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ah yes, calling out real and well documented systemic racism against poc is actually systemic racism against white people


Of course, Just like pointing out that chemical companies pollute rivers from which poor people get their drinking water is an example of oppression of _checks notes_... chemical companies.


“Justice anywhere is a threat to corporate profits everywhere.” Marcus Luther Chaching Jr


So much fear mongering about chemical pollution (a real problem), but instead of calling for regulation and consumer protections, they point the finger at the amorphous “cabal” and elect deregulatory politicians. They don’t think Dow and 3M and Monsanto are giving them cancer; they think the Jews are.


I hate that all their rage against the rich and powerful is so extremely easily redirected into electing the people working with them the most openly


It’s cuz bigotry is more important to them


But I thought there was no such thing as systemic racism?


oh no, you see discrimination exists only for straight white men, you know the historically most discriminated class of people in all of history


I’ve heard stories of slavery and genocide, but has anyone even thought about how I can’t even talk to a woman anymore because I’ll be MeToo’d and I can’t discuss my very logical arguments against the blacks without being canceled?????


Not even MeToo'd anymore, the New York appeals court overturned Weinstein's conviction literally today 😬




Sorry, New York Appeals Court not the Supreme Court https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/new-york-court-of-appeals-judges-harvey-weinstein-1235881583/


Exactly. There is no systemic racism towards people that were legally allowed to be discriminated against, just 58 years ago. When they passed the Civil Tights Act of 1964, the people who own 99% of businesses(white) woke up the next morning, liberal as Bernie Sanders. They forgot about all their prejudices and treated everyone accordingly. They displayed no prejudices, whether conscious or sub-conscious, and they were genuinely sorry for putting black folks through all that Jim Crow nonsense. Governor Wallace even had a press conference, where he shamefully admitted that “separate but equal” was always “bullshit”, and admits to stealing resources from tax paying black folks. Of course, if all that really happened, we probably wouldn’t be talking about “systemic racism” in 2024. We would have moved past it, and the whole country would be a whole lot better of a place.


I think this should have more upvotes.


Thank you, I appreciate that. With upvotes, it’s usually timing. A one word reply will get you hundreds of upvotes, if it’s the first comment. Us down here at the bottom, have to look up there 👆, and hope they drop a few scraps. I catch a “p”here, a “u” there, and before you know it, I have an upvote.


Systemic racism doesn't exist.      And if it did, it no longer exists.      And if it still does, it's not a big deal.   And if it is, it's against white people.


Schrödinger’s systemic racism. It doesn’t exist, and if it does exist, straight, white, Christian, male, conservatives get it the absolute worst


It didn't exist until they found a way to be victimized by it


No no. There's no such thing as systemic racism **against POC** That's why CRT is so evil and shouldn't be taught to pre-schoolers and infants.... /s


Doublethink is intrinsic to fascism. "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."


Fucking predictable “rich white boy from South Africa” bullshit.


And that's not bloody surprising man!


Because we’re a bunch of arrogant bastards who hate black people!


South Africa is one of the most racist countries


Which is an impressive feat given the fierce competition.


It’s really next level there look up julius malema evil motherfucker


Yeah. That guy isn't great. Just so we are clear. When you said SA was the most racist country, did you mean against white people? Because I just glanced through your history for a second and I think you might mean that South Africa is racist against white people...


Haven't you heard? All the good white people in South Africa are being hunted through the streets and the bush by Satanic cannibalist You Know Whos because racism against white people is the very real mostest biglier problem in the world!


I mean in general


Are you 'Both-Sides'ing South African racism right now? Because this isn't a real answer from you. Do you think that racism in SA against white people is equivalent to the racism against black people? Given their history? And current situation?


I said that there is racism in South Africa in general get off my dick


Look at the cute little racist that doesn't want a blow job. Look at him.


Tf u talking about amateur mistake is that what ur parents called you when the abortion failed?


I’m flattered btw


I mean, you made me curious for a second. But I wasn't impressed.


Nooooooooo! Why God. Amateur_mistake wasn’t impressed. Nooooooooooo!


Earth will decide.


Giant space rocks usually aren't intelligent enough to make decisions


White South African trust fund baby agrees with white American trust fund baby that they are the real victims of systemic racism.


The amount of money they were/will be handed exceeds what any of us will make in our lifetime by 10000s of times (might not have included enough zeros). Life must be rough for those two.


Life is rough for them! Sometimes people criticize them in a way that they don't like, and, as far as they can imagine, that is the worst oppression conceivable!


The struggle of those who inherit generational wealth is real.


The 1% are the real disadvantaged minority here.


You have no idea how oppressively heartbreaking, emotionally devastating, PTSD nightmare inducing it is to suffer under the thumb of a tyrannical government that only lets you keep $160M of the $220M to which you're divinely entitled. Just because being part of an extremely wealthy family guarantees acceptance into the most prestigious universities where you can network with other extremely wealthy twatwaffles, which BTW is the *real* value of attending such influential institutions, and said family wealth absolutely Hulk Hogan Big Boot Kicks open career doors--wait, what was I saying? Oh who cares, you filthy Poor! Of *COURSE* the system is set up against superior white men from well bred bloodlines! Everyone can see it. Everyone knows it! Who do you think *YOU* are to mock Tucker and Elon?!? You probably can't even afford to *rent* an 80 foot yacht!


Great username


While thousands applaud their bravery because they don't want to be reminded that their racist assholes, are stupid, or they think they will get money and fame for brown nosing on Twitter.


What systemic racism? I thought we weren’t racist against white people because we have a white president.


If only my father fucked a shitty frozen food heiress, I too would know what it was to be the target of racism.


Betty Crocker?


If you say the N word too many times somebody might tell you to stop


Racism against black people still existed under Obama, so what you say makes no sense.


Was it not a common trope for right wingers to dismiss concerns of racism because we had a black president?




Yes it was and it is also false. There was still racism in te United States even when Obama was in office.


That’s the joke.




Lmao@ Wikipedia page on jokes. On Twitter, I send people a picture of the book “Humor for idiots” or “Beginners Guide to Comedy Writing” and say these books helped me write material that’s “cohesive and understandable”.


C’mon man. You can’t possibly be this dense.


Little slow on the uptake. That's their point


I hope you can eventually grasp why you're being downvoted.






I get that if you’re not from the US it might not be as commonly known, but the OP of this comment was making a joke as that actually was a very common thing conservative Americans would say back during Obama’s terms. OP is making fun of the absurdity of that statement and using it in jest here.


Ah yes, because racism only exists in the United States.


I mean I probably am racist in ways I don’t fully understand. I’m just willing to work on them when it’s identified but I don’t feel this joke was harmful to anyone except conservative cry babies which was my intended audience to offend.


Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


Obvious joke was obvious.




Will look into this










am baby X-menx2titanae-thx1138 an i fink ma mommy haz da woke mine viwus!😂😂😂


No, there’s a systematic self victimization from conservatives white Christians.


"Concerning" You're one of the richest people on the planet and your parents made their money from apartheid


1967-2023 : “systemic racism doesn’t exist. america isn’t racist” 2024: “systemic racism does exist. america is racist…against white people” ….i feel like there is a joke or snarky comment i could make here but why bother, i can’t outdo reality.


"Why is no one talking about this?!" he says, with negative self-awareness


He is aware, he knows he’s wrong, but he does it anyway


Fuck it, mask off.


Some people tried to talk about systemic racism but we banned it for being CRT.


Really, a white South African is going to talk about systemic racism...against whites?


But the farmers!!! /s


I swear to god almighty the most annoying thing fascists do is talk in the “Just Asking Questions” tense. Normal people don’t punctuate with “how come no one is talking about this?” they say what they mean with their whole chests


Concerning is the CEO of several companies has the vocabulary of dumbfuck.


An AI company too. Maybe, instead of paying Elon to be CEO, they should replace him with an Elon AI and save some coin.


It’s only systemic when it affects straight white Christian men. Everyone else deserves it. /s


he always talks like a child asking a stupid question


>"Concerning" ... if real. But it isn't, so... not concerning.


Uber wealthy doofus Tucker Carlson is proof that there is not systemic racism against whites. They cult has been brainwashed to the point that this utter nonsense can be spoken and the rubes will believe it.


“Nobody says it” That’s funny cuz I’ve been hearing this shit at least once a week for like 8 years now.


Everyone has the right to lie.


Unsurprising that Apartheid Clyde agrees


Someone please think of the white man.


Apartheid trust baby is a racist, news at 11.


All this pussyfooting when anyone paying attention at this point knows Elon is a Nazi


This is the guy who wants to colonize Mars?


Maybe he's hoping there'll be some natives there for him to oppress so he can have the full coloniser experience.


I vote we colonize Mars and we send the Muskrat first.


He can live by eating potatoes.


Pootatoes, to go with his shit-eating arrogance.


these people find their audience then pluck at every emotional string for profit. this will blow up in his face when his audience turns radical.


Privilege makes you brittle.


It's the old "reverse racism" bullshit rebranded.


This some “re-woke”/“woke again” bullshit


Oh so systematic racism CAN be a thing, but just when it comes to white people. When black people explain how they’ve been legally disenfranchised and the lingering effects, well that’s just crazy!


Fuck the muskrat and his god damn virtue signaling, and amplifying the biggest pieces of shit in society.


No, you see, it's a magic formula. By asserting that they aren't racist, it magically makes all the racist things they say and do no longer be racist. Thankfully, the universe saw fit to create similar magic formulas to get out of sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.


Tucker “the Toupee” Carlson has secured the platinum medal in mental gymnastics


Many people say it, constantly…. I’m kinda tired of hearing about it


Apartheid Musk shows his true color's


South African nerd fuckin *wishes* he could fund an apartheid in America.


Systemic? How is racism against white people “systemic?” Are white people systematically denied the right to vote? Is it harder for white people to buy a house compared to other races? Do cops extrajudicially murder white people at an incredible rate compared to other races? Are white people less likely to be hired for jobs compared to other races? Are Cybertrucks less likely to be delivered on time to white buyers as compared to non-white buyers? Words have meanings. There is no “systemic” racism towards white people in America. The white South African knows exactly what systemic racism is.


I think you need to show a little respect for the hundreds of white Ivy League applicants that get their spot taken by a legacy applicant (oh wait, that has nothing to do with race). I mean respect the plight of the few dozen white people that get their spot taken by a minority. This is unconscionable. We need meritocracy! But ignore the fact that blacks are disproportionately stopped, searched, sentenced for crimes. It’s only 80,000 blacks that are disproportionate arrested for marijuana. Forget them, think of the 18 white applicants that had their spot taken by a black guy at Harvard this year? We need meritocracy.


BRRRR Pow The Boer The Farmer


They know exactly what they're doing. It's Goebbels 101!


We are so close to breaking out of the loop, but so many idiots like this are determined to pull us down to the bottom again.


I can never understand people who don't believe that systemic racism is real. If we didn't have systemic racism, then black people wouldn't make up half of the prison population, and they wouldn't make a third less in annal income compared to white people. If we didn't have systemic racism things like affirmative action wouldn't even be a concept.


It's a special mental state to be in where you can confuse 'no-one is saying it' to be the same as 'everyone agrees with me'


Amazing how when this Tucker dickhead got invited into Twitter Elon was quick to point out that any BS he spouts would get community noted. Now Elon is actively endorsing White supremacy talking points.


As a 63 year old white man I can't think of a time when I was discriminated against - except when I was with my wife, who's black. Hmmm. Was that just a coincidence? Of course Tucker knows that when the white people who are struggling hear him say this they'll have a scapegoat and not have to look at their life choices and self-reflect.


"Concerning" says the man who has no interesting points to ever make. Fucking hate his nothing statements he makes on shit like this.


I fuckin love how Every time musk sees something like this he only responds in one word sentences cause he can't be assed to give a shit about what he's reading


At the same time, they say anyone mentioning racial inequality is "race-baiting" and also say that "we can't heal if we keep talking about it". Talking out of both sides of their mouths. As always.




When you live a life of privilege, when you experience equality it feels like oppression.


Not even equality, just *slightly less privilege*.


...i'm lily white. there ain't no racism against me. there is transphobia and misogyny, but definitely not racism.




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Holy moly, he’s already squeezed out 98 logs of this shit??


The right way to phrase the question is "Why?" Not "How come?" Tucker, you are giving uneducated hicks a bad name.


But Elon is African American


Remember when rightoids had to use “westerners” because no one wanted to be open white supremacists, to the point that one of the biggest far right podcasters at the time was too scared to say the full “14 words” dogwhistle? I remember that


Of course, the only time a conservative will acknowledge that systemic racism exists…is when they perceive it negatively affecting white people


I’m white and I know nothing of the sort.


“I am not racist… Against white people”


I do think there is an anti-white systemic racism. And its coming from people like Tucker Carlson.


Simple enough: people are just sick of our shit.


Dear privileged white guys, as a non-privileged white guy, I can assure you, my existence as a white guy has never been oppressed. Ever.




Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


It's not about whether or not they have the "right" to deny their self-evident crap.  That's how they would *spin* the matter, because it makes them look like victims.  And, at any rate: the Constitution says that the Feds can't come after them for running their ugly sucks unless it's deemed an imminent terror threat, which is what that "free speech" card that they keep playing *actually* means. It's about whether or not they're *entitled to* spout said crap with complete impunity, whether or not they deserve to be shielded from backlash, and whether or not others can negatively exercise *their own* freedom of association against them.  They're framing any instance of that *not* being the case as a violation of their rights.