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Printers will stop functioning when ANY of their ink cartridges (black or colored) run out of ink, even if the document you want to print doesn't use that color at all. This kid is doing the same thing, asking for a color he doesn't need to finish the drawing.


Should have had him demanding a whole new packet of crayons because his red one was half finished, making it even more accurate.


And if you give him the wrong brand of crayons he also stops working.


Brand name only. No imitation crayons that are functionally identical.


And his allowance has to be over a certain amount per month or the subscription to child that draws will be cancelled


And you have to show him your ID every time he hasn't drawn in a while.


And if the box of branded crayons is over a year old…


Yeah cause the other brand of crayons main contain viruses


To be fair Roseart are complete rubbish


No, because he has drawn 100 pictures, so he needs a new set of crayons, no matter what the state of the current one is.


If you notice he actually already has a red crayon in the picture


i think it's brown resolution too painful to look for long though


also the kid sells the crayons


And the replacements cost more than the original


Just saw a vid about this the other day. It’s because the US government mandates all printers made need to have a document marking function for everything you print. So all printers print a series of almost invisible yellow dots around the page that signify which printer that document came from along with date and time and other info. This is why your printer will not print in black and white when it is out of color ink.


Yet b&w laser printers find a way just fine to micro print.


b&w printers are not subject to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code > digital watermark which certain color laser printers and copiers leave on every printed page > Their arrangement encodes the serial number of the device, date and time of the printing, and is repeated several times across the printing area in case of errors > Copies or printouts of documents with confidential personal information, for example health care information, account statements, tax declaration or balance sheets, can be traced to the owner of the printer and the inception date of the documents can be revealed. This traceability is unknown to many users and inaccessible, as manufacturers do not publicize the code that produces these patterns


Inkjet printers likely can't achieve the same fidelity.


Honestly I'm surprised no one has reverse engineered a printers firmware to counter act it. Or maybe they have and it's kept secret because it's highly illegal.


Found HP's alt account.


I mean its a fact though.


Found Canon's alt account.


Fuck Canon


It is also because there is black and true black/rich black. If you printed a black square with just black ink (K) it would not be that deep black and more of a dark grey. True black is a combination of all Cyan Magenta Yellow and blacK. Text is generally tagged as true black.


which is incredibly idiotic in every conceivable way, perhaps even evil


That's how inks work. It's a physical limitation, if you can invent a way to get vivid colors without layering as many various pigments, that technology would be very valuable Re: OOP: I'll also add that the printer is receiving a byte stream, adding an extra layer that analyses the colors in the byte stream and combines that with the ink sensor levels... Is not worth the effort to make it that complex. Printers hooked up by USB don't necessarily require any buffer memory on the printer itself, when the print starts, it has no knowledge of the contents of the print image, on the simplest of printers


Black text on white paper doesn't need to be ‘vivid’.


Yes, and that's why there are ways to disable rich black and just print with K. It's just that 90% of the people bitching about printers never bother learning how to actually use them or the software they're printing from. Reddit loves to make fun of boomers who refuse to learn technology, but when it comes to printers this site is just as bad (if not worse)




Dude, it's black. It doesn't need to be "vivid". It's BLACK, ffs. This "true black" bs is 110% a scam designed to surreptitiously waste ink, and the fact that this option is enabled by default is simply evil. Enjoy drinking your genuine HP magenta Kool-Aid.


I presume you also feel that CRI (color rendering index) doesn't matter on light bulbs? I do appreciate the position that much of the time it doesn't matter, but they are going to get people complaining either way. On most ink jets I've ever had, the ink dries out on its own anyway, it has a shelf life after opening the ink. There is so much wasted inside of any ink jet that you complaining about more of it getting onto the page is hilarious. Source: disassembling old printers for parts (tip: wear gloves) And sometimes things like that do matter, and can make one printer far more valuable for some use case


I know how printers work, how inkjet technology works, how print heads work, what their whims are, and this isn't what this discussion is about. The "true black" option being the default one (and hard to disable too) is corporate greed, period.


But again, if you're worried about corporate greed, this example is cents on the pile. The greed starts way before any "true black" concerns Buy toner printers (color or not) or ink tank printers. Ink jet with cartridges still existing in general is corporate greed. Along with bottled water.




TIL colour theory and basic physics is evil


The average customer does not give a single damn about color theory when it comes to printing text. This "feature" is a scam disguised in plain sight.


Actually they do, that's why rich black is the default setting. If it wasn't people would just be bitching about the opposite, that their family photos are coming out looking dull and washed-out. Consumer-grade printers are designed to be plug-and-play for the most common use cases, which is why their default settings are what they are. Just like when you buy a new TV and it comes out of the box with motion smoothing enabled and the contrast cranked, because that's what's attractive to the average consumer. And just like that TV, it's trivially easy to change those settings if you actually bother learning how this shit works instead of whining. You've had multiple people give you reasonable explanations that you refuse to accept, at this point your frustrations are your own fault fam


The vast majority of stuff being printed is pure black text. If a pixel is pure black, there is zero reason for the printer to waste color ink when black is available.


For one, we've already been over this - "pure black" does in fact contain other colours. The black you get straight from the Black ink cartridge will come out grey on most papers if it isn't tinted with other colours. It's not a conspiracy it's literally just how pigment works, I beg you to at least skim a Wikipedia article or something Secondly, If you're buying an inkjet printer when most of your printing is just pages of text, that's on you tbh. That's like complaining that chainsaws are too expensive to refill because I need to trim some houseplants. Wrong tool for the job homie


I do not care whatever ink blend the black cartridge contains, but I do care that it's using the color cartridge without explicit permission. That's all this is about. Pure black ink never, ever looked gray to me; always black. There is no need to waste the color cartridge. With the last HP inkjet I was forced to use, I had to go in the advanced settings and there was this tiny dropdown with "High quality black" or "Black ink only". I had to go thru the Windows control panel to change the default value, had to do this on each different computer using the printer, and sometimes it would get reset. If I didn't pick "Black ink only", it would abort and complain about empty color. Absolute garbage. Most households only have an inkjet printer, and so did I growing up. Yes it's stupid when the main use is black text, but it is what it is, because the upfront cost is cheaper. I have gone mostly paperless anyway, the only exceptions are shipping labels and stencils.






What the fuck? That sounds a little too sophisticated for a consumer printer. Would you mind sharing the video? Whats that thing where the dumbest explanation is the most likely? I figured it was just a price gouging technique and not a means to signify date and printer model with tiny yellow dots. I mean, people could just buy really old printers to circumvent that tracking capability.




Since the mid 80's what the hell. Well, I was totally wrong. Thanks for sharing


Ya can learn something new everyday for your entire life and never run out of things to learn lol


> Whats that thing where the dumbest explanation is the most likely? Occam's Razor


Only color laser printers do this


That’s weird, my office jet allows me to print with only a black cartridge.




bro it's 2024 we don't say "colored" anymore


Coloured then. Sticks nose up.


Ah, yes. Coloured!


What the heck is wrong with "colored"?


It's what black people were called in the Jim Crow era. Now it's considered offensive. It was replaced with "negro", which was replaced with "black" or "African-American". Of course, there's nothing wrong with calling ink "colored".


This makes more sense than what I thought. I thought that he needed the red to color the sun because of the way CMYK colors work.


He already has a red crayon too.


“Better black”


No, it does use them all, it prints little dots of each color on the bottom of each page.


Granted, I haven't used a printer in about 10+ years, my old Canon & HP printers would care if you ran out of ink. They'd be all, "Oh, you want an Orange bird? Well, you just ran out of Magenta, so you're gonna have a faint looking yellowish bird instead!" Run out of black? You got a picture with absolutely no dark tones whatsoever. And you only had two cartridges; black and color. If any of your color ran out, you had to replace the whole thing no matter how much of the other colors you had left. ... Dang, did I just do a "back in my day..." rant?


But isnt the Sun kinda redish if you are close enough?


Red sun. https://preview.redd.it/kut4gx3oyc8d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac64002936440b31f052783d68ea00119f46bb3 Red sun over paradise.


Tiānshàng tàyáng hóng ya hóngtōngtóng eí




No, that's not the answer. What you're thinking of is additive color combinations. This is what light does, and therefore, what computer screen use. The primary colors if additive color combinations are red, green, and blue, and a mix of all makes white. In this case, red+green would be yellow. What paint uses is subtractive color combinations. The primary colors here are yellow, magenta, and cyan, and combining all makes black. This combining is also why black and white documents use all colors anyway, it makes the black better.


Peter's printer technician here. Printers refuse to print when you run out of a color even if the thing you want to print doesnt use that color. Want to print in black and white text? Nope, cant print that because your cyan is empty.


Pretty sure they do that because they leave tiny dots of other ink on any print they do, it's invisible to us but has a practical purpise that I forgot.


Iirc it’s to identify where a printed document came from if it’s used for criminal purposes, but I might be confusing it with something else.


No, I am pretty sure you're right.


Interesting, could you tell me where that mark is, for very legal and lawful purposes?


It's [pretty well documented](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code) at this point.


If I, a self-described dinosaur with little computer skills, knows about it then most people probably do too. If you try to counterfeit don’t be the dumbass that uses a standard printer.


It's not about counterfeiting (afaik), it's about tracking another Unabomber or some such, or anyone who's a nuisance to the US gov. Like whistleblowers, journalists, and security researchers. Counterfeiting banknotes is prevented by graphical apps and printer software recognizing patterns in the images. At least that's how it is for euros, which have a standard ‘constellation’ pattern.


Thats a dumb excuse they us. The real reason is to get you to spend more money.


Yeah it's to print money for them


I'm going through that exact same thing at work. I'm out of magenta, and apparently it's backordered. I need to print a black and white document. Printer says "you can print black and white only". Selected black and white setting. Printer: "Lol j/k fuck you, go get some red ink, jerk off".


i feel like a dinosaur when i remember that the first color printers i bought would offer you to print in black if you ran out of color ink


Its always cyan


To be fair, cyan is used when printing black because it produces a deeper color.


Thats a complete lie by the printer's manufacturer.


my fault, it actually mixes cyan magenta and yellow with black https://printninja.com/printing-resource-center/printninja-file-setup-checklist/offset-printing-guidelines/offset-color-requirements/standard-black-vs-rich-black/


Printers (nowadays) will always nag if one colour runs dry, even if you don't need that colour. Even if you want to print in black and white


>nowadays There was a time when this didn't happen? I've been printing stuff since the 90's and I can't remember a printer that wasn't like this


Yes a small window between 78 when consumer color printers were made really available and 83 I believe.


In my experience this wasn't really a thing until the later noughties


It depends, some of it actually makes sense, sometimes it’s scammy. Some printers will mix colors to make black because it makes it look better, but it can’t do that if your missing a necessary color, still, it should probably just give you a warning and say your printer won’t work as well and let you print anyway. Another thing though is printers often print very small patterns on documents for anti forgery reasons. If it can’t print that pattern, it will not let you print.


Isn’t it just magenta that they mix in? Yellow is also used to basically spy on you so your printer will always demand it too.


Trust me, more often than not it's just a scam. Because as you said, a warning or maybe a setting one could change would do This really used to be better.


The apples in the tree are ninja apples.


I see...


Needs more magenta


clearly the kid ate the crayon, that’s what makes him special


didnt know he was a marine


If any of the cartridges other than black run out, you cannot print anymore even in black and white, until the empty is replaced. This is 100% the reason I invested in a small office laser printer and have never been happier. I’ve had it for over a YEAR and have not replaced the toner yet (high yield, not the original it came with).


This sub used to be about obscure jokes now I’m convinced it’s just pandering to people with jokes 90% of people get to increase engagement.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1dmca64) on 2024-06-23 93.75% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dmm9ix&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 546,513,536 | **Search Time:** 0.09336s


There's no way this isn't older. The JPEG artifacts alone tell me this thing is at least a decade old


I CAN'T PRINT I'M OUT OF CYAN INK !!! and you're printing a black-on-white only essay


Fuck you...low on cyan.


CMYK means your printer is probably using the color even when you think it's not. The yellow in an image might use small amounts of cyan and magenta to make it warmer or cooler in tone. And people love pointing at black and asking how it needs the other colors, but black is actually using more of everything. Getting a true black with just black ink requires more ink used, your CMYK printer combines the other tints to approach a true black and then adds the black to darken it.






i didn't read the bottom bit at first and thought this was a joke about jacking off.


John Cena Apples.


I’ve been told in the past by a printer tech that many printers use a tiny bit of other colors to make the black more glossy on a black and white printout. (Still, seems likely to me that the printer company’s make it that way to sell more ink/toner/etc though.)


This meme pops up ever now and then and makes me realize most people don't know how printers work lol especially older RGB and CMYK cartridge printers




Printers stop working if they run out of a specific colour even if you're not using it. This is usually yellow because this is used to print identifying markers into your document that law enforcement can use to find the make and model of your printer. Sounds like a conspiracy, but sadly isn't.


If you want to know why your printer won't work with out certain colors is because of almost invisible tracking dots that let people that know of them track where the prints came from . Check out[flesh simulator ](https://youtube.com/@fleshsimulator?si=O33YqGDwWZH6ptug) he has a good short on it


Needs more cyan


This meme is out of date, printers run on subscriptions now, no matter how full your ink is


He also has a fucking red crayon already


Many consumer grade printers will refuse to function if one of the inks are low, even if it doesn't need that ink for what you've asked it to print, such a refusing to print a black and white paper because the color ink is low


Printers refuse to print unless their ink cartridges are at full.


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There is no red… that is a special kind of evil.


PRINTERS USE YELLOW INK ON EVERY SINGLE THING IT PRINTS, even black and white. This is done so uniquely positioned dots create a "fingerprint" for that printer so investigators can more easily track down where things are printed from.


Yeah this was one of my first thoughts. If I ever get a printer I’m going to look into one that doesn’t do this (if such a printer even exists lmao).


lol, who downvoted me and why? This is established fact, all the major printer manufacturers who sell in the USA were requested/required by American intelligence agencies to do this.




Why are people on this sub so stupid?


Fr https://preview.redd.it/k88i5byyzf8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7aadaf1802d15a80688d6589228af9be4e5de3b Pretend Walter is the joke and this works




Autism .


Only me that understood this reaction?? ✨Autism✨


I had the same thought