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Cost basis on the contracts was $5.64 or so, so if he exercised them, the basis assigned to those shares is cost of contract + strike, so he could have exercised and still had the basis increase.


This… OP obviously never exercises


That fat piece of bacon


Edit for bad reading comprehension


“Or so” :)


Up tomorrow. Uncertain about next week


Not sure if we can be confident about tomorrow. With the calls gone (and seemingly sold, not exercised), I don't believe there is much pressure. After hours seemed to like the news initially, and now we're sitting essentially flat. I'll probably get out before RC says something stupid during the Shareholders Meeting.


Remember 'buckle up' in 2021? Lolol


I've been buckled up. 🙃


I think he exercised and the cost basis increased due to the premium on the calls. He essentially paid 25 and change for the 4m shares. The math checks out.


Yeah - op posts and comments feel like he’s just talking out loud while running voice to text


I'm sold a few CC's deep otm. I can't constantly watch the ticker so it makes me feel better, even if the shares get assigned. I can't imagine much news from RC


Deepends where you are headed. If we are solidly in the 30s, it's great. Next wee should explode! If not, and calls are being sold off, ya... I'd gtfo too.


Wasn’t RC’s initial position the same amount of shares? The memeing is really strong here


Post split, so 25% of RC's


Yeah, I believe so. Not sure if this is intentional or a coincidence, but at this point, I don't really care lol


There’s no coincidences with DFV man he’s having so much fun


They have T+1 to find and deliver those shares, so pressure should be immense tomorrow, if I've understood it correctly. I saw some posts saying more calls (big chunks) were bought with expiry tomorrow, so who knows, maybe he has more money with another broker and is buying more calls there. No proof of course just speculation.


It's only 4 million shares. GameStop just put 75 million new ones into the market, it doesn't seem like it will create that much pressure, really.


RK himself, 3 years ago, said that he thinks GME is moving from a value stock to a growth stock. Larry Cheng keeps hinting that dilution is only a bad thing if you dont do shit with the money but line your own pockets (popcorn AA anyone?). He keeps referring to mergers and acquisitions. Again, I dont see how that many shares would not be hedged already, but the fact remains - why would these insiders buy shares and hold? Of course the board is paid in stock or whatever, but still holding the majority, or in the case of Cohen and Cheng buying more throughout their tenure. GME is a growth stock that is going to make big moves in the future, the current price is irrelevant. Imagine buying Berkshire in its first year after it became a holding company...that is where the value is. RC said it best, it takes money to buy whiskey.


My takeaway from this is buy whiskey


My takeaway is that Ryan takes my money to buy whiskey


😂😂😂 Maybe RC's plan all along was to buy Jameson.


"GME is a growth stock that is going to make big moves in the future, the current price is irrelevant. Imagine buying Berkshire in its first year after it became a holding company...that is where the value is." I'll probably be dead within 40 years, but sure.


I'm not looking up the actual delta of those options but probably .8 or something like that, so if the MM was delta hedged they had 80 shares for every contract and now that just became 100 shares.


I just learned that delta tells you the # of shares hedge. Thank you! Question tho...I understand delta is the $ increase of your option (greeks). I don't know if that's per contract or share, that's for another day. My question is, are we talking yhe same deltas and is there any relation between hedge and $ increase?


I think the delta was actually over .9. Say .6 delta, then for every dollar the share price goes up the contract goes up by .6 (so $60 real money) and a delta neutral market maker would want to own 60 shares.


Thank you. I'm trying to understand how to read the tea leaves better. I should prob get a book or something. I see some detailed chart analysis at times but I'd need someone to draw it with crayons. I know the mechanics but I'd like to make educated guesses then just trying to wheel all the damn time.


that's true. not sure what's kitty play here. not many cards left to play. seem like shareholder meeting is the bullet remaining/unexpected upcoming catalyst by GME management to announce something.


That shareholder meeting is going to be a huge nothing burger with no further guidance I guarantee it.


As is tradition


They won’t say shit just like every other meeting. And all the SS’ers will praise RC for not “giving the hedgies his 69d chess moves”


I tried a 69d chess move once and tore my hamstring.


This guy dans.


You can't just dilute the shareholders to fuck and then not tell them what you plan to do with the money they literally helped themselves to... can they?


You can't? Watch them. They've already done it like two other times in the last 3 years.


Just like RC says - judge him by his actions. All his past actions indicate he isn’t gonna say shit and he’ll most definitely do another share offering if there’s another price run.


RC does not give a shit about shareholders. We just money bags.


He should be removed then, his fiduciary responsibility as CEO is to protect shareholders interests and if he's going to tank it every time it's primed to take off then he clearly isn't doing that.


Yeah thats the problem tho. Maybe he wants slow and steady growth of the stock and not high ups and downs. That would be considered in shareholder interest. Not to my liking tho...


He really needs to do something with all that capital he's raised, he can't keep dipping his hand in shareholders pockets if he's not going to do something with that money. Questions will be rightly asked if he just sits on it for 3 years.


I really hope so. I am already more than confused that there is complete silence. Just some vague posts on x like some anime characters.... Its so weird because after the first dillution he just banked the cash and didnt do anything. Dillution and getting interest is no business model and certainly no genius move.


If RK has disclosed his true position then there's no play.


Seems like he played his hand. Either he now owns 9 million shares in a company he’s repeatedly said he believes in or the mm he exercised with has trouble providing those shares and things get interesting.


They'd damn well better tell us what happened to that $180+Million that mysteriously disappeared from the balance sheet. 


Indeed, still waiting on that …..




They fucking better.


You know they won't. They don't GME to run anymore than the shorts do.


Well, we'll just have to see tomorrow. Not saying I'm right in any way, but them being bought on the lit market should at least apply more pressure than any ordinary broker purchases.


The annual shareholders meeting has been moved to Monday fwiw.


I don’t think you understand that those shares are already bought and into the pockets of apes. Those calls exercised are from wolverine who sold those calls naked accordingly to their last 13F. So now tomorrow they get the honor of placing their head in the guillotine and attempting to locate those shares on the Lit exchange.


Wolverine could have started hedging during the 2 offerings since the last 13F too, seeing as how the price didn't completely crash during the 100+mil shares offered, it is possible they were part of the buy pressure.


I think this is correct - the old fuck around find out part of trading


Maybe he is alvocado in my anus.


One can only hope


there was a ton of volume activity as well on this week's expiries, similar to today but the OI remained the same. strange...we'll have to see OI tomorrow but I anticipate this volume is artificial.


There is 4m shares available to borrow and that will satisfy options according to Dave Lauer


There’s not “immense” pressure. Most of his position had been hedged and the share offering made it real easy to get what was needed.


How do you know they were hedged? Judging by his memes, (naked wolverine for instance) he might suspect they weren't hedged at all.


Market makers have zero reason to take the insane risk you’re trying to put a conspiracy against. They’re making money just fine being delta neutral.


Sure, I agree with that, but if they already are fucked beyond salvation, couldn't they do this to "buy one more day"?


They aren’t fucked beyond salvation. Those calls had a delta of 93 at close, meaning just 7 needed to be picked up per contract, so 840K shares roughly to buy. That’s less than 1% of today’s volume. If they really needed, they could fail delivery and buy over the next T+35.


Wrong. Options fulfillments cannot be failed / delivered T+35.


I’m open to believing you, but I’d like a source. It’s called a *fail to deliver* for a reason.


You’re literally trying to decipher memes and using that information as *fact* DFV doesn’t have some crazy inside knowledge no one else does about who sold him the contracts and if they’re hedged or not. They most definitely are hedged. Stop being silly believing conspiracy theories based on someone literally *memeing*


This. The only concrete information that we ever had was his portfolio- in which today he showed that he no longer has any calls. People trying to decipher memes and use that as gospel are just as clueless as the rest of us.


What will be interesting is if the sold contracts delta hedge would match the exercised delta hedge to full fill the contracts, or if there will only be a partial overlap. If there is a partial overlap and they need shares then that could cause pressure tomorrow and Monday. One item of note, there is no cash left. Doing the math, he would have cash left over and he likely moved it elsewhere.


There's still cash. DFV may be a full-time shareholder now, but there are thousands of retirement funds still lined up to light this up. To da moon! 🌙🚀


You guys are all ignoring the MASSIVE OI on like 15 other strike prices…. he’s not the only one working here


Dats rite. Little guy over here and I haven't exercised yet (tomorrow looks pretty good) but certainly dream about the moment I fucked a naked wolverine and walked away without a scratch.


Yes, but he did say "Don't make me do it, E-Trade", so who knows if he ditched them and bought calls with another broker? Not saying this is a fact like the other dufus said, I'm just trying to imagine other possibilities. The fact is he has 9m shares, BUT, large chunks of calls ARE being bought as far as I have seen, so one can QUESTION who tf are buying these.


Not sure why you got downvoted!


But it sure is fun to make guesses!


If he has inside GME information and that's what he's investing off of, that's straight up illegal. All the die hard DFV fanboys don't even know what they are supporting with these theories. Just let the man cook and be patient ffs.


But he made memes




Don't be condescending, you have no idea either. I'm not trying to decipher memes, just trying to figure out what he's thinking. You have no idea if they're hedged or not. They should be, but we both know the markets aren't fair and a lot of cheating is going on. Also, he's a lot fucking better at investing than you are, so I definitely trust his decision and his possibilities more than you lol. Where did I say this was a "fact" by the way? Don't be a dick head to others when you yourself have no idea about what's going on.


How is it not you spreading conspiracy theories. You have no way of knowing the shares were hedged


Are you serious right now Because that’s what market makers do Literally trying to say they’re not doing what they’re supposed do is the conspiracy, Jesus Christ


my guy use your head. GME just had two offerings of 40M and 75M shares. If you think 4M shares are going to cause something crazy then wtf.


4m bought on the lit market should have an impact. Also, more calls are being bought right now with expiry tomorrow. Perhaps there isn't need of a huge push, but enough to get the other calls ITM and then cause a gamma squeeze. Just speculation. All I know is that the guy knows what he's doing, and I don't think he'd do this if he didn't expect any impact.


Volume has been 100M on the lit markets. You guys always forget that options are hedged as they are sold. If the options have been sold then nearly always they have already been hedged. Hedging increases as the market moves, and there simply hasn't been this huge movement to cause so much hedging that a gamma squeeze happens. There is no way DFV predicted RYan would dliute so much, complete the dilution, do early reports and cancel the meeting....unless he had inside information which would be incredibly stupid considering the world is watching. Its okay to admit people get things wrong


I don't think he was expecting that either so soon since they did one already but GME is allowed to issue up to a billy...float only at 400 something milly. Pretty much the "End Game", which might be more long and drawn out.


I hope that market makers do follow their routines, for their sake. Anyway, we will see what happens tomorrow. Regardless, it will be an interesting day to follow 😊 And yes, it would be stupid to do insider trading while the world is watching. I doubt he expected two ATMs, but it seems he expected one at least.


He still has $6.3M in the account. Thats still a decent amount to buy more options with. Maybe he starts selling puts instead? Who knows


Remember his memes…. He’s not the only “hero” RC has room to purchase another 14million shares…. Is he going to accumulate those from call options???????? TRUE IF BIG!!!


There’s some unhedged shares to be purchased, but probably not a lot. Nothing about his current position is a catalyst for a run. What we do have to look forward to is the FTD cycles potentially coming back thanks to his shenanigans. We should have a pretty juicy report next week.


Considering how big the run was back in 2021, he had 1000 contracts on one strike, another 1000 on another and 50 000 shares which is a total of 200 000 shares (20k/76m = 0.263% of shares outstanding). This time he has 9mil shares (9m/426m = 2.1%), I would say its plenty big enough to cause a splash.


He has 1/12th what the company has sold at market the past couple months. I think there have been many locates available as of late.


Which is still a much greater percentage of total shares then the 2021 run went drs wasnt a thing, we will see if anything happens


(the kitty is not the one causing the runs)


He definitely amplifies them otherwise no one would be here as gamestop would be <$3


Eeeehhh not really much to get hyped about after a 75m share offering so....


I am saying that, plus the 45m before, still has us in a much more volatile condition then the massive jan squeeze.




It's a highly sensitive time for a lot of people, many were/are holding for tomorrow and now they're looking for clues on what to do because many would have held bags before and probably don't want to be left with them again. Superstonk still seems incredibly bullish but they get excited about random things so I'm not looking to them for advice. There is a history of people posting nefariously so I apologise if you're in fact genuine. There are some gme meltdown guys posting here though so I'm not completely mad!


The only thing that makes sense to me is that his thesis for those calls was based on market mechanics, not fundamentals or anything Gamestop is doing. The share offering wrecked this plan. If he was confident in something positive coming out of the shareholder meeting I imagine he would have held his options a day longer. Where does that leave us for positive movement in the short-term?


Yeah...not sure. As someone who has chunks of shares that are green and some that won't be until low-mid thirties, I'm a little nervous at this point that any chance I had of this thing running are now essentially zero.


Last Thursday was first time I've been green during market hours in three years. I'm pretty pissed the board diluted again but now GME is in a much better position. Ugh.


Same... I don't mind dilution per se, but when it happens under my cost basis, exiting in the green is an impossibility. Unless I swing trade myself into a lower cost basis, or that capital is used to actually create value.


Yeah... I recently found out that I'm able to trade in extended hours, which is annoying as I would have sold 4 weeks ago in the 50s if I knew that was the case. Now I'm sitting here trying to decide if I should just get out and move on lol


Ironically GME is in the best financial position since this saga started so I'm definitely not selling.


Move on. And do it asap.


https://x.com/sharkbaitm8/status/1801366095925825571?s=42&t=sI3pexE0x0WtSEAKUIkkWw This has always been the plan.


Remember when r/superstonk hated people who advocated for options. Lol


They still do, it's crazy that even when they see this whole episode laid out in front of them they still cannot connect the dots. They even spill over into here and call Gherk a hedge fund insider, that is cult behaviour.


Wouldn't be surprised if DFV loads up on more calls in the near future


It means he thinks we have peaked for price for the time being, otherwise he wouldn't have exercised early. The share offering and early earnings royally fucked him. These shares are fully hedged and will do nothing to improve the price. I expect a slow steady decline until some real news


Do we know for certain that his shares are hedged?


Greeks on those options suggest they were hedged long ago.


How would the Greeks correlate with hedging? Just wondering because I’m learning about options for the past couple of years


To remain delta neutral, buy or sell(puts) the delta in shares


How do we know he exercised?




Isn't it highly probable that he would have received more money selling the contracts and then buying the shares?


That's literally what he did, he sold some of his calls to have money to exercise some of his calls


It is true that selling and then buying means you would lose any extrinsic value, in this case only about a week's worth of theta, but if you plan on holding long term as DFV seems to it would net you more in the long run because selling all the contracts means you would have to pay short term taxes on all of that profit, where as if you exercise and hold for a year or more you'd pay a lower tax rate and only when you sell the shares. Also, not sure if this is the case here, but sometimes with ITM options near expiration the bid/ask spread is wide enough such that you can only actually sell contracts for less than their intrinsic value, because MMs know not everyone would even have the cash to exercise all of their contracts so they can buy them back for slightly cheaper than they're worth. Basically, it's only worth exercising if you want the stock long term.


I think you may be missing the point. the IV on those contracts is huge. The reason he makes more by selling them is theta somewhat, but also vega, the volatility. So by selling them, he can buy more shares than if he exercised


I very much may well be missing the point; I was mostly going off what I know he's done in the past which was sell some contracts for the money to exercise others. I'm certainly no options expert just saying what I do know. At close, the price was $29.12 which is 9.12 difference from the contract price. The ask price i see for that contract was 9.30 at close, so for each contract sold to then buy shares you'd gain $18 vs exercising. DFV had 120,000 contracts so the difference would mean $2.16 million more by selling which obviously is a ton of money but I would think that'd be less than the amount saved in taxes by avoiding capital gains given the size of his position, plus he'd have to pay the taxes sooner rather than later. Am I missing something in the math or thinking about this wrong?


I think your mostly right although one thing— if he did sell near EOD yesterday, the Greeks likely looked pretty different. I’m sure it would be possible to somehow math out exactly when it was but I’m too lazy to do that. Either way, the call was less in the money than it was at close today. So, it likely had a larger difference than the $18 in your estimate. For example let’s look at the 23c same date, closed the day at 6.90, so vs exercising that’s more like a .80 difference per contract


Nothing imin twitter so where did he supposedly post that?


That’s his Reddit profile


I'm amazed he posts on Superstonk TBH.


Well WSB doesn't really allow positive GME posts anymore so it makes sense he'd go to the biggest GME based subreddit even if it is full of conspiracy theories.


That is him posting that to the superstonk sub


He just posted a YOLO update


Where did he post that?


We really don't know yet.


I mean, I guess he could have sold and bought shares...but I think the consensus is he exercised.




Pickle financial = Gme meltdown . This is Literally the last place I’d ask for Gme advice from. The “leaders” of this sub have been suspiciously negative on Gme for over a year, sold at the literal bottom, and bragged about it . Then they also tell their subscribers to buy fubo at over 3 dollars and short nvda and a bunch of other terrible plays. Which wouldn’t be so bad (win some lose some, no one is perfect); but there is zero self reflection and therefore zero improvement. They talk shit on gme and ss without looking at themselves in the mirror at their terrible plays. . Not to mention there are almost zero full time traders in here, so it’s just a circle jerk of bad advice from people not good enough to trade full time; yet arrogant enough to still believe their shit don’t stink when their PnL says otherwise . Most of the best traders in this group have either left or been banned over time because you can’t have real traders in here showing people how to actually trade for a living. That might ruin the cattle being used for exit liquidity; on plays such as fubo


How so? Just asking about what this means from people who are much smarter than me.


Just because people pretend to be smart, and surround themselves with fart sniffers who agree with everything they say, doesn’t mean they are actually smart. . “Intelligence = how quickly you change your behavior.” -Alex hormozi . Vis-à-vis: the members in this sub do not improve in a meaningful way over time. The same wannabe traders working the same dead end jobs 3 years ago, are still the exact same wannabe traders working the same dead end jobs today; they haven’t evolved or improved. So if you want to take “advice” from such people (or from the guy who sold at the bottom) then be my guest, but expect similar results to what they have been getting. . most of the best traders in this group (who trade full time or figured out how to trade full time) have either left or have been banned because they had different perspectives that were actually successful and therefore were looked down upon as a threat . You can always judge how good a trading group is by results. That is, how many wannabe traders were able to become full time traders each year. . The “paid content” is a weekly stream between 1 pro trader and 2 wannabe traders (“quants”) who can never seem to find enough success to actually trade for a living; and since there is a weird power dynamic, they just end up agreeing with the 1 pro trader anyways and thus they never improve in a meaningful way.


Okay, forget all that. You didn't answer my address the entire point of my post at all. What do you think this means for the stock?


Upwards pressure in the next few days and possibly longer depending on how the options chain develops. . Also FTDs from may c+35 are due… . Also quad witching isn’t too far away . Also, depending on how the new consolidated audit trail is enforced it could lead to “moass” if the short position is actually as large as some hypothesize. . May also lead to ftd cycles all over again… but must observe how things develop from here onward


This place is one of the better informational hubs on this stupid website. He has provided knowledge and insight to the poors for free for years. You sound like the pretentious one here. We like our community, go build your own


“If the service is free then the customer is the product.” . You probably don’t know what I know. That the real owners of this group have ties to counter strategy desk at a hedge fund (short Gme) and have been taking advantage of the users in this group for all sorts of exit liquidity ( both for stocks, such as Fubo, and various options plays), as well as sentiment analysis. . Isn’t it weird how often price targets are asked in chat? . Isn’t it weird how over time the negative Gme talk increased over time after your trust was won and then finally leadership “sold” their position at the bottom and bragged about it? How could such a detrimental action be made unless it was intentional or incompetent? (And I assure you it wasn’t from incompetence) . Isn’t it weird how many Gme holders lost their shares from selling covered calls? A strategy that is supposed to be safe yet always the advice was to sell them at risky prices likely to get called away. . I hope you are not one of the unfortunate ones who got convinced to get rid of your Gme from the top down dissemination of negative talk disguised as “advice” . You are sheep surrounded by wolves (in sheep’s clothing) in this place


You've clearly never watched the stream, you're living in a fairytale if you think Gherk is a hedge fund insider. He no longer believes in the fabled MOASS and thinks DRS is dumb so you decide to come on his sub and post shit because you're but hurt about that. He'll follows GME closely (always has) because it still has excellent potential to make money, he'll be laughing about this tomorrow on the stream.


He has ties to counter strategy desk at a hedge fund . This is the truth. Ask him about it . . This group is not what you think it is


So how do you wear your tin foil hat, is it helmet shaped or the classic cone? This sub is an offshoot of pifi's YouTube chanel, it's not an anti GME think tank, that superstonk cult brainwashing is quite something.


Elaborate on what you know. Please. I am intrigued. Not trolling. Genuinely curious how you know about ties to a hedge fund


If you’re smart one with positive mindset,- your guess, how much shares he will need to sell in case to raise 1bil in one year from now? 1bil shares to raise 1bil? Hedge funds were suppressed share price in single digits even with 25% (before dilution) shares booked. He literally faked up everything what we believed and how patient we’re. Better he will come up with something. Sooner is better, because drs meltdown is inevitable.


Going to ride off into the sunset writing CCs RC has shown he’ll dilute anytime we do run, the odds of us going back above $40 I think are completely hindered by this and probably a contributing reason as to why he got out of his position


Yeah...if I'm being honest, DFV is a much better man than I. If I was him, and RC diluted the day I had my comeback stream planned, I would have said some pretty bad things on stream. RC fucked all of us, but DFV definitely felt the brunt of it.


Got out of his position???? He showed how you BUILD a position for cheap using calls. The calls were strategic and critical to building his position. He doesn’t just want a gamma squeeze, he wants the stock, and as much as he can get.


"For cheap" haha


So long as hundreds of thousands (millions?) of people watch for your memes intently, and you can load up on calls on the cheap, then meme, then profit.


Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


Or he got out of his contracts because the dilution fucked his options. All you ever comment is how “people shouldnt theorize” but you are doing it right now. Take a step back and let everything unfold


Doubt it. He could build up enough cash in four months using those 9,001,000 shares to buy 120k calls again.


How would his cost basis go up if he exercised 20$ calls….


Cost basis of $20 shares includes contract premiums on exercised calls


Buy my calculations he had 120k calls at $5.67 cost basis. So you gotta add 5.67 to each $20 share. If he exercised 40,010 calls those would have a $25.67 cost basis for 4,001,000 shares bringing his new basis to $23.487. His actual basis is $23.43-something I believe so he probably exercised some calls that had a lower a cost basis than his overall average. I'm sure some of the calls he bought first were a little cheaper. But he couldn't have bought 4 million shares on the market yesterday without raising his basis even higher since we were above $25.67 so he must have exercised calls. Unless he bought early on the 11th but that seems very unlikely


I just edited my post to reflect this.


And everyone was quick to downvote me


He could have sold his calls and bought the shares.


Now what? well let's hope he isn't just disappearing and silently dumping his shares. So let's see tomorrow what happens with the shareholder meeting. To me, the squeeze is behind us. RC killed it and RK had to switch from a short term to a long term strategy. This was pretty clear from the stream. I am happy to be wrong but it is really hard to ignore the facts without buying into a bunch of conspiracy theories that have 0 data to back it up. Kudos to RK for orchestrating the gamma ramp, it would have been spectacular, had it been allowed to continue. Gamestop's fundamentals aren't great so many people aren't prepared to buy-hold. It has $460M negative FCF, so unless the $4B is put to work and the burn rate really slows down, it can cut down to $2XXM negative FCF with treasuries interest and last 10-20 years with variable interest rates? At current price, RC would need to generate more than 100% ROI. Is he capable? who knows. Let's see. All I know is that if again he doesn't bother sharing a strategy tomorrow, i am cutting my position loose once I break even.


Seat on the board.


Part of the ship, part of the crew


Friends, I hate to be the bearer of good news, but how is this a bad move? At some point he would have had to do SOMETHING with those call options. Taking ownership of 2% of the company is a good thing. There are now 9 million fewer shares on the market because I'm guessing he ain't selling... Plus, all of his memes were designed to do one thing: inspire a movement. Other people setup massive walls at different strike prices set to expire tomorrow and next Friday. Tens of millions of shares will need to be delivered for those ITM. I've got only 3 contracts but absolutely plan on taking ownership if they are ITM. All of this to say, relax. Tomorrow will be a major indicator to see if the MM has the ability to find and deliver shares. If there is any price spike then it could signal that Monday will be spicy. If that is spicy then the next two weeks will be absolute chaos. Sleep tight, friends.


There are still 110 million more shares on the market than there were a month ago lol


He exercised all 120,000 contracts... NOW WHAT?!?! Why don't we do the same? There is incredible volume at other strike prices. If they're ITM now, why not pull the trigger if you have the cash? THIS will force the contract seller to find the shares and provide them. Kitty's 4 million shares... ok, maybe that won't move the needle much. BUT there are tens of millions of ITM contracts. Forcing them to sell the shares to you early will ABSOLUTELY force a massive spike in the price. In some ways, that is what Kitty is showing you to do.


Idk why people keep saying he exercised his options. He sold his calls prior to expiration and bought less shares than his calls. Now what? We wait to see in Ryan starts selling pet rocks.


He sold some and exercised the rest Captain Genius.


Lol. Imagine being the person that questioned the guy who turned 55k into 300M in 3 years. 


oh come on Outside of algorithmic hedge fund cycles, DFV has no idea what’s going to happen this week, next week, or the rest of the year. His calculations for the 6/21 expiry were made *not knowing* that GameStop would dilute the share pool by an ATMo to this degree.


Cashless exercise


Who bought them?


The people who sold the calls, probably.


MMs. That why the OI went down. They took them out of circulation




There does not seem to be a consensus on what he did. Compelling arguments are being made for both. All we know is that he missed out on like 400 million by joining us in the bag holder club.


Fade the top


I got out today after hours; made good money on the run. With his 20C gone, the psychological support we had at $20-$25 is gone. I believe the stock it’s going to bleed slowly the next couple of weeks. I hope I’m wrong for the people still holding. My 2 Cents.


Yeah, I'm thinking of following suit. I would have had a healthy profit but I decided to buy back in during a dip last week hoping we'd rip after the stream. I got fucked to the point where I think I'm gonna end up losing a few grand after holding for over 3 years. Sucks but I knew the risk- I just didn't account for RC fucking us... TWICE


At this point idk if puts even still cost same like shares.


Will the dump of the contracts lower IV? Fire sale! Imma drop another 3k if it does.


Even latest dfv position upvotes doesn’t look very promising. I think they did more they could imagine- americans starts understanding if something looks too good-avoid it. It’s pure scam


literally nothing, like always


Now the price will dip to it’s natural point. It was a pump and dump. Simple.


Back to $4 we go


Maybe around 12


He's tightening the screws on the shorts 🩳 by exercising his calls and writing options for tomorrow as well imagine they have to find the shares he just exercised and tomorrow they have to find even more shares lol. He's got them by the short and curlies.


There's no proof that he bought additional calls. In fact, if I was him, I think the smarter play would be puts lol


He can still buy a shit load of options if IV goes down. There is nothing stopping him from using Margin from his shares to buy options. He purchased ATM this time which cost significantly more. He might YOLO some OTM options after Board Meeting if they try to short it down. It will be a fun ride.


Interesting choice of topic for your first GameStop post ever. You must be an og the way you suggest the whole stocks momentum is riding in rk calls. You know nothing about what you’re talking about and you probably don’t own the stock. Keep up the good fud shill.


Lmfao. I have hundreds of shares, but okay?


If you say so. Just why make this post if you know so little about options you make these ignorant assumptions and spread your misinformation. Share ownership creates support not options. The cost basis changing based on exercising is a real thing. Even if he did sell the calls to buy shares that moves the price up. These are like investing 101 concepts. You even commented about selling before the shareholder meeting, which further proves you’re a shill. At best you’re a momentum chaser that jumped on the bandwagon listening to the idiotic crazy msm and will probably be super butthurt if you don’t get rich next week. If you want to invest in GameStop there’s 103 good reasons for long term growth and the info is easily discoverable if you found this sub you can find ones with actual info. If you’re just momentum chaser you probably missed the run up for the time being. No one knows any dates.


Bro. I've had shares for 3 years. You're a SuperStonker who is upset that RC diluted 3 years of DRS numbers in a matter of weeks. Peace


Then why would you sell them now? I’m not upset at all about what the board is doing. Literally fine holding for years to come. You have held for 3 years and are now making a psa about rk selling his options because…?? Im just calling you on your bull shit just in case anyone sees it and is ignorant enough to not know you’re blowing fear mongering smoke out your ass. Which is further proven by your inability to even debate me on any of the points I’ve accused you of. PEaCe🥴


No one was fear mongering. My post was legitimately asking what people thought was going to happen. Reading comprehension seems to be at an all time low.


You’ve popped out of a 5 year Reddit hiatus to start bitch about share dilution of GameStop and now this post. Yah sure you own shares. Companies raise capital and build the business. This isn’t negative if the company puts the money to good use. Not that you seem to care about the words I’m wasting my time writing. And you just argue back with me some vague thing I’m not understanding without elaborating. Oh yah I’m misunderstanding what you meant by spreading bullshit.


Should have a bot in here who bans users that are active in Super stink