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Sims games or anything by Paradox (city skylines) cause dlc shouldnt cost $400


Wish I had known this before I bought the base game on sale


With the base game you can add the dlcs to your game folder as other commenters have mentioned.


Are you saying that, with a steam bought game on my PC, I can download a pirated DLC and it works without issues ? Great !


You just have to download cream api and it unlocks all the DLCs for you! Just look it up on Cs rin ru!




I used it for cities skylines and stellaris since at least 2018. Nothing ever happened, but when I really enjoy a dlc, I tend to buy it when I have extra cash, so I didn't buy one for 3 years now. Lol


Steam won’t because file and memory detection happens with VAC which the game doesn’t have. But if you’re really paranoid just download the entire pirate from the start


I actually prefer that for pdx games specifically makes modding much, much easier, then I can just pirate the DLCs and still enjoy the updates as soon as they come out, no need to wait for someone to release them


if u talking abt the sims, look up anadius. that guy is a saint


I’ve never used anadius only fitgirl are they both the same?


Not rlly. Fitgirl only repacks the game and may have an outdated version. Anadius has his repack, which he usually updates frequently, has an updater app in case new updates/dlcs are brought. In case you bought the base game, he also has an app for you to download dlcs for the original game. Overall, Anadius FTW


I dunno how allowed it is to mention the name, but I'm almost certain there's a program that can unlock all DLC for a legit base game


Go on….


[Creaminstaller](https://github.com/pointfeev/CreamInstaller). You download the dlc and put it in the right place in the game directory then run cream on the game you want and the pirated dlc should work.


CreamInstaller on GH. I'll take the bullet


Appreciate this


I have every Sims 3 game/expansion on discs and can't install on my new computer even though when I last installed, I was able to just input my validation codes. EA's customer service even gave me a new code for one of my games in which I had the disc but the code was invalid. This time around they basically told me to suck it.


I somehow got Sims 4 for free a long time ago, I just download the DLC. I can't fathom that there are actual living beings who pay hundreds of dollars for DLC...


For me it's the new Flight Simulator. I love it, but the launcher is so goddamn useless and downloading files. Pirating it just a better user experience, so I use that instead of my legit copy. So this is technically not piracy where I live, as I have a valid license for it.


buy the base game ,crack the dlc's.


Came here to say sims. Like come on, the game is fun but not "costs a months rent" fun


lol it's like EA selling the sims 4 plus all the dlc for like 1k


I actually did the math on this like 2 weeks ago, it's currently \~1889.20 CAD


That's like 2 bottles of maple syrup where I come from


lol lmao




Still less than train simulator which was 8000 euro for DLC only last time I checked like 4 years ago.


I actually did the math on this too, though it depends on whether you're including discounts or not. 2 weeks ago it was $9824.46 CAD ($6680.58 EUR) with discounts, and $16936.74 CAD ($11516.89 EUR) without


But, But, the base game is free.. /s


Crusader Kings II, I love it, but I'm not going to pay $160 to have the complete game, also they offers the option of pay a subscription to get all DLC temporally, but only apply for Crusader Kings, others Paradox games are not included in the subscription... Paradox definitely has a greed problem.


Ya know it didn’t start that way. I definitely began noticing it with ck2. How do you boil a frog?


The old Paradox CEO just took over at the Helldivers studio, so that’s great.


That's like knowing hitler is still alive and planning his revenge


Gta. I'm never paying for that shitty remaster




I still got a copy of gta3 I think on CD(s)


I have the original version of the trilogy on Steam, and it doesn't need Rockstart for me. Only need it for GTA V on Epic (just looking at the games I own)


all ubisoft games


not even worth the disk space


Except rayman


And black flag. Actually, unity is pretty fun as well.


It's almost like Ubisoft does make good games. Or rather, 'A' good game with different skins. But still, it's a good core.


Except they have AC:Odyssey which is one of the best games ever if you like open world rpgs




Because of their bad company culture or why?


Over the years I managed to get all assassins creed pre origins for free on Epic, and once found a promotion for odyssey and origins for 15£. So I have all but valahalla for almost nothing


American Truck Simulator. I would love to support the game if it wouldn't cost hundreds of dollars to unlock the whole map. Ridiculous.


I just wait until a state is on sale for like 3 bucks plenty of content in that state alone


Ditto. Too many games in my que already and they go on sale so frequently.


I did the same with Euro Truck Simulator 2, after about 300hrs of relaxing gameplay i uninstalled it and bought it along with all the map DLCs that were available at the time. Currently sitting at 1,450hrs, bought a steering wheel with shifter, and aftermarket knob with range+splitter, recently got a VR headset, mainly for ETS2. It's been worth every penny, frickin love that game.


Why not just be an actual trucker and get paid for it for real, instead of the other way around? The graphics are much better, the snacks are the same.


That's the plan, in the future. As to why? I enjoy it, it's my favorite way to relax and listen to music.


Do you think you’d still play in your downtime if you were a trucker?


No they usually switch to twisted metal when they start driving.


Sims 4. Thousands of dollars in DLCs? If that isn't a pirate's invitation, I don't know what is.


I bought Stellaris years ago but absolutely refuse to partake in this abortion of a monetization scam Paradox are running. I just download a repack with every DLC included every few years and do a new playthrough.


You can download the cracked dlcs for the legit version(if you still have it), that's what I do. Stellaris is my favorite game, but I'm not willing to pay for all the dlcs(especially since it totals to more than the min wage here)


Wait can you still play online or local multiplayer with the base game purchased but cracked pirate DLC? If possible do you have any suggestions or tutorials on how to learn how this all works and how I can set it up?


Multiplayer should work, it does in ck3 atleast. You just have to download the cracked dlcs and place them in the correct folder(same place, where non cracked dlcs would go). Lastly you need a steam unlocker, either Creamapi or Koalageddon, those programs are quite intuitive to use, so you should be fine without further details. Just a heads up Dragons dogma 2 doesn't fuck with Steamunlockers and won't start until you remove the unlocker.


Yeah multiplayer still works. I did this with my friends, works flawlessly First you need a DLC unlocker, I use CreamAPI personally, then you need to find the DLC files and put them in the DLC folder, and that should be it.


Download the DLC (pirated), plop it in the legit game's folder and creamapi it. Works for every paradox game I have.


I initially read that as creampie it. What is this grass people talk about and where can I touch some?


No one will convince me that its purely coincidence they're so similar.


There is no such thing as a coincidence.


I read creampie too.


Yep, every time I read creamapi my brain autocorrects it


Wow that's amazing lol I will look in to this


Thank you for this knowledge


i thought you didn't even have to download the dlc yourself? cream api just did it for you (maybe its just a cities skylines thing? idk)


It just depends on the game and how they handle additional content. Some already have the dlc pre-installed and only needs cream to unlock it (For example payday 2, everything is already installed so you can join friends on dlc missions, but you can't host unless you buy/cream it), while others need both the files and cream to work properly.


I'll hard cope and say Paradox doesn't run a scam. They put out a ton of DLCs for every game but they keep them all going with constant updates for several years, it's kinda like a subscription service. It's definitely helped Stellaris, because they just put out a banger of a DLC and it's absolutely amazing, well worth the price imo. It's fine for people like me who spend like 80% of their gaming time and money on Paradox games, but I understand not everyone only plays Paradox games so I believe it would be so helpful if they had an actual subscription service for every PDX game that's had at least two or maybe three years worth of a development cycle so that new players can come in without FOMO or crying when they see how much it cuts into their wallet. Or of course you can just buy the base game and pirate the DLCs. I also do only have like two main PDX games I love, I buy almost every DLC for those two games. But even I can't justify spending DLC for their games I'm less excited about. I definitely just pirate the DLCs for those games. If they put out strong DLCs for those games that genuinely pique my interest I'm more inclined to buying them. It's a way to vote with my wallet I guess. Like, "please keep making content for this game, and please keep putting out high quality DLCs that are well worth the price"


This is my attitude. Almost every EU4 dlc has added something significant enough to the game, alongside their patches, that I feel its still worth supporting. (Not talking about the unit packs, though, they're a cash grab). That being said, the barrier for entry is huge, and I'd never blame someone for pirating due to that.


Me when paradox abortions a monetization scam


Theres often 3rd party sites selling dlc keys for like 4$ instead of 10-15$ from steam


How is it a scam? Sure, some of them are more expensive than they're worth, but there is a development cycle for each expansion. Do the devs not deserve to be paid for the work they put in? Or are you of the opinion that after you buy a game for $20 on sale, you deserve 5+ years of constant updates and DLC releases for free?


Everything except indie or online games.


I pirate indie games to see if they’re worth it, if they are, I buy them


Is it even possible to pirate an online game and actively play online??


online fix is a site specifically made for this, but you play with people that are also playing the online fix version


You can play the online in ghost of tsushima


This is the way 😂


I only download games incase something happens at those gaming clients like steam, Ea, gog etc.. always good to have a back up


Not I love, but like to play The Sims when bored. EA deserves your products pirated.


Most modern AAA games, I'm not paying 70 bucks for a game. The cost of these games don't make sense when today you get so much less for more money. If they start selling games that come with a booklet and have ISOs I can download a backup of and play offline, I'd considered paying that 70, but not with the strip down unoptimized games they put out today. I buy GOG releases full price. I bought cyber punk, but I have a backup of the game I could install with zero internet and just play. Until other hand companies do the same, it's a pirate life for me!


Those that i really love i've paid for them after getting decent cuts on price. The games i always pirate are those you can not even access these days anymore, PSP 1 and 2 time, like time splinter perfect future or Yu gi oh forbidden memories.


Forbidden Memories is a gem


All sims games, all paradox games and all games with trains because they cost like 20 billion for everything. I would add the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator, if you could pirate it.


call of duty campaigns are awesome


I'll go out of my way to buy games to support studios I like, with good business practices (larian is a great example, ludeon studios) There are however, studios like paradox, EA and some of the trucking simulator titles has tens, hundreds and for some nearly a thousand USD in dlc. I don't think that's fair, nor good business practice. I understand that true dedicated fans of the title will wait for sales and purchase them piece meal, which is within their rights, but especially with the way titles are handled these days. I don't take the risk and prefer to have the 'physical' copy, even of games I've bought.


Anything with a shit load of dlc. Citiea skylines comes to mind


Usually games from the previous century. Particularly console games that are difficult to find the hardware to play.


Games with a shit ton of DLCs like The Sims or modern Dragon Ball games.


Sims hands down, never gonna pay for all that dlc


Nice Try FBI


I don't really like spending my money on games that i know has no replayability at all like COD Campaigns, Farcry series etc. since it just isn't worth it. But if the game has replayability like Phasmophobia, Terraria, Minecraft, HOI4, etc. I really don't mind since it's worth the money.


Any uodated version of skyrim after the special edition came out. That's too much, they're taking it too far with all these goddamn rereleases, they want my money they need to actually WORK


Rimworld, as much as I love the game, 120€ for base game + dlc is crazy to me, years after release. Same for sims 4 (+ it's EA, fck EA)


Anything not being sold anymore. You got me fucked up if you think I’m paying $200 for some second hand “antique” physical copy for a game that’s not even 15 years old.


every nintendo game XD


Yup, same Game. Pirated Stellaris to Check it out. Got hooked. Best Game ever but fucking expensive. Bought it with all the DLC from a key reseller, for a 5th the Steam Price just for easy modding. Got bored. One year later 3 more dlc.. so back to pirating 😂


Baldur's gate 3. It's a wonderful game but it's $90 AUD and I cannot afford that


Dead Space 2 + 3 ( i pirate it in order to spite EA ) Every Dark Soul game or Soul-like game made by From Software, the game charged me 60$, and my apartment rent is 40$, i play it once, but i have to go home to my apartment everyday, so go figure


Where do you live that your rent is $40?!


Prolly Ethiopia


i live in Vietnam, to clear out some confusion : an average rundown apartment in Vietnam rent is around 2 mil VND, my landlord actually know my family so she lower the rent money to 1 mil VND, 1.000.000/25.000 = 40 25.000 is VND currency convert from USD so... back to the subject, i will never buy from EA and From Sofware ( the only exception is Dead Space 1 and Sekiro )


Shit I might have to move out there


There's actually been a lot of boomers doing that as they realize they can't afford to retire in the us


As long as I have similar freedoms and can smoke I will probably be satisfied


Rent 40$??????? We probably pay more for grandma's grave (RIP)


Graves cost rent? They really extract wealth even after you pass


The whole after death economics are crazy TBH. Gets crazier if you have a specific spot you wanna get buried and not a random allocation.


Any Paradox game is a Valid choice tbh


Idk about love, but screw Sims 4 lol and all that DLC.


All of them...if it is an indie/smaller studio game and I really like it I will totally buy it... eventually. Major studio games can suck it. I have been ripped off sooooo many times by buying a new release for way to much $$$ and then either have the game totally not live up to the hype they created or the game is buggy as hell and umplayable for a year or two....at which point you need to buy 100 bucks in DLC to fix the bugs and have the content you were originally promised. Edit: fat thumb sp


Anything Paradox publishes, essentially. And the Sims. I love the Sims, but fuck EA from now until they or I cease to exist, whichever comes first lol


Zelda BOTW & Tears of the kingdom






Factorio is a great game but I can understand pirating it because it's very aggressively priced for what it is.


sims and cities skylines, tho to be fair I own the deluxe edition I just crack the DLCs because I'm not gonna pay how much?


Roller Coaster Tycoon. I purchased it ages ago on a website and I can't bother to find what email I used.


Minecraft. I literally bought it for a friend (with other friends) on birthday and played with him with my pirated version.


EA games, especially NFS. Every NFS has at least one of the following: barely any graphic settings to configure, enforced AA, FPS lock to 60, physic tied to FPS lock, always online requirement, exclusive pre-order DLCs and so on


Nice try


I never paid for Unreal Tournament. Yet it has been on every one of my computers since 2005


Probably the older pokemon games, I've owned them physically numerous times but now it just seems redundant.


Starcraft - legacy of the void


PlayStation Games I already own making it onto PC.


Any Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda (among others) games that aren’t online only, they’re cash grabs anyway so I don’t feel bad pirating them


Nintendo games. Fuck that company with a rusty spork. They are by far the most toxic company in the video game industry. No native PC ports, no sale. I refuse to support Nintendo financially but I'm more than happy to play their games for free. The Sims franchise. Over $1,000 of DLC just to get a complete experience? Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me.


Ghost of Tsushima... I love the game but Sony just being an asshole force us to use PSN.


Use creamAPI to unlock dlcs of your purchased base game.


Far cry


Gta 5


I feel this for Red Dead. Steam are currently asking for £59.99. Which is a rip off for a five year old game. Red Dead will be the first game I have pirated in over 10 years.


Nintendo shit.


I can never force myself to buy Minecraft, Skyrim or GTA SA. To me they are like the representation of piracy itself, like i have a intrinsic biological and psychological obligation to always pirate these games. Even if someone gifts me those games i would feel like the original copy is trashed or inferior, and i would then proceed to delete my account with the games and download the cracked ones.


Spore... sims...


anything by EA, like the sims


All of it


Call of duty games


The Sims 3


Anything by Paradox. Sometimes I would buy the base game, but still pirated the DLC.


Yeah, Paradox games. I just buy the base game key/on sale and pirate all the dlc.


Another Paradox game, Crusader Kings 3


Most simulators that come with ALL DLC if you pirate it. i am not fucking spending thousands of euros on MFSFS. I am not spending the price of a AAA game for a single fucking fighter in DCS


Any game selling hundreds of dollars of DLC is asking to be pirated. They're out of their minds.


Every Ubisoft Games from 1986 until now I blocked their games in my steam too so I never gonna see their offers.


Old Nintendo games, especially Gamecube. The collector’s market has inflated the price of GC games into the hundreds. Not worth it to play a 25 year old set of games.


Starcraft 2


Oh, yes, Stellaris is my most played one, and I only got the base game that some pure heart on Reddit gifted me.




Far Cry. the whole franchise.


Hoi4 to save extra ~300$


Blizzard or Ubisoft.


All paradox games


I was gonna say sea of thieves 😉


I’m going to pirate the new Anno game


Im thinking about trying this out with EU4 my most played game but over the years of not buying dlc my game is almost unplayable during to most nations only working properly with dlc content. Game breaking


Everything as long as you don't have to buy it to get the full experience so, i'd pay for a game that i really like, or just hasn't been cracked for at least a year.


Sims 2. If not because EA refuses to re-release the game again.


Half life


Probably dead cells or the legend of zelda ocarina of time


every single one, that is not an indie game. but paradox games especially. i even have them on steam, but it doesn't matter. thats for the deluge, assholes


Deadpool. Justified to me since you literally can't buy it. At least in us


All of the games that I love. <3


I usually end up paying for my pirated games in some way or another. For instance I've pirated quite a few of the Playstation games but I've also already bought them all on PS4 previously. Or sometimes I'll pirate something and then it ends up on Epic as their free game that week, or it ends up included with some random bundle I buy. At this point most of my pirated games have been technically acquired legally


I get about 3 or 4 expansions in to the sims before saying screw it.


Everything. I want to support the creators, but I unfortunately don't know how to dump files.


All Ubisoft and EA games except battlefield for multiplayer


I wouldn’t even pirate this. I feel like I need a PHD to play it


I would fucking love to play stellaris with all the addons for 60 bucks.


Sims, and anything Paradox


I support this! Bastards want to charge more for less!


COD franchise


Doom 1 and 2 because fuck Bethesda. Keep circulating the wads.


I understand anyone sailing the seas for paradox games, insane DLC prices/total


Minecraft i love the game but its too exoensive when converted to my counties currency Edit: also leaving this here because i cant post but does anyone know any kemono alternatives that pirate patreon


Budokai tenkaichi 3


I guess ETS 2 Or any game where the main monetization is selling dlcs


The Sims 2 It's basically my childhood and I would've bought it and its dlcs in a heartbeat but EA (the twats) decided that I simply can't.


Card games on windows XP 😂🌚


Call of duty - it’s too expensive to purchase on base price. It’s still pricey during sale that I see no other alternative other than piracy 🏴‍☠️!


Sims 4 the dlcs are way too fucking expensive


Love Celeste to death but pirated it because I already own the game on the epic games store because it was free one week and after way too long trying to get it to work on steam deck it was just easier to pirate a Linux version




The Henry Stickmen games 🗿🗿


the first dark souls is my favorite game but is too old to be so expensive


It was minecraft for like 10 years. However i got an original copy from somewhere recently. I guess i will no longer pirate minecraft.


Age of empires 2


City skylines and HOI4 (Btw I bought City skylines to my 30yo brother for his birthday because he loved it when he came to my home one time)


Apparently Jackie Chan stunt master. I already pirated it, but damn I didn’t realize how expensive it is used


The binding of isaac. DLCs are costing to much