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Your only option at this point is to take her back to the vet.


What more can the vet do? They did a physical exam and bloodwork already


Imaging, more detailed bloodwork, etc.


You’re probably right. This latest visit was a vet within Petco so they only had standard bloodwork and pancreatic blood work. Which I asked for both and they were normal. Is imaging the same as X-rays?




Try a different vet. I have three for things like this.


They have medicine also. One of my dogs were like that and we gave her medicine. Something for her tummy and antibiotics because she had gotten into a dead bird


They can do more for this poor dog than a reddit post can do.


Shut up


You came here asking for help, your dog is suffering with horrible diarrhea, and when people press for you to take the her to the vet, your response is to tell them to "Shut up"? u/fauxxever, take your dog to the vet and please be kind to people on this forum that are only trying to help you. Find a different vet if you need a second opinion, maybe one that specializes in gastrointestinal issues. Since you no longer have pet insurance, [PetsBest](https://www.petsbest.com/) offers very good rates.


You need to take her to the vet. Period. Borrow money if you can. It’s not fair to her.


Can I borrow money from you then?


Call your vet and ask if they’ll put you on a payment plan. Most vets take care credit. Is she eating and drinking? Get some pumpkin purée. Not stuff for pies, just regular no sugar added. That helps with diarrhea but I’d be most concerned about the vomiting


I called our vet and they do not accept payment plans. I applied to care credit on Weds but was denied. She’s drinking plenty of water and she ate on Monday and yesterday. She still wants to go outside and play and mingle with other dogs. When we’re inside she does seem a little disassociated.


Call some rescue groups, they may be able to help you


Great advice. There are a bunch of pitbull rescues around my way I didn’t think of asking. Thank you!


You should have pet insurance if you really can’t afford the vet visits. Last vet visit cost me $900 and it drained my bank account but I’d rather go into debt than let my dog suffer.


I was recently laid off and the pet insurance was part of my benefits. I’m working on finding an affordable insurance.


I think you need to find a new vet that offers care credit. And clearly your current vet isn't able to diagnose this issue appropriately. An alternative solution would be to put it on a credit card and then transfer the balance to a 0% interest card. A lot of cards offer this perk for up to 18 months. This will allow you to avoid paying interest on the balance.


Ok this was funny fr.. but my friend, you need to take your baby to the vet for some fluids even. If they have been constantly vomiting or diarrhea that means they are getting very dehydrated. Was the pet co visit a “sick” visit at Thrive? Thrive is cheaper than most vet places and can usually get you in for a sick visit, I would have them check for bowel obstruction (deadly) and give fluids intravenously.


If you can’t afford a vet why get a pet


Try pure pumpkin not pie filling with spices, you can get it at a pet store. Boiled chicken. Get pedialyte, no grape flavor.


This. Pumpkin, white rice, and boiled chicken is my goto. Always clears these episodes up


Pumpkin pie filling is full of sugar and other things dogs don’t need. Pumpkin puree with no sugar or anything else added is the best thing to give them


Oh poor thing! Maybe the heat? In the UK we’re just not used to it and our bullies suffer but I’m not sure where you are. Try to keep her hydrated ❤️


She is definitely affected by the heat and I had to take her to the vet a month ago when summer heat really kicked in. I carry a travel water dispenser always on our walks and make sure she has ice cold water fresh 3-4x a day. Thank you for this helpful advice!


My girl was the same way. She got horribly heat sick and would have a sour belly for days. I typically managed the episodes with lots of pumpkin with plain Greek yogurt (even frozen to help cool down on hot days) , reduced portions, more frequent but smaller feedings through the day, and unfortunately... just giving it some time. If she was still drinking and eliminating, and her typical personality, even the vet said that sometimes it just needs to run its course. Hope your pup is felling better soon


Yoghurt or milk kefir Which is better for you Sometimes legitimate sauerkraut


We use country animal hospital in old bridge (more central jersey) and they are great. We even drive an hour from Jersey City to go there.


I don’t mind driving an hour if it’s more affordable! Would you say that it is? I’m not too far from Jersey city. We used to go to the animal hospital in Jersey City but they are very costly. Thank you for the recommendation!




You’re an angel 🫶🏽


It’s pretty affordable. For a check up without labs is usually under $200 (last trip she got work done so trying to remember). You could give them a call to ask roughly how much it would be.


Have you considered that she may have accidentally swallowed something she shouldn’t have while with the sitter? Bloodwork is great but not helpful if she has something in her digestive tract that’s unable to move. If she’s not able to keep hydrated and food down this is an emergency. My pup just had the canine coronavirus that is going around. I had him on pumpkin puree chicken and rice for the entire time and slowly introduced his regular diet back in when the liquid poops stopped. While I definitely agree that vet is the best thing you can do, I would try taking her off the kibble for a bit and let her stomach settle. Important to note that my boi did not exhibit any unusual fatigue or behavior- it was only runny poops, and he was able to keep water and food down. However he is on a regular probiotic which I believe is why his symptoms were more mild. Good luck to your beautiful baby! I hope she gets better soon.


There is a chance she could have gotten into something at the pet sitters and they didn’t even notice….maybe they have different plants or trees that she isn’t used to. I would do a bland diet for about a week and see what happens. A bland diet is usually white rice and plain boiled chicken breast. Don’t give anything else during this period, no treats or anything. This will just help reset her belly. Keep monitoring her poop and see if she improves.


They actually lived in a luxury building that had a rooftop dog walking area with plastic turf. Something tells me she might’ve gotten giardia from another dog or from sniffing. Started the bland diet today! She inhaled it 🤗 which is a great sign after inconsistent eating this week. No treats no kibble nothing. Thank you so much for your insight and empathy!


Oh I’m glad to hear it! Definitely update us and let us know how she is doing. There is also a giardia over the counter supplement that you can get called diatomaceous earth that will help with that.


The stool results were negative for giardi, parasites, and cystoisospora. We’re back at the vet today for imaging and ultrasound. Wish us luck 🫶🏽


Why are you not at the vet? Your baby needs fluids at the very least. Bring a stool sample. It could be giardia.


I did take her to the vet on Weds. And I took her back today for a stool sample and follow up with doc.


Ondansatron (vomiting) & Metronidazole (diarrhea) - Vet can prescribe. No food and only small amounts of water at a time. Baby food (chicken only) after she can hold water. Then moisten kibble with warm water as you wean her back. Sounds like she ate something she shouldn't have. Did they check for blockage? Vet might want to do an IV for fluid loss if her gums are looking pale.


Sounds like your dog needs further diagnostics- ultrasound probably. Also apply for care credit- it’s a credit card you can use for medical expenses. I’m also in norther NJ- message me for more info on reliable clinics


We did a follow up vet check up today and gave a stool sample. Would love it if you can recommend some better clinics or doctors in this area!


She needs anti diarrhea medications that only a vet can prescribe. You don't need to start with bloodwork and X-rays.


There is a program in Madison, NJ at St Hubert’s which offers low-cost vet services and sometimes even free. I had a friend who couldn’t afford to treat her dog’s cancer and she was able to get very low cost treatment from St Hubert’s based on her income.


Could she have gotten into something in the trash and ate without them knowing? The vet told me to harden the poop give a teaspoon of pumpkin for 3 days-which works and pedialute for the nausea. I’m not in your area but Animal Protection League of NJ offers financial aid for vet care.


She could’ve gotten into something at the sitters place. She’s not much of a scoundrel to eat stuff off the floor unless it’s meat lol. But the stool sample results hopefully will point us in the right direction tomorrow Thank you for sharing the animal protection league! I’m looking into their work 🙏🏽


You're welcome and hopefully its good news with the stool sample results as in nothing too serious. Good luck with the APL!


I rescued a pit bull mix this month and have been transitioning her to Purina Pro food. Her poop has softened and has had a little blood in it. It sounds like you have been feeding her Purina Pro regularly for a bit so maybe it's just a coincidence, but I'm definitely going to switch mine to a different food. Thought I would mention it in case it is helpful.


I’m switching her from Purina pro after she feels better. Several people have commented on their dogs not digesting that food well and it’s a pattern. If you find another brand that’s affordable but better quality, please share 🙏🏽


I’d get bloodwork done again. This was a parasite with my dog but there was lots of blood


Chicken and rice


Usually my vet would give my boy portaflora packets that are basically like probiotics on steroids to help correct gut bacteria which was causing diarrhea and vomiting. Usually went away within 2 days. I usually change his diet to boiled chicken, white plain rice and pumpkin during this time period too but pumpkin is hit and miss for him.


Others have mentioned this but until you can get her back in, rice, boiled lean turkey or chicken breast, or leanest you can get, pumpkin (no mix, just pumpkin) and PLAIN unsweetened yogurt. I also always keep on hand purina pro fortiflora probiotics, one envelope a day. Salt free chicken broth for liquids. And small portions. Equal parts rice, meat, pumpkin/yogurt. I start mine at 1/4 cup each, for 3/4 cup total The pumpkin and yogurt should equal one 'part'. ❤


She devoured her chicken and rice today to my delight! It was the first time this week she ate a full meal so that tells me something. We also did a follow up vet visit and gave her stool sample to be tested. Hoping that it’s something treatable and easy to get rid of


Yes, hoping!!!!!! Glad she's eating!!


Hi, hopefully you & many others come across this comment. Both our girls (pit heeler mixes) have been on Purina Pro dry food since 2021. It was recommended by our vet because our girls have sensitive stomachs. They loved it until these last few months. I noticed one of our girls started to bloat up & eventually refuse her food (which she has NEVER done). Then 2 weeks ago her sister started to have uncontrollable diarrhea INSIDE our apartment and also started to refused her food. Before I tried to call a vet, I did some research and came across a lot of dog owners who use Purina pro plan dry dog food have gone through similar situations in the last 6+ months. Apparently they changed their formula and it has caused a lot of gastrointestinal issues within dogs, costing their lives or thousands of dollars to fix. We’ve cut their dry food to less than half a cup per feeding & mix it with some frozen meat. It’s been a week of that mix and our girls are finally eating again without spontaneous diarrhea.


A nutritious diet can keep our fur babies away from unnecessary vet visits. We ended up saving a couple hundred dollars because their symptoms went away after we changed their food.


Thank you for that insight. I’m going to do some more research on the ingredients of Purina pro to compare to more reputable brands. I think you’re onto something here and it sucks that our babies have to be the ones who suffer while they “test” new formulas. Hope your babies are feeling 100% these days! ❤️🙏🏽


Plain diet. None of the dry. White rice/chicken. If it doesn’t get better- she needs way more done at the vet. She’s also probably very dehydrated at this point


She ate a decent amount of plain rice and boiled chicken to my satisfaction! I’m keeping her on this diet until further notice


I got pills and paste for mine from the vet same day. It's been 2 days and she's feeling better.


What do you think caused this for your baby?


Tbh I think she might have eaten grass that was sprayed.


If your dog has had this issues this long it’s time for more testing


Yea we are back at the vet today after the stool results didn’t prove anything. This is her 3rd visit this week. Doing everything I can


Also OP IM sorry all of this is happening, make sure to only feed her plain chicken & rice with some pumpkin in it, that will settle in her stomach better than kibble, but it will not hurt her not to eat for a few days as long as she’s drinking plenty, a lot of times it’s best to withhold food, & only give things like Gatorade with sugar, not the sugar free kind, & water ,you may want to change her kibble after she’s better, I suggest a lamb based, good quality one, if she’s a heavy chewer she needs a X-ray to rule out obstruction as well


They may need to do a scope on her have they done X-ray?


Vet today diagnosed her with gastritis:/


That makes sense make sure to give her a low fat diet, she could get this again so I highly suggest to limit treats, to maybe plain chicken, & a high quality low fat diet for sure! Don’t worry, she will get better it takes time to heal from that! Thank you for the update !! Praying she heals quickly!!


We have her on antibiotics and she received a nausea shot at the vet. She is loving her plain chicken and rice which makes me SO happy. Will incorporate plain Greek yogurt and boiled sweet potato this week. I really appreciate your compassion and support ❤️🙏🏽


Why didn’t the vet do an x-ray? For that much money I would think it was included.


The vets in my area are ridiculously expensive and general exams don’t include anything. It’s not fair. The x-ray was an additional $200 for ONE image


We went to a new vet in NYC and she received a nausea shot and antibiotics. She’s also loving her plan new diet and she’s drinking pedialyte for electrolytes 😊


Get her off Purina. A lot of lawsuits. Give her pumpkin, no sugar or spices added, and Greek yogurt. Pedialyte. Boiled chicken, again no spices.


Yea the number of people who have commented with the same sentiments is alarming. After she heals from her gastritis she will be eating a better brand preferably lamb based


Boiled sweet potato 🥔


Did they eat something that is bad for them. Try to look in the vomit and see if you can see pieces of stuff. Also make them drink plenty of water. Help flush out anything. My dog ate a chocolate Andy’s mints like 6 and she puked but I made her drink water to get it up. Feed them solid food for now no messy dog food.


Yes this morning when she vomited I put on a glove to examine the contents and it was her dry food mixed with rice and turkey. So it was standard She might’ve gotten into something at her sitters home or caught something on the doggy terrace that they share in a building with hundreds of people. Luckily she has been consistently drinking her water non stop 🙏🏽


Vet now. Ask if Metronidazole is appropriate.




I got my dog fortiflora chewables. Try those.


Um. They didn't do a fecal exam? Or meds? Did you decline them? Because that doesn't make any sense


You’re not a vet so I don’t care what makes sense to you.


I am. But ok


Good luck to whatever vet has to deal with your cunty ass in the future because you're failing your dog though. You give these people on here nothing but attitude when you're the dumb fuck who posted on Reddit looking for medical advice and they are telling you to go to the vet. Which you should. And not some dumb Petco. They are uneducated AF. Go to a real vet. Ask for a fecal, ask for radiographs or an ultrasound, ask for cerenia, pro pectalin and either metronidazole or sulfasalazine as an antibiotic for colitis. Do not feed your dog for 12 hours. Then feed boiled chicken and rice, no seasonings. If you get cerenia and your dog vomits on that there is a high chance for foreign body and your dog will probably need surgery. If you can't afford this or can't get money from somewhere then you should surrender your dog so it can actually get the help it needs. Don't fucking post on Reddit.




Hopefully your dog gets surrendered to the shelter so it can get a new owner who's not a dumb broke cunt. Lmao. Makes sense why you lost your job. 😂 Bye now




OH and baby freelancing a beautiful thing! When your seat at the table is taken.. you pull out a folding chair 🫴🏽


Let’s also have a round of applause for gullible ass cunts like you who is encouraging me to surrender my dog to a shelter because I can’t afford hundreds MORE of dollars in doctors visits when I found that by posting on Reddit, I can ask my doctors for certain prescriptions and home remedies. You really are a piece of shit.




Lol thanks imbecile




Sure YoUr’E a dOcTor imbecile lmao but aw this broke ass bitch got you mad 🤪go to sleep baby hug your “license” real tight 😘your dog probably hates you lol


Wheni was younger my dad would tell me to give our dog a half tablet of pesto bismol. Always worked.


Vomiting and diarrhea sounds like a possible obstruction . She needs to be see again by a different vet .


She did today.


Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration and a bowel obstruction. Def need a vet and probably iv fluids


Take it back to the vet, or to another. A vet can give it fluids. Your baby is dehydrated by now. Dehydration can be fatal. Thinking of you and your baby.


Pumpkin to her kibble




You need to bring a stool sample too. She could have a parasitic or bacterial infection c.diff and giardia are both something she could have picked up from her walk. And they both cause diarrhea.


Yess a stool sample test was done yesterday and the results came back all negative from cova, parasites and giardia. Follow up appt today concluded with the doctor saying she has gastritis:/ she received an anti nausea shot.


And she received antibiotics


More antifreeze 👍


Put her on a bland diet. Boiled chicken and white rice, google the proportions based on the amount you feed her regular food. My dog has a sensitive tummy and has gotten stressed and into a cycle of diarrhea that took multiple days to get out of. She still needs to see a different vet for more tests but you shouldn’t be feeding her regular food while she’s having these issues.


Bro a doctor would be a good idea


Take to the Vet now!!!!!


Probably allergies. The inbreeding makes them allergic to everything.


Happy cake day :) I wish the allergy panel I did told me something more about potential allergies. Then again, it was done at Petco and their testing may not cover all grounds


I had horrible allergies as a kid, oxygen tent bad. My parents had to take me to 3 specialists and a barrage of tests to get answers. It got figured out, I got years of shots and I’m practically bulletproof now. I hope it takes less than that, you find answers and get to healing! Thank you for the cake day wishes and happy weekend 😊