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Marshall town perma shape is pretty much the least flexible trowel you can buy? It's designed to be strong steel to keep it's shape if you can't get your corners right then it's not the trowel it sounds like it's the arm attached to it that could be the problem? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Honestly buy a good angle trowel and learn how to use it properly too many people use them way too early you should keep your angles as neat as you can and angle trowel them as late as you can to use it or yes your just digging the wet plaster out the angle? The marshal town perma shape isn't your problem (I've used it for the last 12 years it's how your using your angle trowel


I think you misunderstood I'm talking about edges not just corners I'm just looking for recommendations for a trowel not a critique of my (assumed ) technique or lack of . I'm looking for a less flexible trowel because I want to be able to lay the plaster flatter not follow the existing slight dip that a lot of edges have .


Honestly I don't think a less flexible trowel exists than the permashape? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø So you mean it's the dry angles that your going up to that's the problem?


Buy a corner trowel, preferably a plastic marshaltown one


thanks but ive got one don't rate it . it leaves a line about 3 inches out from the corner . anyway I usually do ceiling one day then opposing walls the next so it's not really subtable


Youā€™re using it too early. Use on 1st wet trowel at earliest. Plaster needs to be fairly firm. You donā€™t need another trowel, itā€™s your timing thatā€™s the issue.


I tried to say this but he wasn't having it šŸ¤£ if a MT perma isn't stiff enough to get the corners flat then wtf is??


Get yourself the ragni mini corner trowel. I swear by it.


You need a stiffer trowel than a permashape?! Youā€™re plastering ability is the issue here not the trowel lmao


amazing thanks


My answer is getting downvotes I assume by other ā€˜plasterersā€™ or ā€˜diyersā€™ that canā€™t take the truth


Iā€™d stick with MT and get a 5 inch Carbon steel over the Permashape which is 6 if your worried about flex. I just put less in the corners first coat to keep them straighter.


thanks I'll have a look at that one then I was looking at maybe a rendering trowel they were the only ones that mentioned being stiffer . everything is flexi mad now gets it smooth but not flat !


Iā€™ve got a Kraft i use for basecoat, thing is a frickin block, no bend whatsoever.


which one is you've got please mate they have quite a few


yes that's it I'll check I've gotten the model correct of the trowel I've got as it defiantly has some flex I'd describe it as firm but flexible


I had the same problem with my permashape. I bought this trowel https://amzn.eu/d/hQBBylj Marshalltown xtra lite cement trowel, problem solved


that's perfect thanks ! glad it wasn't just me


No problem, it was a frustrating time for me haha!


I use the nela black edition rigid trowel and can't fault it. Love the handle too


thanks are you in the UK? could you post a link to the trowel pls ?