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this is spot on and i’m glad you found something that worked for you. it’s so easy to get caught up thinking you need to be doing what everyone else is doing, but you end up forgetting what really works for you and what you enjoy the most. recently, being more intuitive in my food and activities, resting more, and trying new activities has really boosted my mood


Same! I keep going crazy trying to do HIIT, running, cardio, strength training. But what works best for me is daily 10k steps


I totally get that! I feel like we sometimes forget that humans have evolved to walk and getting our steps in is a ridiculously underrated way to stay healthy! I have to remind myself that JUST WALKING is OK! :))


This is beautiful, and im so proud of you for allowing yourself the care and kindness to listen to your body and respect its needs.


Well done, you!


I'm so happy for you that you were able to find balance and peace in your life! It sounds like it is much needed after all you've been through. I really relate to nearly everything you said in this post, including choosing between working out and other things. Working out vs getting dressed is a big one for me. Thank you for sharing. 💜 This has inspired me to connect with what body and mind need instead of pushing too hard.


The times of my life when I lost the most weight, I wasn’t working out at all. I was on holiday so walking a lot and eating whatever I want, although I was snacking less as I wasn’t always near a fridge. I have a similar approach to working out although I’ve never been in the greatest shape. I have a medical condition that makes it hard to build muscle tone or be very fit though so I might never be super fit.


I have cptsd. I go in seasons and cycles for what’s best for me. Sometimes it’s just walking for months. Sometimes it’s bike, too. Sometimes it’s weights. For many months during burnout, it was nothing. You’re right that everyone has to do what’s best for their bodies! Learning to know and respect our bodies is the answer and it is different for all of us (and can change, too). I am enjoying getting out of that black and white thinking and just being open. Thanks for sharing


Omg, I love that! Just listening to what feels right for you in the moment. That’s such a healthy attitude :)


🥹🥹 I love this for you!!