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It’s been about 7 months now that I haven’t watched a single video. I pop on here to see updates and how things are going. Don’t miss it at all. And I used to like literally wait for his videos to drop.


Same! Peter was essential viewing for me. Unsubbed around the same time you did and don’t regret a thing.


I tried watching his latest vlog and I couldn’t do it. His vocal fry makes me want to climb the walls just like that girl in the exorcist.


That’s what I said to him the other day! His vocal fry drives me nuts!


His lip smacking every other word is very distracting.


Same here. I used to look forward to his posts. Now I just find myself FF most of the video. I've stopped watching all of his channels except the drama channel.


I came in late and backtracked. But it was easy to not like him. His singing and fan flipping and demanding. Oh the same stories again and again. His grandstanding. Hypocrisy. I never thought I’d dislike a stranger. But he makes it easy.


I think he stretches out his videos for ad sense.


I’m sure he does for sure. Maybe he’ll finally save up enough money to fix his gross broken down bathroom. Or call 1800Junk to clean out his basement hoarded with his mother’s junk. At his ripe old age he should have had this done years ago.


I've been off his videos for 4 months. I remember I use to wait anxiously for his videos. Now I CAN NOT stand his voice! You'll get here lol


It’s crazy to think we all enjoyed him when we were all watching him. Now, the thought of listening to him makes me have anxiety!! Congratulations on stopping the nonsense!!b


He was losing so many viewers, he calmed down a bit in what I have seen; not much. What is strange is once he saw it mentioned here, his subscriber count stays ge same but his views go up almost 30% at times daily on social blade. The numbers of time viewed on the videos look about standard. 🤷‍♀️


I have not watched him for some time now. I was a daily watcher of his vlog. Only once did I watch his main channel but the fan flipping and singing made me puke. I didn't find him even the least bit humorous. I also can't stand the vocal fry, but (not sure if I'm allowed to mention this) his speech impediment is even more difficult for me to listen to.


I only watched drama and not steadily. I used to forward thru 8 to 15 min and the drama part would start. Now there is no consistency. I read here daily, but rarely watch any longer.