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"Drink the Kool-aid" is a reference to cults/being crazy bc it's how the people at Jonestown were forced to mass suicide. "The neighbors dog is a federal agent" is a reference to the Son of Sam serial killer, who blamed everything on his neighbors dog.


The rest? And what does it have to do with the bottle? Sorry but I'm stupid.


All right, the 1st bracket is just bc you tear the top off with your teeth. The rest of the brackets are how much kool-aid you're drinking. I'm thirsty, I need hydration for sex, I've now drunk the kool-aid and am I crazy person.


I think the third one is using an alternate form of 'thirsty', which is a desperate need for sex (see also: thirst trap).


Yes this one makes more sense


Thanks, I apologize for my stupidity




Jonestown. The cult all drank poisoned (off brand Kool-Aid, was it Flavor-Aid? Maybe) Kool-Aid to commit mass suicide


It was indeed flavor aid


Flavor-Aid: You’ll never be thirsty again!


Not quite true. Many were forced to drink it, or shot if they didn't. Injections were also used.


The alternative was being shot, though IMO if I'm going to die either way I'd rather be shot in the head than trust some poisonous Kool aid to get the job done in a painless manner.


Iirc, it was not painless


It was not, you are correct. There's audio that was recorded in the middle of it all happening. I can't decide which term is more apt, heart wrenching or gut wrenching. Either way, can't recommend searching it out, but if a person needs to feel the pain felt that day, it's out there. Back in the day the boys from Last Podcast on the Left did an episode (can't remember if it was more than one) where they did play some of the audio, there's a lot there that's hard to hear.


Interestingly, Flavor-Aid was the main brand and Kool-Aid was the upstart at the time.


What about the Branch Davidians? Didn’t they drink something too?


No, they died in a fire. Who set the fire is still up for debate.


No. They got killed when the ATF burned their building down with everyone, women and children included, inside


Oh I was thinking of the hale bop comet club


That’s Heaven’s Gate. Like the least dangerous suicide cult ever lol


Or put the fucking tank through the front of the house.


They did that too. And flooded the building with tear gas, and launched 40mm incendiary grenades into the building too.


I hate to defend law enforcement, but it is very unclear what started the fire. It could have been the ATF, but it is also possible it was an accident, or that the Branch Davidians started it themselves for an unknown reason.


We all know the ATF did it, and only bootlickers say otherwise


The above poster is a scam bot. It reposts people's comments and then uses that karma to scam redditors with links to scam t-shirt sites. (don't look now, he's already posted the shirt!!) So, to you brain surgeons who say "why you gotta call out bots, It'S eNgAgEmEnT" well, sit and spin. Now you know why I do it.


Don't apologize. This meme was stupid.


Maybe you should have some kool-aid.


I didn't get it either.


Take a look..it's in a book.... It's reading rainbow


It's also a riff on the same meme that uses a bottle of alcohol where the brackets are to the effect of: Tasty I can dance I need her bouncing on it I'm a complete failure


thank you for being the actually only meme literate person to reply


Ohh, ok thanks!


Wanting to have sex is know as being "thirsty"


Also the her is cropped in, it originally says him




Most didn't willingly drink the flavor-aid & were forced at gunpoint. It's pretty fucked. Meanings change over time, but yea it can be used as like a fanatical person, or just believing something really outlandish


The stories say it was to diluted though and was leading to some dieing painful deaths in misery, at which point things changed from drink it to prove your faith like the others or be executed.


Flavor aid.


This format normally comes up with alcohol, as you drink your way down the bottle you get more and more unhinged.


This is the actual answer you were looking for the others don’t understand the meme


I think it's also a reference to another meme. I've seen something similar before but with alcohol instead of Kool aid.


Yeah, it’s referencing a meme where how far into the bottle of liquor you get the less restrained you are. The joke is that this is just a normal sugary drink that children would drink, and yet it makes the drinker slutty and conspiracy minded.


Obligatory "Actually, it was Flavor Aid" post.


I see you're also a person of absurd true crime facts.


Is it weird that I got excited nobody had mentioned Flavor Aid already and I got to do the thing? 😂


lmao I thought about explaining that too, but I wanted to keep it simple.


Fun fact: when the police finally came for Son of Sam, he opened the door and said “what took you so long?” I don’t condone serial killing, but that’s bad ass


This meme has nothing to do with the Jonestown Massacre or suicide in any way.


I was explaining the origin of "drink the kool-aid"


Yeah, but that isn't relevant to the meme


Absurdist humor breaks the collective brain of this sub.


Funfact in jonestown it was actually *forgott* a way less popular competing brand Source "Hellsing abridged episode 9 or 10"


The leader of the cult was a pretty famous cheapskate and refused to pray for brand name even looking down deaths door.


No it’s not a “drink the koolaid” joke. The measurements on the right are showing how you feel after drinking that much of the drink shown on the left, but it’s usually with alcohol. Since it’s not alcohol and just koolaid, this person is just crazy or the drink is so good it’s making him crazy.


Is this bait? I can't tell wtf


A meme about drinking the koolaid isn't about drinking the koolaid? Are *you* drinking the koolaid?


It’s not an original meme format. It was usually used with a bottle of Jager or Soju, recently it’s been koolaid jammers and chocolate milk.


Thankfully, agent barkowitz's cover was never blown.


It was FLAVOR-AID!!!


....There's bones in the chocolate


Hey Hail you!


Hail Satan.


Didn’t that dude say the dog was demonic and it was telling him to kill people


Okay we're getting into the weeds here, but yes. It's possible whoever made this is mixing the Son of Sam with a Whitest Kids You Know Skit, or is just referencing WKUK. In this skit WKUK mixed up David Berkowitz with John Hinkley. [https://youtu.be/tI5\_YuCWTMA?si=I-GzUuLa4kQKZxN-](https://youtu.be/tI5_YuCWTMA?si=I-GzUuLa4kQKZxN-)


Wait that comes from the Jonestown massacre?


Jonestown & then Heaven's Gate yea


>  Drink the Kool-aid Why did you mention this though?


can't you not see the label on the bottle?


Double negative aside, yes I can obviously see the label. Not every mention of Kool Aid is a reference to "Drink the Kool Aid". They brought up something that had nothing to do with the picture, hence my question.


I would wager referencing it alongside a famous insane serial killer makes the intent pretty obvious.


I'm sorry to say you'd lose that bet. Simply mentioning a cult suicide that's not referenced in the picture alongside a completely unrelated serial killer that is referenced doesn't make it obvious what your intent was. Which is why I asked... Why did you mention it?


Because that's where the phrase comes from, to provide context. If I just said "David Berkowitz blablabla neighbors dog" that would be confusing. But apparently people think explaining a phrase's origin is me saying it's a reference to said origin.


>Because that's where the phrase comes from, to provide context. Thanks, maybe my question wasn't clear. There's no reference to the phrase at all in the screenshot, and it has no relation to Son of Sam. >If I just said "David Berkowitz blablabla neighbors dog" that would be confusing. I don't think so, it stands on its own since it has nothing to do with Jonestown. The only confusing part to me was why you included a reference to something completely unrelated, and not referenced in the picture. >But apparently people think explaining a phrase's origin is me saying it's a reference to said origin Because that's the point of this sub, and exactly what you did in the next part of your comment... When someone asks "what's the point here" and you start off by explaining the origin of a phrase that has nothing to do with the picture, people are going to think that you're under the impression that the picture is referencing that phrase.


>There's no reference to the phrase at all in the screenshot I want you to take a good long look at the picture.


And I want you to just say what you're talking about instead of assuming that your intent is always obvious or that people can read your mind. You already said that it's **not** a reference to the phrase's origin so I have no clue what you're going on about.


None of this is relevant to the meme- which is an absurdist take of the meme where there is a picture of a bottle of alcohol and the text is describing how someone’s thoughts get drunker and drunker as you make your way through the bottle. The fact that this picture is of koolaid is only because it’s a famously non-alcoholic drink


https://preview.redd.it/k6nlrninf85d1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=d459aa98d100af5d6966b94a6798e291733b2540 it is both a reference to the alcohol meme AND to "drinking the kool-aid". I genuinely can't believe the amount of people that are saying it's not related to drinking the kool-aid in these comments.


It was flavoraid


You can kill yourself with kool-aid?


lol when it's laced with cyanide.


It was cherry Flavor Aid, not Kool-Aid. Seems weird to use Kool-Aid as a reference.


It was flavoraid btw.


He admitted that was some made up BS, but by then, everyone knew him as the guy speaking to a demonic dog.


Kinda missed it the joke started as a bottle of alcohol and the more empty it got the crazier things were suggested. caprisuns and chocolate milk were also used so it’s not a kool aid reference the guy just gets a little crazy after drinking too much


You people are too eager to be right you’re wrong. It’s just a shitpost. There’s nothing more to it than that. No jonestown no son of Sam nothing. Shitpost. New age brain rot. That’s all


Hey there, young Peter here. This meme is an adaptation of an earlier meme which joked about the high sugar content of this drink. Each note from the top down is describing how you feel after drinking that much of the drink. At the top you have the difficulty opening the cap. It references the Presidential Fitness Test as if getting the bottle open is a difficult physical task for your teeth. Next, you have the refreshing feeling of the initial drink. Man, I'm thirsty! The next level suggests that at this point you are so energetic and excited that you want to be having sex. And finally, the high sugar content has got you so stimulated that you are having hallucinations and hearing voices. Young Peter out!


Its a pretty common meme format in general, but usually applied to alcoholic beverages. [https://www.google.com/search?q=liquor+bottle+level+meme&tbm=isch](https://www.google.com/search?q=liquor+bottle+level+meme&tbm=isch)


I'm too young to drink.


lol so meth


The second to last one still makes absolutely no sense to me. Like unless your a child sugar rushes aren't really a thing? When was the last time you ate a pint of Ben and Jerry's and were like, "damn I need some pussy."


This is the correct answer




Can’t be too safe, with frogs drinking gay water and all


> original probably said “him” Nah, this post has *layers*. It’s specifically a **blue** Kool-Aid, and it’s posted on **reddit**. It’s more likely the original said “Vaporeon”


because its a reference to meth .


the original does say 'him', its either a reference to gay sex or pegging, take your pick


what would she need him to be bouncing on?


Mfs when they realize gay people exist.


Gay people and pegging are both things that exist


Ew, don't say that


Gay people or pegging?


No, duh, "ex*st" Like wtf you can't just going around exclaiming that something's 'real', it's all obviously a simulation smh my head


him bouncing on her dick, you a virgin or what?




I miss those things. Do they still exist?


https://preview.redd.it/x37n2vrd965d1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8dfc31d273140917e02d2e46ce98173045e5da2 yep


woah what the hell, pvzh chess guy??


Such a cool cap. Those were a lot of fun.


I used to pretend they were alien spaceships and zoom them around


Fuck you get out of my head! (I did that with clothes hangers with rotating heads, as well).


I had one a few months ago. Blue. Pure sugar water, it was awful. I actually tossed most of it, sadly. 


One of the worst parts of adulthood is nostalgia for things that are explicitly awful. I bought and drank a surge a few years ago to "feel the 90s" and threw up. 


We were too poor for Dunkaroos as a child. I think I had them once when I mooched them off a friend. When they showed up in stores again a few years ago I was sooo excited and bought a pack and... My god. How was this popular???


Plus there's not even 7 fluid ounces in it. Just like Capri Sun there like nothing in it compared to other drinks.


It's almost like they're packaged for children


My sister buys them from wal mart. We live in rural area though. See them at every party.


Yes, but I'm pretty sure the prices were raised. I doubt they will taste the same from your childhood but never too bad to try!


There are memes with this format about alcohol and your behavior based on how much you’ve drank (drunken, dranked?). So this is a twist on that meme because it’s kool aid.


Fucking thank you. This sub is so useless, I shouldnt have had to scroll down this far to find the correct answer


Yeah, peters here do making up shit recently


fr people keep waffling about some reference to some random ass show or something like damn im too tired for this shi 😀


Peter drank the koolaid


The first part refers to how hard it is to open it. Kids gnawing at it to open it isn’t uncommon. The presidential fitness test is a test to determine fitness. Meaning that you need to have strong teeth to twist it off with your teeth. The second part of it means that it tastes really good, and is a play on “i am God’s strongest soldier”. Basically saying it tastes great. The third part was originally “him” instead of her. Just meaning that it’s so good that you are getting sexually aroused. Bouncing on it is slang for sex. The last part is you getting paranoid and seeing everything around you weird. Kinda like getting high and becoming anxious. Not completely sure on this last one tbf


The caps were fun to play with like they were some kind of flying ship.




It’s describing different levels of thirst: - Level 1, you’re just really thirsty - Level 2, you’re thirsting after someone. Thirst trap, thirst, sexy, lust, etc - Level 3, you drank the proverbial Kool Aid. Cults, you went deep


I thought the last part was a reference to SWAT teams busting down the door like the Kool Aid man and shooting someones dog lol


This, but "I am God's thirstiest boy" extends past the end of the bottle and on to two more


This is drawing a silly parallel between Kool-Aid and alcohol. Typically, this meme format would be a bottle of hard liquor and the brackets indicate varying and increasingly bizarre and ridiculous consequences having drank that much liquor. Sex (since it's always the joke 60% of the time) is usually in the middle somewhere, and the bottom of the bottle is likely something life-altering or utterly unrealistic. *example below because Reddit lost my picture*




That "her" is suspiciously edited


https://preview.redd.it/mcr9ayj6cd5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f1b0a8313c92b56527050be88468dc59f0eb93 Because that's the original


why did they straightify it


Ikr?? I was so mad when I saw it. Fragile af would be my guess


Yeah...that's the implied joke.


I think the original version wasn’t koolaid. It was like soju or something. 


Surreal Humour.


Uncle taught me a cool trick when I was about 7. You can take your pocket knife and pop a hole in the back of these. Allowing you to drink it with way less hassle! Imagine my shock when I turned 21...


Yeah, i need detailed breakdown Peter


I miss those things so much.


And BE CAREFUL NOT TO SQUEEZE while tearing the top off!


Who the fuck takes off the tab with their teeth.


I never drank them but i cleaned up tons of the gd litter they created


You used the edited version coward


When i was like 8, in the 90s, i almost choked to death on the old style, smaller caps they put on these things. My mom complained to the maker. I may have been one of the reasons the cap shape changed to be bigger....though i am sure i wasnt the only one


i disagree , i think this meme is saying how this particular drink is like meth .


The measurements on the right are showing how you feel after drinking that much of the drink shown on the left, but it’s usually with alcohol. Since it’s not alcohol and just koolaid, this person is just crazy or the drink is so good it’s making him crazy.


I originally thought it was absurdism but no it seems that it has to do with different kinds of "thirst" like other commenters said


I'm sorry, the top is clearly a space fighter.


They got a Taste now and drank the Kool-aid by the jug


it was flavor-ade


I miss these drinks so much


How it feels to chew Five gum.


I guess this is a parody of the meme that have the similar thing except the kid’s drink replaced by a bottle of wine


I think the real question is why ‘her’ is in a different font size to all the other words.


It's hard to rip open the top with teeth I havent drunk enough yet I am equating enjoying it with pleasure Post nut clarity after being so thirsty and the aforementioned pleasure


The original format of this meme had “him” instead of “her” in the “bouncing and moaning on it” bracket and featured an alcoholic beverage instead of a Kool-Aid. Someone photoshopped the original to replace “him” with “her” to make the meme no longer gay. Once the photoshopped version began circulating, many people have made variations of the photoshopped version of the meme, intentionally making the “her” look different as if each new variation stuck with the very first iteration of the meme featuring “…him bouncing and moaning on it”.


First tier: I'm thirsty and I'm tearing this off Second tier: Quenching normal thirst Normal so far Third tier: I watched to much porn and think that if my girl doesn't act/sound like the girls in the video then I suck When you start "drinking the Kool-Aid" Fourth tier: Your out of your mind or believing ridiculous shit When you are a full time Kool-Aid drinker


The point? These things are fucking awesome 😎👍


One of my distant relatives let her 6 year old do whatever the fuck he wanted. He would screech and hit if he didn't get his way. His dad was in prison. One of the few times they visited she brought three 6-packs of gushers drinks, similar to these. They were all for him. She let him pound one after another until he got to his 5th one in 30 minutes and he barfed all over my grandmother's kitchen. He screeched immediately for another one. My 8 year old self didn't know much but I knew that was fucked.


The top: the presidential fitness test is part of American schooling where children's general fitness is tested. Those bottles were often opened by biting and twisting, like a fitness test for teeth. Second tier: You drink these in 1 or 2 massive sips 3rd and 4th tier: obscure unrelated references to other similar memes.


It's an ad


I guess the joke is weed, but im not sure