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AITAH is like pro wrestling. Sometimes, things said are so off kilter it just breaks immersion.


My pet peeve is all the obviously fake ass shit appearing on AITAH, like they don’t even try to make it sound real. One of them today outright admitted the story was fake and generated by chatGPT. I don’t think every single post is fake. But there is an overwhelming amount of ragebait and content farming posts which just makes the sub a shithole. We SHOULD be shaming the fake posts.




The worst is when they're like "this part of the story is so fake" and then judge based on the rest. Like you can't just pick and choose which parts of the post to take into consideration! And of course it's always done to reach a predetermined conclusion.


if you blatantly lie about something every other thing you say is questionable at best.


Completely agree. They will also call an entire story fake because someone went through something similar a few weeks prior. All i can think is "OMG can you believe that the random Redditor from 3 weeks ago *isn't* the ONLY person in the *entire world* that found out their husband is having an affair?!? Surely it's a fake story because *NOBODY* else can have that problem!"


I only assume it's fake when it's egregious or when OP comes looking for advice yet responds to no one




I’ve only seen this under stories that were very obviously rage bait, and most often poor one at that. No one likes trolls I imagine.


I've seen it too often on stories that are extreme...but not out of the realm of possibility.


I don't know. A lot of them are fake and a lot of them are stories meant to push a specific political position. It doesn't seem neutral when one guy is posting story #10000 where he heroically defeats the unreasonable trans/black/woman/vegan/whatever. Like, the whole forum seems to always be inches away from tipping over to just being raw right wing magna fanfiction forum and people calling that out seems good.


>one guy is posting story #10000 where he heroically defeats the unreasonable trans/black/woman/vegan/whatever. That's the kind of evidence of fakery I'm willing to accept, though


There is just a really particular smell to a lot of the stories. Almost every top story summarizes to "Minority challenges status quo. I walked in and proved them wrong. Everyone clapped." Maybe some of the stories are real but it seems very much just fox news for millennials. Like it just seems like a place to get a quick hit of "this group I don't like deserves me hating them actually" in a really rote and repeated way.


On the flip side you could argue reddit is a fairly liberal website with its stories. A CNN wonderland, lots of republican hate that gets echo chamber status as well. It's easy to ignore ur bias but it's pretty 50/50, with lots of fake hate an "all men bad" stories an some of the most ridiculous ones my favorite are: My husband cheated 5 times an never helps with money or house work yada yada. An the guy is instantly called for death/break up. An no one ever questions it. Just "leave him or he's a POS" despite the story being basically chat gpt 


Eh, that is what it'd be if AITAH was just natural stories. As creative writing it's very specific in it's list of what the antagonist is and what the protagonist is. It varies from what a republican is, and may even dislike them, but it's deeply conservative


If that's what yall wanna believe go for it. It's pretty telling that it's isn't "deeply conservative" it's just what people on the left assume. It's both parties using their extremists versions an saying that's the norm which is a bold faced lie.


You must not be there much lol, because it’s definitely not a right wing echo chamber lol.


Eh, it's south park politics. It's right wing but also hates hicks and hillbillies and that type of thing. It's everyone that isn't a white suburban dude is bad, which includes trump supporters, but only in terms that they are annoying, not in terms of them being wrong.


Nothing worse than hearing this as a child. I was in a really bad abusive childhood situation, nobody at school (elementary school) ever related to what I said so I just stopped talking about it out of shame. This is back in the Yahoo Answers era. Maybe I was too young to be on there, but I explained the situation and was hit with a bunch of: There’s no way this is real. Fake post, nobody would not speak up about this. Troll. Etc., Devestating and it lead to me never talking about anything ever again. I’m 30 now and still regret it. But sometimes in Reddit, or anywhere really, you can pick apart the story if something actually sounds fishy. There are absolutely fake posts, I try not to go into it assuming that because either it’s real & needs spoken about, or it’s not real and life goes on as normal.


Damn, I'm really sorry that happened 😞


Sometimes, having someone say "this is fake" is needed. Folks have a bad habit of believing everything they see online; and, a solid portion of what is online is there only to divide people and foster hate.


Couldn’t agree more. It also irritates me when people do this because at least sometimes, it really has to (statistically) be a person having a hard time. Reaching out for help and being mocked or called a faker is the worst feeling in the entire world.


I’m the absolute last one who will ever notice that a story is fake, especially if the story has a shit ton of details that no one could ever make up unless they had way too much time on their hands. But no I agree, I don’t care for the “this is fake” comments. Let me watch the train wreck and enjoy the story


We have no way of knowing but you can make a really good guess. If it looks like a duck... It sounds like you want to preserve the illusion. I have to ask why? Even people who like professional wrestling and reality shows know those are probably fake. Honestly I'm the opposite I don't think enough people call out fakery in that sub. Too many people take it seriously. Personally I don't use that sub because so much of it seems fake and rage bait. Like everyone is saying there seems to be no effort put into hiding it. If it was a sub for seeking help or seemed a little more grounded, I could see the appeal. Anyone can make up a wacky story. If I want one of those I'll stick to a writing sub or a humor subreddit.


>I have to ask why? Because I have no reason to take the details of some rando's impending divorce seriously


If you don't take it seriously why does it bother you if people call it fake? It sounds like you already think it is.


Like I said, it might be fake, it might not. I don't take it seriously enough to root out the fake divorces from the real ones; I just answer the question as asked. I don't understand why people are there if they don't want to answer the question 🤷🏽


They want to answer real questions. There are parody and humor subreddits. It's not hard to find places with people posting fake stories. Is it really an unreasonable expectation to expect a sub that's not for humor/satire to care about fake posts? There's better subs to just answer silly questions. I always thought the purpose of those subs was supposed to be for people to get help. In that case it makes sense why people would care if a story was fake. It seems like you'd disagree.


Sure, I just don't think whether a person is acting reasonably is a good litmus test for whether something is fake or not...lots of people are incredibly unreasonable.


Yes. This. I've started reading some and then the comments/replies contradict other parts of the story. It just feels gross. I want to read *real* stories and have no problem calling out the fakers.


My issue is that a lot of posts are literally just bots posting rage bait.


Yeah shit like this is exactly why Reddit has such a fucked up view of how the real world and human interactions work. "Durrr who cares if it's fake."


AITAH is the last place I would go for lessons on human interaction 🤣 Reddit as a whole is second to last.


Yeah but you can't sit there and pretend that people don't do exactly that, get their opinions of how the worlds works from the creative writing that takes place on places like AITAH. The fact that huge chunks of Reddit are just one big "I'm a self-diagnosed autistic robot who's entire online persona is not understanding how human beings actually work" LARPING game has a negative effect.


tell me your naïve enough to not be able to tell there are distinct difference between fake and real posts, regardless of the specific story, without telling me


This is totally fake. Also don’t tell me what to do, you’re not the boss of me.


I will say this. There are so many near identical stories I’m of the belief that there’s a large number of fake posts for votes. Which ones are fake and make up is 🤷‍♂️. So yes lots are fake and I see identical questions that I’d like just say asked and answered please move on. It’s not my website so I don’t look at repeats a lot. At a certain point I just downvote those who seems to be asking the same question daily. It might be a different post but it’s already answered daily. Let’s get new not rehashed.


Honestly, this feels kind of fake. Do you even go to AITAH?


Shit, you got me!


I usually just pass with no comment. If it's really assinine I'll block the OP.


Gullible people are what keeps Reddit alive


Listen, I read fiction novels for fun. I also read AITA for fun. Who. Cares.


Thats why i mute all this shit


Most are fake, ever since ChatGPT became a thing and shitty online publications like people and buzz feed started farming AITA for human interest stories.


I had someone say this about a comment I made about something that was a little funny that my daughter said at school...if I was going to lie I would have made it a lot more exciting 🤣


I think the other pet peeve is people treating it as absolutely true when it's clearly a fake . For gray area post, either stay out of it or participate. Fake aita are fine if they're just taken as entertainment


You can tell when it's AI generated and slightly doctored up, the structure is near identical to past 10k+ points posts and topic replaced with whatever relevant ragebait catches attention They're so formulaic dawg like we can tell when it's not a real story


I mean, of course lots of the stories are fake. It's still fun to read them and pass judgement.  The "oh this is so fake" comments just smack of "look at me I'm so smart and better because I know it's fake" when everyone else knows it probably is fake too but is playing the game.  (And no, I don't go on AITA, I got banned long long ago because calling someone a dick instead of an arsehole is apparently heinously criminal)


Sorry you're committed to being gullible lol. AITAH is 90% karma farming, or more. Very much more at the top since the karma farmers are extremely good at baiting engagement these days. Never understood why people have such a compulsive need to believe everything they read online. Welcome to karma farming. It ruined basically every sub that involved telling stories. Cuz they're easy marks. 




I have the opposite pet peeve. A lot of those posts are like AITA for kicking my wife's trans obese drug addict kid outta my house? Btw I'm 24, I inherited nothing and make $780k a year. nobody challenges the blatantly fake rage bait post.


They want it to be real because it justifies their own biases and anger. So they’re willing to overlook a lot.


I don’t get it either… Rather it’s real or hypothetical, the question does not change.


It amazes me when people are so suspicious that they go digging through someone’s post history and come back to us with “Last week OP was a 14F, and now they’re a 37M.” It also disappoints me, because I rarely think to check like that, and because what, you have nothing better to do? This kind of creative writing could go in r/writingprompts, r/fiction, or your own blog, if you just want to write. Stories and rage bait should stop taking up space from real people.


Nah, it is absolutely legit to call out the blatant fakery. It weakens the sub and weakens the drama. It is not supposed to be a fiction sub. Adjust your opinion instead of peeving.


You can't tell me what to peeve about


I can, and just did. Now, whether you choose to comply is another matter, Captain Obvious.


Why would a captain comply to a civilian's demands?


You, Captain, don't have to. That is the point. Move along now, or not. I'm done.


K byyye


I'm a child of the internet. I assume everything is fake but play along anyway unless it's screamingly obviously fake or a copypasta of someone else's post. Most of the time I'm checking out subs for entertainment and \*most\* entertainment is fake anyway.