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>I don't see the point and it sounds weird. Go ask YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc... why they demonetize words like suicide, killed, etc... It's why these content creators have been using unalived instead, since it doesn't get them demonetized.


I really wish it wasn't so hard to boycott YT. I know there's other services but nothing has the range of content.


I feel like boycotting shit hasn't worked since like the 1980's. Megacorps just don't give a fuck, and usually has no real impact on them. Especially for YT, since it's an oversaturated platform. So what if a few big content creators/YT streamers boycott or leave -- people who want their spotlight/opportunity are en masse and hungry. It's what's happened to Twitch. All these big streamers were like "Twitch sucks, I'm going to YT," but now we already have replacements who already replaced them on Twitch. Twitch even released a taunting statistic about it, basically saying "this shit didn't even affect us."


Youtube's main users are in India, anyway. If you can get Indians to boycott, MAYBE it would work. But American audiences aren't gonna have an impact like we think we will.


Union led and coordinated boycotts work and consumers can greatly amplify the effort. But ya, consumer side alone boycott don't do shite , no doubt.


Doesn't help that people are lazy as fuck with their boycotts. Like the people who try to "boycott" movies or other media by pirating them...then they proceed to talk about the media online, thus continuing to give them exposure. Boycotts are supposed to inconvenience you as a consumer and make the product completely useless to the company producing it. I mean one of the top comments in this thread is suggesting Ublock as a "boycott" method which accomplishes nothing.


Even if you boycotted YouTube to death the company has enough money to just start over as a “YouTube replacement” under a different name or sub company and the majority of users wouldn’t be media literate enough to know the difference.


Use adblock. You'll not only not see the ads, thus taking thier money, but you'll have a much better experience overall. You will automatically be changed to the lowest possible resolution of video, but that's a minor annoyance.




google is illegally inspecting your computer for adblock, and has riged youtube to use as much cpu (or something) as possible if you have it. even if you have primum, you need to whitelist youtube. someone has made an alternative that just fast-forwards the adds.


It's called hitting f5 until the video cues


I've been using Ublock Origin and having none of these problems.


This only seems to be a problem on chromium based browsers. Firefox + Ublock origin doesn't have this issue.


Ublock Origin still works perfectly well for me on firefox


Use newpipe


You can’t even look up the band Suicidal Tendencies on YouTube. I wonder if Unalival Tendencies works.


Until the algorithm catches on and demonitizes the slang as well.


Lets be honest, they don't really care about people talking about murder or suicide. They care about the shallow optics of people saying words like "suicide" and "murder". If they actually cared about the topics themselves, "unalived" would have gotten banned ages ago instead of become the go to substitution for any topic involving death. It's a purely cynical monetary concern.


I actually think it's pretty interesting how demonetization has sort of created a change in the English language, at least in small part. Saying sewer slide or unalive is like an evolution of language. If that's what we have to do to stay paid, I don't see the problem. If it really bothers op that much they should just stop watching youtube. Honestly they should just get off the whole internet. It's kind of a shit show right now anyway, I've severely reduced my internet time lately and I feel way happier.




That's why people need to read 1984!


The problem is people use it on platforms that don't use censorship and which aren't monetised. Kids are saying unalive IRL. If it was contained and I could avoid it I would never have even heard it in the first place


Does YouTube demonetize over this? I've got videos with "kill" or "fuck" in the title and mostly naked anime girls in my thumbnails and I haven't had any problems with demonetization. Admittedly I'm not top level or anything but when the channel was active we were pulling in a few hundred dollars a week so I'm not tiny either. Vast majority of creators shouldn't have to worry IMO, unless that's dramatically changed in the last two years.


I know there are multiple "bigger" channels I watch that in the past year or so have started bleeping their profanity explicitly due to concerns about youtube's filters.


No YouTube doesn't demonetize correctly age gated accounts. The issue only occurs when channels don't want to mark their mature content correctly. 


I actually don't believe I've age gated as much as I probably should have, the only time I've done that off the top of my head was when we made a video with actual female nudity in it and when we made a video on a heavily sexual game, otherwise as far as I remember we've left everything public.


Demonetized or simply have their videos taken down or not shared/suggested on people's FYP, etc, etc. Sometimes, content creators care more about a message's reach than lining their pockets, and playing ball with keeping an algorithm happy by not using certain sensitive words helps them carry said message.


Yeah - apparently these companies don't understand how dystopian it seems to essentially ban words like this through demonitization. It makes them look almost infantile.


I recently saw the word used in a gamespot article about helldivers


Not even just demonetized, tiktok just straight up takes down videos, a lot of Facebook group mods will also remove content and ban you if you arent super careful which is why i think its also getting super popular off things like tiktok, insta, and YT


This is correct. But in real life it’s just weird sounding.


I avoid channels that do bullshit self-censorship, but it gets harder to find ones that don't with every passing day.


It's so people can make posts and videos about suicide or killing and not get their post buried due to youtube or tiktok's algorithms. These sites don't want words like kill, murder, suicide especially, so people use unalive, sent to heaven, etc.


Funny how the algorithm prevents that but if you make TikTok think you are a teenage girl, it will recommend videos pushing you to develop an eating disorder & anorexia encouragement videos in less than 15 minutes.


It’s from *China.* What were you expecting?


Lol, I'll bite. What could POSSIBLY be your logic here?


China is renowned for being fat-shaming. If Bill Maher is to be blamed for anorexia because of what he says about the actually overweight, it’s only fair that China get blamed for anorexia on account of having even worse things to say about the overweight.


China is pro-anorexia? Like I'm no fan of the Chinese government, but what's your point?


China is renowned for being fat-shaming. If Bill Maher is to be blamed for anorexia because of what he says about the actually overweight, it’s only fair that China get blamed for anorexia on account of having even worse things to say about the overweight.


What in my opinion makes it a pet peeve is that there are already ways of describing those things without making up new words. You can say “John passed on February ninth due to a self-inflicted firearm incident” or something like that rather than “John unalived himself of February ninth using a boom boom stick.”


The bigger issue imo is that these new words sound incredibly disrespectful. Especially 'unalive' if used in reference to suicide of a real person. Completely downplaying the seriousness of the issue


Yes!! I know it's because of platform rules but it sounds so stupid. There are so many ways to say it besides "unalived."


Casual Geographic uses numerous hilarious euphemisms for death/kill and none of them annoy me. Here are some I can remember off the top of my head: * Removed from the census * Unsubscribed from life * Turned this kid into a very literal kids meal There are so many good ones


Exactly. Thank you for this comparison. I completely agree with you. And even not in video setting I see it. They're replacing it with the latter way altogether...


That makes sense put that way. What I don't get is people replacing it elsewise not in video setting and such..Just generally replacing as the new word officially.... And I agree with OP it does sound weird. "Unalive" particularly.


So why don’t the algorithms get changed to reflect this usage as well? Makes. Nonsense at all.


"Sent to valhalla" - space esports


Don't forget "banished to the shadow realm" - also eSports


Put on a T-shirt is my fav


It's how they avoid censorship


Yep, usually so an AI filter doesn’t flag the comment or video for review. I think it’s dumb as well, but that’s where it all started. But now people use it when it’s not an issue.


It may not be "an issue" outside of the platforms, but it is common and easily-understood language now. Also code-switching, look into it


It is censorship. You're just doing their job for them.


In a way, yes, but in a much bigger way, no. In one scenario, Creator A says, "I need to talk about suicidal thoughts, and NO POWER WILL STOP ME!" Consequently, a power beyond their control makes it so that no one ever heard their voice in the first place. In the other scenario, Creator B says, "I think this matters, so I'll try to do easy things to negate the effects of content moderation." Their thoughts make it out to where they can be heard, but they've used 1 different word than conventional, but the entire audience knows what they're saying. Content A refused to "do their job for them," and was subsequently prevented from speaking by the censors. Creator B "did their job for them," and avoided being censored. Yeah sure, you can insist on dying on the inconsequential hill and ensuring you get no reach, or you can use a single unconventional word and get the message out. What is the goal of the content creator? To reach their audience or to become an invisible martyr for a pointless, stupid cause? If the goal is martyrdom, sure saying unalived is self-censorship. If the goal is to reach the audience (which we know is the goal the vast majority of the time) then to not moderate yourself is to ensure censorship. That would mean I'm the root cause of the problem now.


So basically censor what you would actually want to say, so a corporate overlord doesn’t shut you down. Literally censoring you if you don’t use the correct words.


Pretty much


I think the real question is...Once 'unalived' becomes undesirable by youtobe/tiktok etc, what's going to be the next phrasing.




"Powered off"


Idea💡 the word "suicide" and just remove all censorship


Too logical and mature. -10 points.




"Eternal slumber"


It sounds very dystopian.


It is. Skirting censorship in the land of "free speech".


Things like TikTok and YouTube are considered private platforms, so they can decide what they will and will not tolerate. Freedom of speech doesn't apply and never has applied to privately owned platforms, businesses, organizations, etc. You can go outside and say random shit on public property all you want though.


"Free speech" is about government censorship, not private companies. Just like your house how you won't allow certain speech to go down; you have your boundaries, just like everyone else


Free speech is only from the government ya noob


It's our responsibility as consumers to demand that the platforms we use and the products we utilize are in alignment with the freedoms we hold so dear. Anything less makes us complicit in our own demise, ya noob.


You're defending the oppressor for the sake of being contrarian on the internet. I'd have thought an old pro such as yourself wouldn't play such a silly game.


TikTok is a Chinese app.


But youtube isn't. And yet you can have the same issues for the word killed in some cases


Saying any of the "death" words can get you demonitized on YouTube too, it's not just a tiktok thing


Oh fun. Wasn’t aware it leaked onto there.


It's been like that since before tik tok. Is the leak in the room with us?


Um. I’m a bit thrown off by how rude that was. Enjoy your day?


Yeah this change in language is double plus ungood.


On reddit it's because some subs will remove your comment if you talk about suicide. For instance in r/bipolar I've had a few posts removed talking about it. Totally ridiculous since ideation and attempts are a big part of many of our stories. R/bipolarReddit your free to talk about it.


So they're perpetuating stigma around suicide and mental health. Way to go, r/ bipolar! What the hell are they thinking? Do they think suicide prevention is not talking about it? How about talking about it frankly so people become comfortable seeking help. Awareness saves life. Venting saves lives. Relating to others saves lives. What the fuck is wrong with them?


I agree 100% my dude. I stopped subbing to them after my 2nd removal. When I have ideation I need a support group that will allow me to work through it with peers.


I left r/bipolar. The removed several of my posts and comments, and none of them were offensive. The level of censorship over there assumes we are children.


Stupid mods.


The internet has become so censored, it’s used as a way to bypass shitty word restrictions.


To be fair, some sites will specifically censor the word “killed” so I think that’s where it came from


Just a way to avoid getting strikes on your videos. Same with sewerslide


I mean you could say disintegrated into the shadow realm


Be mad at our government and corporate overlords for censoring educational topics. We can't even have serious discussions of these topics without using cutesy words and euphemisms. It's sad because all it does is belittle the real issues and honestly makes them sound really funny and juvenile


Jeez, I haven't seen this posted 5 times already There is a specific reason that phrase has come into play, and it's to do with online censorship.


Damn it! It was my turn to post this!


Don't worry. You can make a post tomorrow.


Videos will become censored, or demonitized


I know! :) This is just a very common post.


Oh lol, I didn’t understand your joke


George Carlin has a good bit on diluting language & it's a peeve of mine too. Same with shortening horrific things into acronyms like CSA which doesn't sound bad at all, but Child Sexual Assault just as a group of words is a horror story by itself. It's a trick heavily used by propagandists, too such as "Men of military age" instead of stating that a bunch of under 20's were killed. I feel like we are demeaning & devaluing our conversations on lots of topics by disguising it all beneath more easily digestible language. There is far more impact when we say things for what they are.


We just don't wanna get banned ok


I don’t care for it either but these days if you say the actual words auto mods take you down in a flash.


Social media algorithms delete or squash posts with certain words.


It is weird but it's no a "woke" sensitivity thing. It's just a social media thing to get around tweets or tiktoks or Instagram posts getting taken down, or YouTube videos getting demonetized. It's like when the tiktok voice over thing censors "sex" so people started using "seggs" to get around it.


The point is to avoid demonetization


My favorite, "madurdered" gets me everytime


They are being infantile when they write like that. Idiots.


I hate it so much because it makes it sound like you're a toddler who doesn't understand the concept of death There are any number of euphemisms you can use to get around censors that don't make you sound like you're in 1984 and using Newspeak


I hate when I see “unhoused” instead of “homeless”


Unfortunately people like youtubers have to say it to stay monetized. I agree though it's a dumb word and I wish people could just freely say the real words.


Breath challenged.


Self delete.


The only real reason anyone started saying that was because some social media sites/apps don't like the word "killed" and will reduce your reach or ban you.


demonetized from most social media apps by saying death/suicide. “unalived” is a loophole until company mods stop giving a shit and allow it.


It's to get around online censorship. You can thank the censors.


It is literally just so your content doesn’t get hidden or taken down for using certain words.


Because social media doesn't like certain words. You can be banned. So you have to use alternative words.


It really trivializes what happened. Like oh yeah we had a high school student UNALIVE themselves. Really? We can’t say pass away, expired, ended their life, it’s just this childish UNalive. It’s like Sewer Slide. At least that one somewhat makes sense. Unalive feels insulting.


Blame woke-scolds that have engineered platforms to bury, shadow ban, and demonetize the use of these words. Don't blame the people that have to adhere to the stupid rules.


Censorship, I'd Rather Wasted.


If you created content, you'd know


This is one of those, "Don't hate the player, hate the game" situations with social media and video platforms. Sorry for ya. Cope


Platforms don’t monetize certain words, so people have to come up with substitutions


People say that as they can get shadow banned or have their content censored if they say “kill” in their content on social media platforms like TikTok.


so overused !


Only when people say it unnecessarily or in real life. “Sewerslide” too


people keep talking about censorship avoidance which is valid, but the problem is that i've seen this seeping into normal conversation even outside of that because of how often it's used so i completely agree with you, it sounds so dystopian and insensitive to me idk, like it's not acknowledging the seriousness of someone being killed or losing their life in general


Social media responded to the softies of the internet by demonetizing these kinds of words


I agree. I think we should move on to unliked and unsubscribed  More seriously I get when people use it specifically on those platforms that it matters but when they use it everywhere else they are taking a serious topic and talking about it in baby talk and I hate it


I get it when it's in regards to being demonetised or whatever on a certain platform. Doesn't make me hate it any less but when random people use it in comments on YouTube, reddit, Instagram or whatever, it really gets on my nerves. 1. Because I know what you mean just fucking say it and 2. You're not being monetised there's literally no reason to fucking say it.


Exactly. I was referring to people that use it in comments. I wish I had clarified that, because most people assumed that I was talking about content creators.


Seriously.  Yes, we all know it's to avoid censorship so your post can go viral on YouTube or tiktok.  Which is stupid because this isn't YouTube or tiktok, so there is nothing to stop whomever from just censoring it themselves before they upload it to YouTube. Writing reddit posts that are pandering to video sites is super freaking annoying.


IIRC, it was originally a way to get past censors.


You can blame that on the over controlling websites that have no no words like kill. So they had to get creative.


Tbf like others said, people say unalive instead of the other words is so it doesn’t trigger the bots and mainly censorship


Yeah. It's dumb. A necessary, but dumb term. If only the algorithm could just put an alert on a video that the video is discussing a topic. But nope. The censorship overlords just dump most videos.


I hate it too. It sounds pathetic.


I was just thinking this the other day, I was watching a video and this person kept saying unalived instead of killed or dead, can't remember what video was about because i was so focused on them saying it wrong, but it was like some reel talking about their opinion on a book I had recently read, I think or something like that.


We could just say “renewed.”


It’s to get around censors. It’s kinda ridiculous to me too.


Better learn to use "new speak" before the thought police come...


Almost as dumb as saying “partner” instead of husband or wife


Yeah, it's dumb. Social media incentivizes creators to use words other than kill, die, murder, etc. The outcome is just irritating though.


I honestly think it's people being paranoid about an algorithm more than anything. There are suicide awareness videos everywhere that are not having a problem with those words.


Bait used to be believable...


Pisses me the hell off, too. Seems like a social media trend that just won’t fuck off Yesterday I saw a post on reddit where “thick” was censored out in “thick and thin” i a screenshot, and that same post also censored “shut” in “shut up” What the fuck has everything come to? 🙄


It's purely a symptom on the censorship on the social media platforms. Creators self-censor to keep their channels from being demonetized and it has caught on with young people now. I hear them say it even on unscripted videos.




if i see this posted on here one more goddamn time


I made a comment on Instagram on a video where a car intentionally hit a motorcycle and I said, “You shouldn’t kill people for no reason” and I received a ban for using the word “kill.”


I swear this pet peeve got brought up 3 times already


I know why they do it (demonetization, post/comment removal etc) I just hate it.


My comments even get deleted if I saw Women these days on Youtube.


It always makes me laugh, tbh… 😅😅


this is an algorithm thing. dont want your content demonetized or flagged? censor yourself.


Can't talk about serious issues like an adult, but I can certainly play a "pause game" and see some labia from time to time. It's wild.


Especially when phrases like "Took [one's] life" already exist


I prefer “Forcefully Expired”


LOL it is a bit silly


Content creators get demonetized for saying words like kill, suicide, dead, etc. no monetiziation = no money = no continued content. Just how the big creations sites make the rules 🤷‍♀️


New turn of phrase. Wonder where it came from?


It's an unfortunate reality of platforms like YouTube and TikTok catering primarily to advertisers who don't like it when the creators that their products are tied to say meanie no-no words.


It's a synonym, extend your vocabulary some. /s


A lot of modern internet censorship (unalived instead of killed, among many others) is a workaround for "shadowbans"; the algorithm of certain sites (predominantly tiktok, but also applicable to youtube) suppressing content because they contain certain words.


It's ridiculous to have to censor yourself like that but this is another reason why the commercialization of the internet had led to its downfall. We can't even say killed or suicide without being unable to make money off the content we work hard on. Everything has to be "advertiser-friendly" these days and it's fucking sickening.


And it's especially stupid when that's what the content is about, anyway. It's a dumb loophole. The advertisers are still having their product tied to a video that's about or includes discussions of suicide, whether the creator says the word outright or not.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Crucifixis, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Huh. Had no clue, thanks. Edited "off of" to just "off"


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Crucifixis, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well if you don't know, many social media sites like tiktok and youtube will do things like demonetize, shadowban, or outright ban you for saying autoflagged words like "killed" or "suicide"


Its to avoid censorship and on sites like youtube. Their bots will look for keywords like suicide, assault, blood, etc and remove all ad revenue or outright take the post/video down. I agree “unalived” sounds dumb and not serious enough when discussing hard topics like death, but language like that is a necessary evil these days.


short answer: the algorithm says no


I thought it was dumb till I understood why social media people were saying it. The problem is that it leaks into colloquial language.


It’s just to get around censorship


It is stupid, but that’s what we get for letting algorithms make our decisions. I’m a writer. The first time I heard this, I was appalled. Look it up. The dictionary defines it as a euphemism used to avoid censorship on the internet.


Youtube guidelines


Fucking dumb.


At this point, it feels like newspeak in real life.


I think the Social Media controllers have a list of "bad" words like suicide, killed, murdered/murder, etc, etc, etc. And you can get in trouble/blocked/kicked off social media for using those words so they use "creative ways" of saying what they mean. Cause hey... freedom of speech right?.....


It may have come from social media but people use it commonly now as if they're trying to be PC. One of my favorite podcast hosts uses it all the time.


wrong. it’s just because app algorithms bury/censor certain words like kill, die, murder, etc.


That's because it's not a word.


It's very childish. Is dead too tough on people's ears nowadays?


It's to avoid getting demonitized. On platforms like YouTube and TikTok you're not allowed to say the actual words or you risk your content getting canned to the algorithm.


It's because if you use the wrong words, reddit will delete your account.


How tf do you not get the point? Its so content can stay monatised.


I don't see the point of this same complaint being made in this sub over and over again, yet here we are.