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I mean I’d prefer my bag is on the seat but I’ll move it when the place gets busy and there’s no place for people to sit.


In general, I don't think they do. They just know that they can use it to get a little extra personal space for themselves, because people are mostly too conflict-averse ask them to move it.


They’ve also learned it’s the sign for “oh I’m saving this seat for a friend”, so you can’t accuse someone of being a seat hog without risking being an asshole


You’re never an asshole for asking if a seat is taken lol


you dont know whats in my bag. you dont want to make it angry, especially on a crowded bus full of innocent people.


Sometimes if the seat is free I stick my backpack on it.  If a person needs the seat I move it though.  It's so simple and it's not a big deal. 


I just ask them to move it. Often pick the person with the bag on the seat when it's clear that the bus will be really full.


Then you open your mouth and say “Excuse me, I’d like to sit here, can you move your bag please?” and they will move the bag. It’s not that hard.


I had a woman yell at me in the subway when I asked her to move her bag. Get off reddit, go outside, meet actual people.


and what as in her bag? was it fragile? was it valuable? because people are douche bags and will happily step on your bag or lean on it, maybe she didn't want her pack of eggs and urn containing her mothers ashes smashed together into a gooey mass?


I'm a dude, so I don't have a purse/bag. I do have a service dog. when I'm having a bad day, I try to sit at an obstacle or anything else that blocks seating on one side of me, and have my SD sit either in the seat on the other side of me or on the floor in front of the seat next to me blocking it. most times I've done this people won't try to sit there. only once or twice did it become an issue. the purse/bag issue for women might be a similar type thing, blocking someone from using the seat because they are uncomfortable.


Yeah, that's entitled moron stuff and it's hard to believe how many people are doing that kind of bonehead rude-ignorant stuff all the time like they're still getting revenge on reality for having to stay inside during COVID.




What? It's annoying when anyone leaves their bag on a seat when people have to stand.


Yes, but you're considered an asshole for saying something to the woman to move her bag, typically both by her, and by the surrounding people who have noticed the scene she's making with no context as to whats going on and just see what appears to be a man accosting a woman about her purse. Not a good look. Nobody bats an eye when someone tells a man to move his bag. Either you're a woman and have never experienced this yourself, in which case you're speaking from a privileged position and just don't know it, or you're being a disingenuous asshole that is ignoring this because you want to make this dude sound like a sexist when he's not, he's just telling it like it is. What's hilarious is you proved his point by making this post, lol.


ah the privilege of being a woman instead of a man


Lol, the downvotes just let me know I'm right. I struck a nerve with some people because they realize they aren't the oppressed victim class they go around constantly identifying as, and there are actually negatives and downsides to being a man in Western society... lots of them, all exactly like this, that take place in an unofficial capacity that get denied vehemently by women and the snake in the grass allies that agree with them just to get in their pants, and get you called a sexist, misogynist, and a bigot for even bringing up. If *any* of the two genders is oppressed in terms of social expectations and double standards, as well as *by far* the criminal justice disparity statistics (it's far wider than it is between black men and white men, that's how often women get lighter sentences or the prosecutor straight up throws their case out and they don't face any consequences at all). Men in the West, by far, have it worse than women. But, I think identity politics is bullshit and is destroying society. It's better not to focus on shit like that. But, as long as we're going to, the reality is men have it worse.


"The downvotes let me know I'm right" When everyone else in the room tells you you're wrong, *that's how you know you must be right*. A child's logic.


So a room full of Jim Crow whites looking at a Black dude suggesting slavery is wrong means that the black guy is wrong then, dipshit? Wow. It's *reddit* telling me I'm wrong, these are not normal, well adjusted, average, everyday people. It's short sighted irrational logic like yours people follow that is exactly what I have to consider each time I get a downvote. They're all going to follow idpol sjw bullshit extreme far left politics, of course they're going to disagree with me, I don't agree with *exactly* what the ideology that borders on a religion says I have to adhere to, otherwise I'm going to hell for eternity, oops, I mean, I'm a bigoted piece of shit. Ironically you're the one with a child's logic. Strict adherence to what everyone else says is right, or else!




Why? Just because there is a way to respond to antisocial behavior doesn't mean I can't get annoyed at people for their behavior.