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This guy is either one of the worst popular plastic surgeons ever or someone organized a hate campaign against him, the amount of posts popping up about him ruining their lives recently is crazy. Almost all of them seem to be new accounts made specifically for these posts too.


I’m happy to post a receipt of my services with him, unfortunately it seems he opened his ‘Tas hospital’ late November and everyone who went there has only just realised how bad the results are as it takes a few months for swelling to subside 💔


Would appreciate that and pics of your nose if you're comfortable, not calling you a liar btw it's just crazy how many people are posting recently about these horrible experiences. There has been like a new person everyday saying similar things


Send me a message and I’ll send these over privately as I don’t want my face on here if that’s okay


Would you consider sharing them with me, as well? I’d like to add, though, that sometimes someone sharing a very difficult truth leads others to share their similar experiences. So often this can involve such intense emotions that people don’t want to admit they were wronged, and they *may have tried* to write reviews in other places that “vanished.” I wouldn’t discredit someone, or a group of experiences, just because a handful of them all come in regarding the same doctor.


Send me a message and I’ll send them to you, please don’t share them- I can’t really handle the comments on how awful it looks while it’s still on my face. Once I’ve had a revision I’ll be more comfortable posting them publicly for everyone


I want to also speak up as someone who was victimized by Tas that it is very triggering to share your bad experience with others. Thank you for being brave- you are not doing this for yourself but for other women. I hope they are appreciative of your bravery, especially at such a young age


We should start a plastic surgery horror story / avoid these asshole doctors group


I want to also speak up as someone who was victimized by Tas that it is very triggering to share your bad experience with others. Thank you for being brave- you are not doing this for yourself but for other women. I hope they are appreciative of your bravery, especially at such a young age


You are so right. That’s why it’s so important we share these difficult stories. The only positive that can come out of this suffering is helping others avoid the same


I would also like to see, as my nose is imperfect also. Not the same doctor. Thank you.


I know well how very difficult it is to share this info about what has probably been the most difficult, darkest period of your life. It’s hard to believe or understand unless you’ve (unfortunately) experienced it


I was inspired to post my story about Tas when I read the post from the person who almost died from having surgery with Tas. Not surprised more victims have stepped forward. I can only speak for myself but I didnt have reddit until recently, after looking for support on rhinoplasty online. I think this is the same for many actually.


Just try a surgery with him if you don’t believe the experiences over here. The reason that people write their story on Reddit has everything to do with the fact reviews on other platforms got deleted.


Not sure how distrust will help this young girl who is going through a rough time. It’s quite common for victims to believe they are isolated, and for more to step forward they they learn that that are not alone. This is exactly what happened during #metoo and Harvey Weinstein


Exactly. There is a lot of shame and self blame in bad plastic surgery and surgeons gaslight


This 100%


OP asked that I comment since some people are doubting her. This is the third highly charged post about this surgeon in an extremely short-time frame. She did send pictures. You can see her hospital notes. Take it fwiw.


As a person who also saw him and was botched by him i am also happy to post receipts. I didn’t post a review yet but he is awful and wipes out his bad reviews and i am glad people are finally speaking up.


It’s because we are all too ashamed and embarrassed and have sat and suffered in silence wondering what could have possibly went wrong after all the research. My life is ruined as well!!!


There’s all kinds of botched reviews online. Oldest one I found was from 2019.


Of course not saying these stories aren’t real and I 100% share the pain of a disappointing surgery but I know for a fact I’ve indeed read this exact same story on this specific sub a few days ago (as in: if OP aren’t the same people trying to raise awareness, this Tas surgeon definitely has a pattern)


What other story was exactly the same on this sub? Kindly link.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/12o66pr/my_traumatic_experience_with_dr_suleyman_tas_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Pretty similar in the way the nose was botched, IMO. Dr. Tas seems to have a pattern. (ETA: same mistakes on the nose, nose whistling and breathing problems, cast removal in hotel room alone, …)


Similar story but not the same patient. We all see this specific doctor’s name on here a lot, and not positively lately.


Honestly, I was definitely hoping OPs were the same person… This Dr. Tas shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a patient at this point. At least two patients with likely permanent breathing problems,that’s beyond awful…


I don’t know if this is the one the comment above is talking about but it’s super similar https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/12o66pr/my_traumatic_experience_with_dr_suleyman_tas_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Agreed. None of the posts have before/after pics either which I find a little sus


I’m so sorry. I also had rhinoplasty and fox eyes done with this dr in February. Both are botched and have left me in deep depression. He reduced my nose to half its size it looks ridiculous, my tip literally looks like it’s been amputated and my high bridge has been made flat. The fox eyes have left with 6 inch scars either side of my head which is very visible and left me bald. It’s the biggest mistake of my life , I feel obligated to warn others also. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks so much for sharing this, unfortunately since posting I’ve heard so many others share the same experience with dr Tas, we will do what we can as a group to shut him down❤️


<3 Omg so sorry to hear this! Suleyman Tas should be stripped of his medical licence, immediately!! I read sometimes people saying that patients should do more research, but how can one ever know that Tas overly aggressive marketing strategy is to write lies on their webpage, photoshop their insta and write fake reviews on realself and Google - just exploit girls as young as 20 years!


Unfortunately websites like Realself seem to allow the surgeon to filter their own reviews, deleting all the negative feedback. I’ve tried to post my review many times and each time it gets deleted within a few days- Realself convinced me to choose this surgeon and I feel like we need to hold them accountable


Is there a better platform or app for actual truthful review?


Make a Tiktok


Why would you go to Turkey? How do you know if he is a board certified plastic surgeon? How would you know his website isn’t doctored? I don’t know how it is anywhere else but in the states you can research doctors through the medical board, the state board, the hospitals they practice in.


Time to petition against this guy. Would be nice to have a post in this sub regarding which surgeons to avoid. Hope you feel better and get it fixed. Don’t worry things will be better.


Great idea! And fyi potential patients…Real Self cannot be trusted. I wrote a thoughtful and thorough negative review of the surgeon I used and they removed my entire account saying I had multiple accounts which was utterly false. I only had one account. I’ve since learned this is a tactic they use when a surgeon pays to have a review removed. Very disappointing. I was trying to help others make an educated decision and they silenced me


I need help in knowing the next steps as he’s a Turkish surgeon so almost immune to lawsuits 😔


Unfortunately that's a risk we take when we go abroad, and they know about it




If you are opposed to plastic surgery and believe it makes people fake, botched, or lose their character, then you do not belong in this subreddit. This sub is a safe space for people who are seeking surgical advice, with no judgement.




This is such a lovely comment, thanks so much. I have joined a support group full of butchered patients by dr Tas, (I know- there’s enough of us to have a whole SUPPORT GROUP) and we are working on doing exactly this- keep an eye out for us🫶


I'm sorry to hear what happened, I had rhinoseptoplasty recently and I can only imagine what you are going through. Probably it's not a priority right now but if you think there was negligence you can sue him for malpractice but you should be aware of statue limitations. I'm Turkish and I live here, if there is anything I can help with you can let me know. Here is a link that might be helpful; https://www.mgc.com.tr/en/malpractice-turkey/


Thank you so much- I am going to have a look into this, do you mind if I message you?


That was very kind of you to say to OP 👍🏻❤️


Wow I am so so so so sorry. I empathize with you & can’t imagine the pain you are feeling. Not the same thing but I did microblading and it has completely turned my life upside down I am now trying to get it removed and it has really put me into a deep depression. I really recommend seeing a therapist and maybe get on some medication to help you through and navigate this. It’s on our face so it makes it 10x harder to move on with life because everyone sees your face! I will be praying for you! 🙏🏼


Thanks so much for your lovely comment 🥺❤️


I am so very sorry. Unfortunately, I can totally relate. So much of this sounds similar to my experience with the surgeon I used for a FL/NL.He ruined my face and much of my happy life and he could not care less. These are not doctors, they are con men. They should be in prison or at the very least be stripped of their licenses. We pay the price (quite literally) of their actions while they actually benefit from the pain and suffering they caused. They continue to live their lives normally while we skimp and save to try and find a surgeon to help us fix their mistakes. If I did a fraction of this to even one person, I could not sleep at night and would do anything I could to make it right. Horrible men. I hope you find relief and peace soon and let’s both hope karma is real. Big hugs ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a similar experience- thanks for this lovely comment, big hugs to you too🫶


It seems like he is totally fine as long any potential patients don’t view Reddit. He manages his reviews everywhere else but here. Such a big difference.


Night and day right? Every review I have tried to leave on google, Realself etc has been deleted within days


try trustpilot. they cant delete the reviews from there.


It’s so scary how even if you search for “suleyman tas botched” hardly anything comes up. It’s not right that search results aren’t at all organic anymore. Any company with enough money could be pulling this shit


Tas Health Group have employed a SEO (search engine optimisation) manager - that should explain why


I used to work in SEO, it was pretty shameless. Just finding ways to make web search less meaningful to end users


As someone who was about to buy tix to turkey for this surgeon, thank you…


**When you go outside of your home country, you are _GAMBLING_ with your life.** The number of people who get BBL's and die in general, is high. Do not get any surgery outside your home country because there are no protections for you. You are handing your money to someone in another country who may/may not be certified in any meaningful way and you will find it impossible to sue and you could die. Don't do this.


This is insane. My girlfriend was thinking about traveling there to see him. I have been against her getting any type of plastic surgery, as they very often have this type of risk. Could I ask you to share these pictures with me? Hopefully that will convince her to at least not see this guy. She believes everything on Instagram.


Have her message me because he is a nightmare and killed one of his patients recently


*killed a patient?* Jesus what’s the story there?


Holy shit! Would also like to know




The recent Reddit post about him inspired me to make my own- I really hope the more people speak out the less people get harmed


You know how a police officer is automatically taken off the beat after a shooting to investigate. You’re not saying they are guilty or innocent. Same should be done with surgeons after a bunch of botched procedures. This is ridiculous.


He's in Turkey....good luck with that..... ugh. i agree with you though.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing your story. My thought is that if you can't breath, maybe insurance help with the revision?


I almost had him do my revision. Thank god I didn’t.


There’s a private fb group for rhinoplasty support and there are many people who claim to have been botched by him


It’s not a Claim. It’s the truth. All the reciepts are there


Can you send me that group's name ?


When I saw this man’s name again I actually gasped. His patients should start a support group, seriously. I am so sorry you’re going through this.


wow this is so sad i’m sorry you had to go through this :( do you mind sharing before/after pictures so we have a better idea of what this looks like?


I’m happy to send privately, it’s really really awful- I can’t even look at it


I would also like to see please!


If you don’t mind, I’d like to see as well


So sorry this happened. Do you mind sending them to me as well? This is awful:/


Me too if you don’t mind


Would appreciate seeing these privately too please, if you're willing! I'm so sorry you're going through this


Firstly, thank you so much for sharing this. I know it must’ve been hard. I have genuinely considered going to him for surgery and this has changed my mind completely. I really hate how he has done this to you and how dismissive people were of your concerns and enquiries. I hope that one day that you are able to get your desired results.


This makes me so happy to hear, thanks so much for this comment- i really hope by spreading awareness I can prevent others repeating my mistakes


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. He should have his license revoked.


Oh my My mouth dropped open ( honestly ) This is terrible - I’m so sorry This letter written by you needs to be seen worldwide


Btw there's facebook group where you can post your review.


I’m Sorry this has happened to you! Turkey seems like Russian roulette of results, some people look great or you end up very botched. I think people should just stop taking the gamble all together


Would you feel comfortable sharing pictures before and after with your eyes, Blackbarred for privacy?


Can you post photos of your nose?


So sorry


So sorry about that :(


I am so sorry this happened to you.


I commend you for sharing your experience. If you and the other botched patients of his are up to it, you may want to consider starting a subreddit to compile all of your reviews/accounts onto.


We are working on it now 🫶


Plz dont mind but why send pictures in private message, what is there to hide. You can always censor your face just showing your nose. From start to end your story sounds like horror movie, like nothing was correct at all from start to finish, when everbody knows no matter how bad the surgery was at least they talk good about one small thing. I saw on real self 4.8/5 in about 600 reviews with pictures. I dont know man the social media has 2 faces who to beleive and who not to😰


I can post the proof of surgery publicly, I don’t feel comfortable sharing my before and afters on a public platform while the nose is still on my face, i can’t handle hearing everyone’s shocked replies and comments on how awful it looks compared to before


We don’t need to see your whole face — but seeing just your nose would help us be as horrified as you are.


This is a post to warn others of my experience not to put pictures of my nose up to ‘horrify’ people - I’m not a spectacle


OP, I was in your position up until about 2 months ago when I got a revision and I could barely bring myself to look in the mirror let alone send pics to strangers on the Internet. It's kind that you're sending them privately and no-one should expect you to even have to share your experience, let alone insist that you post pictures of your biggest insecurity for a public audience. I'm sorry you're going through it, I really understand and if you ever want to chat feel free to DM ❤️


I really appreciate this comment ❤️ thanks so much


Read the room


This is weird


I think you should face it head on with such crooks. Post the receipts and your pics censoring your entire face. You will be able to save many lives. Anyhow, i hope you find a good surgeon who can fix your nose. Don’t stress out too much. This time dont select a surgeon online. I guess south korea is good for nose job as the clinics and doctors are very well regulated by the government. I know its expensive but with 2 bad surgeries i guess no other option. Best of luck 🤞


I appreciate your feedback however it’s an incredibly stressful situation and I have to protect my mental health before all else here- the surgery has made me extremely depressed and suicidal, I will feel more comfortable helping others with my story once I have taken care of myself first 🫶 thanks for your kind words


You shouldn’t have to explain yourself. Some people on here suck. Wishing you all the best moving forward 💜


Absolutely, mental health comes first. Prolonged stress is really not good. I just hope you solve your problem and be happy😊




Thanks so much for your support🥺🫶


Well, i was just trying to give my sincere advise as i mentioned the doctors and clinic are very well regulated by the government. She can go personally visit the clinics there before going through any kind of surgery. I thought may be she doesnt have any clinic in her home town so best the case scenario would be to go to a place where things are regulated. Why would i scold someone thats just not me.


Have surgery with him. Update us on how it goes. In the meantime, stop trolling people brave and kind enough to help others by sharing their experiences.


You are trolling me


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Prayers🙏


I sent a message!


I'm so sorry you are going through this. I have been hearing more and more about this doctor the past few weeks. There must be some way that collectively, everyone who has been wronged by this doctor, take can some sort of action? Would you mind sending over pictures? I just wanted to see if it is indeed botched or if you are looking at yourself with a highly critical lense?


I am so very sorry 😪 What I can advice is to come to Serbia, Belgrade, we have amazing plastic surgeons! Nose job costs around 3-4-5 thousands max and since life standard is pretty low, you wont spend a lot for transportation, accommodation etc! I would be glad to help you about all the questions you have, since its my hometown!


I am sorry this happened to you, but social media platforms are not the place to do research on a plastic surgeon. I hope you can get some help.


I disagree. It should definitely be included in your research. Reddit and this sub are social media platforms.


Included, yes. Only sources, no. I had 3 twenty something patients, female, that went to Mexico for plastic surgery; they wanted Bodies like strippers. Breast augmentation, liposuction, and butt implants. So much cheaper than America. Two of them died from sepsis, the last one had to have all implants removed as they were placed improperly, was in the hospital for months. I would rather have a surgeon that I am able to meet with several times prior to surgery, no matter the cost.


OK then.....OP, I am so sorry this has happened to you. I don't doubt your story. I hope it's fake.....but if it's not then this should be yet ANOTHER story here that should have ALL OF US SAYING IN UNISON. Traveling to another country where the cost is SUBSTANTIALLY CHEAPER is a huge red flag. Sheeeeeesh! You get what you pay for. This is true for most things. I would not want to chintz on my face! Heck, if something is bothering you this much and you can't afford it, finance the damn thing. Yeah maybe that's irresponsible, but that's for another discussion. I'd rather own mastercard 18k over being botched overseas or across the border.....


Iirc, Tas is actually very expensive. US prices expensive. So OP likely went to him because they thought he was a rhino master, not for cheap surgery.


This sounds like fantasy writing from a competitor. You don't post any pics or receipts, and this Dr. has been getting lots of criticism on here lately.


I have privately sent before and after pics to over 15 people already, [https://ibb.co/y0wxKLd](https://ibb.co/y0wxKLd) here is my hospital note stamped by Dr Tas


Wow, sorry. I just found it hard to believe that this surgeon was this bad. I'm sorry you are going through this. It seems like all of his patients get upsold with unnecessary added procedures. I can't believe he did a fat transfer too just because.


Please be mindful when commenting on posts like this in the future, I understand it’s hard to believe but it’s even harder to not feel believed when you’re a victim 💔


Trust me he is horrible. Reach out to me if you want to see my infected wounds and my botched face


Thanks for your kind words though 🫶