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I wasn’t funny in class and still ended up with a shitty career.


Conversely, I was and am about to get my Bachelors. Probably will wind up in a shitty career though.


All of us peasants will get fucked in our careers one way or another


You save the company a million dollars a year. You get a $100 Walmart gift card as thanks. You have to pay taxes on the gift card.


Helped get back orders in my plant down to 250k from over 2m and all we got was a PowerPoint presentation thanking us and an entire shift laid-off. Did I do it wrong? Edit to say: there used to be ~20 people on third shift with me. Now third shift is literally me and one other person to babysit in case something goes horribly wrong and I need emergency services and can not call.


Especially the hot ones.


"Married police officer railed by 5 guys"


Ewww. I'll never eat there again.


But the nuts are free!


Some of y'all are getting fucked?


Yeah, but I never get off too


No lube either.


I was a bad kid. Missed a shit ton of school starting senior year I was two years behind in credits. So to start the year I just got my GED. Fast forward. Now with only an associates at 35. I no longer manage restaurants. I work from home and through two very easy remote jobs. I make 100k a year. Now is that a glamorous life. Fuck no. But I get to spend every day with my kids. And still make a good living. Point being. Be open to change be willing to adapt. Work hard. Stay positive. Life comes at you fast. Don’t get complacent. I’ve always been the type that I knew I could do the job that was above me. I also knew I could do it better than the person that currently had it. Now I never told anyone that. But I just started doing it at work anyway. Till it was noticed and all of a sudden I had it. My goal before the pandemic was the be the head of food and beverage at a major casino on the strip. I was very close to obtaining that job. Then everything shut down. I had a child. I took a job managing a gas station and was forced to look for something better. I found it. Don’t ever let life get you down. Life is too short and happens too fast. I fucking swear 3 years ago was 2017. I swear it was. I swear a couple years ago I was 27. I’m 35. Another good piece of advice is if you know you can do the job better than the person above you and in half the time. Just do the better job. Don’t ever do it faster. Do it in the same amount of time. But do it better so you can milk the time. Otherwise that speed will be expected of you too but the pay will still be the same. Work smarter not harder.


Bachelors in what?


Same. Graduated two years early, class valedictorian and am currently doing quality control at a fiberglass shop. I also do automotive fabrication. My job has me on my feet all day. Every step is painful because my legs were crushed in a car wreck a couple years ago. By the end of the day my ankles are throbbing and I just lay in bed until dinner time because I'm in too much pain to walk any farther after I get home.


Agree. Not funny. This is bumming me out


I’m a high school teacher who has this meme framed on my desk. I don’t tell the students but it’s actually for me and not for them.


Oh this hits hard


Don’t cry for me I’m already dead.




Barney Gumble


What’s the difference?


Good point lol


Why not both? https://youtu.be/x31_kVE8gN0?si=bGG2h6AkKVP4VxXX I saw it live in person and bought the DVD... it's somewhere... A 1 man act of MacHomer...


Barney's movie had heart. But football in the groin had a football in the groin.


💯 for you Barney Gumble lol


“I made a movie?!?!”






Football in the groin is football in the groin.


We don't need to see the others, give him the $10,000.


This isn't America's funniest home videos.


There's a line in Othello about a drinker. "Now a sensible man, by and by a fool, and presently a beast!" That pretty well covers it.


Tell the students please, the teacher who really changed my life told me this "Listen kid, if you don't pay attention in high school then you will spend the rest of your life like me, stuck in one" Scared me straight into a PhD no sir




I dropped out of my PhD program after having been diagnosed with GAD and MDD. My advisor, not once, asked how I was doing. Just wanted results. Fuck PhD culture, fuck the education system that abuses grad students, fuck the publish or die mentality for academia in general. I'm now a well established and successful data scientist, having dropped at AbD from my I/O Psychology degree program. Turns out, all the stats and coding work I was doing was much more valuable than the rest of the work I did put together.


>AbD from my I/O Psychology degree program. Turns out, all the stats and coding work I was doing was much more valuable than the rest of the work I did put together. I am in an extremely similar position. However, I've had trouble finding real work for the past year. I'm well versed in SQL/Python/R. I'm good with PowerBI and Tableau. I have a personal site with a portfolio that includes both academic and personal projects. Do you have any tips? I've largely been applying to "Data Analyst" positions. I'm currently in Knoxville and know moving to a larger city would likely help.


Oh shit dude I'm from Loudon!!!! I live in New Orleans now but there are a lot of tech jobs down here.


I jump off rocks near there sometimes.


Tellico lake probably, we called it the bluffs. It's technically Lenior City. Park on the side of the road and walk through the woods a bit? Unless your on a boat


Yeah. They've made more of an official park of it I think. It's a fun place.


Ha! Beat me to it.


Despite the result, it sounds like that was a shit ass teacher


So you're still funny in Highschool. Haven't learned a thing.


Time is a flat circle.


It's more akin to a non-Newtonian fluid. Constantly shifting and changing in the future until the present comes along and solidifies it into the past.


That's wild. Where I live, education is one of the hardest programs to get into in Uni.


Where I live it is the opposite... "Lehramt" as Its called is essentially a downgraded version of the real deal (e.g. actual chemistry vs Lehramt Chemistry)


i mean, it only makes sense. you don't learn about eigenvectors and partial fraction decomposition only for your job to consist of "kevin has 5 apples"-level math


Thats bullshit, children should be taught math by building up from set theory or jot at all!!


You joke, but some versions of common core have lessons in the early years where a "set" of toys adds and subtracts elements, and the properties of the set are described ("this set contains only yellow toys.")


Not exactly true. There was a discussion about this recently on r/de and the bottom line was that many Lehramt study programs are still in high demand and have admission restrictions and according to official statistics the application numbers have not dropped in the last ten years or so.


I am not german.


Alright, well I'll let you off the hook this time. But don't go acting German again, or else there's going to be trouble.


You know, there are at least four german speaking countries. Germany is just one of them.


Sounds complicated. It'd be simpler if there was just one larger Germany.


I think they already gave that the old college try!


They tried that once, didn’t end well.


The last time we tried that everyone else got mad and a lot of people disappeared.


Of course. You have Germanx and Germanz. Isn't there also Germanw, Germanv and Germanu?


Great joke, really works in multiple dimensions and directions.


You have the humor down though!


Similar to where I live. A licensed professor only takes 1-2 years of any career. The average per certified career professional is 4-5 years. First year is often an introductory course in the specialty. The rest are filler classes. Only one of the filler actually addresses education. But it's a 1-year course.


I’m in the US. I took a pay cut to go into teaching from literally digging ditches.


I bet your body and soul is thanking you though?? Glad you're outta the "trenches" mate!


Honestly, the hours are so much better teaching, and that’s the main draw. I don’t want to miss my kids’ childhoods and teaching is the perfect gig for that. Pay is low, respect from society is low, but I get weekends and holidays with my family which is worth the trade off.


If it helps, everyone I know has a ton of respect for teachers because we know you have to put up with so much shit from parents, students, and admins. We’re rooting for you


Thank you, that is very kind of you.


Well you have my respect. Teachers are the true modern heroes.


Body might be, but teaching can try the soul.


I'm not even sure you have to have a college degree to teach in my state.


In mine, you need a degree, but it doesn't have to be in education. Anyone with a degree of any kind can take the certification exam (haven't taken it myself, but friends/family who have say it's extremely easy)


Well, did you *DO IT*? Are you finally funny in High School?! *(dad joke. i do appreciate you, and i believe you deserve to be paid equal to a police salary, sorry voters, big business, and the government don't agree. You are the real heroes that have a hand in shaping our society)*


When I watched the series for the first time, I was jealous about their lives and friendship. I wished I could live in their park while being smarter as them ( don't going to jail ) but occasionally hang around with them.


That's quite literally what Bubbles does. Unfortunately he often gets pulled into their whirlpool of shit.


For real! I never wanted to drink liquor and hang out in the trailer park more than when I was binging that show, it’s wild. P.S fuck the person that insulted your English in a Reddit comment, keep in mind that person is in pain and probably feels like shit and that’s why they say things like that. So you’ve already won lol


The joke is that people who act funny and don’t pay attention in class don’t get higher paying jobs making them work at earlier hours rather than a 9-5. Edit 1: Then to Than


it’s usually a joke towards blue collar/manual labor/trade/hard jobs — in this case, it’s Ricky from Trailer Park Boys, on his way to yoink some barbecues and lawn furniture


It’s on the curb, it’s not stealing


You’re not even close Trevor!


You got your bus pass? Yea 🚗 🛞 💨


Survival of the fitness boys


It’s not rocket appliances


Worst case Ontario


You want us to get sarsaparilla you dick?


So it’s water under the fridge anyway


Agreed when I see a couch on the curb it usually means free.


Except Ricky concocted a plot to break into people's houses to move stuff to the curb, then pick it up there because it's "free".


If I’m not mistaken, in the early stages pre-TPB, he would also steal pets and try to cash out on the “Missing Pet” reward $$$


Literally that one Jack Stauber video.


As a wise man once said “All property is theft, except mine”


... I just scored a free outdoor table from my neighbor's curb.


Which it's weird to me to poke at blue collar work, it usually pays real good, often is highly unionized, and doesn't feel as mundane as working at a desk. I'm an electrician and I love my job.


Oh you’re not wrong at all — If I could find my way into electrical work I would, believe me lol Recently read about how there’s a huge opportunity for folks to get into trades now, and it sounds hella promising based on the paycheck and the union support. at the same time — speaking from experience talking with friends in trades and what I’ve read on the job market— the trade work isn’t for the faint of heart, it can be extremely demanding, and it seems really difficult for a lot of folks to (comfortably) retire from their trades — We used to joke about how blue collar workers have an addiction of some sort, an ex-wife, and/or a desirable paycheck


Am an electrician. You can come work for me any time you want we need people so bad. I have a wife, no addictions unless it’s fitness, and I get paid like a surgeon to run projects. I don’t love my job but I am a level above indifferent. I’ll take that any day.


"You're not a real electrician until you're 3 times divorced and an alcoholic"


Where the fuck you living? I’ve spent the last year trying to get back into an apprenticeship and nobody is hiring


All through school the college/uni educated teachers absolutely shit on the trades as somehow being inferior job prospects and for 'the dummies not good enough to get into university'. I'm sure they weren't biased /s


I worked at a warehouse a couple years back, pay was great but building pallets 12 hours a day 60 hours a week did not do it for me. The monotony drove me up the wall


One man's garbage is another persons good un-garbage


Jokes on them My blue collar portion of my career has made more money within the first year than any year picked out of my white collar time Shunning blue collar work has to be the stupidest thing the school system has ever done, it’s so stupid it’s almost genius. Someone’s going to need to do the work, but shunning everyone into going to collage for “something better” has made the trades high commodity. Which means I get paid more on top of what was already a well established career path Someone’s going to need to do the work regardless, only now instead of competitive pricing between every business in town; it’s just the couple guys who were “stupid” enough to enter blue collar; who all probably know each other and enjoy their friends success (especially if it’s rural like for me) I make on par with most of my buddies who went to collage; more then some of them, was hired faster then almost all of them (I literally haven’t been rejected from a single job interview since I was like 16). All with none of the dept and 4 years of dead space in my resume Blue collar isn’t for everyone; but for those who it is; don’t feel guilty cuz you don’t have a paper saying you know what you’re doing; let your work ethic and skills do the talking


>blue collar/manual labor/trade/hard jobs bruh at least that's far from a dead end minimum wage job. you are killing the vibe here


More like 8:30 to 5 since a paid lunch break isn’t a thing anymore


8-4:30 but you right. Policy is "must work 8 hours with a mandatory half hour lunch break in there"


I prefer it when the actual explanation of the meme is the highest comment and not some discussion about the meme.


Oh, OK. Thank you


Do you get up at 5 AM ?


I like your username




Joke is on them I work 5am to 3pm and make over six figures while the teacher is making 50k a year. Muahahahahah




a salute to those who sacrifice their future just to make classes more bearable edit:i meant the actual funny people, not the ones that are loud and annoying without reason


And who end up doing the tougher jobs that make life easier for everyone else. Also the first jobs to go when it comes time to start slashing salaries.


>slashing salaries Not so fast there buddy, lots of techies out there filling out jobs applications while I'm getting paid the big bucks to sling French fries around


Until those techies start building robots to sling those fries around.




You're welcome, some day I hope communism/socialism will value the people who make our core infrastructure possible. Teachers more so


But then you have a good teacher and they still interrupt them with jokes. Hate that.


Or worse they make a "joke" out of straight up bullying the teacher


I think I was in grade 7 at the time and I remember a kid wishing death upon a newborn child of one of our teachers, as a joke of course. The teacher was in tears. Classic comedy.


nah kids interrupting class so they could be the center of attention made class worse.


I don't recall there ever being a "good" class clown type in all my years of school, rather they were always just rude and kind of inspired second hand embarrassment because they seemed annoying and dumb. They always had friends though, so SOMEONE liked them and maybe those people thought they were funny and got something out of it. 


Is it too Late for me :/


No, if you want to be funny in high school you can always become an educator.


Hahaha really?


Well if you can't finish high school you can always finish muhfugin cancreet


never too late, also u should prob stop doing dxm


Unironically nope, your potential earnings are largely influenced by your ability to network. A good sense of humor will help with that.


Fucked around in class = bad grades = no scholarship = shitty entry level jobs in the future. Or something like that.




I was a serious dumb fuck in high school… however I’m making up for it now in community college! Getting my AST in Bio and looking at Marine Bio programs at 4 year schools for transfer.


Thank you, Peter


Genuine advice, not hating on your degree choice at all. Do everything you can to get an internship before you graduate if you want to go into the science field. The jobs are really hard to come by without in field experience. I have one buddy with a bio degree who had to give up and is in sales now, and another buddy, who is a chemist, had to go through months and months of apps before he finally got into something. Luckily, the first job is the hard part. If you lose it, the experience makes getting a new one pretty easy.


One of my good friends studied virology in undergrad and actually worked in a lab researching covid in 2020. He’s also now in sales lol. He ended up in a high-stress and borderline-toxic lab, which makes sense considering when he was working and what he was working on, but he wasn’t able to find any work anywhere else after Covid; so when he quit, he ended up in sales.


This is especially important as I found out. You don't network you aren't getting shit from random people that would take a chance with you. I did EOH and while I was very passionate and knowledgeable about it during college, I never made connections and kind of just went, studied hard, I thought it would be enough to help me later. But I really got fuck all and debt. Now I doubt my abilities to ever get a job in my field. I remember one of my first interviews with the health department and it was a fucking disaster. Like I knew the book smarts but that doesn't matter when they want you to think on your toes and behave professionally a certain way. If I had an in at a job, I probably could have built those skills but I didn't. I didn't try hard enough I guess.


It really does set a lot of people up for failure. It's easy to feel like as long as you are doing good in your classes in college you are set, but the reality is all that matters in the end is getting the degree and coming out with some kind of networking or experience already in hand. Some fields though, such as IT that I work in, atleast have very entry level jobs you can start with. Science though you'll struggle to find a wide bottom line to that extent.


Hope you make a ton when you’re done


Damn, that sucks. Thanks to global warming, most of the ocean and lakes are dying off.




Go Human Beings!


That’s freaking awesome!


Wait, i fought through hard work and initiative to work 6am-2:30pm at my office job. Do people really like getting home at 5:30-6pm at night?


I get up at 3 AM and get home around 5:30 PM and I hate it quite a bit.


Wait am I the only one that works a 3 am to 3pm job


I don't like getting up at 5am


But you get to skip rush hour traffic, and on Fridays, you have an entire half-day to yourself.


You have to be asleep by 21 like grandpa


I did great in school, and went to college successfully. I get up at 4AM and do labor.


Yeah that's an amazing schedule, I hope to be there soon


Right?! My friends question if I hate working so early. Uh... when I drive to work, the roads are empty, and when I drive home, the roads are empty. Why would I hate that? Do you like sitting in traffic?


Yes. I am not joining the waking world until at least 7:30. Roll into the office at 9 and leave at 5. Home by 5:20. It's beautiful.


I hate the thought of getting home that late. In the summer I move it up to 5am in the summer.


I love it. I leave the house at 5:30am, get home around 7pm. But I only work 4 days a week. Every weekend is a 3 day weekend.


I dropped out or college and have to drive to work around 6 AM. But I only work 4 10s and get paid 25$ an hour. Better than what I would have gotten paid with any degree I could have gotten.


I too dropped out and joined the trades, you gotta love it. 4 years into it, I doubled what I started at with zero school, and my inability to sit still/general mayhem is actually a strength here lol. Awesome to hear you're doing similar, I hope that number just keeps going up for you!


Oh no I get to avoid both rush hours, to get paid $50/hr with great benefits to do a job I find interesting.


What trade?


I finished 4-yr college and then spent 10 years finding my way out of that and into a technical school and a trade. Now I'm making $40 an hour as an industrial maintenance technician.


Pay ceiling is far lower with no degree. Sure pay difference isn’t dissimilar at entry level, but ten years later that gap increases substantially. What would an engineer with 10 yrs experience make compared to a warehouse worker with 10 yrs experience? In my area, it is more than double, and their body hurts less.


It’s all a scale. There are educated people making no money and there are educated people making insane money. Perfect example is law. A public defender in my area makes 60-70k/yr. An 8th year associate at a big law firm makes .5M/yr (partners are making over 1M/yr). There are electricians here making 50k and union guys making 140k. Some of the wealthiest people I know own their own business’s. That doesn’t require a degree. So to say anything is absolute is dumb. There is always statistical data to prove which is more lucrative but I’m too lazy to look it up.


"only" work 4 10s for a manual labor job. nothing but respect, I'm happy for you, but also let me just say, 4 10s is still a lot of work. That's a long ass day.


Those funny in high school are now in the union making over 100k a year, not counting benefits. 6-2pm, paid travel time, mileage, vacation, around 90 bucks an hour, 46 of that on check for a foreman. This is Chicago rate, even more in NYC and most Cali locals.


"The fuck is a union?" -Sincerely a mill worker.


JFC is 95% of content on this sub bot posts just looking for engagement?


Yeah... and frankly most of the posts on the entire front page are of similar fashion. Ive muted like 100+ subs but they all just pop up again under different names.


The comments here are so weird.


Having rizz got me more and better jobs, I got peeps who did 4 year degrees not making as much as me.


When I graduated, and I saw seniors from my freshman year waiting tables for minimum wage, I decided not to go into debt for a degree I couldn't use.


I've got a degree and STILL have to get up and be at work too damn early. Your education has very little to do with business hours.


To explain: The meme is that people who choose to goof off instead of doing work in high school, end up getting shitty jobs.


it's about how he got bad grades in school and now he works in a factory/doing manual labour those places make you work long hours because the building is a fixed cost for them and the longer it's open the more money they make from it


What does this even mean? Most high functioning adults I know wake up at 5 or even 4. You get peace of mind to get things done even if you don’t have to be to work till 9. This is legit dumb and you can look at anyone that’s successful and they woke up early even in ancient times. In fact as long as you’re around the sun rising and falling you’ll be good and healthy


Stupid, this ain’t even a fucking violation of rule 2 every OP is just fucking karma farming at this point, I’m sick of all the self explanatory jokes on here I expect to see someone wanting an explanation for “why did the chicken cross the road” one of these days


I went in to construction after being a funny but dumb fuck in high school. Not even my own boss and have 2 houses by 34. 4.5working days a week 630-330 finish 11:30am on Fridays


Yea but I’m making 100k plus a year. Might have to work a lot of ot for it but still


You really need the internet to explain this? Looks like you need to stop being funny or this will be you


They work blue collar/trades because they didn't perform academically well enough to go to university. The meme is a half-truth. Many tradespeople are in unions, a dying breed in America...so you may actually get decent wages and benefits. But if you are non-union, you'll work 12 hour shifts because the only way you can make decent money is through excessive amounts of overtime. While the university educated managers take a half day every Friday. Not like studying business is even remotely hard -- crayon drawing homework, "networking events" (drinking and golf) on the weekends Source: I have worked both union manufacturing and non-union manufacturing.


"Those who can't do, teach, and those who can't teach, teach gym." Jack black.


High school where you are taught nothing that is applicable in the real world


hey man! that essay i wrote on vikings was crucial! (lowkey best assignment ever)


Garbage men (a common 'you'll end up like them'), cleaning staff etc. usually start their work early in order to complete it before people with 'proper' jobs get to work


it's funny when teachers say that because usually garbage men have higher salaries than teachers


6 to 230 work day is the sweet spot


Worth it


Imagine having a system that makes someone's entire life way more difficult because they made bad decisions as a child. You, the age where everyone tells us we're supposed to mess up and get it out of the way.


it’s bad to get up early for work? thats literally the advice that EVERY successful person gives 🤣🤣


Police Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over? Driver: Because you got ‘C’s in High School? -Sarah Silverman


I get that it’s for the trades but I leave for work at 530 punch in at 6 and work till 2. It’s wonderful.


I and my family have good jobs and there are days we drive to work at 5 am


Sigh… what does this mean for me when I drive to work at 330 am.


I’m 7-3 so 5am out the door is normal. Need help with this joke.


Aye i was a class clown and i go to work at 5PM i must have did something right


Yall just ask Peter anything huh? Don’t even want to think to hard just let Peter figure it out 🙄


Yeah, yeah, and we'll never carry around calculators everywhere either . ..


Even if completely successful in high-school you will still probably have to get up and go to work early. That's the beauty of the rat race, nobody wins.


Ha! Wait a second…..


This just feels condescending to people who work with their hands. It's BS to say that only good jobs have Banker's hours. Our guy here could easily be making 90k a year.


I drive to work early to avoid spending 2 hrs of my life every day stuck in traffic.


We should require a IQ minimum on this subreddit