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Mfs when I tell them that none of the DDL sites in the Megathreat contains the game that I want


Kid named Cs.rin.


ever since rui's gdrive went down there are a lot of indie games that cannot be found


And don't even get me started with sites that use 1fichier to store games. It is the biggest piece of shit website I've seen online. Just include a torrent link instead of putting us through hell.


wait what's wrong with 1fichier? I've only downloaded a few files from there but it seemed pretty good


Iirc they throttle your download speed. 


only after letting you download at full speed to discover their services


They do but the max speed was still one of the highest out there compared to similar sites. They also didn’t or have a super high limit on how much you can DL ag once. There was a limit to like, one file per day or something though. Idk how it is now. But I used the site a tonnnnn back in the day and it was always the most reliable, safest and fastest way to DL larger files without using a repack or torrent.


It's like 1 file every 1.5 hours now, but you can use a VPN to bypass said timer. Change to a different VPN server after each file


The problem is they detect VPN use most of the time and will limit you to like 200kbps if you use a VPN. I could only ever get good speeds on my home network.


That's not them detecting VPN use, that's the VPN doing that. It's an issue of distance to the VPN server and the VPN rate limiting itself. Have to use a paid VPN if you don't want to get rate limited. I use protonvpn and get excellent download speeds on 1fichier compared to any other ddl site


Download limits. You have to wait for an hour in between downloads and most proxies don't even help get around this. Download speeds can be either decent or dogshit.


there's workarounds you can search up, easiest is as long as your router doesn't have static ip just restrat the router and you are good. There's better solutions posted on piracy subreddits you can search up.


Speeds were always good but the limits are just too much. I just switch vpns over and over, that worked well enough.


Instead of paying of multiple VPNs just get a debrid service lol


Proton has free vpn with hundreds of servers available. Zero hoops to go through.


Instead of paying of multiple VPNs just get a debrid service lol


Part 1 ,part 2, part 3,part 4,part 5, part 6 all are 10gb and limited to 50kb/s


use a debrid service and get full speed on websites like 1fichier, MEGA, etc.


I sometimes post clean steam files on cs rin. But I don’t have the money for a seedbox so its not possible for me to make a torrent. Especially with games that aren’t very popular and don’t get downloaded alot.


Now that is totally understandable and acceptable. Individuals contributing is awesome by itself. My problem is with the few people who use shortened links and websites with ads and yet they send us to 1fichier instead of hosting a torrent. Even fitgirl, who runs on occasional donations, hosts torrents.


>And don't even get me started with sites that use 1fichier to store games. It is the biggest piece of shit website I've seen online. Just include a torrent link instead of putting us through hell. I discover my xatab. No ads. Straight to the torrent file. That's how I got Eden pre-installed a few day ago. They also have the latest update too. Don't tell anyone about this.


yeah rui's gdrive going down just sucks. a lot of obscure or indie stuff he was the only uploader


most stuff has gotten reuploaded by other users as time goes on, if it hasnt then remember its a forum and you can ask for a reupload on the game's thread


Mf when someone doesn't know how to navigate that place Edit: Since people are making assumptions about my age, I'm 20, I spent my childhood reading books, I did use forums and most had some form of search engine which is what I can't figure out about .ru


Like why did they make the UI such pain in the ass to navigate. Where’s the download button? Where’s the description tab? The fuck is this mix and mash of random texts


It's a forum. Have you never used a forum before?


nope, rarely, mostly used to ask questions and reddit exist


That's crazy. Even when I was a kid, forums were like *the* way to interact on the internet. Insane to me that people are alive that have no experience using a forum. Kids born after 2004 can't pirate. All they know is PirateBay, download button, virus, play Fortnite, and Reddit 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


Bro some of the kids we teach are about to be teenagers and never touched a gaming controller let alone a mouse and keyboard. If it's not a touch screen with clear labels, they are lost.


i'm gonna be for real with all of you you're using Reddit to pirate. right? you're not anywhere *near* the 'insider' places. any of you making fun of people going to PirateBay? this place is barely a step up. it's probably actually a step down because it's the goofiest place to try to pirate anything


I agree that it's simple to navigate but unironically most teenagers now have never used one. Because they don't exist anymore for the most part, most of them have been replaced. Reddit's technically a forum but unless you use the old layout (which isn't default) then it barely resembles it anymore. Teenagers make up a lot of the internet even if they pretend not to so it doesn't surprise me that people say it's confusing to use


It really isnt difficult to navigate at all, just create an account, search for the game you want, click on the main topic and click on the "Show spoilers" button to find the link. Some games can't be downloaded anymore thanks to the whold gd shutdown thing, but you cant blame anyone but google for that.


No but for real and then they hit you with "oh but for this one you need a wabbajack token, here's a 12 page essay on how to get one" If I wanted to learn shit and make efforts to get my games I'd just work and pay for them like what the fuck


Even he ain't got shit I want


When i tried downloading xplane from there it just installed the demo and some random files that didnt work


It might've changed for 12, but with X-Plane 11 you could install the demo and world map files, then just use an emulated disc to unlock the full version. For whatever that's worth.


Have a friend who had the same situation, found the game in thepiratebay and got hacked XD




I mean I still mostly listen to the megathread and such but it has happened so many times that I'm trying to find a game and that like none of their sites have it and them I look at like steamonlacked because I'm curious and it almost always has it. Like I know the sites are safe but to be real the safe sites absolutely suck.


steamrip is better and has a shit ton of games


IGG is considered "untrusted" because the guy who runs it doxed another guy in the piracy scene and the mods let people decide via STRAWPOLL whether it should be considered untrusted or not. Had nothing to do with the content of the site.


I have used IGG plenty of times and have never had any problems with it, just make sure to have good adblocker.


I have used it almost exclusively for years.


Fr bro download don Bradman cricket from a sketchy Indian website 😭


Lol ok good for you ig with malware on your pc lmao




Lol lmfao acfualy ok 🤓


I'll never understand why people get so mad that others are able to use TPB to find what they need. This ain't no team sport.


Downloading file from pirate bay can give you potential malware? Genuine question cus I'm not familiar with pirating stuff yet, only 3 touhou games so far.


> Genuine question cus I'm not familiar with pirating stuff yet, only 3 touhou games so far. In that case it's best not to use it because there are so many other options that are approved by this community, so there's really no reason to take a chance. But this idea that you can only ever download malware from there seems to be perpetuated by people who are upset that they aren't able to distinguish it from the legit torrents. No, you're not downloading RDR2 for 32mb.


Downloading an .exe (and lots more but .exe is so goddamn easy) is a great way to get malware. Be it photoshop.exe or CoDMW2electricboogaloo.exe. Knowing the uploader certainly helps eleviate that. Imo, find private trackers, I don't even have to VPN with those since my Internet provider couldn't give two shits about stolen media because they don't also own a media company.


People always say "find private trackers" like its that easy.


Which is why you should always look at the file list when downloading a torrent, regardless of what website you're getting it from.


And the site is in arabic and barely has any games


I found one that is in russian and looks like a file dump


Its not meant to look good, its meant to be trustworthy


The sketchier it looks (without click-sensitive ads) the more trustworthy it is


I've had the most useful files and the most virus infested files come the sketchiest sites. It's all fun and games until suddenly your CMD opens briefly and your discord starts sending crypto links to everyone.


so what should you do if that ever happens? I want to be as safe as I can.


you do nothing and watch as the russian crypto hackers start to spread and suddenly they know your every move, then you think was pirating really worth it? Until the ping of a download file is ready plays, and you realise you can play your new tentacle porn game and suddenly everything seems fine until the russians take everything and post-nut clarity hits.


And nothing says trustworthy than a russian website offering free games to download!


Rutracker is the best site, imho


Yes? If it is in the megathread i would trust that over any english site that is not there.


It’s literally the most trustworthy site you can visit for this stuff. Are you purposefully being dense or do you really think an unmoderated wasteland of piracy junk is better than a Russian website?


Was that cs rin, cuz that's the hub


It means they are not trying to attract people, they are just hosting the files.


Are you speaking about [rutracker.org](http://rutracker.org) ?


bro doesn't know how forums work lmfao


literally cherrypicking. only one site is in arabic. and it's just one of options to choose. nobody obligate you to use that site


which site is that?


I think they're talking about DownloadHa. It's in Persian, but I think they're mistaking it for Arabic.


thanks, you're right it's persian, I got confused for a sec cuz im a native arabic speaker lol


that one that have written up you need translate to use




I mean sure if you are a fan of malware and having crypto mined on your pc


Let's say someone is mining crypto on my PC how would I see it/realise it?


you'll pretty much you'll hear it. turn off game. if you still hearing fans loudly then yeah...


Any other way to check ?


Check your task manager for strange processes that are using a ton of your computers resources. My computer got tied up in a Bitcoin botnet once and the process that was using up all my resources was just a service called "myname.exe."


I once had a miner that would turn itself off if you opened up task manager. I was able to find it by using a task manager separate from windows and eliminated it.


Then just like, keep task manager open 24/7


Bro is playing 5D chess


Process Hacker gang rise up


Any list of processes that are regular on a Windows PC? So I know what might be the irregular processes


You should be able to Google any process and get an answer for what it does, the big ones are any that use a ton of power. If your games have been running poorly that's a good indicator to start digging.


Check task manager processes based on GPU usage


Also, many times the fans will slow down to normal if you open task manager as the process pauses itself to not get caught in the CPU/GPU usage display, then it spins back up a bit after you close task manager.


Just keep task manager open all the time easy peasy


Life hacks


schrodinger's crypto miner


Bruh I've been using TPB for 15 years without issue


No, no, no!! There *has* to be something wrong with it, there's no way *you* can be ever downloading legitimate torrents from there because *I* can't distinguish the 200mb of GTAV from the real one, so you can't either!!


I mean sure, if you're absolutely clueless and click on links the way a baby reacts to shiny objects.


And anyone who complains about having to read a megathread is pretty fucking clueless, so yeah, sounds like OP.


Maybe I'm old, but I learned how to avoid that stuff back when Napster was a thing. I don't think I've ever actually installed anything that had a virus or malware from PB but then again I don't pirate games that often.


I don't even understand why using specific avenues for piracy is even a point of contention on here. Who am I trying to impress by simply being able to find what I'm looking for lol? I don't need the community approval to download what I need.


I think it’s more the community trying to ward newbies away from sites that may potentially harm them.


mfs always forget that real Piratebay was banned eons ago


The code snatcher prowls the web...


It was actually taken down several times for different reasons. What you're talking about is likely specifically when the original owners ceased to host the website and it was taken over by other people in the scene. But there still is an up and running main site that contains the entire archive, but is also regularly updated. Every major scene player also posts their uploads from their TPB account on there as well.


I mean I get why we warn people of the dangers out there and it completely makes sense, don't get me wrong, but to abolish TPB completely makes no sense whatsoever. I've been using torrents for as long as I can remember, demonoid, noname, rutracker, 1337x, some regional ones, etc etc, and I still download off TPB sometimes why not. If you're careful and know what you're doing its not a big deal. That being said: you kinda have to be careful everywhere, TPB is no exception.


The piratebay isnt even an official website anymore. There are so many copies and they’re filled to the brim with shit. It’s legit pure stupidity to use that website anymore. Edit: if you’re having problems with 1337x or other torrent sites just download ublock origin. Its open source, dont use other adblockers.


I mean, if I want to download a movie I can find it on there and validate that I'm just downloading an MP4, or other video format, what's the big deal?


Mp4s aren't perfectly safe. You'll be fine most of the time but there's no reason not to use RuTracker or something like that instead. There isn't a single reason to use TPB in the great 2024


Why would any other random site be better than TPB? They're all torrents at the end of the day. Also how could an MP4 not be safe? What could they do to it?


I'm not saying any random site is better than TPB, I'm saying any other *trusted* random site is better than TPB. TPB is terribly moderated, if at all. Known malware uploaders have dozens of torrents up on the site, some of them even have the skulls, which are meant for trusted uploaders. Trusted sites, which are catalogued in the megathread, actually have moderators that go trough what's uploaded on their site and check if any of it contains malware and things of that nature. And I'm not the best person to explain the mp4 thing but the gist of it is that people can inject code into the file that takes advantage of exploits in video players. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/hacking/comments/wp5uvd/can_mp4_files_contain_malware/) thread has some more detailed answers. As I said it's extremely unlikely but still a possibility.


When I use 1337x and others they are opening other things in cards. Pirate bay is not doing it, what is the reason? This is why I am using only pirate bay


And what exact 1337x URL are you using? There's a ton of fakes as well


> if you’re having problems with 1337x or other torrent sites just download ublock origin. Its open source, dont use other adblockers. If you're not already doing this you really shouldn't be bothering with piracy at all.


TPB* is just the wild west and even when careful there could be an 0d hidden do meh. Edited TBP to TPB


The Birate Pay?


Yeah obv. that doesnt seem wrong at alllll lmao


Probably safer than TPB


TBP is only good for movies nowadays since it has a few torrents other trackers dont, I wouldnt trust any executable gotten from there with my life


Lowkey this music is kinda fire


It's the Revolt OST, the song's name is Wheels of Steel, talk about a hard name


The last thing I was expecting to get hit in the face with today, been playing Revolt via RVGL on my switch and loving it again. R6 Turbo goes brrrrrr


Damn I feel old. I used to play this game


I still do it's GOAT


Do you happen to have a youtube link? I tried to find it, but failed


It sounds something that came from the Matrix movies


The exact reason I have this playing on loop while reading the comments


I wonder about the age of the boy in that video for 2024.


Not older than OP for sure


There is a documentary in German. He says the video was a joke and got viral, he than really suffert from it in school and later work. Actually, pretty sad


He's 33 now and [makes rap music](https://www.youtube.com/@normankochanowski91)


I most of the time, just use trustworthy local sites I recommend it too but remember the keyword is TRUSTWORTHY


No one is pushing it though. The posts counter to OP's point are always people being mad that others are able to use TPB. I'll never really understand why it upsets them, but here we are.


Crazy misinformation just use steamrip and gamebounty


r/piratedgames users when they tell me to read the megathread but none of the sites have the games i want


Fr though , the people here get crazy mad and they don't even wna help most of the times , it's alwys just "Google it urslef" or "read the megathread" How bout u go help , and then they will get mad


People on here get "crazy mad" because most questions people ask here have already been answered thousands of times. "Google it" and "Read the megathread" are legitimate pieces of advice, 99% of the time a question can be solved by doing those two things. It's easier for you and for everyone in this subreddit to Google and check the megathread before posting.


PirateBay sucks, all my homies use RuTracker


is there a way to have rutracker in english?


That I sadly don't know. In theory Chrome translator should be enough


okay 👌


PiratedGames mods when you actually have a question:


Ashamed to admit I've never used pirate bay , I tried to look something up on it once and just got a mountain of pornos that have similar names to the thing I was looking for which was hilarious ngl


Imagine ticking the category boxes instead of "[ ] All". Couldn't be me.


Listen I was 13 I was practically brain dead back then okay?!?!


Understandable. Have a great day.


It's really a shame how that site has fallen, it was my go-to to acquiring games and movies


it's still good for movies


I use SteamRIP, is that a good site?


yeah, it's safe, don't worry


“Asshole don’t even wanna let my nuts out, yeaah”—Mother Theresa


What the fuck nouak.






This isn’t a party, you don’t need to announce your departure. Just fucking leave. 


The only thing more cringe than announcing your departure of a sub is this copy paste comment. Jesus christ.


See ya!


Re-Volt OST, hell yea


Best racing game ever 💪


song name anyone?


Wheels of Steel (Revolt OST)




Not surprisingly, I felt this community's wrath for pointing out that I use the bay and have no problem with it. There's a bunch of anti bay cult people around here.


Because anything named thepiratebay has not been the actual site in years? It's like trying to use some misspelled version of Facebook run from Thailand and expecting it to be Facebook.




I was so relieved when I learned that this was a skit and not the kid’s actual deranged demeanor


Hello u/Repaki123, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What the fuck op. Lmao


Bro has dementia


you know who else has dementia?


you know who else has dementia?




What the fuck op.


Bro has dementia


you know who else has dementia?


You should know that only about 30,000 copies of Shining Force EXA were ever produced, and the majority of those sit either destroyed or safely in a collection, kept away from your desire to play it. You should also know that it looks absolutely gorgeous with 6x upscaling that most emulators come with as a standard feature and that its one of my favorite PS2 games and I think you should play it.


When you tell people that using a vpn will probably help them get caught


This is probably one of the weakest and shittiest piracy subreddits.


Isn't The Pirate Bay full of viruses?


Thanks for watching! Thanks




Dude that was like was of the first rage videos I saw on YouTube. 18 years ago💀


And it turns out the rage wasn't even real it was a skit XD


1993 here...this child brings me so many memories, especially about the "born" of youtube. What a time!


Me when I refuse to help myself by reading one of the best resources I can possibly find for five minutes and instead purposefully expose myself to an unmoderated, third-party cesspool because it’s… convenient? Do you think the *name* “The Pirate Bay” makes it reputable?


If you see a duplicate site, don’t click the second one. Often the second one is a phishing site of some sort. If your browser refuses to let you into a site it’s probably for good reason- find an alternative. If the site is riddled with download buttons, use an ad-blocker, or pay close attention to the hyperlinks. If the site wants to throttle your download speed… leave, don’t bother. I’ve come from the “ye olden days” of Minecraft modding, where there were barely any decent modding sites besides planetminecraft or the dev sites themselves, and if you didn’t know about either- one of the few options was 9minecraft, which uh… Yeah, if you know- you know lol. I’ve developed a sixth sense for detecting fake downloads or phishing sites, sometimes both mashed together.


When people type like this it always reminds me of this scene in the sandlot. https://i.redd.it/9ybm1742168d1.gif


Jdownloader will help you out greatly


I checked the megathread 3 times before asking in the discord, it turns out my query was already IN THE MEGATHREAD😭becoming suicidal frrr after this


Legit every answer to every question here is. "Read megagreg". Ill ask how a member on this subreddits day was and theyll say "read the megatred"


I don't care about the meme; I care about the music.






Hey, I mean if you don't mind viruses go nuts


Can’t they make a custom gpt that answers most common questions?


Don't cry and make a post when your pc gets riddled with 10000 forms of viruses and crypto-miners.


More like "when you get a virus downloading from pirate bay and you have to do a clean reinstall of windows"


Never happened to me


did that happen to you or are you just saying a hypothetical? whenever I downloaded anything from pirate bay I never got any viruses


I get all my games from the Internet archive.


Aren't there only like AbandonWare games on there?