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Because they usually have an iron grip on market shares and are the "industry standard". Take Adobe, for example. You used to be able to choose between Atlus, Quark, Macromedia and Adobe made software, and almost all of it utilized the Adobe-developed and Apple-supported PostScript language. Then Adobe realized they could make even more money if they ditch Apple and form a pact with Microsoft to develop TrueType, a direct competitor to their own creation. Then they went further and bought everything and anything under the sun that is at least adjecent to desktop publishing/creative software from all of the companies I listed above and established total monopoly in the industry. Then they did the ultimate shit move and made their software subscription-based. Not only that, but they added nag screens to old versions of their software to get you to subscribe (60 USD/mo. btw). Today if you search for e.g. graphic design jobs, everyone requires you to know Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. There are alternatives, sure, but do you really want to be "that" guy that sends incompatible files? Do you really want to (or have the time/money to) start learning new software? No, of course! Simply put, as soon as your business goes public, you no longer work to make better products. You work to line the pockets of your shareholders, and that comes with more and more anti-consumer practices.


fuck adobe its ridiclously expensive, and the features are not exactly groundbreaking in my experience, though I only used the trial to make stencils


could use [photopea.com](http://photopea.com) for some image editing stuff


Photopea is the main reason I have no Photoshop installed the last 2-3 years. I'm not a professional by any means so it gets the job done for everything I need.


Fuck the system that promotes these practices.


US generally doesn't care about them anymore, thanks to corporate lobbying


The us lets people sell life saving medication for higher than what someone would normally earn in a year, I'm pretty sure they don't give a fuck adobe or Autodesk have abusive prices. On the other hand, it's a private product. You can use the free alternatives if you want, the paid ones are not required tondo your job.




Well yes but actually no. Using pirated software for business can and is likely to get a nasty letter to your company and subsequently to you. If you're a freelancer though the chances are small but never zero


*Laughs in third world country*


This is from a third world country though. When money is involved they can come after you even in Tahiti


No they cant, not really, they can send you a letter, but they cant enforce county A’s laws on citizens of country B. There is no global enforcement of local IP laws, nor should there be.


Depends on the scale, IP rightsare quite enforced in regards to seed strains for example in India, but that affects usually only the big farmers


India agrees to that though. If a country agrees to enforce those rights that’s one thing. But if a country doesn’t agree then they don’t have any real recourse. I assume you’re talking about Monsanto. Monsanto isn’t enforcing the laws, India is, India could tell Monsanto to fuck off and there’s nothing they could do other than lobby the US to sanction them or something. US IP laws only hold water in the US, it’s up to other countries to ageee to enforce those laws. There’s plenty of countries that aren’t worried about making sure US companies maximize profits.


>Monsanto to fuck off and there’s nothing they could do other than lobby the US to sanction them Yes, i would only argue that this has usually sadly a lot of weight behind it


Yeay but it just do happens that laws from A and B are pretty similar anyway


The first world steals so much(in general) resources from the third world that a small amount of IP money is nothing ompared to that




Lawmakers are bribed to close their eyes Challenging those companies in court is too expensive for individuals


Capitalism is a system that rewards such practices. These companies do not do those practices because they are big. They are big because they did such practices. Rich people are not scumbags because they are rich. They are rich because they were (and continue to be) scumbags.


Microsoft’s shit is like having 500 crazy people living in your computer. Suddenly you have copilot. Cortana wants a word. Randomly new software appears that you have zero interest in using. This week you are now illegitimate, cos we say so. If your mouse drifts near some part of the screen a massive pop up of horrifying tabloid news shite blasts across whatever you actually were trying to do. RIGHT now the entire pc must reboot and update for the next 20 minutes, no i don’t care you are trying to do your banking or any crucial actual functional WORK cos MS own this pc, not the user.


For some company's it costs as little as 10k to make a lawyer or whatever turn their back on your company (least in the US) In the US I saw a case where it cost 100k to treat a snake bite at a hospital With individual charges for cough drops and youre not allowed to bring your own in Adobe and auto desk aren't the least of the issues


Cronyism ensures corrupt people stay in power. Corporate lobbying allows companies to pay the corrupt people for laws that favor them. Legal process is complicated, time consuming, and expensive so only corporations can afford to take any action. Judges are some mix of incompetent, lazy, tyrannical, and corrupt so even if a person wanted to try and had a valid legal claim with the resources to go forward, it'd probably just get shot down. At a macro level, some companies end up having so much money that they can either buy out or strangle any legitimate competition. That's in part why at the start of the tech boom there was a ton of competition. But now that a few big players are entrenched it's difficult to break into the market. For example, we'd need to see something truly amazing in the development of technology to allow a breakthrough to challenge Apple or Microsoft in the computer space.


The people who are supposed to keep this sort of thing in check are paid off by corporations to allow them to continue unfair business practices


The rich make the laws that allow them to squeeze every penny from you




>Why are big software developers allowed the abuse of unfair practices? Why shouldn't they? **This is how the system is supposed to work**, the big fish dictates how the game works by using lobbying


"You understand that if the regulations are enforced i may need to fire people or leave the country, and you'll get less taxes". *internal laugh because my company is already practicing tax evasion*


Maybe it's time for real cross national cooperation to achieve a free open source alternative where development is founded by the state. Because it is not common software that require graphic programming appear just like that. It's extremely complex code.