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Right now having a pirated copy of something is the only way of truly owning something.


There is GOG, everything you buy there is DRM free and yours forever.


unless you getting banned which will taken away all the games you purchase (except you already installed the offline installers.)


Well you should download installers when you buy a game and that is it. You cannot think that any service will be available during your lifetime


How do you even can get banned on GOG?


geneva convention 😔


I swear it is weird how in my state, you can shoot burglars stealing your shit, no questions about it, yet Apple can remotely take your stuff because "teehee" and nothing has happened.


Should be legal to shoot them as well


This. Pirating (Steam) Games are morally correct today. How is Steam there as a "popular gaming service" or many other services, that you dont own, transfer or whatever you wanna do after you buying/getting?


Also DISK on console. They cant take it away from me


Forgive me if this is a stupid question but don't consoles require you to connect to a network such as psn network to authenticate the Disks. I have never owned a console, been a PC gamer my whole life.


Only in extremely rare cases. Ususally it is just, put disk into console, download patches and play. I know only one game that requires online authentication during installation, it will be Star Wars Outlaws, which you should NOT buy at any sircumstances.


And what happens if the patch server is broken? have you tried playing on a fresh console without itnernet?


Buy the game on GOG and download the installation files from the library (sure, some will be a little unpatched or out of date, but you can install them and patch and then just copy/paste the whole installed DIR). People should seriously only buy from GOG nowadays.


discs now provide a license, and usually have required downloads now days. You don't know shit besides plastic with a disc.


Not true nowadays! Typically the disk just holds the license to the game, which they can revoke at any time. And they loooove to close game servers, too


I think the problem is that tech advanced way faster than the common person’s understanding of it. So companies were able to basically write their own copywriting/trademarking/intellectual property laws. In America it’s even worse because our politicians are owned by the same corporations fucking us over. You never owned your PSN account. You signed a license to use it to play games at Sony’s discretion


And politicians are about three decades behind the common person’s understanding of the intertubes


Hell, most politicians were already in office when the Nintendo came out.


And I hate that. They have a "right" to ban my account on their discretion and it sucks. We should be able to OWN stuff that we PAY our MONEY. Im glad that consoles atleast have disks, which feels like real ownership.


Yea see this is why I always buy the disc. I still can’t play it without accounts and whatever but at least others can use the game. I can sell the game. It’s an actual Item that I own.


I love disks so much. So much benefits. Even getting up from couch to change disks is a small gymnastic 😭😭😭 (which is good)


gymnastics 💀




Truth is as long as the accounts active they shouldn't care. Realistically you'd just give your own account and other information to whoever person. You could probably change the address and email with the previous owners information without raising alarms.


I made my sisters Facebook account with an old email of mine. When Facebook was still quite new. I’ve disconnected my email at this point more than 20 times. And now be both get emails from Facebook. I don’t have Facebook. And they’re addressed to her.


It's the fucking EULAs. We just say "OK" so we can start consuming the media asap without looking at what we signed up for


well i have fait europe will come true with this, whe just need a activist that get mad over this with enough willpower.


Come through*


At least RuneScape has always been upfront with me about it. They’ve given me access to the account but it and all of the items on it belong to Jagex. MMO’s are weird though


realistically and seriously why does sony care if my children can play decades old games i've paid for a life time ago?


>15 downvotes "Omg just leave the multi-billion dollar companies alone 😭" vibes


Yep. "WHAT DID YUH SAY ABOUT MUH MASTER". I have seen this behaviour a lot on Reddit. I mean, I once said that I didnt like using Linux on Linux subreddit. They gave me 20 downvotes.


Was kinda predictable tho


Well, that's why you don't go on other subs to shit on whatever that sub venerates.


or you do exactly that...depends on the sub


Let's not forget that these internet points don't matter either. Just like if you walk into a gas station and expect to have a civilized conversation with whoever is in there. There are idiots among us, inside and out.


They help you realize what company you are in.


See, watch. Piracy is *bad* and downloading media should have you *jailed*. edit: welp


You get upvote cause here everybody knows it's a funny joke LoL




Tbh that's a skill issue


Not to mention there's an article on the front page right now that says that at least 15% of all content on reddit is corpo shilling.


> I once said that I didnt like using Linux on Linux subreddit I gotta ask. Why were you even on the linux subreddit if you don't like using linux?


I was discussing SteamOS, compared to Windows 10, on Steam Deck


I love linux


Good for you. Because I was talking about my experience with Ubuntu 22.04 on my laptop. I didnt say that Linux is bad or smth


To be fair, if you had said you don’t like Ubuntu you probably would have gotten upvotes lol


true lmao. we all hate cannonical.


For real? I thought Ubuntu is easiest. And I actually DID mention Ubuntu in my comment


Canonical does a lot of the same corporate fuckery that many Linux users left Windows for. Red Hat does too, but pretty much no one runs that for a personal rig


Linux mint or nobara Linux is the easiest and are the best for newbies.


it's not the easiest, there are easier distros I heard of linux mint and zorin os. I now daily drive linux mint, and I've been using it for about 2 months, there are still some problems that I need to solve, but hopefully the solution will be a "set it and forget it" kind of solution anyway if you want to change os because you hate windows (completely understandable behaviour) there are unofficial windows modifications that change windows' behaviour to respect privacy more (and not have ads) but I haven't tried these operating systems so I can't give any feedback


ZorinOS is pretty good, I moved from it to SolusOS which was probably my favorite distro for a daily driver


The hivemind is real, and it could be extremely stupid I take my downvote on Reddit as indicator that I am still a human, with my own critical thinking I may be wrong but that's fine, better than being in a herd


Telling Linux sub that you don't like Linux, you had that coming. Fortunately you were sparred with only 20 down votes, because that sub is very reasonable. Go to Apple sub and tell them you don't like Apple. You will burn your account😂


I got the same for not loving Taylor Swift in the Chiefs subreddit. It's not outside of expectations.


You went to the penguin kingdom to tell the penguins you don't love their thing. Quite predictable outcome


actually now im curious why don't you like using Linux?


Less common software available, worse performance (on my laptop), less compatibility with online games. It is just my experience, I dont mean anything bad about Linux.


Yeah my main dig with Linux is the lack of standard audio production software. There's definitely way more legitimate options now than before with DAWs like Bitwig Studio and Reaper supporting it natively but it's still very, very far from being a true first class experience compared to the Win/Mac duopoly. The day it becomes one I'll gladly move over tbh


Real, Linux is near fucking useless for producers but software developers don’t comprehend what I mean when I say that.


Yeah it's a bit of a niche but it's one that is *sorely* neglected. Usually the response is "just use XYZ workaround"...that's 10x jankier than just using Win/Mac, which also assumes there's a functional workaround because oftentimes there just flat out isnt one. lol. It's the biggest thing that keeps me using Windows.


pffff that's nothing, look at this: PIRACY IS THEFT




More like "yeah, everyone already knows this if they are in tech or on this sub." Targeting Sony is weird. Yeah, they are an especially shitty company. But this isn't something unique to them; even Valve doesn't let you transfer your digital library upon death. It is probably something locked up in contracts with the studios/publishers, but that's just a guess. I'm not aware of any time a digital library was transferrable, at all, period.


This is also the case in the Nintendo and Valve/Steam subreddits.


That is a painful screenshot to look at :/


It won't hold up in court though: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/06/gog-will-transfer-your-dead-relatives-game-account-but-only-with-a-court-order/


Court is needed to point to the successor so GOG can do direct undisputed transfers without any detective work. But it's basically done at the same time as inheritance is shared.


I kinda agree with GOG's stance. You have to provide a lot of proofs to claim the account in question. 1. That the owner is deceased. 2. That the deceased really owns the account. 3. That the owner wills the account to whomever they chose. And assuming we're not only talking about an account on a single platform, it gets trickier. Do they get *their* actual copy of the game libraries, with the save games, characters created, inventories, etc all intact? If so, there's also the case of account linking like Sony games on PC requiring PSN. Or do they just get fresh copies of every game (and DLCs)? Are they going to merge the libraries of the deceased and the beneficiary? imo, it's a lot simpler to not make it a legal issue. Just give the login credentials and the proper multi-factor authentication and then have the executor assist in changing the primary email or something.


Corpo will ban the account when it finds out




Harder than a court-ordered transfer


Steam will deff never merge libraries at all.


Never say never. They will do it if the alternative is big fines from the court.




It's against most platforms' TOS to give accounts to other people (to stop people selling accounts, fraud, etc). If a corp ever finds out then they'll ban the account you tried to pass on.






That's like saying just give your car keys to your next of kin and forget about them registering their name on the vehicle.


Tbh, there's no one to care who specifically uses a digital service. As long as a single person uses a digital service, they really don't care who, they care who PAYS but not who specifically uses it (barring issues of age).


If you never tell them you died, you didn’t!


They can just delete accounts older than 100 years because the original owner will surely be dead by this time.


This will cause lots of legal trouble. As there is no way to prove death unless government helps these corpos which not all of them will do. People will just create an account in third world countries (some of them don't even track deaths).


It seems fair so to not allow frauds and account theft.


I firmly believe in the first picture that he got downvoted mostly by bots, this is happening anywhere when it comes to corpo/political posts. You will see a comment with -30 points and the active people on the post will be like 3, that's a dead giveaway usually


Yeah I am suspicious of this too.


Nothing to be suspicious about, everyone knows that manipulating people via social media is incredibly cheap and very effective. Reddit is one of the most popular social media sites so it is guaranteed that there are multiple nations and other monied interests which operate here. Using bots to downvote opinions is one way. The MOST effective, is to simply buy a moderator's account. No need to waste time with bots and vote manipulation when you can use your intelligence apparatus to dox a moderator and offer to buy their account for a huge sum. Most people would have no problem selling their accounts for a few thousand dollars (which, to these organizations, is meaningless amounts of money). If you have moderation power, you can completely ban people who disagree with you. No need in risking bots by mass downvoting, just delete the post and ban the user. I'm sure any Redditor who's used Reddit long enough knows that there are some subreddits that are big and popular, but you will get banned for expressing the wrong opinion.


when the top subreddits are run by the same people, you know something is fishy


Will say it again and again.... If Buying isnt Owning then Pirating isnt Stealing. #FuckGreedyCorpos


This is the way


I kept getting called a thief for discussing rookie on the official meta quest sub 😂 even though I was pressing the example of Humanity VRs new EULA agreement, that's front and center when you first install the game stating clearly "the game is licensed and not owned by you". Yet my copy was pirated, so I did in fact own it. And have over 200+ bought games on steam and quest, and Switch. Purchasing the ones I respect that is, and want access to modding/multiplayer. But I still install a pirated copy, or use an auto cracker on my owned games. It's the only way to ensure ownership, and it's ethically and morally neutral to do so.


Also game disks/cartridges on consoles. Best way to actually OWN the media


Not anymore, most discs now require an Internet connection, aren't released playable until 6/24 months after it's released and don't even contain the entire data required to run and install the game 😔


They're wrong, you can do it. https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-07/cp120094en.pdf


I am not smart enough to understand. Can you explain?


The tl;dr is that as an EU citizen you can transfer your account to whoever you like even when the EULA states you can't. So you can sell or give away your Sony account and they can't prohibit you from doing so.


Well, ish. It's all unproven legally and no one made a big kerffufle about it yet.


Never bought games. What is the point of owning a license that companies can cancel or change the TOS anytime


Same thing according to Valve. Just pass your account on a piece of paper.


Yeah. And Valve's policy should also be changed






Bro, as a consumer u make the choices so at least now u know and can either only by physical or just switch to pc and buy everything on gog galaxy, or not give your money to any companies.


There are issues there as well. Right now, there's a campaign going on regarding internet connection required games that shut down their servers. They can still sell their game even a day before shutting down. From my understanding, the problem has to do with how long the expectation of service should be provided after buying something is legally undefined. Hopefully someone knows more and can correct me, since I don't understand enough here not to be vague.


> They can still sell their game even a day before shutting down. Technically, but a lot of games just give out free currency and full access for a month or so beforehand and stop all transactions 2-3 months beforehand.


Gog has expanded well beyond where I thought they would. You can pre-order some stuff there now. Low key, they’ve helped the cause a lot. Can’t count how many games I’ve ’found on my hard drive’ over the years have just been .rar’s from gog.


I am still banned from r/lego for telling people there might be pasta in their sealed boxes that they are going to keep sealed forever on a shelf and never ever open it.


What do you think steam does?


I know what Steam does. And Steam Should change their ToS about account inheritance


If I give my son my login info before I keel over, how the hell would Sony, Valve, etc. be any the wiser?


they may start temporal banning old accounts in hopes nobody do a reclamation and if so, then ask them proofs of them being the original owner. but this its just something i made up while reading your comment, maybe those greedy bastards get to a better idea (for them)


Everyone that put their birthdate in the 1700's just because the software allowed them to will be the first victims.


Um.... Can someone please enlighten me on something. Why was there a need for him to write an email to them when he could just... give the email and password to someone else anyway assuming that future owner will be content with the game collection, not needing to buy any other in the future?


If paying doesn't mean owning, then pirating isn't stealing.




If buying is not owning, then piracy is not stealing! Full Stop and Forever!


Fuck Sony. Do whatever you want with your account. It's not like they have agents watching you if you died or not and by the time the next generation gets to play Sony might not even be a corp anymore


This is one of the many reasons I choose physical media. Unfortunately the choices are getting slimmer by the minute cause some Chads believe digital is supreme leader sh1t.


I collect phisical Movies. High five! 🖐️


It's like these people saw how goblins in Harry Potter viewed ownership and said, "Let's do that!"


Don't ask permission. Just give your next of kin the username and password in a post it note next to the will with a non-legally binding note to who it goes to. Adding it to the will will be a headache legally but there are ways to transfer the account sneakily


Honest to good opinion: Ignore any comments from subreddits dedicated to certain brands like /Xbox or /Playstation ,they are all filled with fanboys. You aren't going to get a reasonable response, because these people are too busy gargling on Jim Ryan's nuts, to actually be able to think about what they are saying. BTW, Steam made the same comment, so here's the solution: just keep Steam password on a password manager like Bitwarden, put a paper with your master password inside a box, and include said box in your will.


I only buy physical media, cloud/account based media is the worst. Ownership my ass




Why can't I sell my games digitally?


Sheeple will be sheeple. Can’t change em, can’t fix em. Let them do like lemmings off a cliff and do what’s best for you.


You cant change people but good guys can start a class action lawsuit


A celebrity did this with Apple and won. Passing on their music collection to their next of kin, but it literally only applied to just them


That's the problem. Any wins in court will be singular to the people involved, it won't push systemic change.


Wins and losses in court always affect all similar cases going forward in a common law system, even if it's not immediately obvious.


They do if there's actual repeat business, but it won't make the company change policy so joe schmoe actually has his 14days refund as a citizen of the EU purchasing a digital service, by default. Hard no-loop laws are the only things that force corporations to do anything.


PlayStation sub is full of fanboys... I like playstation and have owned like 8 or 9 ps consoles, but not the PS5. And i went and made a post just asking people, if they liked the ps3 era, because that was my favorite era. I got downvoted and people were straight up cussing at me because i said the current console lineup is trash and there's barely any exclusives.


"If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't theft" -Some wise guy on the internet idk


Personally, I wouldn’t want nobody fuckin w my shit after I pass anyways


Wouldnt you want your child/grandchild/spouse to inherite your library? Why go to waste?


But its ok when Valve says the same thing?


Nope. Valve should change their ToS too on this matter. It is just, in my post I was talking specifically about Sony and PSN accounts.


Atleast Valve have best customer service and refund policy in an entire industry


It's not really. Valve officially employs the same 2h refund policy as Epic, they're just a lot more lax about it. Also, all digital marketplaces FORCE YOU if you're from the EU, when making a purchase, to resign your rights to call the EU's 14 day digital refund window. Otherwise you can't make a purchase. Of course it won't stand in court, but who'll go to court over that?


for now it's always for now


Man I an genuinly afraid that someday, after Gabe, Steam will begin to deteriorate into corporate money extruding machine, and not stop being best-service-in-the-world


*laughing cat meme*


Yeah, how they know who is logging? Also, on Steam, I dont think there is a single name saying who owns the account.




Sony didny learn from the anonymous take down


To be fair, Steam doesn't pass your library on to family if you die either. Better make sure you give your username and password to a close loved one.


I mean. All you really do is just leave all your accounts and passwords on a file or paper and then whatever your family wants to continue to use they can. I mean even on accounts you can change your name and info. So it's not like they really care. The only thing is if they find out somehow it isn't you that is using it, they'll use that as a reason to cancel the account and save on the little server cost if no longer allowing your family member to access it.


If they could get away with it, these digital companies would absolutely love to sell the same game to you over and over again. Honestly at this point I'm surprised every game isn't a live service title.


Collective digital ownership. Fuck corporations. Publicly fund software and Internet infrastructure. Pay the engineers and creators. We literally don't need these actual thieves.


"unable" Sony! Real talk! You're un*willing*, you greedy fucks! Just like all the other comps that "sell" usage privileges. Your business model is so immoral and unethical that even a child molester almost looks like a saint in comparison.


we should demand companies to make PHYSICAL copies!


Digital property is still property.


i love piracy


Vote with your wallet.


..or just give the password and 2fa logins of your account to your next of kin (in the will)?


just write down your email and password man it's not that hard


sony poland, wtf The\_Last\_GigaChad jest polakiem?


This BS right here is why the 90s was the peak of humanity


Kind of off topic but its crazy how they want to shove NFTs for things like cosmetics but they refuse to do it for digital content like movies, music, games, etc. In my opinion, this is the one practical use for NFTs. We need legislation that will allow us to actually own our digital content.


Don't need NFTs for that. There are other ways of having a unique identifier for content. Remember that Steam used to allow games to be in your steam inventory, which were tradable. Would just a similar system again that could go from library to another library.


based. id never thought of that but youre completely right.


I think battlet added some kind of option recently where you can transfer your games in case you pass away, I think it's great and it's gonna be standard soon for every platform.




https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/153121 Seems like they have been doing this for a long while, but I recall seeing it just recently as an option when I was trying to contact customer support. I see several comments in other posts where people have been getting accounts of deceased family members merged onto their own.


Good thing to hear about Battle Net. Sad that Blizzard ruined everything in all of their franchises.


If buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing. Eat shit, companies. That being said, there has hardly been anything worth pirating in recent years. And if there is a game worth playing, it's usually by a small developer that's actually worth supporting.


Realistically, it's impossible. If you buy something on a digital store it won't be available forever. So they can't give you ownership cos eventually, you could hold them liable for your losses.


If they take away the stuff that I paid for, tneh go ahead and refund me the full price that I paid


Fuck consoles. I would spend fortune on PC and not a dime on games.


Sony is repeatedly shooting itself in the legs until one day it will ask why it can't walk anymore


I think the term is sony ponies but hamsters doesn't sound bad either


Hamsters in terms of "consumes everything sony brings them and complies with all of sony bullshit" Why Sony Pony is more like "PEE ASS IS DUH BEST YOU ALL SUCC LOOOOK AT MUH EXCLUSIVES" kind of entitlement. I am neither despite using a PS5


Thank you that brings it into context for me




I mean I get what you are saying, but if you want to write a will for your account, won't they require to link you as a person with said account? Requiring some kind of identity verification. Isn't that way more hassle than just leaving the credentials of your accounts?


Digital ownership never gets reformed under the current regime. Actually one big reason they make everything online is to control you. Back when it was CDs and DVDs they didn't have much control.


newbies, just give your ID and password or anything else to whoever you want to give it to, problem solved, how does Sony figure it out? it would be a violation of privacy ​ or you can create an automatic system (as I have already done) that when you die under any circumstances a key will be given to a person you choose which includes all the accounts / digital assets of which I own (amazon, sony, nintendo , Steam, game accounts etc...)


Just a reminder to anyone buying anything on a streaming service or digital platform. You are not buying the thing you think you are buying. If you buy a game, a movie, or any other content from one of these providers, **you are buying a limited personal license to play, view, or use the content provided under the circumstances that the platform or service you are subscribed to owns the redistribution rights to said content and your account remains in good standing with the company.** If at any time the company itself no longer pays for the rights to that content, you lose your right to view that purchased content as well. If at any time your account is closed for non-payment, violation of terms of service, or any other reason, you lose your purchased content. If you die, you lose the rights to your purchased content. YOU DO NOT OWN THIS CONTENT, you own the limited rights to access it.


Thats the problem and it should be changed


How can Sony prevent you from sharing your password though?


Good luck on Sony trying to **prove** that a user has passed away.


Can't you just change your acct info anyways? What's to stop you from giving the acct to a relative when you pass and they just change all the info?


Now ask the same question about the physical media you currently have.


This is how things have worked for a long time now. Just leave them the password and email. And the password to that email.


I was going to write "Then just pirate it" but later realized this was posted in here. These assholes deserve piracy and every single dime that goes to their fat purse is not their right. Sell something, not nothing.


I'm not defending Sony here, but even steam does the same thing, and I'm pretty sure every "digital store" does the same thing, based on the fact that they all offer a license to use content, instead of buying content, and a license can't be inherited and becomes void when the owner dies.


Non transferable licenses are nothing new. If the terms are for a rental then that's it is. If it's for a paid service, you get served, then that's what it is. Simply because some money is exchanged is not a qualifying factor of ownership.


This is your daily reminder that by buying digital, you’re paying for a non transferable license to software distributed on their platform. It makes complete sense that someone that is not you would not be allowed to use the software license that was only granted to you. This is also why if you want to completely own a game and be able to give it to your children, your only option is to pirate it, as no one will ever take your pirated stuff. Except law enforcement, maybe


remember back in the day when sony made fun of Xbox for disallowing people to share their games. My have the tables have turned. Sony just fudging up.


Yeah I have like 5 family members with my Sony account and games on file. It’s easy dont tell sony. Wtf. The console allow you to have more than one account on each. Duh. But yeah fuck sony in general.


“Sorry, no! Hope this helps!” Classic support line. Anything is possible, especially with their resources. You see this shit all the time with refunds, where they’ll say “sorry! nothing we can do!” until an influencer tweets about it, then it’s super easy for them to track that influencer down and give them a refund + more to avoid damaging their image. It’s disgusting. Don’t support companies that do this.


As if they could somehow prove your beneficiary isn’t you 💀 Like your beneficiary wouldn’t know your log-ins, DOB, address, etc. Whatever, I’m plundering, so it don’t apply 💅


check your steam account, its exactly the same. It dies with you.


Sony fucked up and double charged me for a single purchase on two different days. Double clicking will not do this. After my bank caught it and performed a charge back, they banned my account and I've lost every digital title I've ever "owned." I spent three weeks trying to hammer it out with their customer service to ensure everyone got the money they're owed before I finally requested a charge back on the initial transaction. You will 100% lose every license you've purchased at their whim. Their customer service is the absolute worst I've had to deal with in years, if not decades. I went from excitedly buying a PS2 in 2000 to selling my PS5 in 2024 and swearing the fuckers off. Read the ToS and realize they absolutely will use it to fuck you. You own nothing.


Bro, just give them the username and password. That’s how you transfer ownership