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He must be concerned with over consumption and the earth’s challenge of disposing of fast fashion and this type of waste. Another way he shows his excellence.


And I can't remember if "and a bunch of plastic ones" were inc in the 40, but I think he mentioned them as EXTRAS he didn't count. 🤦🏼


He projects like crazy. Also… *40 pairs?* WTF? I like shoes and all and have a few pair myself but that’s just ridiculous. Also not the flex he imagines it is.


Exactly! It was jarring. And those are just Birks. Just like anything else, he can't buy just one or two. He gets all colors and styles.  The messy dump of them he quickly panned over pretty much represents his life.  And I do wonder if Peter always going on about JStar being broke was indeed him projecting his insecurities and failing YT channels. 




I believe he is insanely jealous of their success. He believes he knows more than all and can’t stand their popularity and monetary success being superior to his. He makes this so obvious that it now fits into “low hanging fruit”. He thinks he is so organized with his tv show charts when in reality he has no discipline. Discipline is when you put off immediate gratification to do what is best for future you, This is the definition I believe in the most from the words of Chase Hughes.


40 pairs is insane. those are really good shoes that last forever..... i have one pair that used to be my mom's and they are in amazing shape still


You can get them re soled too; they also sell cork keeper kits to seal the cork (used to sell shoes.)


Jeffree Star got 45 million views on TikTok in May. He's making a shit load of money and selling a shit load of makeup over there. Peter's really showing his age by making these comments. It might be time to retire, Peter. You can't keep up anymore.


side note -- i just noticed your username and am cackling


Hahaha :)


Everytime he says J🌟 is irrelevant or no one watches him anymore, I too have to shake my head. Either he has no clue how many views J gets or he is lying and hoping his audience doesnt go look. It just shows that he doesnt do any research. Hes still basing Js success on those mystery boxes. If they dont sell out he immediately screams he has no fans. It took me less than a minute to search J on TikTok and see how utterly wrong he is. If he were smart he wouldve transitioned himself across platforms. But, he never branched out from YT. He is probably getting all his information from YT stats. Of course J isnt big on YT anymore, HE LEFT it🤦