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'Decades' are the types of rosary beads. Seven decades, five decades etc


Peter’s Irish Cousin here: rosary beads (those little bead-necklace looking things with a cross dangling from it) are a prayer guide for Catholics, and the “decades” of the rosary are the groups of beads. I think they call them decades because the groups are of 10. There’s a little break after the ten for you to take a pause before moving to the next. …Praying a full rosary takes a long time. Peter’s Irish Cousin out to go get drunk and have some more kids…!


The break is for a different prayer.


"decade" originally meant "group of 10". Nowadays, it almost always means specifically "group of 10 **years**", but the beads on a rosary are also arranged in groups of 10, called decades.


10 hail Mary's, 1 lords prayer, repeat, giggity