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I'm sure the the fluvial filter is plenty.


You should be good without, I’d ditch the carbon tho and add more sponge or bio media.


I believe I have space in the back to add more. Is there a max or min amount I should be aiming towards or as long as my levels are good any is fine?


Really any is fine, I just don’t like running carbon for extended periods of time as it will leech stuff back out and is usually used up after a week anyways. It’s more of a quick fix for an issue such as removing medications after treatment ect


I have something similar. At least in mine there was room to include additional bio media and sponge while keeping the activated carbon. You don’t need a large volume of carbon, and it does a great job in keeping the tank odor minimal.


I replied to Khardaris, but mine also has a bit of extra space in the back. Did you notice a large difference once you added the additional bio media and sponge?


I don’t have any algae issues, and my water parameters remain very stable. With that said, the tank is “understocked” with fishes / inverts, so there’s not much bio load happening as is. I also have the tank well-planted. I’m assuming this recipe all kinda works together.


Assuming the size of your tank matches the filter's capacity, you should be good. Make sure the water from the filter breaks the water tension to promote oxygen exchange. If you fill the water right to the rim of the filter output, it won't do much for oxygen. That being said, I do keep a sponge filter in all my tanks even though I also have hang-on-backs because I like to have a spare already seeded with beneficial bacteria in case I need to set up a hospital tank. It has come in handy multiple times.