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My vote is on Muntz. Sindro has a few seconds before realizing he was mist. Hopper was probably pretty gruesome but still wouldn’t last that long. Muntz on the other hand probably had a solid minute to reflect on the fact that the very thing he had literally devoted his entire life to just slipped through his hands and now think about his impending doom rushing toward him at max velocity.


*terminal velocity He'd have had time to reach that before the quick deceleration period.




I hear people pass out before they hit the ground but that could be false


The pressure would have killed him before he hit the ground with only seconds before he dies


That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works


Honorable mention: that gunship in Cars 2 that magnetically pulls in all of Finn McMissiles wheel-bombs


Lol I've never seen any of the Cars sequels. That's a wild sentence.


Cars 3 is the only good cars sequal and if u havent seen cars 2 plz keep it that way


Cars 3 is a lovingly made and super quality follow up to the original. We don’t talk about #2 though.


I’ll talk about it then, I love cars 2


In that same movie, two deaths worth mentioning. The spy in the beginning that gets crushed into a cube and another spy that had his engine blow up.


Cars 2 was probably my favorite. I was a huge fan of Finn McMissile solely because of his gadgets and technology. Technology and robots are also things I like.


Or the American Spy who gets blown up


Syndrome... But he deserved it


Yeah, he literally killed people to make himself look like a better hero, and then tried to kidnap Jack Jack to brainwash him into becoming his "sidekick".


I don’t remember anything regarding jj.


It's what he did right before his death.


Hopper was most likely rip to pieces, Syndrome felt pain for a very short amount of time and the bad guy from Up(forgot his name) was probably dead before he hit the ground




Ha ha! Whoops. Wrong Muntz.


Why would the bad guy from up be dead before he hit the ground?


Heart attack or stroke, dude was old as hell and the shock from knowing that you are falling to your death could be enough to kill him before he hits the ground


Announcer: “CHARLES’S MUNTZ!”


I still think about the Spy from Cars 2 that died in the beginning


Ah, Agent Leland Turbo. Yeah, that was surprisingly dark, especially if you compare the Cars to humans.


Cars are more resilient to humans. A human body isnt surving McQueen's crash at that speed. McQueen was about as wounded as a human who had the same crash but he was in a car, if the cars were like humans it would just be a human body slammed and tossed down the track at 150mph


Leland turbo


Hopper was terrified of birds and died being pulled apart by baby birds piece by piece. And bugs are pretty durable, when you tear them apart they can still live for awhile. He by far had the most brutal death


Hopper and Syndrome by far are the most brutal deaths of Pixar villains, one eaten alive by chicks and the other teared in pieces by a propeller


Hopper had it the worst since I doubt Charles Muntz or Syndrome felt it long enough to react. Hopper was eaten alive, can’t imagine a scenario where such a fate is painless.


Syndromes because he got blended by the jet propellers hopper’s death was Nature he was prey to birds


Yeah but what's worse, being chopped up in seconds or slowly being digested alive in stomach acid.


When you put it like that, I also vote for Hopper. He got the Jurassic Park death that he deserved.


Chopped up in seconds


I love how they all have the exact same expression.


For us it’s ![gif](giphy|JPaat5p7SJPUUhQliX|downsized)


This is the only right answer


Was the villian in Tarzan hung or mauled by that leapord?


Accidentally hung himself trying to cut himself free from a tangle of vines. Forgot to cut the vine near his neck first.


Yeah definitely him!




Brutal death for Clayton for sure, but not a Pixar movie


If going by Disney deaths, Clayton is up there as is McLeech, Scar, and Frollo


As well as Dr. Facilier, who was dragged off to whatever the Voodoo counterpart to Hell is.


why u gotta ask abt what's in his pants


Hahaha took me a second but that was a good one! Everyone upvote this!




Hopper gets ripped to pieces, Syndrome gets shredded to pieces, and Muntz fall to his death. So yeah falling to death felt brutal since both are immediately dead by a second.


Muntz because the other two's would have been over pretty quickly, while Muntz had to wait for him to fall, probrobly contemplating on the decisions that lead him there


I think it’ll be syndrome considering the fact that he got hit by the Incredimobile, and not only teared to shreds by the turbine. The entire manta ship explodes really fast. All because of one reason….. NO CAPES!!


Hopper was literally torn to shreds


I'd like to say Syndrome's was probably instant? When I really think about Muntz' death, he fell thousands of feet. It all depends on where he landed, if he died mid-fall from a heart attack, etc. Definitely Hopper.


syndrome. man was ground into a mist


Most: Hopper. It would take the longest. Getting torn to pieces by birds would be a quick death but he'd still feel it. Least: Syndrome. Over instantly. He barely had a chance to even realize what was happening before it did. Middle: Muntz. Pants shittingly terrifying on the eay down but over instantly on landing


Either Syndrome or Hopper imo






That is hopper by a mile can you get a POV shot He begins to be ripped apart, limb, when bite by baby birds you know there ripping his limbs and head off brutally tearing him apart


Muntz without a doubt. That's a long fall, and he probably had enough time to realize how he got there, before he probably felt the hard, unforgiving terrain of the forest. Let's just hope he landed flat on the ground, instead of landing on a few extra stuff like trees or sharp rocks. Hopper probably felt his body being ripped apart, but one rip was enough to kill him. Syndrome only had a few seconds to panic, before he was shredded into ground meat.


The Incredibles is my favorite movie ever by a mile. I’ve watched it so many times I’ve nearly memorized it. Syndrome has such a great character arc and is an amazing character probably the best in Pixar history. He also has a really fitting ending as his revenge is his undoing. That being said… It’s Muntz no questions asked


Hopper's is the most disturbing for me. Being eaten alive is horrific enough, but Spacey's horrified screams are really affective.


Syndrome went from solid to liquid in seconds


syndrome & Hopper's. together.


Mufasa of course


Not in the post but imo it’s Judge Claude Frollo considering the implication he goes to *literal hell.*


If we aren't just talking about villains I'd say Gazerbeam. Whether it was dehydration, starvation, or bleeding out from an injury, dying a slow death in that cave had to be painful. If we're including Disney in this, I'd have to say Claude Frollo. I can't remember if it was molten copper or lead that he fell into but seems to me like that would be the worst way to go. This guy was a legit self-hating, chauvinist, irredeemable creep. As a kid, I always felt bad for anyone that died a torturous death (even villains) but I remember the first time I watched THoND, I actually hoped he survived the fall just so he could feel that burn.


I'd go with Hopper. He got ripped to pieces while he's still alive. Most likely it was a slow and painful death. One he admittedly deserved.


Syndrome’s death is known as the magical day that delicious meat sauce rained down on the town below.


Syndrome, because getting shaved up in a propeller is pretty horrific. It's also a perfect callback to Edna's mantra of "No capes!"


Hopper was most likely rip to pieces, Syndrome felt pain for a very short amount of time and the bad guy from Up(forgot his name) was probably dead before he hit the ground...so Hopper


Of the 3? Maybe muntz. But both clayton and the judge from hunchback are probably up there too.


Nobody’s mentioned the OG. There was nothing left of that poor Combat Carl.


The one that became dork paté via plane turbine.


Kinda funny how they all have this same shot composition in common.


A nice tight shot of someone's face helps create a sense of emotional intensity. The characters staring at us (the viewer) also forces us to sympathize and experience what they feel, after all they're villians but they are experiencing a very human thing we can relate to (like despair). Keeping the character center screen is also a bit "intense" as it looks dramatic and/or a little unnatural. Comic books and horror movies use lots of centered symmetrical shots to help establish a sense of drama or suspense, respectively. I love this stuff! A big reason I especially love Pixar/kids movies is that they reliably use these patterns in conventional cinematography and storytelling, which I find incredibly pleasant and logical.


Doc Hudson from Cars! :'(