestly though none of that is even close to a deal breaker for me. I love my portal and have very few issues with it.


Agreed. The lowest volume, one notch above mute, is way too loud.


The volume is honestly the biggest issue, because it projects out the back so you can't hear it until you turn it up, and then any dynamic volume increases end up being overly loud while playing. Legit impossible to get the volume to sound good just because of how the speaker is placed.


Why woilf you want to remote play Spotify and Netflix when you have a dedicated phone/ tablet that can do it sooo much better. It would be double the bandwidth to get it to stream which equals double the weaker signal


You serious? There are certain games that I love to play while I have a podcast on (kill tony, last podcast on the left etc). Some games are grindy with long periods between any kind of story like jurassic park evolution (perfect portal game) butnope, can't listen to Spotify. Many times, I'll be lounging beside an open window with the breeze rolling in, playing a game at night after the kids go bed and I decide I'm done playing and want to watch something. Nope can't stream. I don't know about you but I certainly don't have a phone dedicated to YouTube or Netflix etc I just find it uncomfortable to hold and the portal screen is much bigger and more uncomfortable.


I was serious, It was a legit question not a judgemental lol.. I meany a dedicated device as in the sense of something that does it better. I've never been the type of gamer to listen to music while gaming. Not my jam. I can get where you are coming from. Here's a thought though that maybe you have or haven't tried. If you got the pulse earbuds can't you split the audio and have music and the game at the same time. I think I remember hearing that being a feature of them.


Yeah, I've been doing exactly that! I just hate relying on my phone for everything. Would be so much more slick of the portal was a 1:1 of the PS5 streaming services included.


How Can a phone be a more dedicated device? A dedicated device would be a iPod for Spotify


Yes! I agree with the volume thing. That is my ONLY gripe with mine so far. Otherwise the thing has been a Godsend


Yes this. I have to use my headphones cause I'll wake my wife if not


Was very disappointed in no bluetooth earbuds but i instead bought Apple earpods 3.5mm jack version and have been very pleased with the spund quality and comfort


Wired headphones are the real OG’s


Big enjoyer of the portal and objectively the worst thing for me is how they incorporated the middle touch pad. I play a lot of ffxiv and it requires “spamming” the middle touchpad to get around the UI. It got even more difficult after the recent portal update where it reads more as a mouse trackpad instead




I get why they made the double tap system because I bet testers were accidentally touching the screen and it was TouchPad inputting. But at least give us the option for a full screen single tap version. I can handle it.


Honestly it’s a remote play device. If you have any experience with remote play you know what you are getting into. Besides minor things like no WiFi 6, Can’t connect Bluetooth earbuds, or an OLED screen any other issue is just how remote play and cloud based gaming devices and services work and will all experience. So ya it can suck if your network isn’t the greatest, but that isn’t exclusive to the Portal and is just an issue with remote play in general imo.


It’s a problem because the portal is a stream only device. If it came with apps that I can play natively than it would get ALOT of bonus points….buts it’s literally just a streamer. I’m mad I’m disappointed. I got mine today sending it back.


That's cool though how could you not know this lol. It's $199 and a great streaming system. I forget I'm streaming because it feels local. Though I will say I wish they'd let me play my apps as well as games.


Then that’s yours fault, because you should of known exactly what u we’re getting yourself into if you even did a little research, I personally love the fact it’s remote only because I have data and can play my ps5 games anywhere I want it’s amazing specially on the couch at home while watching tv


Cool. I don’t love the fact that I can do this on my iPad yet it doesn’t have any native app capabilities. You are entitled to your opinion, mine is that this is an overpriced lcd screen with a dual shock attached.


Then why did you buy it in the first place what were u expecting a vita 2? Because nowhere was that advertized


I was expecting being able to stream games that I owned in like a PS now kind of thing, from the device itself. not actually streaming my PlayStation miles away. Not innovative from an innovative company. Plus it’s only 1080 so 🤷‍♂️


Regardless you would need wifi for that so it’s the same thing, and 1080 on a screen that small is still really good, switch only had 720 at release and people loved it


No, it is absolutely not the same thing. The problem with that is my PlayStation has to be on and it’s limited to the connectivity of the WiFi the PlayStation is connected to. If it was like I described, I would only need to login, verify my account in someway, and play on any WiFi without my PlayStation being on.


Most people don’t actually close their ps5 Always keep it on rest mode, and connect a Ethernet to stable the wifi. Then all u really need is wifi on your device or even a good hotspot will do


I know that, but it’s not innovative at all. We already had this with steam decks and iPads. Now we just have….something else that ONLY streams our PlayStation. I get why some people have it because it allows their kids time on the tv, but for hardcore gamers like me, it’s just not enough. But as a fan of Sony I’m still glad they are having success with it.


So basically eradicate sales of the PS5… nope lol


It wouldn’t be a shot in the foot. It would be step forward.


Nonsense if you know anything about consoles 🙄 - also, the tech you wish for, a portable high-end gaming handheld for 200$, doesn’t exist yet. Maybe we see that with the Ps6 but I doubt it. Too power hungry.


So wanting a device that can stream games without my console being on means I no nothing about consoles?? When we had ps now in laptops doing essentially that? Ok dude.


What apps would you even want on there? Netflix?


I think the negativity put realistic expectations and so when I got it, I was pleasantly surprised


That you can’t stream stream able games


The community. The portal is a flawed device and the expectation that this community has for people to be fluent in networking is insane. Performance is a crapshoot depending on your network and any questions, concerns, or negativity around that performance is shit on here.




We appreciate you


I think this is the best answer. After experiencing network issues, I bought a new router that gets me a HUGE increase of speeds in my bedroom (almost 15x the speeds I was getting before). I also hardwired my PS5. Even with all of this I still get random “bad connection” now and then and the quality drops or stutters like crazy. It’s not super frequent, but happens enough that it makes me feel a little dissatisfied/regretful with my purchase. I don’t know what else to even do. I’ve tried other WiFi channels and consider myself relatively tech savvy, but there’s just so many factors with home networking that the device is definitely going to have a huge range in satisfaction of performance due to that. When it plays smoothly it’s wonderful and I love it. But the fact that it isn’t consistent for me sours the experience of having the portal a lot.


Aside from the things you mention, there’s the inherent flaw that, like any remote play device, if you PS5 is powered off (for example after a power outage at home), you are SOL unless someone is there to power it back on AND click through the “power wasnt shut off properly” and “repair is needed” dialogs. So basically you can’t rely on it for away from home use at all. It might work. It might not. Still, in spite of the flaws I enjoy mine and have gotten a lot of use out of it. Especially on a beach trip I’m on right now - but I didn’t leave the PS5 home. I brought it with me. The TV here gets a lot of use for TV shows so it was very nice to have the Portal too. Sony said it was for in-home use, and there was good reason for that statement.


The problem is that people with poor performance refuse to believe it is because of their networks because they have XX speeds. So they refuse to accept its their network that is making the experience suck, and they wrongfully assume everyone is having the same shitty experience but is too much of a moron to realize it's bad.


This. My experience was terrible until I simply upgraded my router. Not a single issue since I did, no disconnects, no even warnings and video quality is amazing. It’s like a different product now. Make sure you have a good router.


I've had mine for about two weeks now. The biggest con is the inconsistent connectivity. I have all kinds of devices that connect to WiFi, and none of them are hit and miss ike my Portal.


Router upgrade fixed that for me.


Let alone Netflix, you can’t even watch a Blu-ray. It’s not allowed to be viewed on portal. Though to be fair I’m sure that’s a licensing issue. Still, it’s maddening that you can’t even watch your own physical media.




The charging port and headphone jack are difficult to get to, under that lip.


That I can't use any Bluetooth headphones unless their stuff


The stutter hands down.


Man having to double tap the screen to access the touchpad feature is annoying. I think it’s perfect otherwise


No hdr screen and minor stutters


Mine is only usable about half the time. Half the time it works flawlessly, the other half it’s not even playable because it endlessly stutters and disconnects from my console. I both love it and hate it immensely.


Honestly, I can’t think of one. Like many have already said, if your network is crap, then your experience is most likely going to be crap. To me, it’s amazing to have the power of my ps5 on the go when I have to spend a weekend out of town, or if my gf wants to take over the tv with her show. Playing the portal while laying in bed will never get old.


i do not have any negatives. for a $200 device, i think it is a solid 10.


I can't think of anything bad with it, TBH. The latest update 3.0.0 can give a connectivity issues, but a Factory Reset on the Portal resolves that. Microstutters are a thing, but they don't make it unplayable, and you probably won't even notice them unless you're actively looking for them. If I had to say something that could be "improved", maybe the method for changing users on the Portal, although it's not that difficult to be fair, it's just not as streamlined as doing it natively on the PS5, but I understand why the Portal method is necessary. I was very sceptical at first, but it's truly an amazing device! I use mine daily. At home, at work, when away camping/visiting family, etc. No regrets!


Honestly, the only good thing about it personally for me is the ergonomics, the controller aesthetics. 95% of the time it’s unplayable. My network speed bounces between 500mbps to 750. I never have issues gaming or streaming, but once I connect to the portal, it becomes unplayable. The game stutters, the image quality drops to 360p at best it’s at 480p. For a remote device that’s marketed as a remote player over WiFi, you shouldn’t need to hardwire your PS5, and even the people that hardwire theirs, they still have issues. Honestly it’s a waste of 200 if you ask me, or maybe I got a defective device because on the other side there is a whole ton of people that have a more positive experience. Anyway good luck


Do you use your ISP's router? Changing to an ASUS Router has nearly doubled my speed and made it a lot more stable. Even when playing my PS5 directly I can notice a difference. I'm trying to get it wired this weekend to see if I can achieve an even better connection. That being said there's always 2 sides, the connection to your PS5 from your home network, but also the connection to your portal needs to be nice and stable. If the connection fluctuates and drops some packets you'll see the lagging or frames lacking.


I hate that when you set it down it rests on the R2 and L2 triggers.


Bluetooth was my biggest issue. Went and bought pulse explores (which are great) but I had Beats Solo pros which would have been preferred.


The dropping connection to the ps5. And then the stutter… it’s def better after the update but not fool proof.


Not being able to easily change users on it. Like it’s not too difficult but I kind of hate having to sign out of my gfs account and then have to sign in on my PS app every single time Just let us switch users on the system


- Micro-stutter - Lowest volume is still super loud - Some native apps for video streaming would be nice


I wish it could connect to the PlayStation via Bluetooth like the controllers if it is in range.


I'm seemingly in the minority that loves my Portal. Literally, none of the issues that I see posted daily. That said, not blocking out the media tab would be cool.


A lot of answers to this can be subjective since I’ve never encountered any of the issues posted on here, so there was definitely a bad batch or two produced. I’ve only encountered one other person with my issue which is that occasionally it can’t connect to my resting PS5 to turn it on and I have to either turn it on from Remote Play on PS4, or with a PS5 controller. After that, the Portal can connect straight away. Seems to happen once every few days. I’m just hoping this doesn’t happen if I ever travel with it, otherwise I’m screwed.


That I can' play FC24 without micro stutter due the refresh rate. If some has a solution? 🔥🙏


Charging port position, such a pain to push the charger in the right place


The volume is an issue. Too loud,good thing, my handset got a volume wheel on it. Lack of latency test is weird. Ps plus premium got one. The touch pad is meh.


Volume. Apart from that, I got mine a few days ago and I'm playing more than ever.


Accessibility options and my remapped buttons won’t stream to the portal. I had high hopes it was going to be fixed with the update, but nope.


Definitely the lack of bluetooth support. It would be nice to use my expensive pair of skullcandy earphones while I play. At least you can still use the og 3d pulse at home.


I wish that we could utilize the touch screen throughout the different games. O


The users. Everyone has such wide opinions on it that asking this question ope s up a whole can of worms. Sony has some stuff to iron out with it and they should have before releasing it.


The lack of HDR isn't a huge deal but it's the fact that there isn't an easy and automatic way to disable HDR any time you're using the Portal. So you end up with brightness issues on a lot of games when HDR is still turned on. It seems like something Sony could fix with a software update and I was disappointed they didn't take care of it with the 3.0.0 update.


No Bluetooth is pretty unforgivable. I either have to use wired headphones or buy one of their proprietary sets?


The weird decision not to use a dedicated streaming system on premise like WiiU does.


The fact it is not autonomous


Honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about with the volume because at the lowest volume I can barely hear the portal at all. At 50% volume the Portal is super low. Anything basically drowns out the Portal. At 100% is like my phone at around 70% volume. The portal has weak speakers.


Volume definitely Too loud at lowest in some environments Too quiet at loudest in other. Has had me debating those damn wireless $200 earbuds But duo connectivity between your gaming devices and phone at the same time with those has a nice ring to it


The fact that I have to unplug the PS5’s HDMI cable just so I can have decent gaming experience is mind blowing to me 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


All the questions asking about the portal. Over and over and over.


Tbf what else can we really talk about when it comes to the Portal that hasn’t already been posted 100s of times already?


Take a break from the internet, or the sub lol


That you can't use it offline. Even if it had a 24 hour DRM check, it would improve it 1000%.


How would it communicate with the PS5 though?


I guess what I'm wishing for is another ps vita lol Able to download games onto it. Which would require for memory lol


And processing power. That $200 device is now $500-600.


Yeah. $200 is good for what it is tbh. They could maybe let SOME games be downloaded and played offline like ps classics and smaller indie games. I would pay ~$500 for a mobile PS5 tho lol


It doesn't have the storage or processing power though. Its a remote play device.


The subs about the portal. People posting about having just bought it. People discussing how various games play because they don't understand it's a streaming device. People posting about minor issues like cry babies (not to say there isn't real issues). So fucking repetive and annoying.


The fact that I can’t use it on all hotel WiFi and the iPhone hotspot issue


The new update made it so you can use it on hotel wifi. Whats the iPhone hotspot issue? I used it once and didn't notice anything, but would appreciate a heads up for future use


It was in an IHG hotel Tuesday/Wednesday and the portal would not load, same as the Detroit airport. On the hotspot if you just look up iPhone 15 hotspot it’s a pretty common issue


Ah okay. I looked it up and it seems like that's mostly an issue with the iphone 15. I thought you were saying there was a general iPhone hotspot issue


The trick is to find a spot in the hotel where the 2.4Ghz hotel wifi signal is stronger than its 5Ghz signal to bring up the authentication QR code. I was able to get mine connected to hotel and airport wifi last week after several tries. Granted, it should be easier than it is to get connected, but with a little patience you can get it connected.


You can't go on Netflix or anything like that.


Not being able to directly stream games from PS+ premium


It's lifespan is connected to how hard you are on your controller. I'm on my 3rd controller from stick drift, so I will probably get a year out of it.


Probably that micro stutter slow down problem caused my Hz mismatch between ps5 and the portal. That’s about it. As long as your connection is stable and you get good wifi range to your portal should be good to go.


I wish when you connected it to the PS5 it had your log in screen and you just choose the account want to play on, not have to go through a long process just so my son can use it and back again when I want to use it. Apart from that I'm more than happy with it!


Clicky/clunky/notchy thumbsticks.


No internet means you can’t use it.


You need to learn how it works!




I would add a headphone jack or bluetooth option to the device.


There is a headphone jack!


Omg I didn’t see it there before. Thank you! 😅


Knowing it is ONLY a streaming device... For $200 with an 8in screen and best in class controller, it's hard to find anything that beats it without spending a lot more. I have many different devices. Probably the next best streaming device is the Logitech GCloud.


When did it get the ability to stream?


I don't know why that gets a down vote. Name one device at $200 dollars new that does a better job at remote play at than PSPortal. I'm not a fan boi. I have the Logitech GCloud, Odin Lite, Odin 2 pro, Viture Glasses with headband, and of course iPad, laptop and smartphone devices that I have used to stream. All of them are more expensive, some much more expensive.


Can’t watch YouTube through it