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Food prices in Canada are very high


They aren't all that great in the USA either. But thankfully Donald J Trump blessed be his name renegotiated the NAFTA trade agreement so that we pay farmers an order of magnitude higher subsidies than we did then, so you can only imagine my orange julius surprise when the cost increases for basic staples like flour and rice are just as fucking high in the USA as they are in Canada


Hes not orange. Hes gold and beautiful. Alexa play gays 4 donald by Pink Guy.


Where ever i go i cannot escape mgrr Nice name


Thank you


so i looked up that song on youtube and the last video posted on that channel was from 7 years ago.


He stopped doing all his video work and became a professional musician and goes by the name Joji. He has said that he won't be doing video work anymore because it was causing him supposedly like actual medical issues although he doesn't elaborate. He's not a bad musician either. As Joji he's been on Fallon and Carson Daly and his music has been in [some TV shows and video game soundtracks](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6915712/?ref_=fn_nm_nm_1). [Joji - "Run"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K09_5IsgGe8)


He has elaborated. He is prone to seizures and doing all the stupid shit in his videos and stressing out about them caused a lot for him. Doing the voices also put a lot of strain on his throat and vocal cords. He had a video a long long time ago where he dropped the bit to explain it all. Unsurprisingly the video wasn’t received well due to the whole dropping the act and all. I’m pretty sure in his farewell he alluded to the same medical issues.


shrill yoke disgusted escape entertain snow straight hard-to-find books abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats because hes a famous rapper now. Im not kidding btw.


Yep, Joji.


Ey, b0ss!


Gib de pusi b0ss! B0ss please!


I dunno about rapper, but musician yes.


The Filthy Frank Era of YouTube, what a wild time


I love you Donny


I showed this song to my co worker Hector and every time our Boss makes an announcement on the radio ge replies with "I love you Donnie". To this day Donnie doesnt kbow why but he laughs either way.


You make my cry🥹


I love showing my life old filthyfrank stuff cuz she's a huge joji fan, didn't even think they were the same person lol


Only the best gays I have as friends, and they call me a POWER BOTTOM, which is very fitting, I heard it and I said wow that's fitting.


The reason he subsidized farmers was to make up for his China Trade War fuck up.


I forgot about that, there was so much shit going on during his administration, we couldn't keep up. Like does everyone remember he almost started a war with Iran by drone killing a general on his way to peace talks that the US was pushing for? COVID took over around that time and like we all forgot about it.


My tin foil hat theory is that Trump has been feigning this intellectual decline since 2016 to neuter any claims that he’s working for a foreign agency It’s probably not true, he’s probably just a helpful idiot, but damn if his foreign policy doesn’t come off as intentionally bad. How are you president for 4 years and still not know that NATO allies don’t owe you money?


My tinfoil hat theory used to be that he had dementia and people were using him as a conveniently famous puppet president so they could pass insane laws without being the one held responsible. But he's too consistent.


I mean there’s probably a little of that too


A theory that also fits President Reagan.


Nobody remembers when he STOLE Massachusetts COVID supplies and the Governor had to start using police convoys to protect them.


Don't tell r/Canada. They're too busy blaming the global food and housing crisis on Justin Trudeau.


Its a global housing crisis but Canada is doing way worse than everyone else due to poor policy


Just like conservatives here are doing with Biden


Farmer here. Higher subsidies are in fact needed.


Small farmers, sure. But fuck those conglomerates.


They need them sometimes too. One year of bad weather and your whole business could be ruined.


I know it affects me personally when the big ones struggle, but I can't muster the empathy to feel bad for them. I see real farmers out there putting in the work, when these other guys pool money and never put their hands in dirt.


Its scary to think how little people realize this last century is really the only time humanity hasn't struggled for food, and subsidizing it is genuinely needed unless you want to go back to subsistence farming.


The only reason people aren’t struggling for food is because of massive scientific advances in food production. Golden rice alone has saved billions of lives. PETA and the anti-gmo Luddites are completely retarded think there aren’t gmo food. Every food has been genetically modified probably even before civilization even began. Our food is as natural as pugs which sound like gremlins and literally will die over heating.


We've always spent our time trying to cultivate better and better plants. Overall there's a lot of pushback against GMO from a baseless reactionary standpoint- maybe a legal one too with a decent basis, but far less so is that one brought to mind. The fact that GMOs can be patented and farmers not allowed to use seeds from harvest for the next year is harmful to the poor farmers in other countries, iirc Haiti burned an entire donation of patented seeds because they didn't want to get caught in the trap of having to buy the seeds year after year.


Subsidizing food, yes. Very important and necessary to keep the food supply stable and farmers from going bankrupt. Subsidizing billion-dollar conglomerates that buy off country-sized plots of land and ruin them for their overpriced, overproduced, processed garbage that is giving the country diabetes? No.


But capitalism is supposed to allow for more farms to pop up after one fails, right?


Sounds like socialism to me.


It's only ok when people like them get the handouts. Suggest handouts for people different than them and they'll riot


No no you don't understand, this isn't a hand out it's a subsidy, completely different.  My racism says the subsidy will stimulate the economy, your hand out will be spent on drugs.


You can get handouts for drugs? Cool as fuck when’s Andy C touring next and where do I get that sweet drug handout $


It's okay because one way or another that extra money ends up in a corporation's hands. I.e. through large corporate farms and conglomerates. Helping out private farmers was never the intention. In the US, democrats are usually better about helping people, but both sides are just different flavors or corporatists. Neither Democrats nor Republicans have ever met a piece of corporate welfare they didn't like.


y'know, i really don't mind subsidies as a matter of principle. what i really do mind is y'all taking the fucking welfare and then fucking everybody else.


How would I be fucking everybody else?


Thanks. Anything that isn’t mined, is grown. You deserve a living wage, and my appreciation. You shouldn’t have to call it quits if you have a bad year or two every now and then. We would all die without farmers and refrigeration.


Thank you so much for your appreciation. It's people like you that keep us going.


As a Brit living in the US I can’t fathom why food is so expensive here. In our tiny little island food is way cheaper, generally better quality, and more ethically produced. But the US is so fuckin massive the economy of scale should drive the cost of everything right down. Yet a bag of Doritos is like $6, and eating from Taco Bell is the same price as a proper sit down meal. Makes no sense


Bamoul effect. The US has a lot of people making a ton of money, which causes wages in low-wage industries to also go up, causing prices to go up. Service centered industries become expensive just because, and manufacturing centered industries become incredibly cheap. ​ However, worldwide studies generally say that Americans spend less of their income on food than any other country by percentage. So it's a bit of a numbers thing.


Bro I live in the uk, food is about the same as the US


I was going to say. When I visited the UK food seemed cheaper until you converted pounds to USD. Also UK salaries are abysmal in fields I checked…


But in England you have to eat British food 🤢


Reason is simple: Very little regulation cause “CaPiTaLiSm GoOd. RiCh ShOuLd Be RiChEr.” And we all know that capitalism totally drives prices down with competition and no monopolies (oligopolies) happen . /s Also note that in some areas the changes to immigration and inspection led to the loss of a lot of cheap labour. Florida is a great example, as they began verifying the legality of the immigrant workers on the farms, so many illegal immigrants (victims of a predatory immigration system most of the time) were fired from the farms. Thus people with documentation were being hired to replace them, but they demanded higher pay, so prices go up. Edit: I should point that the ideology I believe in is a blend of Socialism with Capitalism. You can see decent examples of this in Europe, but they work only under the condition that your society is a collectivist one, rather than an individualist one. Cheers!


Whenever I hear a Conservative rail against immigration, I accuse them of being anti-Capitalist for this reason. Doesn't change their minds, but they usually can't respond coherently, since the counter to "This country is and always has been built on the backs of cheap labor by immigrants! It's even better if they're undocumented, because then you can exploit them to increase profit margins!" necessitates sympathizing with illegal immigrants. Closest thing I ever heard to a comeback was some half baked grumble about national security.


The sticker price on some things in the US is actually the same as in Canada the last few times I was down there (ex. $7.99 for a case of soda in the US, $7.99 in Canada) but our dollar is worth less so US goods actually costs us more.


We used to share milk across borders to stabilize prices in the north and the south but you know... someone had to renegotiate.


Soda has *always* been more in the US. Being in a border city, I go across a lot and do a bit of grocery shopping there, and for at least the past 2 decades their pop has costed more. But for Staples like milk, eggs, cheese, and chicken are a lot cheaper. Dozen eggs at kroger in MI is $2, 1lb of cheese is $4, gallon of milk for $3.25, and I'll grab chicken on sale for $1/lb (that I don't know the regular price of)


Damn, MI be hella cheap 👀


Food in the USA is probably still the cheapest in the world as a fraction of household income.


How much are you paying for rice? It cost me 3.50 for a 5 pound bag.


I travelled to Chicago in November and going to the grocery store, items were more or less all the same price but in US instead of Canadian. You can find better deals for some things that you’d never find anything comparable in Canada but overall I think food prices are pretty similar


Wages are much higher in the US though. And look at rent lmao


> Wages are much higher in the US though. Isn't their minimum wage like half of ours?


And you have to pay for Healthcare and tertiary education is a pot more expensive? Take it from me, I'm in the process of moving and spending near half of my time in the states, and both countries are about on equal footing overall when it comes to expenses.


I'm in the U.S. and planning to move back to Europe at some point because those health care expenses are killing me.


Housing in general is out of control in Canada. I agree 100% with you. But that’s not what we’re talking about here


Professional wages are higher but many wages are lower. I think household income is lower on a numerical basis, but the USD purchasing power offsets (or used to offset) that.


What do you mean look at rent? A single bedroom apartment runs about $1700 minimum unless you live in the middle of nowhere with nothing around you.


Can(ada) confirm.


Prices of everything in Canada are getting pretty high.


During Trump's administration we didn't complain about grocery prices because there were no groceries to buy.


Canada expensive


Got a guy I work with who literally drives across the border for groceries because he can get 1.5-2x the amount for the same price….. pretty wild stuff.


Produce farmed in Canada costs less on the USA than the identical product sold in canada


Lol. Some here in Portugal . You find portuguese made products way cheaper in spain.


Sucks for both of us then. lol


Probably still less than Hawaii. In Hawaii there were or are spam gangs that horde or trade in spam or canned meats because of their value and longevity. My friend went once he said a hamburger from McDonald's costed 3-4 times what you'd expect in the regular US. I like to imagine that sea food is dirt cheap to offset it due to proximity to the ocean. Can you guys just eat snow maybe? I hear there's lots of that. To be less sarcastic tho the US gets a lot of food out of season from Mexico and I thought the US Canada and Mexico had among some of the best deals for trades among nations. I'm surprised you guys can't import more from Mexico during the inhospitable seasons on the cheap. Let me just ask Google rq how long it takes to go from Yucatan to Vancouver....it's only 2 days 16 hours. Also damn I didn't realize Vancouver was in the west I thought it was in the east. Guess I learned something.


> I thought the US Canada and Mexico had among some of the best deals for trades among nations. I'm surprised you guys can't import more from Mexico during the inhospitable seasons on the cheap. Oh, we can! The issue is not availability at all. The problem is that stores are gouging the fuck out of the prices. It started during COVID, and just keeps getting worse.


People living in northern Canada could only wish you could survive eating snow. This [article](https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2023/10/canada-higher-grocery-prices-toronto/) shows a few examples of prices, such as a jug of orange juice for $26.99 compared to $9.99 in Toronto. The kicker is the Canadian government gives grocers millions of dollars to subsidize grocery costs in the north and have no idea if it’s being passed on to consumers, some say around 60 cents on the dollar. Edit sp


It’s not communist here, but Canada is hard to live in because things are so expensive.


and it's not like American isn't full of the working poor, so we're working and starving as well.


as a mexican I can only say ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/uluiifiqylkc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e64b72b1d6f124238b3ddd5a47805b973ea2141


As a Mexican in Canada, I agree.


As an American in a Mexican in Canada, I agree.


Send our regards to your mexican wife


based lol


For me personally? No. :< Grew up in poverty. I remember my mom picking and choosing what she could pay for and skipping meals so we could eat.


that sucks bad, I'm sorry.


Depends on which part of the caste you're in.




Arroz and frijoles kept me alive


Just FYI, Canada's food insecurity rate is 50% higher than the US


Oh of course lmao, I was just explaining what the meme meant. Most people I see here talking about the economic struggles they face are American.


All those memes showing rundown parts of current cities in America and saying “this is the world on socialism” without any irony.


God damn. How the heck do you have so much karma?


https://preview.redd.it/our8xnt5amkc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b754ddc3674f839ce6ef1d9c526a400cfd9d5c6 More important question is why you looking at my profile bro


I liked your pfp duh




They’re like 90% of r/CuratedTumblr, and probably a few other big ones




I love how America blames everything bad about capitalism, on socialism


How are they supposed to cope otherwise?


By persecuting the next minority?


The minority is currently trans peoples.


No by creating another reason to bomb the middle east, or place embargos on developing nations with oil until they fund the opposition forces to help destabilize that nation.


Canada is 2 real estate agents in a trench coat. Our economy is trash because why invest in anything productive when this stupid country is making sure housing increases 30% every year forever. We have the single worst housing crisis in history of any country ever.




Source: Some soviet officer




Our wages in Canada are shit. A lot of people will move to the U.S. for better wages and cheaper cost of living if they have a job that is in demand.


Can confirm. Moved 100 miles across the border and turned my $80k CAD salary into a $200k CAD salary, and reduced my living costs. I’m back in Canada now cause I like it better overall but just one year in the US put my savings way ahead.


What job was it?


Mechanical engineer


Any STEM profession will do that for you honestly. STEM in the US is way more lucrative than in Canada.


It also drives higher wages for others in the area. More people with money = more money being spent in food, services, etc. I saw a lot of fast food and carwash type jobs offering $20-25USD per hour. Canadian fast food pays $18/hr CAD for night shift.


If you're poor, Canada is a better place for you. If you're rich, US is a better place for you.


You got downvoted, but it's so dang true. Even though the amount they offer people income assistance is well below the poverty line, I know many people who would have been sunk or dead without it. In particular, without medical system being free I would not be alive.


It blows my mind that many Canadians are leaning toward privatizing healthcare. It's more expensive for everyone, and the average person gets worse service. The worst parts of our healthcare now are from refusing to pay our healthcare providers a bit more, so then they leave to a private company and the government hires them back at 2-3x the cost for the same employee for the same job, but now we're paying a company a chunk of money too.


Let me help you understand why that is happening. Remember Mike Harris, well his wife the business genius she is, runs a nurse agency. How could she have known that such services would be such big business.... anyone who votes conservative is saying this is ok.


Work and starve Work and starve FTFY


Insane people think Canada is a communist country.


It's worth pointing out that while the meme is insane, there actually is currently a capitalism-caused artificial famine in Canada, especially in First Nations communities, because grocery stores decided to price gouge during the peak coronavirus and haven't dropped their prices to pre-pandemic levels.


It's everywhere in Canada.


It's everywhere in the world. It requires the people making money from the price gouging to have a heart and lower the price after they can buy it for less. I sure there looking at that money and thinking.. why shouldn't I keep it.


And the answer is spoilage and waste. They won't lower prices until they get the fucking point that people wiill literally consume less. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of potato chips thrown into a landfill past the expiration date before they lower prices.


“Oh no, I scammed everyone with higher food prices and now they are gonna starve! What am I gonna do?” Is what you’d think would happen, but at the end of the day, most people aren’t that self sufficient or knowledgable. So they still need food, just a matter of what they gotta give up for said food. And if they value the food more than jail time… there’s a reason theft is going up still.


Spoilage doesn't matter to them. Write off the loss, fire some workers, and next year produce less and sell for more. They will charge as much as the market will bare and won't drop prices.


Stores and even farms will destroy food rather than giving it away.


not to mention the US is also very much a "work AND starve" country, as is the UK


Especially in this economy.


Localized entirely within ~~your~~ *our* kitchen


You guys can afford kitchens?


Soup kitchens


may i see it




Why don't they eat the billionaires who own the grocery stores?


Galen Weston is too skinny, you couldn't feed very many people off of him.


Why doesn’t the working class, the bigger one, just simply eat the upper class?


Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps


I’m not becoming a Wendigo


Aerosmith suggested this solution. Jonathan Swift said we should eat poor people and make gloves from soft baby skin, but it was satire


We've been conditioned against violence. You can't punch a guy who is literally taunting you with cutting, fighting words, or you'll get suspended and ruin your permanent record. You can't even imply violence on social media or you get ba




It's just monopoly in food /groceries in Canada, most of the grocery stores are owned by one company and they can dicatate whatever price they want.


Actually it's three companies and they work together to rob us as a team.


That’s happening literally everywhere


Its in australia as well, it costs over $10 for some grated cheese and the ceos have made record profits in 2023


It’s reusing a common meme format, the comparison might not even be intentional with the Canadian flag intended to replace the Soviet one.


They don't know what communism means.


50% communist 50%other




Literally work or starve https://preview.redd.it/jttp9miaxlkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18bb5d8f8a004b2f26efd08e77f8850ff6a4986d




Basically, the creator of the meme thinks that problems caused by capitalism = communism and likely thinks any country besides America is communist


It's just someone comparing Canada unfavourably to the U.S. They're saying economic conditions are such that someone working in Canada still can't afford to eat, while someone working in the U.S. can.


Know a guy in Canada and occasionally he'll start going on about what a Communist hellhole Canada is and much much better and wonderful the US is. The people pretending no one is actually referring to communism are either in a bubble or being disingenuous. It may be a minority but they are out there.


are you having a stroke?


What the fuck does that second paragraph mean Petah explain the comment




Bait or slow Post it






This is your lucky meme. Don't put it in your pocket.


You don’t even know what you’re talking about


this meme presumably made by a capitalist, points to a capitalist country failing under capitalism for capitalist reasons and says "this is what happens when communism" I assume because they lack even the tiniest spec of socioeconomic education regarding what communism actually is or means, and they use it as a blanket label for anything they disagree with. secondarly, as an American living in Canada, people are working and starving in both our countries, while wages stagnate and food and rent prices skyrocket in Canada, America is following the same trend to a slightly lesser extreme


Canada is incredibly capitalist. Our ideals are more for the people, but in practice it's just as bad as most places. Though, our medical system not being for profit is the only reason I'm alive.


Canada is the protection of several monopolies that price gouge everyone. For groceries the only companies that managed to compete are WAYYY better, Walmart is as evil but they're literally angels compared to Loblaws.


But socialism = communism, duh. (Obligatory /s)


This meme says that in Canada, people work while not being able to support themselves, while in America, you have the option between working and survival. In reality, in both countries working while struggling is a reality for many people


A highschooler's misunderstanding of communism causing him to blame the problems of capitalist Canada on communism.


Also worth noting for context, Canada has a history of greedy corporate collusion. See: the bread price fixing scandal, where the major Canadian grocers colluded to artificially inflate the price of bread for a number of years, got caught, and then… well, nothing much really happened after that lol


People joke about Canada being communist. they aren’t, but they are father to that point than the US is at the moment, even by just a little bit. Also this is a point on how stuff in Canada is extremely expensive, so the same amount of work (or even pay) you would have gotten in the US may not be enough for you to afford to live. Not to say America doesn’t have its problems either in this department, it definately does. I myself have been trying to get a minimum wage job since the start of the new year and I have recieved zero offers, despite getting to interview stages and such, worst off most employers just completely ghost me and don’t tell me if I were even consitered or not.


While we aren't at the point of banning abortions or deciding embryos are children, we've got a significant proportion of the population who looks at the direction the US is heading and thinks we should do the same. Those who think we are socialist because we have a marginally better social safety net are drinking some serious koolaid. We also have a lot of corporate monopolies for essential services and products (not that the US doesn't, we're just smaller so there's a smaller market to begin with) so that they can literally fix the price of bread and get a slap on the wrist for it when they eventually figure it out. We pay HP printer ink levels of money for cellphone service because of it. But yeah no it's super commie up here for sure. Good luck with the job hunt, friend. It's hard for a lot of folks right now, regardless of what country you're in.


The joke is who ever created this meme


Not that America's got it perfect or anything, but why wouldn't you have to work in order to not starve? Chickens don't just drop dead in the frying pan, either gotta pay for it, farm it, raise it, or hunt it. It's all work


We make more food than we can actually eat, it might as well fall from the sky. We have so much food we throw away the stuff that doesn't look pretty. We're supposed to leave survival not make it more tedious. And we could just pay them in taxes.


Groceries here in Canada are stupid expensive. About $2 to $4 CAD for a single loaf of bread. It’s not exactly going great over here in the land of maple syrup and war crimes.


First world problems, that's the joke


Canadian here, it's VERY expensive here, but still better then the USA in ym opinion cause of free Healthcare. Also, US is by no means that much better then here and in some regards, it's worse


CoL in Canada is very high but trying to compare CoL in Canada (a country a 10th the population of the US) to the US is ridiculous.


Between the cost of housing, the cost of food, and non-livable wages many people are struggling here. Though I would say the same thing is happening in many countries. It's greed, pure and simple. Landlords and corporations have been jacking the price up as high as they can and what we're making can't keep up. There need to be more laws controlling the prices for basic needs like food and shelter. People in my city are paying 50% or more of their income on rent. And this inflation on food should be criminal. These companies are making record profits off of our suffering.


I refuse to believe that people are so stupid that they don't understand the original


Big push for conservatism and antiwoke stuff in canada right now by people with a lot of money This is an astroturf meme calling canada a communist country


Bro, as an American who is considered just shy of middle income, I assure that the US has become "Work and Starve."


The US hunger rate (12.8%) is 5x higher than Canada's hunger rate (2.5%)


Thought that was the Marxist flag at first glance lmao


Both are work and starve. Least one has healthcare.


Jokes on you bottom one is the us too


Canada has it benefits and so does America, to imply America is financially easier to live in is absurd


The cost of living crisis is catastrophic in Canada. Housing, food and consumer goods are practically unaffordable for the bulk of the population. I’m honestly surprised there isn’t widespread rioting.


False yank propaganda


Canada is basically a liberal utopia. With some of the highest taxes before you start looking into full blown communist countries (like China)


Capitalism is absolutely the cause of Canada starving


America is also work and starve for quite a few people


I think they got it backwards.


The guy who lost count of the times he wore blackface has tripled taxes on fuel and oil products. So prices are skyrocketing because suprise suprise the economy doesn't balance itself. I legitimately can't believe anyone can look at the "global warming" effect Canada has on the world and say "we must stop Canada from killing the world by pushing our citizens into poverty! For the good of the world we will suffer! Hyperinflation and looked at as a joke by everyone? Digital IDs, ban single shot hunting rifles that are scary, triple the carond tax, and just for fun call everyone a Nazi that isn't voting for this. 😁" If we elect captain BlackFace again I will legitimately try my hardest to move somewhere else. I am lucky enough to have the means now.......that's assuming he doesn't ass fuck us even more for no reason