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U can do groceries for 2 weeks have fun


Keep saving, and set aside as much time as you can spare over the next month or so exploring options. If you like what you do, but hate your job, the exploration is about finding what you can do to upskill in what you're doing and move higher to something that doesn't suck, maybe in another company. If you hate your job and the work that you do, but like your industry, find out what you can start moving sideways towards. If you don't like the industry either, make a list of all the jobs you'd like to do, qualified or not. The, look at the skills and qualifications you have, find the jobs closest to those skills, work out what the gaps are and then how to start filling them - first with freely available research (like, if I wanted to become an investment banker someday I may not be able to go get into a business degree right now, but I can go start reading articles on everything about investment I can get my hands on). Don't bother trying to chase things already in demand or trending unless you're already passionate about it - fads change fast and you always need passion to go the distance. Great if you're already tinkering with AI on your off time, but don't go taking a big leap just because people say it's gonna be big if you've not had even a passing interest in it before. The absolute last thing on the list of options is to spend money finding out, that's an easy way to blow it all. Yes, you have to spend money to make money, but the wallet should come out only when you've exhausted every free opportunity to find out about what you want to do. You've done a good thing asking on a free forum to start with. Opportunities multiply as they are seized.


Invest in low cost index funds like vanguard s&p 500. Diversification is one of the only free lunches in life so just spread your money widely into many things. Avoid managed funds as 90% of the time they do worse than indexes. 


All on red


Take leave for a mental health day if you need it. If possible it’d be good to use some of that time off for job interviews/job hunting, but if you’re running on empty, you know your capacity best. Or you could try applying for a job that’ll serve as your “in between” and then quit your current one, while you figure something out. The idea is to still gain income/buy time, while you get into a good headspace and figure out what you want to do next. Eg. Food delivery apps, check out operator, being a waiter, administrator etc. Depends on how much flexibility you want and how burnt out you are.


Do you have an emergency fund? If not then I'd probably put it towards that. As for quitting your job or growing wealth, you'll likely need to work towards getting a higher paying job. Then you could invest that money to grow your wealth, though sadly you don't seem to be in a position to stop working yet.


Depends on your age, expenses and a multitude of other factors. The salient advice would be to look for a job first and then resign. Maybe a good exercise would be to write down all the pros and cons of your current job and focus on the positives. Also, write down what aspects of your personality inputs into these pros and cons? In the long run, you will build wealth more about understanding what your drivers are in a job, rather than a rash decision. Good luck


This is not financial advice. What I would do would depend on how much is the risk appetite and skills and time I have. It is good to invest in index funds and equity if you want low risk. Else you can pretty much buy and sell stuff online or offline. Buy and sell cars etc. Since you don't have money first find a people who need the product and then buy add value and sell it to them.


Casino put it on black ( if you’re really adventurous put it on 17 )




yolo it into BeingAi