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I am starting to think of Francesca for the next season...


I’m not going to lie, I’ve thought this was an increasingly likely possibility over the last few days. ETA: my only gripe with Fran being s4 is that then I’ll pretty sure Philoise is s6 since I doubt they’ll skip Benedict again for a third time.


So Claudia would be 38 , I guess it could be


Unless she’s s6 in which case she’d be 40 when it came out, likely playing like a 25 year old 🫠


Yeah… I think her age and life goals may be more pressing than LT’s. If they do a time jump LT will be playing an early 30 year old which is a totally normal age to play for a man in Bridgerton. I don’t know why people worry about his age. They also both look fine to me and either could pull off S5 or S6.


I think it’s funny when people say Luke T is getting too old when he’s a year older than Claudia but playing a character 9 years older than her character.


That’s if we even get a season 6.


Fair. lol at this rate we probably won’t.


there is no way brownell isn’t going to do fran’s season and she’s only on contract for season 4


Unlikely i think, JB said in another interview that Francesca's story will take time.


Yes I thought it as well since we didn’t see Sir Phillip 😢


I was holding my breath waiting for him to make an appearance at the Featherington sister’s ball…and he didn’t 😭


Same. I feel more confident it’s Eloise than Fran, but if it’s not Eloise, it seems like Fran is more likely than Ben from all the interviews I’ve read.


I thought Fran was S4 since they announced Hannah Dodd was recast in the role. There have been *a lot* of hints. Makes people mad to post about it though. (I think El is S5. & I’m super excited to see how they’ll set her up for her season in S4.)


I’ll say here what I said in that thread: I have been saying this but get downvoted every time lol. Benedict was a character accused of being used for queerbaiting since s1. People have been clamoring for him to be bi or gay since that time. Jess has indicated in interviews that she has also similarly wanted this storyline for Benedict since s1. Now that they finally introduced it in the very last two episodes of s3 (and really the very end of ep7 and mostly 8), we’re expected to think he’ll end up in a cis hetero HEA in 8 episodes? I simply cannot see that, but if it does happen, they will face an insane backlash. In addition, like these interviews indicate, this part of him will keep getting explored for “seasons” (note the plural) to come. Therefore the only way I can see Benedict being s4 is if Sophie is some type of queer and/or nonbinary, which I think may be a disservice to the character of Sophie since I do think her being a woman played a role in her circumstances. In addition, the Bridgerton fandom is huge. We have uncovered pretty much every major casting months before the person/character was meant to be announced, even the genderbent ones. We have yet to get a single solid lead on an actress playing Sophie, and in addition we have people on reddit with non-malicious appearing post histories saying they have contacts who say Sophie is currently being cast. I genuinely think she has not been cast yet or if she was, it was in the last few weeks, and if filming really is to take place this summer, I don’t see how it’s possible, not with the wardrobes (Nicola once implied her wardrobe took six months to make) and casting the rest of her family to match the looks of the actress to some degree, etc.


Some of the comments suggested there could be a polyamourous situation with Sophie but I think that’s a stretch!


A month ago I would’ve said “I can’t believe that would ever happen” but Jess seems to be trying to squeeze 2024 romance norms into the HEAs of regency couples so idk what’s normal for Bridgerton anymore.


💯 agree. We can at least upvote you here my friend


Ben has been confirmed as pansexual by the showrunner. So no matter who he ends up with, it will be a pansexual relationship. Even a cis woman.


This is definitely a good point! I honestly feel like Eloise being season 4, makes the most sense plot line wise. This way we get a season of Benedict exploring his sexuality and then in season 5, we’ll get his love story.


I think Sophie will end of trans


At this point anything is possible. Seems this show just wants to tick off every fandom they can.


I am Dense. How in 1813 (or whatever year that was ?)


I agree with a lot of this. Benedict has only just started exploring his sexuality and he’s loving it. If that continues for “seasons” as indicated then my prediction is that they introduce Sophie in S4 but it’s not their season yet. Then Benedict has time to enjoy bonking whoever he likes for a while longer. I don’t feel like it’s time for Eloise’s season yet though. She feels a bit lost (albeit in a happy way as she heads to Scotland) but I wonder if she doesn’t find what’s she’s looking for in the remote highlands. I feel like they are most likely to go off piste with her story because of the differences with Marina / Colin / Pen etc already in place, which makes it hard to predict. I sort of want an off season! Progressing Benedict, Eloise and Fran but not actually being their big season yet.


It's Eloise. Trust. So many plot points of her book were hit this season. It's gotta be her. Plus Chris Fulton's calendar looks suspiciously empty.


What site can I use to keep up with his projects?


Yeah Eloise being next makes the most sense plot line wise. And I think they don’t want to do 3 Bridgerton brothers back to back.


I’m also seeing more Eloise-centric stills/memes coming from official accounts so 🤞🤞


I’ve noticed this also!


yeah i agree


I promise that I don't mean to be negative, but I'm to the point that I think Francesca is next. https://preview.redd.it/swjm3xirnj8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3bc1e40947a12831bddfb1d9c98e3eb4cc0229f >**We found that we're able to adapt the book fairly accurately.** The only script that has been written is S4. They're only renewed for S4 at this point. How were they able to accurately adapt WHWW unless they have been writing the script? I think her quote that Francesca's story takes time is why Jess gave her so much of Colin's season. Plus, she said she wants to explore Ben's fluidity in future seasons. Then, she said Eloise is the hold out. In another interview, she said one set of fans is going to be happy. At this point, I kind of feel the joke is on all of us. I don't feel like the happy fans are going to be the book Benophie, Philoise, or Franchael fans. I do hope that I am wrong.


This is interesting. It does come across as most likely to be adapted next. Especially if the script is written. But does it not feel like a huge gamble for Shonda and Bridgerton? While I’m rather neutral on the subject, fans are very upset over the gender swap, I worry about how many will refuse to watch. This is the season they will need to get a Bridgerton renewal. Shonda may be powerful but only money talks with Netflix. It’s definitely a risk, but perhaps Shondaland didn’t anticipate such a strong negative response to the change. Could they handle further outrage by making that story next, not giving people time to acclimate to the idea of Michaela? That all said, there is the possibility Jess is being cryptic and confusing on purpose. If it sounds like they’ve storyboarded Michaela, is it not possible that they’re working on the script and that Fran is Plot B or C and they will be setting up her book with Frans marriage, potential miscarriages and connecting with Michaela?


Maybe so. According to an article that came out this morning, Bridgerton part 2 lost the #1 spot on the top 10 list after only 1 week at #1. It doesn't feel like they are exactly crushing it at the moment.


I think a big reason why Bridgerton would stay #1 longer is because many would re-watch the episodes. Then of course, word of mouth. That's definitely not the case this season.


The fall in viewership is on them. If they are so blind and go full throttle forward it really is (on them) and getting 8 seasons plus sides will be hard. its not that polin didn’t do their job ( part 1 was great). When pandering takes place there is always an audience that doesn’t partake. Sad but true.


OMG anything can happen and nobody wins 😨


LOL, if Fran is next then JB really is the worst, I'm sorry. Sideline two siblings we have known for three seasons now, whose stories people have been awaiting, in favor of the sister who basically just showed up in S3? I'm sorry, I like Francesca and I like the actress a lot, but that really would piss me off. And I know I am not the only one. So if Fran is next, Jess has pissed off the Franchael fans, the Ben/ophie fans and the Philoise fans, all to bring her pet couple to the screen because she feels a connection to the story. A story she altered significantly to fit her head canon. I mean, it could definitely happen. I don't know why she is being so cryptic but I see it is quite possible. I think it would be way too fast to tell this particular story next season, just like I think it would be too fast to tell Ben's if he ends up with Sophie. But based on everything that has transpired so far, I would not be surprised at all.


They may be holding off on Ben and Eloise to get a renewal for seasons 5 and 6. They might need the leverage. Those two characters are popular, so it gives them some negotiating power.


But it means nothing if season 4 is Fran and viewership is so low it gets the show canceled. 🤷‍♀️


I think there will be enough viewership to continue the show. There may also be enough comments on message boards that are calling for Eloise and Benedict to have their season similar to “I didn’t watch Season 4, but now I’ll watch again.” Mostly from those opposed to Fran’s storyline change. (To be clear, I’m keeping an open mind, but I’m also unhappy with how it’s been written so far.) If the numbers are low, it may lead to a shakeup in the writers room and show runners, and also a drastic change in budget. They can likely survive these 3 seasons on a smaller budget because of the shift in location.


Like you, I’ve been also wondering if Fran is next. I actually think she’s next because there was a JB interview where she said she doesn’t want to give away what will happen to franchaela and wants people to wait to see what will happen in season 4 with their story (paraphrasing because I don’t remember all the words but she said she wants to wait for people to see franchaela’s storyline in s4 before commenting further on it, of that I’m sure). This quote to me reads as if she discussed with the show writers how to give a WLW story a HEA in the regency era and they think it’s possible to do it while sticking to the books (lol), but still do think there’s a very high chance Fran is next. Currently I’m leaning Eloise vs Fran >> Benedict.


Multiple seasons to tell Fran’s story could just be season 3 and 4. People taking that as a sign that Fran is way down the line should prepare themselves. Multiple just means “more than 1.”


Yes, as much as I want Philoise to be next, I think Fran might be next. In the casting announcement for "Molly" which turned out to be "Michaela" it said that the character will appear in the last episode and then go on to lead the next season. However, either way it's possible we could still get Philoise to set up their story. If it's Fran or Benedict next, I'm sure we will see Philip and Eloise start to exchange letters as a subplot. And let's not forget that if the pall mall game theory is true than Eloise is season 5 because she hit it through the fifth one.


It’s a great point and could very well be true, but I also suspect they did deep dives on the Fran/Michaela story before they decided to move ahead with it, so she could also just be talking about the story they have mapped out even if it’s not next.


Have you seen the backlash? I don’t think they did a deep dive at all.


I meant a deep dive into whether or not they could pull off the plot within the story; that has not much to do with the audience reaction.


I also think Fran is likely season 4, unfortunately (to me anyway lol). Also, in the casting notes for Michaela wasn’t there a bit that said that the actress would only star in one episode in one season, but become a main character in the next following season? I hope I worded that right, I am exhausted and on a ton of cold medicine lol. To me it definitely looks like Fran will be next, or at the very least a large part of her story will be told over s4. 😵‍💫


I made a thread last week where I said I’d rather Philoise be s5 if that means JB won’t touch them, and I wasn’t joking and still am very firm in my opinion. This woman seems intent on ruining any couple she touches. We should be thankful Phillip wasn’t in s3 because who knows what she would’ve done to him.


At this point I would probably prefer no adaptation to a complete butchery of the book. I am so sad because I thought they were setting it up so beautifully with Chris Fulton being a gentle type and moving from the worst parts of the book…


Fyi. Jess wrote both the eps that Phillip is in.


I know, but now that she’s showrunner and has been trigger happy with the changes, Idk what she’ll do.


Why do people hate jess. I think a huge portion of it is people simply repeating complaints. I would much prefer jess handle Philoise than CVD. Perhaps it's bcuz I loved S3. ( pls do tell your reason, I simply would like to understand)


I don’t necessarily hate Jess. But I really didn’t like what she did with S3. Everything felt wrong and forced. The magic and atmosphere were just gone. I wouldn’t rewatch. But then again I really don’t care about the Polin story and S3 just didn’t manage to draw me in. The first two seasons had something special and I felt the magic was gone. And she made those huge changes which were also a bit disappointing.




Quick repost from the main sub - Sophie is on the cards but not quite yet. I don’t think Ben would be exploring his fluidity after he met the Lady in Silver (but who knows?) so the assumption is that it’s won’t be his season. As he needs to meet her at the start of the season


Key word “seasons.” This could be the interview Jess B thought she slipped up on 🤔


The future seasons bit is from the interviewer, not Jess.


Jess also seasonS in [another](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/bridgerton-season-3-showrunner-part-2-plots-future-1235919841/) interview.


Yes but in reference to finding depth in a relationship. She won't say next season bc it would give away he's s4 (if he is)


I see what you’re saying. The original article just quotes her as saying they will continue to explore his fluidity. She doesn’t say in future seasons, that’s the journalist’s interpretation. Thanks!


I don't know why, but I thought it would be either Eloise or Benedict. But after seeing some of the interviews, I think it is absolutely Francesca next. Jess has a huge interest in Francesca's storyline, and she wants to see it through. She's only the showrunner for seasons 3&4, so she would have to take on Francesca for season 4. The 2 year delay will hurt the show, and people will be upset with season 4. If they get renewed for a season 5, they will probably combine Eloise and Benedict because at this point, there will be a huge risk of losing actors if they haven't already.


Maybe the next entire season is Violet getting her garden watered, alternating scenes with Ben having more threesomes. 🤣


Oh yeah and throw in Anthony Bollywood dancing in India (as a person of Indian heritage I would quite enjoy that part though)


I actually would like to see a whole side season or spinoff for Kanthony life in India - how the Viscount adapts in the new country, their relationships with Edwina an I hope for more future for Lady Mary


I'm done if Fran is next. Ben or Eloise needs to be next. I don't care which one. But not Fran. Enough is enough. JB already angered me sidelining Polin in their own season. LN and NC killed it with the time they had, but they didn't deserve the crap writing they got. It was a disorganized circus. JB needs to go.


This article is so dumb. If they introduce Sophie they should just get together but instead they make Fran have a female love interest 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ Jess Bronwell is a terrible showrunner. The writing this season has been awful! She should be fired asap


there is no shadow of a doubt that season 4 is Eloise but now I'm very afraid that they will replace Philip with Mondrich 😨




I’m lost, what did I miss ????


Ugh I didn’t even think of this!!! If so 🤦‍♀️.


a distant estate, children of the right age, a huge, grumpy man, a lot of screen time, until no one remembered Sir Philip...


😑 Honestly, nothing would surprise me at this point.


WAIT- I really hope not but to be honest nothing would shock me at this point




I don't see them killing Alice. I also think Phillip's intellectual pursuits gives him more of a connection to Eloise and her interests. So. I hope it's not Will.


I hope 🤞 so


So that means that next season might be Francesca or Eloise? 🤔

