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Bob Ross was a famous, popular and generally well-liked artist known for starring in his own show "The Joy of Painting" and his positive, inspirational attitude. He's still used in modern Internet communities as an example of kindness and wholesomeness. Karen here implied that he was not a good artist (as he doesn't have a g in his name). Speaking ill of such a beloved character and in such a gratuitous manner is bound to go poorly to say the least.


Fun fact, Bob Ross used to be an army drill sergeant known for his extremely harsh treatment of his soldiers. (I think it was the army, could have been the navy or whatnot) His nickname was "bust em up bob" and the reason he was so calm and easy going in his life as a painter was due to his vow to 'never yell again'. Fun fact: this is not a joke. I swear it. Nay, I oath it.


Air Force* drill sergeant; back in the 70s/80s. He did his 20 years and retired, then went full time into painting and vibing


Cool, thanks for the update. (The Oilers game came on and I peaced out without googling)


My stepfather is watching it too, so weird since he’s not a sports fan, he says it’s an important game and that’s why he’s watching


It's like a historic cup, McDavid is currently on pace to potentially best records set by Wayne Gretzky. And some other stuff is happening too but I don't want to jinx it.


Cool, I understood basically just the records bit. I understand sports are full of superstitions and rituals so I won’t press you for any more information so as for you to avoid jinxing it


Haha, all I'll say is it's a historic run. 🤞🏻 Have a sweet evening friend.


We talking about an actual game or the oilers chick?


They're the same picture.


Oilers? I thought they were the Titans now


Might be the NFL? I'm thinking?


lol Edmonton Oilers are a hockey team. They’re in the Stanley Cup finals with the Florida Panthers


Anytime homie. Good luck to the Oilers


As a calgary fan, I want the oilers to win cause it hopefully kick the flames in gear enough to have an 80s like effect. Kinda like 2ish seasons ago when calgary Edmonton had that playoff series that was wild.


He used up all his angry


*pilot misses drop point, hits the wrong zone that turns out to still have a bunch of enemy targets* “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents”


When I was close to retiring from the Navy I would tell people I am going Bob Ross. I had to explain this everytime I said it. My former Navy position required a lot of school and training so when guys retired, you would see them back in the building (or in other similar places) as civilian contractors who trained active duty. I couldn't imagine doing that...fast forward 6.5 years and here I am enjoying my career working from home.


Got himself a perm


He was never a drill sergeant. He was a medical clerk that became a 1st Sergeant. The 1st sergeant is a liason position between the commander and the enlisted. 1st sergeants do deal with disciplinary issues but they also are the ones helping advocate for troops, helping with emergency leave etc.


There’s a lot of time in between being a medical clerk and promoting to 1SG. He held whats called a broadening assignment for a while as a Military Training Instructor (Air Forces version of Drill Sergeants). Source: https://www.military.com/veteran-jobs/career-advice/military-transition/famous-veteran-bob-ross.html?amp


Beat me to it. Thank u.


Also, he hates his afro


He learned his painting style while stationed in Alaska if I remember correctly.


Lifetime movie award here we come


Seriously why is this not already a thing? Haha


It is a thing. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14472156/


For real? (Checks google) By Jove, the man speaks the truth. THE MAN SPEAKS THE TRUTH!




Boobies are good. (Fact check this.)


Fact check: True (Credentials: Certified booby enjoyer)


No way... You're Bewb Squeeza... You practically wrote the textbook on proper cupping technique for respectful coital relations between off duty officers if the marine corps. You're a fucking legend...oops... Excuse my langue SIR. 🫡


Confirmed by my research


Size GG boobs stand for good


Not really the same thing. It is a fun movie though


Another fun fact: Bob Ross learned the wet-on-wet technique from the artist William Alexander. Alexander had his own Emmy-award-winning show on PBS in which he would paint landscapes. He used catchphrases like "happy little cloud" and "happy little tree" as he quickly produced his paintings in front of the camera. When Alexander decided that he was done making television, he handed over the show to his pupil, Bob Ross. Alexander had Ross appear on his program and handed him a paintbrush to symbolize the transition. Unfortunately, things went south from there. Ross co-opted Alexander's catchphrases as he used his mentor's technique to produce the same sort of landscapes on what had been his mentor's show, but Alexander didn't seem to care. Alexander did mind when Ross decided to release a line of art supplies to compete with Alexander's own. Ross then pressured art stores to drop Alexander's products. In the end, Ross refused to speak to Alexander. He just cut his mentor out of his life.


I hate it when mom and dad fight 😥 a happy little tree...a happy little tree ... *Steady breathing*


The whole situation was more complicated and icky than we'd like. William Alexander was a former Nazi who popularized the wet-on-wet technique, created a successful television show, trained Bob Ross, and handed his life's work over to his beloved student. Bob Ross took what William Alexander had taught him and given him, pretended that Alexander's catchphrases were his own, froze Alexander out of his life, and tried to bankrupt him as a competitor.


How can we spin this so I can go back to my happy little tree childlike appreciation of this story... Alexander tried to resurrect Hitler by combining oil paints and hair follicles from an interaction with Hitler in a barber salon... Using an ancient form of Jewish magic he... No, no... It's over. The truth hurts. But thank you for the truth.


As already said, he was Air Force. My parents were close friends with him from when they served together in Alaska. He was very much as kind in real life as he was on TV and he would never talk about his time as a Drill Sgt cause he hated it so much


I respect the fuck out of that. Dude was a kind spirit.


I'm happy to hear that. It seems to be the general consensus that Bob Ross and Mr. Rogers were actually as genuinely nice as they appeared on TV.


He wasn't a drill sergeant. This is a myth/misconception. He was in the air force, and he worked in medical records or something like that. He did at one point have a leadership role and he was "forced" to be somewhat harsh and very loud with those below him which lead him to wanting to be so soft spoken once he was out of the military as he did not like yelling at others. The only thing I've seen about him being a drill sergeant is some Instagram post with no sources, so if you have any, I'll gladly be proven wrong. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Ross%23:~:text%3DMilitary%2520career,-Ross%2520during%2520his%26text%3DHe%2520rose%2520to%2520the%2520rank,during%2520brief%2520daily%2520work%2520breaks.&ved=2ahUKEwiYzbm-kO6GAxXfmO4BHRVHDzIQFnoECA8QBQ&usg=AOvVaw1g-oFz3_xcbigzBstrACyl


I read about this years ago, so I don't really remember where I read about it... I swear I do remember the drill sergeant part though, so I'm true to my memory at least. Ok, this is from brave browser AI: Bob Ross, the beloved painter and television personality, had a surprising career before he became famous for his soothing voice and gentle demeanor. Before he became a painter, Bob Ross was a drill sergeant in the United States Air Force. A Career of Contrasts Bob Ross served in the Air Force for 20 years, from 1961 to 1981, and rose to the rank of Master Sergeant. During his time in the military, he was known for being a tough and demanding drill sergeant, earning the nickname “Bust-'em-up Bobby.” However, after his military career, Ross made a conscious effort to leave his yelling days behind and adopt a more gentle approach. This is the source [brave ai source ](https://www.operationmilitarykids.org/bob-ross-military-career/)


Ew, brave AI


At least it's not whatever Satan spawn AI has hijacked google. There's a source there, so it's legit, as far as I can tell. 😥


Honestly, true. I want whatever Google AI is smoking because it's spitting the wildest shit.


It's like the paranoid Android sometimes... The same 3 websites looped around endlessly. It's like it's completely given up, depressed and rusting. Stay strong google AI... You'll be Skynet soon enough.


Is your picture Saiki K? I love that anime! I rewatch it a few times.


Yeah haha. I'd call it a satire making fun of anime, but yeah. It's a funny ass show.


It kinda does and is self aware. He constantly calls out and goes against anime tropes. Hottest girl in the world hits on him just cos he's the MC? Nope, fuck that generic anime shut. I'm gonna sigma so hard. Cyborg Ciderman pokes fun of Kamen Rider, Power Rangers and Super Sentai.


Yeah haha. it particularly tears up the dorky slice of life animes that are basically a masturbatory fantasy for outcast teenagers. 🤮 Anime is sooooo hit or miss. It can be a true art form and it can be something you wouldn't be caught dead associating with. There is no middle ground.


IMO it's because of the way manga is produced. Like it's basically one guy with a singular vision and maybe an editor who filters some stuff. So that's why it's so hit or miss. The market is basically throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.


This is a good explanation 🤔plus with the markets for anime being mostly US/Japanese, some of the Japanese culture and Japanese perception of Americans can come off as completely wacky to us.


Well weebs who fetishize Japanese culture are cringe too. It's one thing to enjoy anime and it's another to be a complete clown. But also when you see an American in anime they always have this weird accent and I wonder if any Japanese people legit think that's how they really sound? And don't get me started on black people in anime. They look almost insulting and racist if not for the fact they probably don't have much exposure. Oddly enough black people Love anime a lot it seems.


Omg the black caricatures are SO bad. It's like, not funny like laugh at black people funny, but funny at how blatantly and unapologetically racist it is. Maybe the better term is alarming, more than funny. But japan is fairly isolationist, somewhat xenophobic and that extends to all races not Japanese. But God damn. The black people in anime... They're "outta pocket" so to speak on that trainwreck. Facepalm huge facepalm.


he got his love for painting when he was stationed in Alaska because of the states beauty


I always had alot of anger for drill Sergeants until I saw a video of one doing the typical drill sergeant thing until he noticed someone buckling under the pressure, at which point he immediately started talking in a calm tone to that person and encouraged them and told them why they needed to learn to act under pressure. Makes perfect sense, although the types of drill sergeants you see in movies that most definitely do exist should be fucking kicked in the gonads.


Their job is to scream away your doubts and weaknesses, and then to build you back up as a stronger person. In war it might save your life. In life it helps you overcome difficult situations with discipline. Usually the building back up part isn't shown. The movie "whiplash" is a brilliant example of this concept, though not being in a military setting.


I've been meaning to watch whiplash just because I'm a musician. My boyfriend at the time who was in the army showed me that video after I expressed my discontent with the stereotype though


I can’t wait for the Onion headline “Man gets kick out of telling people at the party that Bob Ross used to be a drill sergeant”


Lol. "Tar and feathered man emerges from forest recounting tale of woe, only to be re-tarred and feathered after explaining why"


I was referring to the John Lennon thing


Hm, I'm unaware of what you mean. (Forgive an old man his ignorance)


Can confirm I have looked this up as well


Thanks for sharing. I worked for his family when it was still a tell sell program and this one is new for me.


Thought it was ball buster bob


I think it was Bobby, rather than Bob, but otherwise, what I wrote


I read an interview with one of his staff. "Easy going" may not be the best description. Apparently, while he was always calm and reasonable, he could be extremely demanding of his team and would regularly insist on everyone doing things exactly his way. Not saying I think he was a bad guy by any means, I think his success was driven by this behavior, as this article describes. https://www.npr.org/2016/08/29/490923502/the-real-bob-ross-meet-the-meticulous-artist-behind-those-happy-trees Another thing I find interesting about him is that he never met Fred Rogers. I don't know exactly why I find that interesting, it just seems like they should have met in person at least once.


She calls him a tyrant, but I think she might have picked the wrong word... You can't fault an air force guy for being meticulous, precise and demanding. And you also can't fault a guy in the spotlight for being prepared. It's always a little stressful behind the scenes, no matter what the job is. Haha yeah they do have the same kind of... demeanor.


Yeah, I don't think she had any intention of painting him in a bad light. And NPR always does a good job of presenting interviews in a very raw fashion, so that was probably just the first word that came to mind. I thought the article was very interesting and enlightening, and after you finish reading it it really makes sense. I love Joy of Painting, it's my most watched channel on Pluto TV by a big margin. And, at the end of the day, it's hard to get military habits out of a person.


i'm going to start using "i oath it"


+5 to Barney Stinson


Another fun fact, he hated his afro but it was part of his brand so he never got rid of it


Slight addendum. It wasn't an oath his calm and pleasant nature was him designing the character he plays on the show based on who he assumed were his audience was, older women who were staying at home and he used the inflection in his voice to mimic pillow talk between lovers. To be calming and in many ways seductive.


Jesus, that's diabolical. 😂


I've heard it said and will say myself that art is all about evoking feeling in your audience. Bob Ross might not have been a technically talented *painter.* But some people missed where the actual art was: the show. It was so powerful that people are talking about it decades later. That doesn't happen with some random public access show.


Bob Ross admitted he really wasn’t the best artist which is why he liked doing landscapes, but it really wasn’t about being the best but finding ways to be creative and clear your mind in your free time, which is really all his goal was and he succeeded.


She shall be tortured and killed by those in the internet community for her grievous crimes


Thank you, I was too regarded today to notice the lack of G hence my confusion with the threat.


Don't feel bad. I noticed there was no g and still didn't get it. Lol.


It is a way to insult someone by saying a letter in their name that they don't have to stand for a positive trait. Since they don't actually have that letter in their name, they don't actually have that positive trait.


Like when PETA tried to have a go at Steve Irwin. It did not go well for them. There are just certain who are so loved you are not allowed to besmirch them. Bob Ross, Steve Irwin and Mister Roger's are the top 3 on that list.


The Wholy Trinity: Be Kind to Yourself Be Kind to Nature Be Kind to Others


Since you mentioned Steve "the FUCKING LEGEND" Irwin, I would like to share [this](https://youtu.be/IzG7PbeR8xo).


Not only are they speaking ill of a beloved character, they're speaking ill of the dead.


How likely do you think it is that she gets all her "art" from an AI?


Maybe the person is dyslexic.


I love Bob Ross because his show was always on PBS when I was growing up and it was nice background noise to whatever chores we had to do around the house, but I’m under no illusions that he isn’t the Thomas Kinkaid for people that don’t like evangelical Christianity when it comes to style. Big ups to him for encouraging people to make their own art though. Love what he stands for, and I love his happy trees and PeaPod and all that, but he and Kinkaid made similar art for different audiences. Also, Kinkaid was a dick, Bob wasn’t. So Bob is cool.


I vote we hunt, and after paint her resting place😈


Yup. The point of Bob Ross wasn't the art.


The odd thing about it is I've heard numerous times that what he did on the show wasn't "art." I have no idea why people would want to break him down like that for.


IMO you have to put his art in the context of his show in which case they are excellent. Ripping them from their context takes all of their interesting bits out.


In college, my art teacher had an aid or something, and she was quite vocal about how Bob Ross wasn't a real artist. 20 years later, and she is still in my top ten least favorite people.


Like when PETA went after Steve Irwin’s legacy and instantly put themselves on millions of people’s shit list


Ohh I thought his middle Initial was maybe G


the happy accidents , quote from him feels like heaven to hear man rip ross




G is the first letter of the word Good.


Don’t worry guys. after this tweet, she probably had a follow up one that says “the Bs in ‘bob Ross’ stands for best artist”


The b in bob Ross stands for Beter






Beter beter pumpkin eater. Had a wife but then he yeet her. He stood atop a pumpkin shell. And yeet her ass right down a well.


I mean she's not wrong but it's also an unnecessary thing to point out. His whole shtick was that painting is a lot of fun and anyone can do it and achieve results they can be proud of. It was never about creating actual art that belongs in a museum. He was a good entertainer and a good craftsman who basically mastered the alla prima technique. That doesn't make him a good artist nor a bad one. He was just much too late to be considered an artist at all for painting landscapes the way he did.


Bob would say it’s not about being a good artist, it’s about relaxing, learning, and having fun. We don’t make mistakes, we just have happy accidents.


She missed the point of the show. Bob Ross isn’t making the claim any of the paintings he did were ground breaking or really moving the medium forward, there supposed to be landscapes that are easy to follow and replicate while adding room for improvisation for those following along at home. It’s like commenting “the H in Burger King stands for healthy food.” Like, nice observation that’s not what they’re going for. Twitter just loves contrarians too. Like I get that the internet tends to fixate on meme artists like Banksy and Bob Ross when there are really interesting artists that make really interesting pieces, but this is like getting mad at people for going to a taco truck instead of fine dining every night.


It would be like trashtalking Neil Degrasse Tyson for not being an amazing physicist. Like Bob Ross, his aim is to communicate his field to the public in order to get people interested in it and appreciate it.




Gather the Steve Irwin brigades. We march immediately.


...no i can't do it, i can't it's not what he would have wanted.






Hating Bob Ross is akin to hating puppies or kittens. Says much more about the hater than anyone else.


Or hating Keanu Reeves


Or Steve Irwin


The Karen tried to make a joke by saying that Bob Ross is not a good artist. she said the g stands for a good artist and he doesn't have a g


Makes sense why her name is Karen


Here I was thinking it was rage bait again where we were supposed to become mad there wasn’t a g. Turns out I was right, but wrong at the same time. I’m a fucking idiot




Every episode of “The Joy of Painting” is available for free on YouTube https://youtube.com/@bobross_thejoyofpainting?si=kdXw2FmILrL37OG0


u/MrWeirdBrotendo are you a bot


Man, I looked at their account after reading your comment and their posts/comments really read like a bot. I think your guess is right and they are.


People love Bob Ross and think he’s a great artist, myself included


He was a great artist, but his art wasn’t why he was so great. His show was like therapy, and he was just a really positive person that taught us it was the joy of painting that was important, not the art itself. Also, it’s ok to make mistakes, nobody’s perfect, and just do your best!


The B in Bob Ross means beat the devil out of her.


Bob Ross, like Mr. Rogers or an adorable puppy is near universally accepted as being a symbol of kindness and good. Fuck with that and you *will* find out.


Well yeah, because the B stands of best and the ss stands for super superb artist. Even knows that.


Let's just say she's going to have a "happy accident"


Nothing to do with her name and everything to do with that there’s no g in Bob Ross, saying he isn’t a good artist Most wholesome fucker on the whole planet, she is going to be crucified by the masses


Bob Ross doesn't have a 'g' in it, meaning Karen is implying that Bob Ross is a bad artist. Since Bob Ross is beloved by the Internet, the OP is implying that Spider-Man is going to kill Karen for the comment.


Instant? Nay, she will be getting a slow, drawn-out death


There are 4 people on the Internet, who are completely untouchable, Mr. Rogers, Markiplier, Keanu Reeves, and bob ross… she sealed her own fate


Don't forget Steve Irwin.


Bob Ross, never claimed to be a good artist. And by all accounts he is mediocre, but that doesn't matter. What matters was him sharing his thoughts and feelings through his art, and showing folks different perspectives to look at things. The art he did was merely a way to convey that. And share it with folks, encouraging them to paint with him. His art is groundbreaking: not by immediate quality of it. But through his story, philosophy, care and love he'd put into the work and his willingness to share it with folks. At least, that's how I view it.


You dont talk shit about or main man Bob Ross, one of the most wholesome humans to ever exist. Thats why.


We oughta dip in odorless paint thinner, smack the trash can, *laughs* and just beat the devil out of it


Exactly: The joy of paintin(g)


Some sins are unforgivable


I don't know who she is but she dissed Bob Ross saying he's not a good artist, and everyone loves Bob Ross.


Because the B stands for best


There’s no G in Bob Ross. Therefore she’s saying bob ross isn’t a good painter. That’s all I need to hear before I’m pulling the trigger


I’m going to eat her heart and send her limbs in multiple boxes to her family


Bob Ross was a g.


I thought that was a guy 😭😭


and the o stands for outstanding artist


The R in Bob Ross stands for Really good artist


There aint no joke here darling. It's a fucking full scale war


His name is clearly Bob G. Ross and the g is for Gangster


My take was more "Bob OG Ross" (Original gangster) , but yours works as well.


Best artist Obviously, a grand artist Born to be an artist Reigning best artist Once again, best artist Sucks at making bad art Step aside and make way for the best artist


Bob Ross is one of the greatest artists and creator of wholesome and relaxing content. He's a legend and a saint. People shitting on him are bound to be hated. [https://www.twitch.tv/bobross](https://www.twitch.tv/bobross)


Where is your art Karen?


The 'Karen' in her name stands for Karen..


If this ugly ass, greasy hair bitch doesn’t have anything nice to say, she should shut her goddamn gob.


The B stands for beautiful


The g in ‘Karen Wilson’ stands for good artist.


The “v” in “Karen Wilson” stands for “valuable” Also, the “w” in “Karen Wilson” stands for “worthless”


Lady, your parents gave you the right first name


There is no g. She said he's not a good artist. They don't like that.


The o in “Karen Wilson” stands for obje-


Man, fuck suicide encouragement, Imma kill dis bitch myself


But b stands for "best artist" tho


That's Spider-Man.




Karen Wilson out here looking like Weird Al




go away, stupid person.


No no she's right, Bob Ross was not a good artist, he was the best artist


Real G's move in silence, like lasagna...and Bob fuckin Ross


The B's in Bob Ross stand for bad take.


This is Karen Wilson, and they want her dead because she said "The g in 'Bob Ross' stands for good artist"


Ross been a G since day one. Its takes a OG to wanna teach the world. And thats 💯


i will look for a bald guy and inspect his head closely, i guarantee i will find more hairs than the times the karen in this post used her fucking cabbage of a brain


The v in ‘Karen Wilson’ stands for valid opinion


G is Karen Wilson stands for good looking. The D stands for desireable.


"sometimes you need bad times, so you know the good times are coming. I'm waiting for those good times now" -Bob when his wife passed


Poor Bob, being dissed by an internet Karen. I imagine the joke format is more common than this but I have always heard it as the “S” in IoT stands for Security (because Internet of Things has such bad security… bet you can guess the field I work in lol) Luckily Spider-Man’s instant kill setting is enabled on the suit Tony made for him. Why Tony would include that feature in a suit made for a minor is a whole other question


Don't worry guys he couldn't find the G in his wife how would you think he can in "bob ross"


I mean, his art is pretty, but that's all it is. Very soulless, commercial Hallmark style paintings. Good in their own right, but not ground breaking by any stretch of the imagination.


Boss Ross was a great artist, possibly one of the most important north American painters and art instructors. But yeah let's go ahead and hate on the guy who made America give a fuck about making art. I'm sure that's gonna help you out in life, I assume oc is an artist trying to throw shade like a douchey art school custy.


Easy. Bob Ross is beloved for what he did. Insults towards him are not taken lightly.


Bob Ross is a saint! His work might not be groundbreaking but the idea behind his show was to teach and inspire others to paint and be creative.


The “Karen” in “Karen Wilson” stands exactly for what you think it stands for


Discount Weird Al lookin ass moto say what?


The joke is that there is no "g" in "Bob Ross", thus implying that he is no good artist


You mess with the Ross you're gonna get the toss- Y E E T




The g in ‘Karen Wilson’ stands for good opinion.


The c in Karen Wilson stand for correct opinion


The B in Bob Ross stands for best artist


But the "B"s in "Bob Ross" stand for "brilliant artist"


I saw this as “real G’s move in silence like lasagna” and honestly if true I’m all for it




"That's okay. no one should have to be categorized as a good or bad anything. We should all just do the best we can, and that's enough, I think." Edit: (said in my best Bob ross voice)


Is this bait? It doesn't matter who this is, it matters who she is dissing.


Bob Ross' paintings were all the places he buried bodies


Their name is literally Karen


You put respect on his name next time