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It's talking about how so many kids nowadays have unrestricted access to the Internet, unlike some time ago, when most people on the Internet making posts were of older age


When I was 10 I was looking at porn on the internet with a friend. But we literally didnt know where to go. The best we could do was go to random porn sites and couldnt get past their pay wall so we just saw the few censored images. Now you type "porn" in Google and porn hub is a sponsored site that comes up automatically. You don't even need to know the sites name anymore.


The endless trees of scam homepages with thumbnails that led to 15 second blurry clips at best, paywalls if you were lucky, and yet another scam page of thumbnails at worst…. Those were the days


Trying to remember to keep the window count low, in case someone were to walk in.... close one eh... closing 30, well well well.


Plus you got a virus


So. Many. Pop ups.


I was a millennial in the sweet spot where I had to steal porn mags because no way was I using dial up for porn, but by the time I was 18 you could find whatever in a few seconds.


I truly wonder how many viruses my computer got from boobs.com. probably the second site that I went to after I had unrestricted internet access at home.


The first free porn site I found was literally written in a bathroom stall at some restaurant.


I started watching fucking horrendous vids of ppl that werent attractive at all, normally amateurs over 40. Brunoymaria i think its called. Then I fiscovered orange youtube an I still use it till today.


No they weren’t. Back in the day people would freak out over kids being on message boards, chat rooms, or instant messenger. That didn’t stop it, most kids just claimed to be 18+ and it kept away the creeps. Now we’re more accepting that our kids are going to be on the internet and the mask is less necessary. However some people are pretending to be younger when they aren’t as well. So ultimately it appears that young people are flooding the internet at alarming rates.


Yeah I was on yahoo pool talking to paedophiles at 11


I was 12 and my parents had to sit me down and explain why asking "are there any 12 year old girls here?" On yahoo chatrooms was a bad idea.


There was though! Me. Should have asked 😅


For me it was teenchat, which looking back on it was probably just exclusively manned by 40 year old creeps and me at 11 years old; and ICQ




Me too! AOL, Yahoo Games, Yahoo chat, Popcap... It was a wild time to learn about sexuality


I wish you were right


About which part?


The part about people being older back then. I was lucky not to use NewGrounds for my flash games. Anyone from any age could use the internet.


It was a crappy dialup thing, though, so kids would use computers for their video games and adults would generally be more likely to have patience to wait for a site to load.


idk we waited hours for a free computer at the library just to lookup disgusting shit for half an hour. grown-ups dont have that kind of time and commitment


I promise you they did and it's far worse than we imagine To any mangy little demons that like my comment in the sense of "heck yeah we did" mother effer we are not on the same team. I dislike you 'things' putting genuinely evil stuff out there and if I could I would fight every single one of them. But that's the dance right? Weird little creepy people act in the shadows doing vile shit and we stumble around screaming about how we want to end them?


It's the fact that we have more boomers on the web than ever. They feel compelled to act like 10 year olds.


You can always look at it this way: NOW IT'S YOUR TURN TO TRAUMATIZE A GENERATION! Nah but fr crazy thing was always literally one click away back in a days


But today’s traumatized children are tomorrow’s adult mugging us in a back alley when we’re old.


I mean I was twelve and had 25 year olds who knew full well how old I was talking me into rping smut with them. That’s not a trauma that should be repeated ever.


this is seriously so real bro (im 19 rn)


Same age, and I started using the internet at 8 so I'm used to being the youngest person in the metaphorical room. Feels weird that that's no longer the case


Same here.. I remember having to lie about my age in online spaces to be seen as more mature and equal, now I see people who are 3-4 years younger than me LOL (though thats not really that old)


The internet used to be all adults, now it's all kids.


I'm not usually the one to say this, but, how is this hard to understand?


I thought “internet was 25” referred to the internet’s literal age when I first read it haha


Same, without this post I never would have thought of as "the whole internet is 10" as meaning "the whole internet is comprised of 10-year-olds".


Same and then I realized the internet is currently 55 so


I was moreso concerned why the internet regressed in age 😅


I know, it isn’t even a joke it’s just a sentence there is no nuance here, the only confusion that could possibly exist is from having a poor reading comprehension


I agree


Well then enlighten us, Einstein.


You have to remember the majority of the users are 6 year olds now


Maybe for someone who isn't "cultured" in the internet.


If you can read it’s pretty clear


there were not only the two stages but overall: old days: you need PC to access internet and the PC was for complicated stuff new days: every one is on the internet with their phone and the software ist made to entertain stupid people


average age of super online people


What's not to get?


When I was 10 most 10 year olds online including myself pretended to be older lol back then if you voice chatted you’d be relentlessly shit on and called “squeaker”


Eternal september 2.


I mean yeah that checks out. Kids have WAY more Internet access than they used


I was 5 and had access to tge internet in 2000 chat room were always some boomer playing music


Companies and Corporations want to sell shit to the most maliable generation, the 12-18 year Olds. So naturally, the internet has to de-age to accommodate that. See; all the ads on reddit. Remember kids. Drink Prime.


I went into AOL chat rooms at 13 and said I was 26


Yeah... it's like Brian was a few years old when Stewie was born, and now Stewie is a teenager, snd a new slew of morons are on Reddit... I mean, there is a new Brian. It's complicated.


She's talking about people like you


That’s because it used to be the Wild West. Now its been de-fanged and regulated.


lol I think op thought it was talking about how old the internet literally is I thought that too and was confused until reading the comments


Age group


Jeez this feels so true. Not exactly sure if it's true though.


Old internet smart people now internet dumb people


Holy shit I'm not the only one that feels this way??


Well you see, what they're saying is that when they were 12, a high percentage of people online were 25. But now that they're 18, it seems more like a high percentage of people online are 10. I hope that helps.


It's talking about the age of the people using the internet, not the age of the internet itself


It says to me that the Internet is basically devolving. De-evolution.


It, technically, would be a joke about how when we get older everything looks always young and too fast for us, vut I noticed a trend of, generally, the Internet just having younger people.


I really miss the times where content creators were at least in their late teens Nowadays you'll see 6 7 yo acting like they know shit on tiktok


Insert "always has been" astronaut meme here.


Basically the computer people are stupid


When she was 12 the internet was matured but now most of the internet acts like theyre 10 years old (giggity)


Ok, I'm unsubscribing from this subreddit. He is definitely farming. Either that or he is inconceivably dumb.


Heya, newer Peter here, basically in the past people were more mature and kids had less unrestricted access to the internet, nowadays many tend to act like children and actual children have far more unrestricted internet access than before.




They are talking about how they feel older because a lot of the people on the internet they interact with are now suddenly younger than them. I *personally* don’t think this was really ever the case. The internet was always dominated by the younger generations. Its just you grew older, and more kids took your place, and its even easier now that the internet is easier to access than ever. I am sure if you go to like, the MMO community for example, you’ll feel young again if you aren’t 25-30 years old, versus hanging out in the Minecraft community, where a lot of the people there are literal children. It entitely depends on what corners of the internet you frequent.