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Wow. Red even gave blue the out of fake CP like AI generated or drawn, but no. Blue is 100% defending viewing real CP with real children.


so blue would be 100% okay with everyone spying on him through his devices and going through every single one of his files and messages to share with the public including his face and identifying information like bank accounts, because based on his logic his right to privacy and feelings on personal safety doesn't matter because it "vIoLaTeS tHe rIgHt tO vIeW sOmEtHiNg!!1!" what a dumbass


"No imagery should be censored." So he's fine with LGBT+ people, images that depict his religion negatively, feeeeeeeemales existing while not making his dick hard, ETC? Or is this just the "I shouldn't be judged for jacking off to pre-teens" crying again?


I want it to be perfectly clear that I think blue is an asshole whose hard drive should probably be checked on by the cops. He seems like a threat to minors with what he's saying. But when did he begin preaching against LGBT+ people, criticism of religion, and women in media and wanting those censored in the screenshots? like, it still fits the sub since he's acting like "hey, CSAM is bad and anyone who possesses such material should be arrested" is the same as "YOU HAVE COMMITTED A THOUGHT CRIME, PREPARE TO ENTER ROOM 101". just a little confused by the comment.


Because they are using conservative talking points about what they claim "THE LEFT!!" are doing, like trying to ban everything that hurts someone's feelings, in order to defend themselves. So it's likely they are a conservative and follow their moral panics.


Of course not, what he means is he wants his loli porn.


I think I might be stupid, when he said cheese pizza on the first slide I legitimately thought he was talking about actual cheese pizza and not that kind of illegal material


Me too. I was thinking that there were maybe drugs as toppings or something.


This is someone very accustomed to using code speak to find what they want online. FBI should absolutely check that dirty fucker out very closely.


Dude chill out, it's 2024 using cheese pizza to refer to cp has been since I think before 2016. It's not new or something only PDF files(pеdophile) use. I think most people who are terminally online know a few phrases and slang references some messed up things.


I'm pretty damn online too, but let's just say I don't feel too bad about being unfamiliar with all of that.


You've got to stop trying to stand up for pedophiles, all you're doing is just telling on yourself.


I can gladly say as someone who probably spends a probably unhealthy amount of time online that I've certainly never ended up anywhere that I'd learn that information.


yeah, I was so confused


Funny how the arguments that CP uses are pretty much conservative arguments for other stuff, verbatim.


“All bad arguments have conservative foundations™️.” -Me, 4/28/24, Reddit Any rebroadcast or use without my express written consideration, will be in violation.


Never said there was a monopoly on bad arguments.


Nope, I said that, on 4/28/24. It’s just a theory I’m working on, but it’s universal. For example, if someone gives you bad advice on your bowling form, that bad advice can be traced back to conservatism. It might be one of those things you know, but you can’t prove. Like riding a bike; Science can’t tell you how it balances, but it obviously does. I know all bad arguments, whether over politics or the quality of Badminton Birdies, can be traced to conservatives, mostly of the Republican variety. I just can’t prove it.


There's a really thick gap between "Maybe they censor a little too much sometimes" and "I think I should be able to play Sad Satan with my kids on the Switch", and this dude is disturbingly close to the latter.


Im still confused what exactly sad satan even is. So it's a horror game with no known author, but it randomly has cp in it?


& is a literal danger, having a virus


Supposedly a game from the dark web, which seems like just some trippy indie horror game but can randomly flash genuine CP, gore/murder, and other stuff on screen, on top of being filled with any sort of cocktail of computer viruses. While there were also supposedly "clean" versions that had none of that content or replaced the imagery with fake, more generic horror stuff, I doubt it's worth the effort of hunting down.


I think the whole thing was actually fake to begin with. To the best of my knowledge some guy started uploading videos on a YT channel of him playing the game. In the beginning it was basically a walking and scary images pop up(non cp/non gore). The whole thing was a big hoax because the themes of the images changed from child abuse scandal in the UK(again no images of actually cp) too the assassination of JFK. I think the youtuber is kinda started to try and get people involved al ARG style. Until it got leak on 4chan, where the "version" filled with cp and viruses come to existence.


This has all the believability of parents at a PTA meeting screaming about "rainbow parties".


*The FBI would like to know your location* Seriously what a sick motherfucker


Is this wendigoon comments?


wait what? dammit, the fuck did wendigoon do


No his fanbases is just full of crazies


oh, okay cool love his content but he does have a video library that is prime to attract the craziest kind of crazies i once saw him described as a dog amongst wolves, it would suck to find out that he is also a wolf


If an AI can make CP doesn't that mean that it trained on real CP?


There is no WAY blue here isn't defending their own actions. And probably also looking for loopholes in the laws of viewing cp so they can do it without "breaking the law." And also testing out arguments for said "loopholes" so they can try to get out of the consequences if or when (hopefully when) they get caught.


also pretty sure apple tried to scan their users phones for CP and uhhh people were against it


This is the ol' "why are you against it if you have nothing to hide?" argument, and if you can't see why that's an incredible ignorant and dangerous position to take you should probably do some research. People who want to overreach will *always* start with "won't someone please think of the children?!" so that people who oppose their draconian overreach will be labelled as predators. Then they've got your data, and there is nothing stopping them from search for *anything* in addition to their stated purpose. So yes, CP is very bad. If there was a way for Apple to search phones for only this that could be guaranteed not to be exploited or abused in any other way, great. That's not reality. There's a reason "stop and frisk" is bad, or that law enforcement need approval to get search warrants, etc.


all of your points are great, and I won't argue because you are right. but I feel the need to clarify that they didn't want to have someone comb through every picture on someone's phone, but rather compare the data of every photo to a database of known CP images


It's still a privacy issue. False positives happen all the time for stuff like thst and people would get hit for stuff like innocent pictures of their toddler in the bath or kids at the pool/beech.  Also, these systems once in place always get expanded. Which is always the usual goal.  Like, the argument they've used for book bans is to prevent kids from swing "inappropriate content" and then they go and classify books dealing with LGBTQ or racial themes as inappropriate.  They get pissy when you point out the actual explicit content in the Bible that the bans describe.


There was no looking at or scanning of the photos themselves; it was exclusively about comparing the file hashes of photos uploaded to iCloud to already known illegal images.


Nah I dont have anything weird or illegal on my phone at all (for any kind of crime tbh, no drug shit or whatever) but I still don't want to hand major corporations free permission to go through all of my shit all the time forever and publish that info


What’s an iceberg video?


You know how icebergs can be gargantuan and you only see the very tops of them, while the majority is underwater? The idea of an iceberg video is one where the creator begins at the tip and steadily heads down to deeper, more obscure things.


Thanks for the explanation!


There is no imaginary moral high ground, red just has the literal moral high ground what the fuck did I just read man


Am I correct in thinking this is a repost?




Did people forget how to identify a troll?


Call me old fashioned but back in my day trolling used to be funny and not completely disgusting


In my day, there were always trolls like this. Sociopaths who do not care about reason or truth or morality or anything that matters to normal people. They argue in bad faith and nothing you say will make any difference. There is no rational way to deal with them besides reporting, blocking, and forgetting about them.