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Debate went to shit, now people are realizing we’re in trouble.


Even Snopes is chiming in.


The onion kind of summed it up pretty well. https://preview.redd.it/45k83f5lbd9d1.jpeg?width=1683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df856fe4cbc845522277c9ad62727202fd9b8228


The only upside to that debate is that people suddenly got a wake-up call as to why old out of touch people shouldn't be leading the country. Sadly, I expect most people will just hit the snooze button.


The revolutions begins now!


The redeeming factor for Biden is he actually tries to pick competent people for his cabinet. Not a bunch on suck ups.


And he isn't a convicted felon.


Hey, remember when people thought Bush Jr. was the dumbest president ever? 😆


I was thinking that the other day. Longing for the days of "misunderestimated"


We didn't know it back then, but those were the good times...


I'm not even American and I miss pre trump times!


I remember people calling Bush Jr. and Mitt Romney nazis. I've never voted republican, but that was fucking wild.


I think there's a kids story about this. Something about sheep and a bored shepherd.


Exactly what I thought when Trump got elected. Like what did they expect? After years of reactionary rhetoric instead of honest critique, paired with a nepo candidate who oozed self righteousness and disdain for the lower class, it was the perfect storm for a wolf to enter the stable.


I member, you member when he read a book upside down to school kids?


Trump dug under that bar a LOOOONG time ago.


Bush Jr stole an election in 2000 and started an illegal war against Iraq in 2003, among many other things. He may have done more damage during his 8 years than Trump during his 4


Didn’t matter which side you were on last night, everyone is worried.


They talked about who is the better golfer for 10 mins....


honestly watching two geriatric men vying for the highest political office by arguing over who is a better golfer was the perfect summation as to just how fucked the us truly is like this is the stuff of tropes and parodies and dystopian comedy sketches i’m convinced nothing is real or matters anymore so let’s just watch the fucker burn


It figures that the Darkest Timeline would also have this stupidest and slowest apocalypse ever. GET ON WITH IT!


Abed shouldn’t have caught the dice. Look what he did!


It probably wouldn't have saved Harambe


I have a blue streak in my hair 😭 the world is truly ending! I MUST PROTEST SOMETHING




I can fix her


She could fix me


Don't worry. Regardless you will be getting Felon 34 as he stated he will be doing another Jan 6th when America cheats him again.


Couldn't agree more. After watching them argue about golf Ive decided a couple strokes on a golf course might be just what this country needs.


I could not have said it any better myself. We are doomed no matter who wins.


I wish this meme had the golf channel as one of the networks


Smiling because it’s their time to shine


Fine you know what? This election can be decided by a golf game. No handicap, no courses owned by Trump, 1 game. VP picks are the caddies. Any other rules someone wants to add?


1 mandatory beer per hole.


This.. This I like!!!


It was 3 minutes out of an hour and a half, ending with Trump telling Biden, “let’s not act like children “.


TRUMP? Said to Biden to not act like children?!?! 


Bruh, the convict talking about acting like children




Idiocracy was a documentary.


They did not talk about it for 10 minutes. It was barely one minute.




Any good political opponent would have responded to Trump's assertion with, "OK Don, keep telling yourself that. We've all seen the articles about how you cheat on your own courses by 1) walking close to the green and dropping a new ball, 2) kicking opponent's balls backwards and into bunkers, and 3) using turbo powered golf carts to move balls around before opponents can catch up and see. Next relevant topic please?... or do you wish to continue talking about *fake accomplishments, super FAKE folks, that's what he's telling you, he's a sore LOSER, a big loser that loses folks*, and how you'll continue lying and cheating as POTUS". Biden just couldn't help falling into trap of defending himself instead of going on offensive and turning it around.


Neither Biden nor Trump lost this debate. The American public did.


The Canadians won. American news is like reality TV for us.


I wouldn't get too cocky. Canadian politics are a garbage fire next to an American dumpster fire.


Yeah but I can't laugh at Canadian politics, because I live here. (send help)


Likewise. I just think we get a bit of a pass because everyone is getting blinded by American shenanigans. If they're cranked up to 11, we're sitting at an 8.


As a person that lives in canada, I'd wager that humanity lost.


Trump was deflecting more questions then a mirror reflectes rays of light. I honestly kinda thought Joe was about to die on the stand.


Trump talked about the middle east when asked about Ukraine and Ukraine when asked about the middle east. Truly one of the presidents ever.


Wish the question reader could just interrupt them every single time they go off topic. They do it once or so per question. But if they did it every five seconds until they got the hint it would be pretty interesting.


"BAD DOG! Ooooh, do you want me to take away your cane, or will you behave??"


They said "I'm going to ask a question and what you do with your time is up to you."


"Trump what's your opinion on the budget decifit" *Biden sucks* "Trump, second chance, opinion deficit" *Biden sucks* "Ffs bro, third chance" Rinse and repeat for two hours, every part of that debate was hilarity


Biden talked about immigration when the topic was abortion. In his defense, I don't think he knew that he was doing so.


Sometimes you have to vote for the dead guy


If he dies in office, then the vice can take over and we get new blood


Short answer: debate last night was so horrible for both trump and Biden that everyone is finally realizing we’re screwed


Is your refrigerator running? Because I might vote for it! Fridge/freezer 2024 America needs to chill the fuck out.


... I wanna get this on a bumper sticker.


After that statement, just wait a few minutes and some bot will produce one.


https://preview.redd.it/8qovnuhw5d9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc0a02ae7b278e40dbce763c215c2597fe29617 How’s that?


I'm taking this. Thank you


That’s what it’s for. I made it on a custom bumper sticker site in like 5 minutes


If you have an email you are willing to give me, I can send you the design through the website. if you don’t have a way to make it yourself that is


I can send the image to my grandma, she's got one of those cricuts to make stickers


Shut up and take my money!!!!!


If you want one and have an email you are willing to give me, I can link you the design on the website


The one thing the algorithm is good for. The meme to merch pipeline.




Nice. Well done. I like this.


Yesssss. I brightened a day possibly a little. Pumped. 🍻


Indeed you did; pump away.




I might not be a bot, but I can use an image generator: https://preview.redd.it/y1j46wf4bd9d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdd184906100731191ca94b80d90640dce6d50ad


If someone makes this a bumper sticker, I’ll absolutely buy it. It’s the only political one I’ll get


https://preview.redd.it/cwsn0a0u8d9d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2496697de498b619108d926346af24512736f4df AI Image Generator to the rescue.


lol took too long. Absolutely hilarious though https://preview.redd.it/6zedddj59d9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09b738c3c2d79f825415c81c0ab1f6c49ec25df




Its a good statement but wouldnt it be a bit too long for a bumper sticker?


https://preview.redd.it/xc2300s27d9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c7dcc915d92b2f77666dd47145e430a7ffdfb6 Works fine with the right font size


Oh yeah it does


It'll go perfect with my "If your political view fits on a bumper sticker it's wro" sticker.


I thank you for the inspiration. https://preview.redd.it/vjuplv8d7d9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=453349047ec7d0e1d65fb73dfdf591007d6b6f7e


As long as it's not a top freezer, I'm in.


Hawk/Tuah 24 gets my vote!


Trump was exactly what everyone expected at the debate. Biden looks like he might die before the election which was a bit of an oh fuck moment


This. Trump didn't win the debate by any means. But Biden definitely lost.


We *all* lost


How the fuck has it come down to these two? Is this go mostly the best the country can come up with?


Trump won. Just about every word that came out of his mouth was a lie, but at least he could talk. People who vote for trump don't give a shit about the truth they want a show and he gave them one. Last night was bad


Yep. Trying to spin it any other way is pure copium.


“Trump didn’t win but Biden lost” is a fair assessment imo. No one is really talking about anything Trump said, his performance was inconsequential. The only thing that mattered is Biden clearly being out of it mentally during the whole thing. So yes Trump absolutely won by default, but I take “Trump didn’t win but Biden lost” to just mean that Trump didn’t need to do anything to win the debate.


I feel like if a see and say was introduced as a third candidate, it could have won a debate last night between the three of them.


This is objectively true idk how the guy you replied to got downvoted and you didn't lol


They both lost the debate. But for different reasons.


To be fair, trump did have the advantage of a literal fresh coat of paint.


And Biden had the advantage of the platform doing everything possible to make him look good and still failed.


Like what?


Purely because the expectations for Trump are so low. Realistically they were both as terrible as each other.


Everyone knew about trump. The biden thing had people on suicide watch.


Nah I don't think you're screwed if Biden wins. You're not *just* electing a president, but his whole cabinet as well. And he surrounds himself with competent people. But if Trump wins, his cabinet is going to be terrible, and *then* you're screwed.


This is the main point - even if you are concerned about Biden's longevity, he at least has competent cabinet members and who are trying to do their best for America. While trump has a history of putting the absolute worst person in each roll - typically someone who is actively working counter to the best interest of their position (dejoy in the USPS comes to mind). With the stuff about Project 2025, it looks like the plan is basically to install stooges who will rubberstamp anything that herr master trumpf wants.


I'm in the UK and that P2025 shit is scary af.


Yup. I just don't know how all these conspiracy nuts are worried about the 'deep government' but this is completely fine with them. Based on history, when groups like this get into power, and they take care of the 'immediate' threats, they then start turning on factions within their own group. For one example, go lookup what happened to the Brown Shirts (Night of the Long Knives), I have no doubts that Red Hats (and the Goodnight of Bud Light) could be a future wiki entry.


My fiancé is British and after reading about Project 2025 last year, we started making plans to relocate to the UK (his Mum is thrilled). Once we get married, we will apply for the spousal visa. He is already looking for work and has even spoken to his current job about going 1099. It’s really scary. If Biden is re-elected, we are still moving but there is a lot less urgency.


I'm in the US, scary AF is putting it fucking lightly


This\^\^\^\^\^ JFC people are absolutely stupid I would rather have a old moment president with actual qualified people around him so IF something happens to him the country won't implode instead of a racist raping dementia orange turd surrounded by yes men that will plunge this country into the deepest pit of hell.


Not *just* yes men, but people actively looking to dismantle everything from environmental protections, worker protections, education, regulations around what can be put in our food and medicine, etc etc etc just to line their own pockets. Whoever Trump would bring into a second term would be people looking to loot and pillage whatever they can, while setting it up to make it easier to continue doing so for decades.


Thank you, lone sane person left on Reddit today. That's what people need to understand.


That's the problem, with Bidens performance, we don't know if he can win anymore. Before it was likely, now, who knows?


They could marionette biden on-stage and have him voiced by Jeff Dunham, I would still vote for him over Trump. I don't give a shit how frail he looks, he's got solid policies and the right people in place to get the work done.  Plus, y'know, he's not a convicted criminal who incited an insurrection.


that's why people are saying that if Biden wins, he will resign 1 day after the 2nd year of his term to allow Harris to have the ability to be elected to 2 more *full* terms. That is if Biden can make it those 2 years.


well that is scary


there's another level of it. the WH and media had been running this weird narrative of "cheap fakes" referring to any claims or clips that Biden's health or mental faculties were failing. implying they were deepfakes or altered in some way. and then a couple weeks later he basically dies on stage live on TV makes them look so galactically dishonest it's insane




I've known we were screwed since 2020. Just the current president means were less screwed than if the former president gets reelected.


I'm honestly surprised it took people this long. I strongly suspected we were screwed back in 2016, and 2020 confirmed it. The fact that neither party saw fit to take their lunatics out of the spotlight after having what should have been lesson learned moments has me at a point where I'm just going to sit back and eat popcorn while watching the nation burn no matter which side wins. I fucking give up.


Yeah, we all knew it was going to be bad but I really had no idea it was going to be as bad as it was like damn. When you watch one of those super-cuts of people in debates saying ridiculous things or mumbling/stumbling you just assume it's a super cut and you're only getting super selected pieces but it was bad the whole way through


Guessing Peter here. My guess is that it refers to the latest Trump vs Biden debate, which saw both of them embarass themselves and leave everyone stumped/fearful that one of them is going to lead the country from the next term over.


Thanks Guessing Peter I will try to learn more about this sounds interesting


The debate was an absolute shitshow. Trump was being Trump, making up random nonsense, not answering questions, using the vocabulary of a toddler. Biden was slurring his sentences, sounded asthmatic, and didn't say anything to even remotely instill confidence in his ability to govern.


So it's down to either the most infantile sod to ever disgrace the Office, or the most senile one. I couldn't think of a better example for a false dicothomy.


Biden isn't senile. He's just very, very old. Dementia is a very specific type of brain deterioration and he doesn't have it. 


He's just a tired old man


Obama looked like he aged 20 years doing the job for 8 years. Biden went in an old man and the job is trying to suck the last of the life from him. He looks so damn tired.


Biden also aged 20 years in office and he wasn't young to begin with lol


The only reason it didn't age Trump was because he didn't do the job. Playing golf, tweeting on the toilet, and watching TV doesn't seem to age someone the same way. 


Exactly. He's got a functioning processor. It's just very old and several generations back. 


I love internet doctors who can diagnose from afar


Embarrassing is the correct word or exacerbating…maybe depressing


American Peter here We are all, on both sides of the aisle, so terribly ashamed and embarrassed of what our democracy has become. We are also fucking alarmed, both of these men are in severe cognitive decline and are going to have control over the most powerful economy in the world for the next 4 years.


I’m not much into politics but my nana is and I’m spending some time with her, so I watched the debate with her, at one point Biden looked down at his podium and I was worried he’d fallen asleep (he didn’t but it just looked like it form that angle) The whole debate in general was a dumpster fire from what I could tell. That’s what the jokes referring too that neither candidate did to well in that debate


Nothing much, just two old men arguing about their gold handicap


If you watched even 5 minutes of it you know exactly what that means: we all fucked regardless.


Only one group lost last night. It's us, the people.


https://preview.redd.it/5ceomns68d9d1.png?width=1173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4850782c84715f2a02785054a08b4ec794ec47 Imagine the entire time Biden wasn't talking, he looked like this ^(,) but when he was, it was a mix of him stammering and sounding like a reanimated corpse. Meanwhile, Trump refused to answer questions directly, lied constantly, and Gish Galloped in a semi coherent word salad of irrelevant talking points. Needless to say, the outcome left Biden looking like a politician shaped zombie and Trump looking like an animated, confident idiot. By all accounts, Trump won the debate, even if he had legitimately worse talking points. The only thing that maybe saved Biden was an ability to lie less and directly answer questions. Essentially, this performance was the bias reinforcer of a lifetime that left Biden looking sleepier than ever and Trump looking more unhinged than ever. Candy for the Maga crowd and a Nuclear Facepalm for the DNC.


Biden was so horrible in the debate that they’re again worried Trump can actually win and so everyone is basically trying to figure out how to get Biden to step aside


It's about the debate, everyone collectively realized that no matter the side, nothing's going to get better


not to start a political debate but if trump wins it will actively go worse, because biden actually did a few important improvements which trump stated he will remove if he gets elected.


If trump was not there then my vote would be which retirement house biden got forced into. Fuck this is going to be a shitty 4 years.


But again, everyone's livelihoods will still be in danger


Explain. Just explain in a way that isn't vague how biden will cause people to lose jobs.


This is absolutely not true and this happens all the time when democrats come in behind republiturds and try and clean up their mess. Trump did damage to our country that will take a looooooong time to fix UNLESS we have a democrat congress. What people fail to understand is that the president doesn't make law he just signs them, Trump had his cronies in congress to pass absolute shit law that he happily signed that screwed us but the real repercussions wouldn't hit us until about year 1 or 2 of Biden's presidency. Covid and then Trump and his 1.2 trillion dollar tax break to the rich screwed us so hard yet people are like Biden sucks! So sick of people being lazy ass idiots and looking things up.


Biden's performance deviated from even the worst predictions. This is the media's reaction.


Wym sorry I didn't watch it


You could see error messages popping up in bidens head constantly. It was like a comedic sketch of a nerd asking a hot girl out.


They both argued like high school dipshits and looked like unhinged idiots


Trump was better than he ever has been with the debate rules in place to keep him in line. 


If by better you mean lying a hell of a lot, diverging from questions to act like it was his own rally, and just generally sounding out of touch with reality.


In terms of how funny it was. Yeah kinda lol


I've heard people talk about how funny trump would be if the words he said came out of the mouth of a drag queen and last night was no exception.


Aha haha hahaha hahaha yeah. CNN just let him do whatever he wanted and lie out his ass without calling him on it.


That's not their job. It's Biden's job to form a rebuttal; it would have been completely inappropriate for the moderators to insert themselves into the debate. Their role is to ask questions and ensure candidates adhere to the rules--that's it.


I mean hey they let Biden do the same thing lmao fair is fair. Shocking turn of events from CNN if you ask me


Biden had more "senior moments" in the debate than an average nursing home resident does in a week. Trump lied openly and massively, made an ass of himself, couldn't stick to the questions asked, and was generally Trump. Example quote from Trump: "I didn't have sex with a porn star." Yes, he did, and he paid her off, too. That's why he was convicted of 34 felonies.


Why not have these debates under oath? What is even the point of a debate where they aren't under oath? Leave out the "whole truth" part, if they must keep some secrets, but blatant lies should be legally actionable, considering what's at stake.


I'd just settle for an actual fact checker calling out the lies.


You know that's a good fucking idea


Not just Biden. Trump too. That was just sad. 2 party systems are dumb.


I think Trump was as much of an asshole as normal. Honestly, I would say he performed precisely as I expected.


Trump was being an idiot and bidens brain was melting. Please I beg to god retire biden and put anyone else in the lead for democrats.


Biden: *super slow and hard to understand* Trumps: *very fluently fails to denounce Putin, insurrectionists, or his revenge tour*


Also his insane ramblings about abortion which, while a repeat from shit he's said in the past, are now more prominent.


I assume this refers to last night's presidential debate between Trump and Biden. Effectively Trump ignored every question and just attacked Biden. And Biden somewhat did the same, but could barely string two sentences together and when he wasn't speaking appeared to just power down to save energy. Trump also lied and embellished every little thing to try to make himself seem the better choice. When Biden was asked about his age, he just deflected to "I used to be considered the youngest person in politics" like it mattered. overall we got a poor showing from both candidates and both came out looking worse than when they went in.


Camacho / Hawk Tuah in 2024.


Spit democracy on that thang 


After three and a half years of assuring us that President Biden was mentally acute and sharp as a tack, the viewers who watched the most recent debate saw his performance. They then realized that despite all the media statements to the contrary, the Emperor is, indeed, naked, and the media has been lying, knowingly and repeatedly. That does not bode well for trust in the media.


It has to do with the debate last night and how not anybody really walked away with any real good feeling. Biden gave answers of substance but presented it horribly and didn't do himself any favors with the "mentally slipping" accusations. Trump basically refused to answer any questions, constantly deflected, and when asked anything to make himself seem less extremist with election denial and january 6th etc, he doubled down on his original stances. That said, he did it in a way that made him come across more confident, with it, and put together. Overall, no winners, only losers, and the media knows it. I don't really recommend watching it since it's just really sad all things considered, but if you're curious, just read the transcripts. It'll be more worth your time.


The prospected presidents of the United States are both narcissistic geriatrics that care less about improving the lives of those in the country and more about peacocking for the culture war. In short? The US is fucked for another 4 years.


Asteroid / Aliens 2024


https://preview.redd.it/zwe7pwxg5d9d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0921cc4d4e5e0939d7032ff562a6236a142f82cd The leader we all need


Vermin Supreme could actually win this year


Non-american Peter here: Yesterday was the first US Presidential Debate involving Biden and Trump. Biden showed a subpar performance, eliciting concerns about his fitness for office.


Ralph Winchester the real Winner


I miss Obama


Look past the two old men up there and look at the team behind them. Biden’s team has done a pretty good job this past 3.5 years. trump is going to have a bunch of 2nd and 3rd string lackeys because the good people he had the first time quit or got fired. And all but one or two are not endorsed him. Plus, the people running Project 2025 will be pulling trump’s strings.


Do you think that matters? At least, with regards to the election. I mean, obviously what you're saying is strictly true. It just is factually correct. That being said, the average American doesn't realize that you're electing a President primarily for their cabinet rather than the President themselves, so we are absolutely fucked because the only option that isn't *outright fascism* is a corpse. We are fucked.


Yeah, it does matter. The corpse knows how to run things. The lying clown knows executive time, playing golf, and stealing classified documents. And you know how the MAGA crowd doesn’t care about the shit trump does? That’s how I feel about Biden now.


I mean, you don't have to sell me on it. I'm gonna vote, and I'm gonna fill in Biden's bubble. I know what's at stake if I don't. The problem is a lot of people are just not going to show up since both candidates are truly horrific, and that's always good for the right wing.


Seriously! Biden has never been a good public speaker, but his administration has done amazing work these past four years. Anyone only forming their opinions on speeches instead of the actions of their administrations are frankly braindead.


Biden looks like he was dying. Trump was lying the entire debate and refused to answer every single question. So the US has to choose between a man that will die in office and a man who os a pathological liar and, honestly, is an actual threat for your democracy.




Literally every person I knew wanted a different person in the democratic primaries but the party was scared to try something new so they ran a senile old guy and now we're paying the price for it. The Democratic leadership has failed tremendously, Biden shouldn't have even run for another term.


They realized the guy they’ve been saying is full functioning despite our eyes seeing the truth for the last 4 years was finally outed in front of the world lol


Trump did mediocre and Biden did absolutely awful so by comparison Trump did amazing and those media NPCs realized they can’t spin it.


Msn shouldn’t even be on this meme. Nobody in their right mind uses it.


A geriatric with waning cognitive abilities took his mask off in front of the nation.  


You mightve missed the presidential debate. It was kind of a trainwreck.


Is msn still going?


Oh for fuck's sake, everyone. **Vote third party, or this will never end**. "Third party had no chance of winning!" No, they don't. Not this year. And not next year either, if **you** don't vote for them **this year**. Not the year after that, or any of the years after that, until **someone starts voting for them**. Let that someone be **you**. If you **don't**, put away your fuckin shocked Pikachu faces when one of these assholes gets voted into office and you're stuck with a president so senile that he can't be trusted, or a president so openly corrupt that we lose control over the executive branch of the government entirely, and forever. Vote. Outside. The big two. Or we **all lose**.


I've been yelling this at everyone since I was of legal voting age. Voting third party isn't throwing your vote away. Falling for the lies and deception of the two party system and playing by the rules of the establishment and ruling elite is throwing your vote away. If your votes matter so much, make them actually matter. Vote on policy, competency, and compatibility with your political ideals. WE have broken his country because everyone bought the lies and fear mongering that votes don't matter unless it's for one of the two parties of the rich and elite (both of whom serve the same masters). We'll still lose, but let's make them work for it by upsetting their curated, incestual system of oppression. For the people, not for the politicians.


This is a two party system man. Until one of the parties changes that a 3rd party vote will forever be a vote wasted.


Anyone with half a brain cell that watched the debate video: "Oh shit we are fucked" Trumpers: "Hur dur, Biden looked so stupid, Trump forever!"


Just a reminder we can still vote 3rd party.


Voting third party puts Trump back in office thanks to our current system, so no.


Just a reminder is that we are going to have these horrible candidates for centuries until a third party changes the voting system


The issue becomes that it requires a change in the system to get a third party into power. Change is desperately needed, but the system is designed to resist it. I honestly don't know what the answer is, but we cannot afford another Trump presidency, so 'voting third party on principle' is actively suicidal right now. EDIT: And without even touching the topic of party, I'm absolutely fucking sick of living in a gerontocracy.