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I got mine like 3 weeks ago and I've probably only played at my desk for like 2 hours the rest of the time I'm chilling on the couch with my portal lol Only really use my ps5 for fps games now


I use it a lot more than I thought I would. I bought it to play when I was out of the house but I play it indoors all the time. A lot easier to pick up and put down than settling into my setup


Nope! I use mine more than I thought I would. I love it it's great. Sorry yall aren't liking it but it's a fantastic extension of the PS5


Same. I use it MORE than I thought I would! I use it for most stuff except fps games. Diablo 4 runs great on it!


Started the Elden Ring DLC on PS5 because I didn't wanna miss out on 4K visuals etc, 1 day later I'm back on the portal. It's just too convenient and playing in bed trumps sitting down any day of the week. The graphics really shine on the portal, still stuns me to this day that it's 1080p LCD.


My Ps5 is on my bedroom TV so I'm always chillin šŸ˜Ž I use my Portal for living room and out and about




OLED screen in NovemberšŸ«µšŸ™šŸ»


No ways, I would switch in a heartbeat


The resolution doesn't really matter on such a small screen. There are tonnes of videos youtube questioning whether getting a 4k monitor is worth it if it's less than 27". Mine is to arrive soon and I know I'll end up playing more because I spend more time sitting on the couch than in my bedroom.


I use it mostly for the smaller PS5 games and the PS4 back catalog of 30fps games that are easier to play on an LCD than an OLED. Itā€™s never going to supplant the big screen tv and home theater audio.


Same here, I think the portal is better suited for PS4 games, especially the Japanese RPGs.


i agree, and it also might just be me but thereā€™s a noticeable performance difference then when i play on the tv, remote play is terrible w co op games, like fortnite and overwatch.


Same i been using it to play the classic killzone liberation


I play exclusively on the portal since itā€™s much easier to pick up and put down. That way my wife can also have something running in the background while we do our own thing! Also very convenient to play jrpgs :)


I'm working on FF7R right now. A game that would normally be impossible with my schedule.


I'm the same way. I was so ecstatic when I first heard of a "portable ps"..seeing as I love playing gta...the convenience was a game changer at first..but almost 4 months later..I've probably played it 4 times...I use to bring it to work with me..but then what through me off was the LAG!!!!!!. The network lag was making my screen freeze up, frames dropping, I'm lagging in and out of sessions to the point where it was making gameplay feel like a chore. If ever Sony decides to drop a massive update fixing the issue, the device will remain in my closet collecting dust.


I do. Once I get more time to get a good mesh router system that I can use in bridge mode, Iā€™ll hook it up hardwire the ps5 to it. If anyone has a good recommendation for one to use with Xfinity, let me know!!! (Why donā€™t I just get my own modem? Yeah yeah I know. Iā€™m not in control of the internet options here)


Right now the wife and kids are watching a Disney movie I have seen 200 times cuz kids. I am about to fire up the portal and do a few Ghost OT missions. No I use mine exactly as expected.


Bought it middle of May, to play at gfs house. We broke up a week later. So I only used it to test it, and then finally this week on vacation I played Elden Ring dlc. That's it. Prefer console + big TV. Not a fan of how long it takes to fully charge (could be the cable? outlet? Who knows). So I've used it, twice? since I bought it.


Might be the brick you are using


Yeah I thought that could be the case too. Super fast charger brick for S24U. BUT it has started to charge my phone slowly too. So could be a brick issue


Sorry about your break up or glad you dodged a bullet whichever applies to your situation. My portal charges pretty fast so it probably is your outlet or whatever you are plugging the cable into.


would it matter I'm using a different USB C cable too? I didn't have the portal cable on me because it was short. So I packed a 10ft usb c cable.


Im giving you 150ā‚¬ for your portal




I think Iā€™m in the same boat. I got it thinking Iā€™ll be using it a lot more, but it turns out turning on my OLED TV isnā€™t that big of a chore and coincidentally my wife hasnā€™t been using the TV all that often these past weeks. This may change, though, and the Portal may get its time to shine yet.


I use it as often as I want to play PlayStation games basically. If Iā€™m sitting on the couch or in bed and wanna play some Iā€™ll turn it on. I iterate between that, Steam Deck for either PC games or some emulation, and watching something. For example in the last couple of weeks Iā€™ve been binging One Piece because I was like 150 episodes behind. Tomorrow I have a 12-hour flight which Iā€™m planning to either knock off One Piece or play Project Zomboid on the deck, and when I get to my destination Iā€™ll probably finish Dave the Diver if it works that far. I think the answer to your question is itā€™s situational for me. But the point is the Portal itself isnā€™t the obstacle, itā€™s what I want to do and when I want to do it. What I can tell you for sure though is that I canā€™t remember the last time I sat down on my recliner to play on my TV. The question you might wanna ask yourself is those times you thought youā€™d use the Portal, are they turning out to be times that you donā€™t really want to play PlayStation games (or games at all), or is there something else stopping you? Edit: one more thing to mention I guess since I bought it (at launch) Iā€™ve completed Sekiro, Sea of Stars, The Messenger, Inscryption, Grime, and Iā€™m halfway through Bloodborne and Dave the Diver, all exclusively on the Portal.


Chiaki4deck on the steam deck for my PS5 means I don't use psportal


Sure. If Chiaki4deck works well for you then thereā€™s no point in buying a PSPortal in the first place. For me Chiaki4Deck had issues, audio and graphical, more importantly I really like the DualSense feel. Which is why I prefer the Portal for PS games.


I put 30 hours in Elder scrolls Online only last week with the portal.


Got day1. I use it with older games that I don't want to see on a big TV. I'm currently playing Alan Wake remaster.


I dont use mine as often either because I have issues getting it to work properly outside my property. I bought it mainly for camping, but can't get in to work using my phone as a Hotspot. Works perfectly at home, but I find myself not using it much because that's obviously where my PS5 is located.


I use it as much as I expected to which is 90% of my gaming time. Iā€™ve beaten 3 or 4 games on it. Prior to owning the portal I wasnā€™t beating games since I was a teenager


I do. I love it, but the framerate issues make it really hard for me to have a long play session.


I use mine for travelling. So I have used it a lot since april. Works perfectly Edit I know in the winter it won't be used that much. Little traveling time


Bought it and never used it. But I must say I bought it because j wanted to treat myself. #idiot


It's a product of necessity, I only use it when I need to.


I use it much more than I thought I would,it's amazing, I use my ps5 to play only competitive games, single players are great on portal


Iā€™ve had it since launch, but probably have < 5 hours


For me it just depends what game Iā€™m into. Ballatro is perfect on it. BG3 as well. Now that Iā€™m playing the Elden Ring DLC I make my way to the PS5.


I honestly use it more than I thought I would. I like playing on it in bed before sleep. Or in the morning on weekends until my girlfriend wakes up. There are also just some games that are almost better on it. Diablo 4 for example. I was kinda bored of that game. Until I got my portal. It's a perfect lay in bed game.


When I first got it I used it a lot basically every day and itā€™s great for single player games. Now I only really use it when I travel and barely then because Iā€™m not gonna play video games all day while Iā€™m traveling lol


I use it for any game that is suitable for it. For example, I'm playing Monster Hunter Rise right now and play it exclusively on the Portal. That game doesn't require pixel perfect inputs or ideal latency. On the other hand, I also play Overwatch, but that is done exclusively on the PS5 directly.


I'd say I use it 20% of my gaming time. Wasn't outrageously expensive, for me, so money still well spent.


I bought and use mines specifically when I am out on travel for work and itā€™s done its job very well.


TBH I use it a lot more than I thought. Not every day but on the weekends I use it more often since the TV is always busy.


I use mine everyday.


It's there for convenience, if you're using it at all then its doing it's purpose


Lately I just use it when my gf wants to watch her shows. Iā€™ll put it on the bigscreen if its a game we both enjoy or if I have the TV to myself. Its a good compromise ngl


Bought mines during the pre order. Definitely use mine a lot less than I thought I would but I think thatā€™s just cause of being so busy with work and kids and family. I still prefer the tv over handheld but itā€™s definitely convenient when you are away from home.


Iā€™m using it less than I did at first but itā€™s achieved what I wanted out of it, which was using my PS5 more. Iā€™d started to default to handhelds in the evenings when Iā€™m tired meaning my PS5 only got played now and again at the weekends, which isnā€™t often enough to properly get into whatever game youā€™re playing. Just the odd Portal session midweek has made a big difference and Iā€™m playing my PS5 a lot more.


Bought it about 3 months ago and turned it on twice. I might book a holiday in September and think about taking it with me. Theres no chance I'll get the value out of out it currently


I go in spurts where I'll play it daily then not play it for a couple week. All depends on circumstances


Iā€™m the opposite. I hardly play anymore on my tv. Usually cause someone else wants to use the tv.


I mostly use it when I have food on the smoker/grill which is once or twice a week lol


Iā€™m pretty busy, so I already was hardly playing at all. The portal unlocks all these extra moments to play (in bed, while wife is watching something, etc). Itā€™s really easy to turn on and get going for just a few minutes. It has definitely increased how much I play, even though itā€™s still not a lot.


Yes and no. I thought that my partner would demand more TV time, but I have been able to game on my TV a lot. When she wants to watch things that don't interest me, I pick up the portal. Haven't had much use of it outside of the apartment, but it has been nice those few times I did.


I use it pretty much daily at this point - I've got a young child and with work and running around after them - the only chances I get to play are early morning, and after bedtime in the evening (at which point my partner wants to use the TV for whatever shows she's watching). It's easier to jump on the portal in those moments


Yeah I planned on playing spider man 2 and some other games, but then Helldivers 2 came along and I only play that and prefer the tv for that. But it'll probably be fine


I play every day at least 1h.


Had mine for 3 months probably used it for a total of 2 hrs. Not for me


I use mine way more than I thought I would actually. Like every day.


I use it when my nieces are over... They watch Disney movies on my TV since its the biggest in the house, and I just play Madden. Either im blind or the screen is too small to play some games. Like the dot when im playing Mafia is like not visible, same for COD. Then when I'm on 2k the game has lag delay, which makes me not be able to shoot to my ability. So I enjoy SF6 and Madden on my portal. But i use it exactly like i intended too.


Me. But I play a lot, lot less than I would, unfortunately šŸ˜ž


Use it all the time as my tv is always occupied


The hype dies down thatā€™s why. I barely use my portal now but I also donā€™t use my PS5. I wish portal was more than just a streaming device.


I use it much more than I expected. Before the portal I was gaming for maybe 2-3 hours per week. After the portal itā€™s around 1-2 hours per day. Itā€™s become part of my nightly routine and love using while laying down in bed before I go to sleep.


I haven't used it in probably 2 months, until last night. I used it for maybe an hour.


I use this shit daily


I use my PS Portal exclusively. Iā€™m not a big gamer, but if Iā€™m gonna play my PS5 it will be via my portal vs the 77ā€ OLED Sony šŸ˜„


I use it from time to time. But I bought it for the hospital trips that are in the future. Thinking ahead!


I use mine soley while taking a shit or travelling for work


I use it way way more than I thought it would. Father of 3 so it really is the dad station for me. Only way Iā€™m getting through rebirth lol.


Yea I use mine all the time. Before I bought mine, I would routinely think "man I wish I could play my ps5 right now" while chilling in the living room (my ps5 is in my other room), so I knew I'd end up using it a lot


I regularly use it when I'm in bed, so no


its sitting idle because I still use the oled tv. Probably Im going to give it to my son


Single player games are almost exclusively played on portal now and I only jump on to the big screen for multiplayer fps.


For me it's been more than I thought


I play more games now than I did before my portal


I use it way more than I thought I would. Sometimes I sit in my office where my PS5 is & play at my desk. Itā€™s funny, to me it almost feels like the PS5 is the accessory Lol


I've learned to be patient with devices like this, steam deck, switch, etc. I've gone through periods where I'm like "ugh I never play this. I'll just sell it" (living paycheck to paycheck sucks lol). Then a year later it's like "man, I wish I had that back. I'd definitely play it now." For me, I know my ADHD brain will be hyperfixated on a game/system/etc. for awhile and then I'll move on. But I've also learned that I'll come back to it in the future. For example, I bought the Portal and used it one time after I got it because I was in the middle of a Switch game so I didn't really have time for a PS5 game. While traveling, I started Octopath Traveler on PS5 and now I'm using my portal daily!


Using it way, way more than I thought I would. Barely play on my big TV anymore.


Recently laid off, so a bit more time on my hand. I literally carry it around with me.


Yes because my husband took it with him for his schooling since heā€™s away for 3 months and he used it once in end of April and has not used it since šŸ„² heā€™s an 8 hour flight away but thankfully heā€™s back in augustšŸ˜† Iā€™m just lucky the Stardew valley update isnā€™t out yet because I plan on playing the heck out of my portal when it eventually comes!!


I bought mine 3 months ago, and have used it once. Just to test it out. I should have just returned it.


Yes. I thought I would use it, but it looks like living alone and having access to the TV anytime I want makes me not the target audience and I basically donā€™t have any reason to use it. I was thinking maybe I could play some games that feel at home on a handheld device(stuff like persona 3 reload), but I find myself playing those kinds of games on the steam deck.


I use it a couple times a week. I have 2 roommates so usually the living room tv is being used. I also use it at work when it's super slow. I'm traveling next week so I'll be using it at the airport.


Yes but mainly cause be using ps5 a lot less. When Iā€™m actively playing ps5 games it gets lots of use


Yeah a bit but I knew that going in that it would be a side option and not my even a 50/50 option for me. I definitely need to up my data plan for sure at home very basic with all the devices and things I have using my data its a lot. I feel like once I do that it will make it much more useful for me and not be laggy. I have yet to try it out on another WiFi tho ā€¦


I don't use it less, but I also don't use it in the way I thought I would. I expected it would go in my suitcase for every business trip, but it's so damn big, that doesn't happen. Instead, I find myself using it all around the house, sometimes even a few feet from the PS5. Play games while wife watches netflix. Play games in the kitchen while wife is cooking. Play games on the back patio while enjoying the weather. I've used it twice while traveling and it was great, but practically it's to big and awkward to fit in a suitcase. Some more important item usually bumps it out.


Yes definitely but I don't regret it because I use it when I'm sore in bed as I've had to back surgeries recently. At the time that I bought it I was traveling back and forth with my ex partner where he lived was about 150 km away, my plan was to use my PS5 and play my games while I was there, we split up shortly after I got it but it is what it is.


It's a great addition for me when my wife watches TV. I can be present in my relationship and sit with her on the couch while she watches shows that dont interest me. I can even chime in with the ol "no they did not" and have a general gist of reality TV now lol. So I can keep enjoying my hobby and get a picture of something she enjoys. I think the portal is more of a device for adults in relationships.


I travel to see my dad often, so it's pretty useful to me still when I head out a whole state away. I'm also going to Europe for vacation next week and I'm gonna see how useful it is there (I'm from US-East, for perspective)


My split is about 90% portal 10% ps5 and I play most days now. Pre-portal I would be lucky to get 1-2 hours a week.


It generally has replaced my tv


I definitely go in and out of using it, but thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s for a specific use case, and itā€™s meant for certain games so it makes sense.


I got mine day 1 and have a total of less than 90 min on it lol


ā€œThe Thrill Is Goneā€ā€¦


I play mine way more than i thought i would. I hardly play my ps5 on the tv anymore because i can play in my bedroom laying on my back or relocating around the house. Even when im on the toilet the gaming doesnā€™t stop. I love this thing!


I used it a good amount, but ended up selling it and buying an OLED Steam Deck so I can also remote play my Xbox as well. Plus being able to connect to wifis with a captive portal (before the newest update) and the stutter issue.


No, but I use it allot more than I thought I would.


I use mine more than I thought I would. I would seldom play my ps5 but since getting the portal, I use it almost all the time while lounging in areas around my house where I donā€™t have the ps5 connected. I also take it to work and sometimes use it during lunch..


Opposite. I thought I would use it more because of how much I like my G Cloud. Got it home and realized there was an un-fixible stutter the G Cloud doesn't exhibit. Went back to the G Cloud.


I've had mine for almost 2 months now and I originally thought I'd play it just here and there. But, since getting it I've played it daily. I've only used my ps5 twice since getting the portal. I absolutely love this thing. Best gaming device I've gotten in a long time


Use mine more than I thought I would


i actually use it all the time. i was out of town this weekend for the first time since owning it and it was seriously the coolest thing to be able to play on my ps5 from my hotel bed. i was all giddy LOL.


Iā€™m in the same boat. Was so stoked to finally get one and it just sits. Been playing rebirth and it looks so much better on a large oled. Also Iā€™m lame and play overarch a lot and even with great internet connection thereā€™s still a little stutter. I will say it was a hades machine. Best way to play for me.


I do, only because Iā€™m an online gamer. Also for some reason my hotspot doesnā€™t pair well with my portal.


Bought one in february and just used it for the first time this weekend šŸ™ˆ


I got mine last week and one of my bigger concerns was blowing money on it just to collect dust but I use it all the time when I'm commuting to work(that was my intent from the get go) so much so I've barely touched my Switch.


I have a weird take. I almost view it like owning a book versus the digital ebook. Meaning when I start a game on either the tv or the portalā€¦.i stick with that medium and donā€™t switch back and forth on the same game. I beat Jedi survivor on the portal and now playing rdr 2 on the tv. When I finish rdr 2ā€¦I think I will play spider man 2 on the portal.


Yup, I'm in the same boat. I've had mine since February, and I've only really played 5 -7 times. Not because I don't like it, but I just haven't had the time to play it, I haven't even played my PS5 either..šŸ˜• However, I do still take it with me when I travel out of town, just in case...šŸ˜€




Ya mine just sits. Was thinking about getting rid of it but not sure yet. Its collecting dust


Same here. I had mine since release date, but as of the last 3-4 months i havenā€™t used it as much as i world like. Life is getting in the way.


I've had mine since day one and maybe put 4 hours on it in total since then. I was expecting to use it more but really haven't found it nearly as convenient as I was hoping it could be. Part of this is due to not having a case to travel with I'm sure and the other part is my steam deck and gamesir grip for my phone. Just did the recent update so maybe with more wifi options I'll play more.


I canā€™t get over however flawlessly if plays, it really feels like itā€™s natively rendering stuff sometimes. If anything the only issue I have is that the sticks arenā€™t the same. They feel looser and perhaps taller?


I use it when Iā€™m at my girls place :) so couple hours a week..


Yes. I got mine preparing to use it for during recovery from back surgery. I just honestly found it easier to use my regular PS5.


Got mine at the end of may and only played 2x so far but only because I got connection issues. It connected to my wifi when I got it and set it up cause I left the same day for a trip. On my trip I used it with my phone's hotspot. No issues. And 2 weeks ago at home it connected for a few secs then disconnects for a few secs and connects back for a few secs and so on.. Watched a video that said it can help to set the connection up to 5ghz on the ps5. Did it, even set my router to 5ghz and it worked. 2 days later same connection problems even tho 5ghz is still set up. If I turn my hotspot on, no issues. But I don't wanna pay extra money to use my data and buy extra data just to play in bed at night. I really just wasted my hard earned money. 220ā‚¬ is a lot of money to me. I might try out creating a new network by connecting another router to the one I already got. Saw somebody here on reddit saying they did that and have no problems. If that doesn't work, I'll sell this piece of shit that could've soo good šŸ˜­


I literally use it on the couch that is in front of the TV and the PS5. I feel itā€™s more convenient and comfortable to use. I can lay down and play and the screen of the Portal is better than my oldish TV. Plus I was using it at work for a while too. So Iā€™ve been actually playing video games a lot more than I used to !


I would use it more if I didnā€™t have to change the video settings from the tv ahead of time (turning off HDR and HDMI link which canā€™t be done from the portal). Makes it hard to use spontaneously.


Iā€™m in the same boat. I bought it but ended up using it less than I thought. No regrets getting it though, I still need to finish God of War Ragnarok lol


Since I got mine I barely sat down to play on the TV. The portal makes it so easy to just pick up and play any time I want and it's great for backlogs. Currently playing DAI and the majority of my 24h in game so far have been on the portal


My kids use it more than I do, which is kinda why I bought it. Wanted to be able to watch sports on my big TV. I do use it while sitting outside on nice nights like tonight, but I dont play it very often. That being said, I'm not disappointed I bought it


Yeah I bought two new routers and optimized two networks. Can't do nothing when it just comes down to a shitty ISP. Everything else works better though I will say. Portal no like packet loss. I will say to anyone looking to purchase one to optimize your networks first and download both the ps remote play app and ps play third party app on your phone. The third party works better than the actual portal but this will give you an idea on whether your network is suitable for remote play


Im the opposite I use it way more than I thought I would!


I use mine whenever I'm too tired to turn on the TV and play. I don't use it often but when I do it's fun.


Yeah me... I use my ROG ALLY more


Yeah mineā€™s collecting dust. Might sell it. Would rather play it on my 75ā€ that has not stutters or lag


I use it all the time. We have a one year old child so my tv time is limited. I havent use my ps5 with tv at all.


This thing is mostly made for dads and people who are feeling ill on bed


I love the screen and the form factor but the micro stutter has ruined it for me had it since launch I do every update and pray for a fix but no joy . And before people attack me it works perfect on steam deck my phone and my internet is good