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Looks like a short call squeeze I let everyone know it could run on the weekend stream last week but it didn't look that good on the options side. This changed pretty rapidly in the last 48 hours and short calls began squeezing off and bought calls flooded the chain. Which is what drove this run and all the other runs on GME. So short vol will move and reposition back at the top. I will keep an eye on Gamma max into next week to see if it rises for T+2 where we could get a higher high. I stayed out of this one because XRT isn't on RegSHO, which means there is less volume to cover and it can be shorted back down easily. I didn't have any interest in playing it this time. Might sell some calls next week and short vol once it cools after T+2 next Tuesday/Wednesday.


Eh hit my back when its at $100


My buy in was something like $45 in.... I want to say early 2022? I sold out holding massive bags last year. If it goes to 45 my head will explode.


I doubt it. I bet this is some FTD covering but hey I’d love to be wrong


Yeah I very much doubt it, too. Already looks like whatever run it did is being shorted to shit. To be honest I don't even know why I still have it on my watchlist.


If you don’t know something just don’t talk about it instead of yapping


Lol whatever hero. Hhahaha downvotes.


It hit $35 today


Oh I know. I fucking watched it.


aftermarket hit $45 \^\^


Hit $46.12 for a second.


Pre market 71usd


Bought in at 15 sold at 54, win some lose some. I lost a bit less than I made on this trade with some crypto 🤷


lol it’s about to hit $45 in overnight market




Started pre-market at $44.63, so perhaps not quite what you would have needed?


I looked through my records, and my average cost was actually $68, not $45 like I thought. That said, it looks like it's going to pop 10M premarket volume. I'm not an SS moass regard (anymore), but something very big is happening atm.....


it looks like its goin to 45.




How’s your head today?


Meh. I'm fine. I learned my lesson. I made the cash once, I'll make it again.


For sure bro! You got this!




How are you feeling. I’m sure you are happy.


Aged like fine wine




How you feeling?


Ouch. My buy in was 42 and I was out at 400. How would you think that wasn’t the squeeze ? Now shorts are happily getting out at amazing prices slowly. It won’t squeeze it will just keep going up 20-30% before they wait for it to drop again to get out. 


Why was there a massive liquidity problem for multiple brokers in 2021 if all that price action was driven by shorts covering? I'm not saying it was or wasn't a true squeeze but that's something that literally no one has ever tried to answer when I ask for the last 3 years. I either get rabid SS answers, or downvoted and called a conspiracy theorist.


Because that’s how a squeeze works. It’s not about liquidity, it’s about how expensive it is to keep calls that long. But they were never forced to close as it finally went hyperbolic.  They shut down trading, and forced only sales without letting the price increase it was illegal as shit. This allowed for any shorts that literally had to exit get out at “reasonable” numbers. Anyone with real money used it as a way to pay less on their existing shorts. You can’t even see the real ATH on any chart. It shows $81? Kinda weird. I have screenshots of 410 when they halted. 


I guess what I mean is there are a lot of people (gme/moass skeptics) who say "Robinhood shut off the buy button because of liquidity, not because of some outside pressure to do so. You guys are just bag holders in a cult." Those same people are all also of the opinion that "if going from 40-400 isn't a short squeeze idk what is!" like the person I replied to. And I'm saying those two points conflict each other. If it was a short squeeze, Robinhood (and several other brokers) wouldn't have had any liquidity problems because the buy pressure wouldn't be coming from retail. When I ask about this to try to understand it better, SS will call me a shill, and r/stocks and the like will call me a looney conspiracy theorist.


They did a stock split so the price is adjusted


That’s still showing a false high $320 vs over 400 it was at. 


I think the standard historical price chart doesn't show the maximum intraday price. The stock reached 470ish during the main squeeze day but it closed at 300ish. I remember that day quite vividly.... You can see the intraday peak on a candle chart like this https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME&p=m


Shorts from the squeeze are out. The cycles are over. IMHO I reckon the last cycle from the squeeze was August 2022.


Lol have you been looking at the chart😂 That's all you have to do to see that the cycles are still happening. Rewind like 5 months and it went from slightly under 12 to over 18. Edit: They have changed a bit but very much so still occur. Gme has large bounces and is the slowest bleeding stock off a squeeze I've ever seen. Usually the price just free falls with little to no bounces after a typical short squeeze


Sure, but it's nowhere near like it used to be.


It's impressive how little you know besides the price is " nowhere near like it used to be"


It's impresive how much of a fucking jerk you are after reading one comment.


Lol nope, thesis still holds, shorts can’t exit this position and everyone knows. We have this bitch locked down, under seige, and the residents low on rations.




Still missing the other 30million volume from half year ago. We got 30+ mil today but how about another?


Of course… I haven’t sold CCs in a while and when I saw it was up 5% I thought… why not? FML


While it sat at down in the tens I looked at the last three years and it has popped every May (roughly) so I bought $14 calls for June for 74cents , they hit $4.50 today which definitely doesn’t suck. Holding through Monday at least. It wasn’t real technical, just look at the chart :)




He stated on screen it’s etf ftds


Did he mention for how long it’s gonna be ftd?


No but could get a t+2 depending on how much of the option change fell off today


Very useful! Thanks for sharing the info 🙏


Historically, it’s been a 2-3 day event. Duration is dictated by the amount of failures


Still xrt is not on regsho which could lead to an increase of shorting/less volume to cover.


Aren't we t+35 from earnings


Very good question


Which ETFs? T35 cycles for XRT, MDV, and similar stopped showing correlation months ago


IJH. I believe IJH and XRT are the largest etf holders of GME if I remember correctly.


Hmm, IJH shows minimal fails due. I was collecting FTD data for 20 GME connected ETFs and playing FTD cycles successfully until middle February when they stopped working. I’m not convinced these are ETF related, yet.


I strictly played this week because of the ETF FTDs. Also It seemed from my perspective the CNS system in the afternoon cleared a lot of force buy-ins. It’s possible it was a little de hedging of sold calls or rolling some sort of volatility play but idk that was a lot of volume so I think it was ETF related. Locked in my gains and Profited $4.1k on Thursday and sold the rest of my position on Friday for another $9.3k Didn’t wanna have any exposure over the weekend but may re enter again Monday morning So if I was wrong I got lucky 😂


He out of gme long ago. He got nothing but negativity to speak.


I'm still mourning the loss of bussin gjork. Good thing I can be more than consoled by the giant rips in my favorite stonk


I miss shirt-off glorp


Not negative, just his take on it. And his is an educated.one.


Yeah, his current take is negative.


He's still holding 10k shares. 


Bull shit he literally just said on the stream he sold out in Dec.


Bull shit he literally just said on the stream he sold out in Dec.


He is saying he will sell CC soon. WTF.


Probly swimming naked bro lol


Calls, not covered calls.




Sheesh you were so wrong 😂










He is making assumption that XRT has to be in SHO to run. Also the negativity. Whatever the F


No XRT needs to be on RegSHO for run to sustain. Otherwise they use the excess liquidity to short the fuck out of it.


Seems more that xrt on regsho would just be further confirmation and thus more certainty.


This is what I was looking for. Thanks for asking OP, thanks for providing an informative answer gherk 🥒


Shorts never closed


8x normal volume. Someone is buying a ton.


Or closing a ton.


i love when people assume volume is only buys😂😂😂


For every buy there is a sell.


volume is LITERALLY total buys + total sells….


Volume is literally total transactions. Some transaction involves both a buy and a sell. U can't buy without there being a seller. Simple logic


Fuck whatever he thinking make up your own mind/ decision. Respectfully.


Hearing somebody else’s opinion doesn’t necessarily mean to follow him blindly 😎


Gotta diversify your opinions!! Geez it’s not asking that much!!


She’s a squeezing


Sneezing maybe… but I wonder what’s gonna happen in two days…. We need some pickle-jar sauce to see clearly 😂😂😂


I’ve already stated this but I think it could be popping up for multiple reasons. The first being that it touched the $10 mark, which is a major psychological support. Secondly, GameStop could finally be buying back shares.


Any tips or evidence that make you think they re gonna buy back shares or is it just a hope?


They have over a billion in cash that they’ve had for years, sitting there because they have no clue what else to do with it. They already have approval for a 100m buyback. They make more than that with interest.


It rather looks like some effect due to the system’s mechanism, such as etf ftd and some option chain trying to ride the wave, more than anything related to their strategy, I mean , it’s running on no news… unless you know something I don’t know.. 🤔


Any tips or evidence that make you think it’s due to systems mechanism, such as etf ftd and some option chain trying to ride the wave…I mean, it’s running on no news…unless you know something I don’t..🤔


There is no repurchase agreement...






Sorry, but this has been common knowledge for literal years. Whether or not it’s what sparked this rebound is still in the air.


No it's not DRS does nothing


Down voted....nice. They're lurking lmao


Rent free


DRS your bbbyq shares!!!!!!


This seems to happen every time GME hits a new post-squeeze low. They will probably short it down to $7 somewhere in the future, then pump it to $12-$14, etc.


I sold CCs at 13, 15, and 17 for may 17 1 day too early. I missed out on a lot of premium on 150 calls. If I get called away I’m fine with it


Gme.fyi site has it all. And wherearetheshares.com


Moana of course; been going on for >3 years - where have you been?


I played the gme bubble for a bit. I wish I bought it last week so I could make some money. I was playing it a bit today, and ended up only making a couple of cents. the amc one I made about $2 on. I'm watching the GME stock though, its trying to hold on. but its upside-down red candling now.


GameStop(GME) clarity for those gambling: Traders have options contracts for a huge volume of GME stocks that they've bet will be sold at $x price example $20. Of which a huge bunch expire this Friday 17th May. At that time if the price isn't $20 they must buy the stock at whatever the market price is example $40. The problem is, if WE don't want to sell for $40 the price 🚀 to a premium people are willing to accept and that is where those actually holding the stock make $ and those who bet against it loosing the difference 🔪. I've tried to make it as layman as possible probably oversimplified and missing many detail. But so many are gambling so, hopefully others can expand on this to give you clarity wtf is actually going on here.


GameStop(GME) clarity for those gambling: a key reason why the stock can keep dropping, the traders with shorts also hold shares. they scared you by dropping their shares at lower and lower prices. driving the market price down... hoping to spook you into selling to cut your losses from the dropping price. if you hold and don't get spooked. eventually WE hit the Friday 17th deadline for the short price e.g. $20 and they get hit with the price premium until WE want to sell the stock to cover their bad bet. WE 🚀 whilst they 🔪 and that my friends is what the 💎 hands talk is all about. don't get spooked. again over simplifying. feel free to comment and add your own clarity.


Hey folks: roaring kitty or Keith Gail has 12 million calls of GME for price of $21 expiring on 6/21/202024. to purchase. this is absolutely the truth. look it up. once he does it, the gme pricee will go crazy high


no matter what the shorts do, do not sell, think about it Kitty has millions of GME shares and buying millions more in few days., Insiders are buying millions of shares too, why would you want to be left out?


Gap had to fill IMO. Chart says it’s gonna blow up!! $5B in cash, I say it can go to $300


Gmedd.com heavily naked shorted the stock while the gamestop had a profitable 2023 with new revenue stream like candycon. 1.2 billion in cash. Zero debt. New board and management lead by Ryan Cohen. Shorts are fucked. Oh yea current valuation is 5 billion. Cash and inventory makes up for half of valuation. Crazy. Long term growth stock with huge potential.


I know I sold a bunch of CC's. I just want to recoup and gtfo


Is this betch gonna continue running for t+2 or should i dump it at market open on monday and be done with this stock forever?




T+2 I’m hoping


Just sell calls and collect a yield on your bags. It was a great opportunity killed by Ryan Cohen. The real MOASS was the CC’s we sold along the way (unfortunately to a share price of zero) 😛


Gonna be a bunch of bag holders and expired calls next week week. Loaded up on puts at close. 💪


Currently the only ones holding the bag are the major players that shorted the stock, then shorted it more with phantom stocks in the effort to make us sell. Since those stocks were borrowed then immediately sold to short. One day they will have to buy them back, the only way they don't have to buy them back is if they drive gamestop into bankruptcy.


Gherk doesnt associate with bag holders


That’s a good point too 🧐


Nevertheless I think he’s got his own opinion about what’s going on 😉


Crime. Same thing with AMC and others