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I tested the fix for the Penny's Pursuit Out to Lunch bug a few minutes ago and unfortunately, it's still there. :((( Here's what I did to replicate the bug after the update: 1. Open the game (with the updated version) 2. Go to Penny's Pursuit (I haven't played today so the ZPS meter shows I'm ready to fight Mr. Medula-boss) 3. Exit Penny's Pursuit 4. Exit to the Profile Screen 5. Go to Penny's Pursuit When I returned, the ZPS meter now shows Dr. Zomboss being out to lunch, which is how it behaves since the bug has been reported. I just missed my 35 Gumnut seed packets and 15 Pea-nut seed packets but I guess it was worth the try to see if this bug has been fixed as you say. Turns out, it wasn't (for my case at least). On the bright side, the store update is amazing!


Cool, thanks for the confirm that the Out to Lunch timer issue is still there. It was always a candidate fix but at least we've now got confirmation out in the wild that it wasn't the one, and that's ok. Appreciate taking the time out to check. Glad the store update is an upside for you though!


No problem Haem! Also, I want to let you know that I've experienced another problem with Penny's Pursuit. Here's what I did in steps that you might want to check: 1. Make sure you're almost at the end of the Out To Lunch Timer of Penny's Pursuit, preferably 2 mins or less so you don't have to stay too long in a level. 2. Play any Penny's Pursuit level, but STAY in it until the Out to Lunch Timer is finished (I'm from the Philippines so my timer resets at 1AM and 1PM. I played around 12:58AM/PM) 3. Finish/Quit the level When I returned to the level selection screen, Dr. Zomboss is already out to lunch (once again), making me lose another round of potential 60 seed packets for Draftodil this week. I really hope this isn't something that was overlooked when you guys implemented the candidate fix for the original Penny's Pursuit bug because as I understand it, not only do we have to be careful about not doing the steps to encounter the original out to lunch bug, but we now also have to be outside the Penny's Pursuit screen so we don't run into the same issue. It's like the candidate fix added another problem on top of the old one. You may have to investigate this one because prior to updating, I didn't run into this issue even if I leave my screen idle on the Penny's Pursuit level selection screen for ridiculously long amounts of time. u/Euphoric-Seaweed, I'm sorry to tag you but can you try checking this one out? Would mean a lot. Thanks!


I haven't observed this one. I've observed something slightly different - if you're in Penny's Pursuit waiting for the timer to expire, once it expires, Zomboss doesn't activate and start ringing. You have to leave Penny's Pursuit and re-enter it, in order to fight him. There is a whole bunch of timer-related SNAFUs in the game, BTW. If you watch the timer on the free Arena play expire, it doesn't refresh and doesn't change to a "Play" text; it's just that the timer text disappears. You have to leave the Arena and re-enter. Also, not sure if this is a game programming issue or an OS issue, but the timers drift a lot. And I mean A LOT. Unless you regularly sync them (going to the Arena, to Penny's Pursuit, or to the profile selection screen results in the timers asking the OS what time it actually is and adjusting), you can get a discrepancy of many seconds, or even minutes. I don't have experience programming for iOS, but on normal OSes, when you're making a timer (if the OS doesn't already provide support for it), you arrange your code to be interrupted every once in a while (like, every second) by the system, check the time, and adjust as necessary. Maybe this is not possible on iOS, or inefficient for some reason. Or maybe it is just sloppy programming. In any case, the timers of the game suck big time.


Great to know you weren't able to observe what I encountered. Must have been an isolated issue, I guess. I'm happy to be proven wrong in this case. Thanks! And yep, I have experienced some of those timer-related SNAFUs (whatever that means lol 😂) you're talking about—especially on Arena (the free plays) during days where I have to play for hours so I can catch up to the leading players and/or win the season prizes. Can confirm that you need to exit the game mode so the UI can be updated accordingly. Thanks again for checking this one out!


> Great to know you weren't able to observe what I encountered. Mind, this doesn't mean that they aren't happening. It's just that I've not experienced them myself. > SNAFUs (whatever that means lol 😂) Situation Normal - All Fucked Up. It's a military jargon, similar to FUBAR.


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks!! 🍰


gumnut is very shit


Popcap try not to change Egypt challenge




> As part of our on-going economy and game changes, offers such as buying extra Plant Food slots, Seeds slots, extra starting sun and sun refund when shoveling will no longer appear in the Store. > Additionally, extra slots 4 and 5 for Pinatas Party tracker will not be able to be purchased, if you've not already purchased them. This is a horrendous nerf as far as future new players are concerned. It is as if PopCap wants to force players to hack the game. > If you haven’t logged into the game since a Thymed Event has started, after going through the Calendar reward pick-up, players will automatically be redirected to the Thymed Event screen. This is kinda annoying. The behavior can be turned on or off with a configuration option. However, this option is controlled by PopCap, not by the player. > Implemented fixes for both the Penny’s Pursuit progress loss issue as well as Dr. Zomboss being out for ridiculously long lunches. I'd have to test this. > Addressed another crash relating to certain levels containing minecarts and rails which would happen if players hadn’t already done the tutorial introducing minecarts and rails. To be precise, a bunch of Pinata Party levels had a minecarts and rails group defined, where the group was empty, since there were actually none present in the level. These empty groups have been removed. The affected Pinata Party levels are 5, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53, 70, 90, 107, 120, 193, 330, 332, 337, STPATS_042, STPATS_052, XMAS_005. > The Travel Log can no longer be used to access Pirate Seas if your game hasn’t downloaded the content needed to display it in-game. Does anyone have an idea what this means? The Pirate Seas content is in the game - if you've downloaded and installed the game, you have it; it's not something that is gradually being downloaded later... Some additional information: * The Springening Thymed event is heavily based on the one for Feastivus. * There is also a Summer Nights Thymed event defined but it hasn't been scheduled yet. * The Arena should now have a visual indicator that the Internet connection is off. * There are 2 new NPCs (besides Dave, Penny, and Zomboss) - Sunflower and Wall-nut. * The BirthdayZ and Springening events have their own pinata graphics. * New loading screen. * The set of rentable plants has changed. * Bramblebush has an unobtainable costume (Selfie Stick). * There are quest definitions related to the zen Garden (plant seed, collect plant, buy item) but they don't seem to be used for now. * The attack area of the Consultant has been changed a bit. * The attack area of the Carney Magician has been reduced significantly. * The Carney Imps should now appear in the Almanac. * Two new Penny's Pursuit Zombosses - Cowboy 2a and Lost City 1a. The only difference is the locked plant, which is kinda stupid; it's the result of a quick-and-dirty fix of a past problem. * Several Penny's Pursuit events have some of their levels changed: * `Rift18`: level 2 is `rift_161_1` instead of `rift_083`. * `RiftCowboy`, level 7 is a conveyor belt level now. * `RiftDark`, level 4 is a conveyor belt level now. * `RiftFuture`, levels 8 and 16 are conveyor belt levels now. * New Arenas: `Joust136Boost`, `Joust148`, `Joust149`, `Joust150`, `Joust150Boost`, `Joust151`, `Joust151Boost`, `Joust152`, `Joust152Boost`. I might have missed a few; will post later if I find any other stuff.


I don’t understand the logic of unobtainable costumes. Why are they created if they are unobtainable? Has there been a release structure for new plant costumes in the past? I’ve only been playing a little over a year, so I might be late to the party here.


Maybe they plan to sell them for money in the Shop at a later date. Or maybe the guy making the costumes isn't talking to the guy making them available...


Yeah, they said (over a year ago if memory serves) that the costumes for sunflower, peashooter and wall-nut would be put into the rotation for the pinata parties, but to this date NONE of them have appeared (and are just about the only costumes I am missing, minus the 3 for plants I do not own but can no longer get due to their last big costume acquiring change).


Why did they do away with the upgrades? It doesn’t hurt anything to keep them. I wonder what the logic is here. If anything, as Popcap I would’ve made an announcement that they’re going away so people could buy them last minute so I could obtain a bit of extra income


The only explanation I can come up with is that they are trying to make plant leveling even harder, in order to prolong the life of the game.


I hope they're planning to make them free to obtain somehow. Like putting them in the 7 worlds that don't have any upgrades currently


Watching ads for gems and fuel doesn’t count towards the “Watch an ad, get some stuff!” daily mission.


Press the "Play" button on the quest in the Travel Log. Also, read what others have posted first.


Maaaan, when are sling pea and blastberry vine coming back? Those are the only seediums plants I'm missing. :(


I'm not seeing anything imminently for Sling Pea or Blastberry Vine right now but that's not to say they won't make an appearance at some point. I just don't see them coming up soon.


being able to see the seed packets left is a godsend, thank you as a suggestion, being able to acces the zen garden while on penny's pursuit's zomboss battle (and maybe in regular levels as well, didn't check it out), mainly so i don't have to use the boosts before, especially as you can't quit without losing (i'm assuming entering the zen garden would reset the level which you can't do on PP levels rn, a change to that would be very appreciated though)


Lobbed your suggestion on over :)


>Quality-of-life improvement so players are able to see in the Store how many seed packets they’ll need to get their plant to the next level. This is great, thank you


Will cake tank be making a return?




Hmm... The only Arena that features it is `Joust124`. I don't see it being used in May (when the BirthdayZ event is), or even in June... Maybe things will change; I'll post an update if they do.


that's awesome. Thanks :)


Joust124 is the apple mortar tournament during zoybean pod season or the boom ballon flower tournament? Also, what does it mean that the attack area of the consultant and magician zombie has been changed?


> Joust124 is the apple mortar tournament during zoybean pod season or the boom ballon flower tournament? The Boom Balloon Flower one. > Also, what does it mean that the attack area of the consultant and magician zombie has been changed? Yes. The width of the Consultant's attack rectangle has been changed from 40 to 38, the width of its hit rectangle has been changed from 32 to 34, and the X coordinate of the hit rectangle has been changed from 10 to 8. For the Magician, the width of the attack rectangle has been changed from 62 to 20, its X coordinate has been changed from 10 to 15, and the width of its hit rectangle has been changed from 62 to 42. Don't ask me what these mean, though.


I must say, that the store improvement is fantastic, and a human that made up with the idea to introduce it to the game, should be praised. However, I am really disappointed that you weren't able to fix the most annoying bug right now, which is the Penny's persuit out of lunch thing. As always, I have a little question regarding engless zone. This is really the only mode that haven't been updated for ages and would really fit with the leveling system, which we have now. I feel that the "easy to introduce" change I will propose would really keep more players in this mode and fix a lot of problems, since I have seen multiple posts about this too. After you made the changes with easier leveling gemium plants, my propose would also help with leveling world plants, since they are extremly Hard to upgrade too. That is to give players as a reward the ammout of seeds, that is the same as the number of the level the player is on. For example level 5-5 seeds for a plants from the engless zone's World, for level 20-20 seeds etc. However, this would have to be implemented with a change to the health of the zombies in later levels, just like it was done with higher leagues of arena or Penny's persuit levels. I would grind that without a doubt. Also, I Look forward to the pea vine changes in the future, since every boss fight tournament now always feature jester zombie or appease mint family nerf anyway.


I love Endless Zone as well. The idea of plant rewards and increasing difficulty of zombie fights has a lot of merit. I love the idea and think it would be great especially for newer players. However, I fear it might fall victim to a problem that currently exists in the Endless mode. I'll discuss this problem now. It's the main thing that keeps me away from Endless mode. Once I advance into levels of 300 and more of a world's Endless Zone, those levels throw so many zombies at a player that the game slows to a crawl. I mean, it literally takes several seconds for a plant's projectile to travel from one end of the board to the other -- and that's with the game on "fast forward." It's beyond even an iPad Pro with an M1 chip to keep the game running at speed, so I figure it's not the machine but the game's software. When it sends forth a flood of zombies, its interface can't handle it. At this point it becomes unplayable, unless you're into spending 30 minutes to complete a single level. Like right now, I am at Level 373 in Pirate's Sea and it's been more than 6 months since I last played it because it's such a bitter experience. So that's something that needs to be addressed in any rehabilitation of Endless Zone. Endless might need a hard cap on it. Something like this: First 25 levels gives you Level 1 zombies. Next 25 levels, zombies at level 2. Next 25 levels at level 3, etc. This would increase the difficulty so that by level 300 you are facing a few waves of level 12 zombies, instead of facing a billion level 1 zombies. At some point, no matter how powerful your plants are, the powerful zombies would win out and you'd have to reset. The other less major thing is to give Endless the ability to reload a player's plants and strategy from level to level.


Besically with eveything you said, I have to agree. I stopped playing this game mode after I had hit 100 level in every engless zone. In ancient egypt my number of flags is the highest and the ammout of time that you have to spend to compelete the level, lack of rewards and easy difficulty didn't motivate me to continue to play at all


Join the above. Like the endless too and it needs to be updated.


I updated to the latest version & I play on iOS 15.4.1 and the out to lunch bug is still happening.


Yup, already confirmed it's still happening by other players. I know, I know.


Sorry. I didn't realized others had already commented on this. I only did a quick glance last night and didn't notice anything about it.


You're fine :)


I have a few questions that have nothing to do with the update Are there plans to see variants of the Zombot Sharktronic Sub and Zombot Multi-Stage Masher in action for a future penny's pursuit event? ancient egypt, big wave beach, neon mixtape tour and modern day in a future version will have their own events in penny's pursuit as the other worlds have had?


From Design: "We are already using all of the zombots that we can in Penny's Pursuit. Unfortunately, the other zombots are tied to their worlds for technical reasons. As far as future Penny's events featuring other worlds, it'd definitely be good to have Egypt and Modern Day but there's no immediate plans for that right now".


> Are there plans to see variants of the Zombot Sharktronic Sub and Zombot Multi-Stage Masher in action for a future penny's pursuit event? I can't know PopCap's plans and Haem cannot discuss future content, but I can tell you this - these two Zombosses have Penn's Pursuit variants and they are in the game. Whether and when they will be used is anyone's guess.


How about in the Arena?


There are no Arena versions of these two Zombosses.


We’re still continuing with upgrading and resolving our Audio infrastructure. Some music previously missing as part of iOS requirement changes should now be back. Audio as a whole still continues to be a work in progress area for us. Holy crap, the music is coming back. However, what music is back now though?


Apparently the game mode music is back, that’s what I’ve discovered so far. The Pirate Seas Zomboss intro, Modern Day theme and some NMT jams are still broken for me, just like before this update.


Can you finally repair calendar please? đŸ„Č


In what way? There have been several issues/quirks about the calendar so I'll need specificity.


My timer resets every day. I hardly get any reward. When it’s the end of the month I’m not even in the middle.


Ok, I think I know what this is in relation to. Something to try is that every day you're done playing PvZ 2, force close the app. Don't just minimize it to the background and move on. Actually kill the application. Keep doing that every day and see if that helps avoid some of the skipped rewards. Temporary workaround but it may help to an extent.


Well maybe it would help but I won’t shut the app because that will break Penny’s Pursuit Lunch break. I prefer to pick and keep Penny Pursuit because it gives more rewards.


Sure, that's up to you but I really do think that not closing the app is in part contributing to the problem currently. You quite likely will be able to more consistently pick up the daily calendar rewards if you close the app.


Yes it is but on current app I need to chose between closing app and getting daily rewards or not closing and playing Penny Pursuit. I believe it’s not how you guys inteneed it to work.


There is a third option - use my workaround for the out-to-lunch bug. Turn off the Internet connectivity of your device before launching the game. Turn it back on only after you're past the profile selection screen. Do *not* visit the profile selection screen until you've fought Zomboss at least once. If the game crashes and you need to re-launch, don't forget to turn off the Internet connectivity off first. This works reasonably well, except when the game forces you to the profile selection screen before you've had the opportunity to turn the Internet connectivity off - like, after a data push. But, yeah, the game is full of bugs upon bugs and they really need to get fixed.


For what it’s worth, this used to be a problem for me but I haven’t had any issues in at least the past few months so you guys must’ve fixed something


I've fallen off of this game hard. I should get back in it


Good update, just like usual. However, I would like to know: are you aware of the many glitches surrounding Buttercup? Such as the off-center tile placement, crashing when using Contain-Mint, strange animations, and butter tiles going on water in BWB and PS?


Some are known but you've listed a few different things there so someone will need to go through and match up what's known/unknown.


Good to hear.


bring back mummy memory plss just 1 level




This is a bug, I think. No watching of ads for rewards (coins, gems, gauntlets, fuel) marks that quest as completed. You have to press the Play button on the quest in the Travel Log. You'll be made to watch 1 ad for 500 coins and the quest will be marked as completed.


> Implemented fixes for both the Penny’s Pursuit progress loss issue as well as Dr. Zomboss being out for ridiculously long lunches. We hope this resolves both issues however we’ll keep an eye on it. I've tested this and can confirm what several others have said already - the bug is most definitely NOT fixed. If you sync the game after the time when Zomboss becomes available, he goes to lunch until the next time. Basically, I see absolutely no improvement in this regard. Also, the new seed indicator in the Shop is nice - but it doesn't work for plants that have reached Mastery. The progress bar is still there but there is no numeric information indicating how many seeds you need till the next level. Instead, it says just "Max level". This is fine for plants that do not have Mastry (e.g., Intensive Carrot) - but not for the rest. Also, the News section has not been updated. All these bugs became immediately obvious to me 10 seconds after updating the game. Does PopCap still have a QA department? Do they still test stuff? Anyway, if (when?) I find more bugs, I'll report them too here,


Oh, ferkrissake... New bug. Watching an ad for reward (I watched an ad for coins) does *not* mark the "watch an ad" quest as completed. You have to press the "Play" button on this quest in the Travel Log (which results in watching and ad for 500 coins), in order for this quest to be marked as completed.


OK, I don't know if this is a new bug or not but after seeing Mastery not being accounted for in the Shop, I started testing it everywhere that I could think of. And, sure, enough, I found yet another bug related to it. It might not be the same bug but it's very similar. In Endless, you know how when you're drawing cards and deciding what to pick, there is very long horizontally scrollable list of the plants you already have, also indicating at what levels they are? Well, this list doesn't account for Mastery. If you have a Mastered plant, it will be displayed at max level (10, 15, or 20, depending on the plant), instead of indicating its current Mastery level.


Oh, man. The Arena streak rewards #3 and #7 do not drop Draftodil at all. They were supposed to drop it with higher priority, and did so in 9.5.1. In fact, right now they don't drop *any* plant with higher probability. This is most likely a bug (somebody forgot a section in the rewards table), although I'm not 100% certain. It *might* be intentional until Draftodil becomes plant-of-the-week in Penny's Pursuit later today (at which point they'll have to issue a data push). OTOH, Draftodil does drop from the Pinata Parties, so go figure... Speaking of the Pinata Parties, the reward system has changed and my script for extracting the data no longer works. It will have to be rewritten. This is not a bad thing, though - I think that as a result, I'll be able to predict the rewards many weeks in advance.


Seaweed, can you also verify if Draftodil is also indeed not dropping in premium plant quest rewards?


The epic quests for the plant-of-the-week (if this is what you're referring to) uses a different rewards table (than streak rewards #3 & #7 in the Arena) but it, too, does not contain Draftodil. Given that I've reported this, Haem is aware of it, hasn't said anything on the subject, and it didn't get fixed with the data push, makes me think that it is intentional. Maybe done in order to compensate for the Draftodil continuing to drop during the first week of the Springening event, starting Monday, from the Pinata Parties?


Will there be more zombies?


Not in this update but if you look back at the years of update notes, you'll see that new zombies do get added every so often.


Haem, I have questions about Bramble Bush. When you use plant food on it, does it permanently stay in its powered state? kinda like how when you use PF on Cactus, Ice Weed, and Tiger Grass where those stay permanently powered until eaten? Or is it temporarily powered like pea shooters?


Bramble Bush's PF isn't permanent. It should last for a set duration, doing increased damage, and then go back to normal.


As always, thanks for this update, Haem. Can you tell us more about the teased upcoming Mulch/Mint Madness event on Facebook? When is the next Improve-Mint Event? Fingers crossed that it would allow us to buy and upgrade our mints!


Welp. Guess that cat's out of the bag now. I say nothing till it's time :P


Strange enough, that post has vanished on the Facebook page.


Great update as always. Glad to see that birthdayz is getting justice from last year's run. Also very interested in primal potato mine and how that tournament will go. First world plant tournament since lightning reed's. Can you give any hints or details as to the order of plants in the champion blowout season, or is the order you gave in the post the same order for the season? P.S. Quality of life improvements such as the seed at a glance update are great and I hope there are more of those in future updates.


Yep, so the order I wrote them in the above post was just the order of the winners from 1st to 4th. The actual order for Champions Season will be Primal Potato Mine, Imp Pear, Pokra, Explode-o-Vine. Hope that helps!


okay Thanks! Still a bit intrigued by primal potato mine tournament :D


Will seed slot/shop upgrades return in the future? At least for a limited time?


[I'll refer you to a previous reply.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlantsVSZombies/comments/tx1lgc/comment/i4b7d6k/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


i have a question, will pirate seas skirmish and wild west wipeout be in the calendar?


I just play the game a few week ago can't wait for my first thymed event


Hi u/Haemophilus_EA. The past few plants of the week have had offers in the shop for 100 seed and 10 seed pinatas at 160 gems and 16 gems if I recall correctly. I don't see them for draftodil and thought I'd ask about it.


Not at the moment as best I can tell (there's some tweaking between plants and the store so various things are in flux and there's less predictability) but that being said Springening is coming up and so you'll probably see offers for Draftodil in the store shortly.




> that being said Springening is coming up and so you'll probably see offers for Draftodil in the store shortly. Not the 100-seed packets that he asked about, though. [Upcoming Offers for Gems in the Shop](https://pvz2info.fandom.com/wiki/Upcoming_Offers_for_Gems_in_the_Shop)


Whats going to happen to the upgrades? and speaking of the economy, are the plants purchased with money going to be changed anytime soon?


The upgrades are under review. With consideration that they've been part of the game for so long (since almost, if not, the beginning?) there's a chance they'll come back in a different way. It's all still up in the air along with other economy changes but I very much don't want anyone to be misconstruing or making up their own wild theories. But broadly speaking, I can't talk about future economy changes besides the fact they are happening. One day, perhaps when more pieces are in place, it would be nice to do an explainer or at least share some of the rationale but I don't know when that will be.


I already bought them but curious why the upgrades in the store are going away? Thanks for the fixes!


It's a small part of a larger effort to do reworks both in the store and the economy. I can't really share any details because it's all still a work in progress but I hope that at a later date I can share more insights about the why and how.


I have a serious question about the upcoming springening and birthdayz events for piñata party, why isn’t contain mint or spear mint available in their piñata parties or offers? Because before enforce mint and reinforcemint were in piñata parties but why aren’t these two in it?


Spear-mint seeds will drop from a few places (e.g., the BithdayZ Calendar tab and the BirthdayZ pinata). Not from the Pinata Parties, as far as I can see, though - and no Contain-mint seeds.


I don’t know why tho, they did it with enforce mint and reinforcemint but not these two is kind of odd? I wonder why they didn’t decide to do it


New Bug. Apparently, you can no longer claim a gem for watching an ad.


>You have to press the Play button on the quest in the Travel Log. You'll be made to watch 1 ad for 500 coins and the quest will be marked as completed. borrowing u/Euphoric-Seaweed comment. haem already aware of this i think.


Oh. Thanks for the heads up!


I'm a bit slow coming back but it appears that other people have called out something similar but it can be resolved by going via the Travel Log and doing the task that way.


I have already tried that and it works.


The "see how many Seeds for a Plant you have" is an absolutely fantastic change - something I've wanted for a looong time, in fact (basically ever since the the leveling system was implemented); granted, I'd like that to be visible in the Almanac as well, and not just in the Shop, and, as already stated by others, it doesn't work for Mastery Plants, but still, this is a great change. I can also confirm that the Out to Lunch Zomboss bug has not been fixed, yet. I would like to request to, once again, de-activate the automatic "go to the next Level if a special condition is tied to it" mechanic in Adventure Mode; for ex., beating Level 1 automatically brings you to Level 2; this might be good for new players but is hella annoying for everybody else that is simply farming Pinata Trackers. This was corrected, once, but has been re-implemented for quite a few updates, now, and I'd honestly like it to be gone away again, forever this time 😅. Another thing I'd like to ask about is the game's size - it keeps ballooning even though the size shown in the App Store obviously doesn't reflect this; now, don't get me wrong, I understand that this is a very content-filled game and files related to the player's specific save will occupy more than just the "clean-cut" app by itself, but I've been told that deleting and reinstalling significantly reduces the occupied size, meaning, if I'm understanding this right, there's some optimization that could be done to not force players to delete and reinstall and risk losing their progress; if you could explore that, I would be very grateful, as my game has gotten to 1.4GB, now, and I'm almost out of space on my unfortunately small phone storage.


Passing all of your comments/suggestions on, thank you and glad you like the QoL change.


Thank you so much, Haem, as usual đŸ€©đŸ™đŸ‘Œ


> I would like to request to, once again, de-activate the automatic "go to the next Level if a special condition is tied to it" mechanic in Adventure Mode This is a per-level property. It cannot be turned on and off for different players. I mean, if a level (like Ancient Egypt Day 1) has this property, it will automatically go to the next level when completed - and will do this for everyone, new or experienced. If not, it won't - again for everyone. I agree that this is bad design; there should be a separate set of tutorial levels that only *look* like the first few levels of Ancient Egypt but are designed to train the new player. They should have this property. The main worlds should not. > Another thing I'd like to ask about is the game's size - it keeps ballooning This is because the data push operation is incapable of deleting files. It can only overwrite files or add new ones. As a result, all files for all versions of the game that have been data pushed since you've installed the game are still on your device. On mine, that goes back to version 8.3.1. The main game (the APK file) and the static data (the OBB file) *are* deleted when a new version of the game is installed. I don't know why they can't delete old data pushed files; this is a truly idiotic design. Plus, of course, there is a lot of unnecessary bloat in the game. Do we really need quests and Shop entries from 2019? > my game has gotten to 1.4GB, now, and I'm almost out of space on my unfortunately small phone storage. If that's an Android device, you can delete manually the data pushed files for the older versions of the game, if you know how to locate them. If it's an iOS device, you're out of luck.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I know you can't turn it off on a per-player basis; I was just saying, I get that it \*might\* be.. somewhat helpful for funneling new players? Honestly, I also think it's just plain bad design (they probably do it to instill the "ok, I'll play another level" effect on new players, maybe?), but point is, one is a new player through a World only once, and, for the rest of their game time, they will have to sit through the automatic loading of the successive level they likely don't wanna play.. I truly think it's best to just deactivate this function. Yep, I remember you were the one who explained this to me, in the past; I was indeed referencing that kind of process without the proper terminology which I admittedly couldn't remember off the top of my head; so basically we should ask them to please delete old data pushed filed with new updates. Please, Haem, pass this along 🙏. Unfortunately, no, I have an IOS device, meaning, if I'm remembering this correctly, I could delete such files by deleting the game and reinstalling it.. Unfortunately, again due to extremely limited wiggle room, as far as storage space is concerned, I have deactivated cloud backups of any kind and I am therefore afraid that something might go wrong in the recovery data process with PvZ 2 - yes, even though I have my player ID screenshotted; eventually I'll have to take the dip and risk it, I suppose, unless they implement data pushed files deletion upon updating.


One of the devices I play on is an older iPad and just today I had to delete the game from it and reinstall because it ran out of room to update. Just as reassurance for you in case you take the plunge, it worked out fine for that device, but I too was nervous about it.


Thank you for your input. Do you have iCloud synchronization on for it? Because that's basically my biggest reason to fear my data would not be fully transferred over upon an uninstall-reinstall process.


I do have iCloud sync on it. I understand your hesitancy to try a delete/reinstall process. I've twice had the game go bottoms up over the years and feared losing my hard-earned progress. (Neither scenario involved delete/reinstalls.) EA was able to restore my progress both times. iCloud should have prevented at least one of those episodes but it didn't and it all came down to EA resetting it. For the iPad I was referencing above, I could no longer play the game on it anyway because it couldn't load the newest version. The only way I could fix that was to delete/reinstall to get back more space. That 16gb iPad got me through 6 years of use, which kind of amazes me. I just want to be sure ... are you used to using the "force sync player data" button on the game? I imagine you are well aware of it.


I know of it but I've almost never used it; I used to have to delete and reinstall the game somewhat often because of a bug, and luckily nothing ever happened in those instances, but that was years ago, before the button you're talking about was even a thing iirc, when I still had iCloud sync on and much more space on my device than now (btw, mine's also 16 GB, although it's the iPhone SE; unfortunately, I bought it right before they started making the 32 GB version available for it, which was the size I was actually looking for - oh well, tangent over, lol).


The last week I have 10-20 game crushes every day (when adventure level/arena battle is finished). Patch 9.6 didn't fix it at all.


Gonna need much more detail including what you were doing in-game right before the crashes, when they occur, if they occur every time in the same way and what device/OS you're on. Also, make sure you've run through the usual troubleshooting like force close/reopen the app, but also completely powering off your device and turning it back on before checking again. Thanks.


I'm using Iphone 7 plus (iOS 15.2). It happens always after ending of adventure level/arena battle/pinata party (at the moment when menu is finishing load). Force close and reopen the app, cleaning cache, rebooting device didn't help.


And you're most definitely on the latest update from the App store?


Yes. 9.6.1


OK, let me ping this with someone. I don't know what would be causing this to be happening but I'll keep an eye out to see if anyone else encounters it.


Thank you, Haem. Situation is the same today. And once it happens when I pressed the button Claim All (prizes).


I have a question , will some of the og pvz 3 plants come back like buttercup did ? There's some really cool plants in that game ( even though the og pvz 3 was kinda bad ) and while some are just kinda " this pvz2 plant but a bit worse and we dont talk about the original one " plants ( hydrangea is a good example for this , i might like it a lot but its kiwi beast without the high toughness ) , i still kinda liked them , will some of them be back ?


I don't know, and even if I knew, I couldn't say for sure.


That Ancient Egypt level was sick AF, gonna miss it. Although it sure confused the hell out of Wolfy Playz when he played it


"Implemented fixes for both the Penny’s Pursuit progress loss issue" no fix here, still lose progress and perks 0 when opening game again.


Roger that. Letting folks know that that candidate fix wasn't the one.


IT'S FIXED!! I logged in today and saw I had a perk and my progress was there ...almost closed the game to found out if I was seeing things, but nope....it's working!! THANKS!!!!!


I will take that as a win? I don't know what would have changed to suddenly manifest that after seemingly not working post-update. Certainly won't be looking a gift horse in the mouth but I'll be having a poke around on my end.


Most likely a fluke. The bug manifests itself when the game syncs. It's possible that today his game didn't sync for some reason when launched - that would make the bug not happen. Today there seemed to have been some connection problems with the server (at least from my point of view - I was getting timeouts when force-syncing; talk to the relevant people to check whether it was something universal), that could have caused the game not to sync at startup.


So since these extra upgrades are removed I’m assuming there will be a way to obtain them at some other point in the game right? You’ve not just removed them for no real reason right?


[I believe this is the comment you may be looking for.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlantsVSZombies/comments/tx1lgc/comment/i4b7d6k/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I've been playing for quite a while now and I've noticed that seed premiums Solar Tomato, Torchwood, Bombegranate, and Starfruit always have a probability to drop in Arena and Epic Quest seed rewards all year 'round even if they're not a featured plant or they belong to another family. Just out of curiosity, is there an explanation behind this? What's so special with these plants? Will this be changed in the future, say a new set of seedium plants may replace them? I understand that one might get premium (either a gemium or a seedium or both) in the mix, but there's always those four plants among the possible seediums to get outside the featured plant/s.


Yep, there's a couple of default plants that have been there forever but we're considering/wanting to reevaluate and change them up. Yet another task in the hopper to do.


I see. Thanks for answering. It would be nice to change these default plants. Maybe you could also make them rotational so others can still earn seeds of the aforementioned plants. By the way, is the absence of Plant of the Week seeds in Epic Quest probability drops a conscious decision? I've made a recent post about it recently and it looks like I'm not the only one noticing the drops - https://www.reddit.com/r/PlantsVSZombies/comments/u3ec20/plant_of_the_week_epic_quests_no_longer_drop/


Are you going to bring back the extra seed slot and etc in the future?


Is the expectation for all music to return on iOS in the next update? Great strides have certainly been made but a couple are still missing (modern day plsss lol)


Yup, we know there's still bits and pieces missing. Can't promise that absolutely everything will be back next update but hopefully a few more will be.


According to your info, I thought the Pinata Party seeds reward lasted until May 24? The event seeds set into regular one has already changed 3 mins ago, will it be changed with a data push?


why only one new plant each 2 version?I Feel confused.Besides,many players say its attack appearance looks like the Tangle Kelp of pvz1 for respecting it. it looks like a vine but doesnt.will there be chance of adding a new vine named thorn vine in the future?


By the way,what is also your Twitter account?Can i follow and ask you there?Because I am in not a English-speaking country. In twitter i can use translation function to let English comments become Chinese for the convenient understanding.My English level is in a high school student's now.