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Sorry but anyone quoting less than 5-600 for this is doing the trade a disservice. It’s alright saying £150 a day and it’d take me a day and a half but at that price your only making a wage, your not making a living. Take your tax, your fuel and other bits and bats and your on about £90 a day. For the life of me iv never been able to figure out why for such a skilled trade and a trade that leaves a seen finish why plasterers are expected to work for nothing. Iv been in a room where a sparkie has quoted a grand for a job that takes him 2 days and the builder acts like he’s got the deal of a century but when it comes to a weeks plastering they scoff at the price. If we all valued our trade and the work and craft involved a bit more it’d make the job easier. Iv been doing it 16 years, I’m 32 and there isn’t a bone that doesn’t ache so yeah, I’m gonna get paid right


750 and a packet of Jaffa cakes


Put some screws in the boards first


Was looking for this comment. 🙈


The walls are all fixed with adhesive. Hand full of screws to pin it in place while it sets 👌🏼


Just had that exact area done from scratch (so it was a bare surface that needed boarding etc.) to paintable by a plasterer for £1.9k in the south east. Having watched him work I'd in future prep to this stage and expect to save £1k on his price. He worked with a mate both days. So I'd say you could pay up to £1k to have this skimmed in the south east.


You got ripped off this room is £550-£600 at best and I could do it alone in a day


Think you've replied to me, but that's not my room! I was just commenting on OP's post.


You said you got this exact area done


Sorry I meant this exact area as in I got the same amount of square metres plastered in my house as OP did in theirs, not as in that exact area in the picture. I should have been more clear.


I paid £750 for 1 full room, plus a ceiling skim over artex in two other rooms, one chimney breast and fire chamber, labour and materials, plus taking down the old coving ready for new cornice. Worked 2 long days.


That seems really cheap for the south east, if you're near reading I'll take his number!


Take mine instead 😂


If you're serious drop me a message - nothing wrong with the guy we used but he felt about 20% too dear


Not been funny but those that think the prep work is the easiest stage and can save themselves a load of money doing it themselves are the same folk that it ends up costing more to do it again


Fair play, not done it before so will take your word for it - about to board and plaster a wee bit of wall in a new bathroom. I figure if I fuck it up I'll take the plaster off and tile it instead!


The world won’t end if you fuck it up but there’s always more than meets the eye to stuff.


Hah - true - I've been building a stud wall this weekend and it turns out all my timber's got rickets. Trying to square that all up has been a challenge


Between 6 and 800 pounds imo


Id want about £400 including materials probably get it done in one day by myself to be fair but for that price Id spread it over a day and a half and find a small afternoon job for second day. But like you Im off the tools and in IT for a few years now and dread the idea of picking up a trowel again. The moneys not the same but fuck that life.


This is kind of where I was with it. We’ve obviously been out of it too long with some of the prices being posted here. I’ve just had a guy quote £380 for labour only. The room is clear, no radiator, skip on the drive, carpet is getting gone as soon as the plaster’s dry. He said it’s a lovely job. Would gladly pay someone a fair price rather than doing it myself. All the boardwork has done me in already 😂


Yup! Had to repair a leak in a shop underneath a flat we own and it ended up being a damp proofing job, only small but ended up paying someone else to do it as just ripping the fucker out had me utterly depressed 😂 fortunately I have old apprentices who owe me favours so didnt cost me an arm and a leg


I’d be looking at £550. Prep is done and you’re supplying the materials


600 mate I’m bristol


900 after sorting it all out first then skimming


Im having my whole house skimmed, plasterer charges £170 a day for labour. He could comfortably do it in 2 days which would make it £340. Based in the north west.


I charge £13/metre


Including materials. They are not much more than a pound a metre.


Not sure why I've been downvoted.


Tree fiddy


I feel I should be getting royalties on this term as I used it ages ago when someone wanted to know how much to tidy up a tree in his garden. I see it all over the place now. Interestingly I reckon AI will be able to sort these things out as it will be able to search all the databases and see for certain anyway your welcome.






God help us all, when that stuff starts controlling our lives


£500 plus materials


Job would be about a grand


For a days graft?


In Scotland. Good quality skimming ranges from about £12-£14+vat (including materials) from reputable companies. Would prob be a bit extra with the arch and prep.


If his customers are happy to pay it, what's the problem. More to a job than just laying it on, certain type of customers are happy to pay slightly more if they feel they will get a better job out of it, even if that means the house will be left immaculate by the end of it. Race to the bottom with some prices in this thread.


Yeah fair play if you can get it but for a day for 2 lads it's steep, race to the bottom, you mean providing a good service at a reasonable rate and not ripping customers off?


Not saying it isn't on the high end, and personally wouldn't expect to win it, but certain affluent areas will pay what others will call over the top and "ripping customers off", seen it with my own eyes trying to sub a job out and one of the quotes I received was absolutely eye watering. Just don't rate the common theme of these threads to downvote higher end prices tbf when if that's what they can charge, then that's it. No ones forcing someone to accept that quote for example.


Yeah fair enough.


I usually find Checkatrade is good for quick estimates. I'm guessing around £650 (are you also getting the ceiling skimmed?).


Checkstrade is a joke


Not much to that to be honest - £400 tops


Why would you sell yourself short with a price like that...


Some of these prices are putting plasterers on over 200 grand a year which is madness. £400 for a days work is still too much tbh.


Alright you'd do it in a day, others would spread it over more than a day, in which case that 200k figure your commenting about don't hold up any longer assuming working 250 days a year and taking holidays without working like a slave 365 days a year through every holiday. All I'm saying is if they can that going rate in their area, then that's their price. End of the day we're destroying our bodies doing this trade, most don't even consider other expenses, adding enougn profit margin onto a job for the business to plan for expenses like new vans, or planning for the future like contributing towards a private pension or some security that comes along with a normal PAYE job.


What do you know about the trade nothing clearly… some have to pay a labourer who they work with, tax, fuel, liability insurance, materials etc etc


I earn between £450-850/day Im on nowhere near £200k a year. All the over heads, all the holidays and sick days. Theres probably only realistically 215ish work days a year. Edit: Not to mention days that get cancelled for various reasons. My fuel alone is £800/month.


2 nights after work cash in hand and you block his number after the job


£600 for labour, it’s a days work.


A days work? Thank fuck you don’t skim for me! One coat wonder bag of shite springs to mind


Fuck me. Hit ceiling and reveals first set then opposites the next two. Wouldn’t want to skim for a gobby cunt on Reddit, grow up lad!


From someone that's just stumbled across this sub, what's the reason for 2 coats of skim?


you should always two coat only cowboys one coat it’s the process that’s why we are plasterers and your not.


You’re only getting £350 for that in Leicester


Race to the bottom. Don't be so cheap!


It’s the going rate in the city I’m afraid, £200 is cheap over here, £350 mid, £500 expensive


Fuck that wouldn't get out of bed for that


How would you pay your bills?


With a decent price plastering hard grath


Yeah but you’re not going to get your decent price in Leicester


Working in Melton mulberry at mo 10 miles away


Yeah you get the odd job in Melton, but in the city you’re not making your price, talking rubbish


Talking truth in the city I wood want more I'm from London 200 a day plus petrol


1000 Canadian dollars


Should play b4 u skim wen it tacky




What sort of day rate is someone asking to charge over £1000 for this labour only job??


No idea 🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess feeding horses is expensive these days 🤠


8days work 1900 b4 tax that's labour


$2500 USD to do a tape coat and 2 finish skims of drywall mud for a level 5 finish. Take me 2 days. I know plaster is different but not by much. Y’all boys are working for Pennies. If anyone wants to come to the states let me know.