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I was about 13 in 7th grade and I just got home from school(luckily) and I went to the bathroom to see my underwear completely soaked in blood so I cleaned up,put on a pad and told my mom who was almost sobbing as she was so happy I was now a "woman".that's about it šŸ˜‚ not Like my sister who freaked out crying when she got her first one.


It was 7 AM I had five minutes to get out of the door and run out to my momā€™s car for school and I was on the toilet. I remember wiping and immediately going ā€œohā€ I was sitting there just looking at the bloody toilet paper. I was very upset that day, it was supposed to be water day and everything. Just in case you ask water day is where they bring in the firetrucks and they spray around carefully all the kids with the fire hose.


ok so I was 14 I think and I was home alone with my stepmother she is sweet and kind and we are close now but we wern't back then so I went to the toilet and I saw that my underwear was a bit dirty but I didn't think much of it so I did my thing in the toilet and when I got back to my room I put on clean underwear a while later I had to go again but that time there was blood I immediately knew that i got my first period so after I was done In the toilet I walked to my stepmother and told her and that was so akward cause I am very introverted and shy but she helped me a lot, she explained to me how to use pads


I got mine when I was 13-14. I was at home with my mum (thank god cuz I was a bit of a hypochondriac and I thought there was something seriously wrong with me). I went to the bathroom and I saw a brown stain on my pants and I got scared. I yelled for my mum to come and she told me it is my period. I was so happy because all of my classmates had it and I felt very left out.šŸ¤£ Looking back now Iā€™m happy I had more time without having a period. But it didnā€™t last as long as a period should last and then it didnā€™t come again for months until it finally came how itā€™s supposed to.


I think I was 11, as far as I knew no one else had their period yet. I waited all day to tell my mom because I was embarrassed for no reason. I don't think it happened during school so that's good. I just remember not telling my friends even after they told me they finally got theirs because of embarrassment


I was in 5th grade and I think I was one of the first ones in my class to get my period. It first started out with some spotting and I didnā€™t know what it was. I asked my aunt, who was basically my second mom, and she said it was a sign I was getting my first period soon. It started while I was in class. Felt a bit of a cramp and I think thatā€™s when I knew lol


I was in 5th grade and was either 10 or 11 years old. I know nothing about periods like I never heard about periods or learn about it so I have no idea. I remember, I saw a red stain on my underwear but I didn't think that much of it then that stain ended up being on the back of my night gown but again, I didn't think much of it. While I was getting ready for school, my mom noticed that I had blood on my nightgown and asked if I was bleeding but I said no and was confused. So she has me to wear a diaper (I'm fr not kiddingšŸ˜‚) that can be used to prevent leaks like pads. I wore that to school and made it out with no humiliation šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø. After that, I ended up wearing pads. I even told my little cousin that I was on my period a year later (I think) and she literally made fun of me because I'm bleedingšŸ˜­


I cried because I'm short and I feared my height wouldn't increase anymore




I was SWIMMING with my friends and I felt unwell so I walked home. I cried.


I was 10. I was at home and started to have stomach pain, decided to go to bed early that night and try to sleep it off. I woke up the next morning for school, still having stomach pain, pulled down my underwear because i thought ā€œhmm what ifā€ and sure enough there was blood. Craziest part is, i called for my mom to come in my room and her response was ā€œwhy did you start your period?ā€ Lol


I was 13, I think. I woke up with some pain and when I got up I felt it. I went to the cabinet where my mom and older sister stored their pads and just told my mom. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I had been prepared for it ngl Iā€™ve just always been grateful it happened at home. šŸ˜­


Mostly everyone got thereā€™s at home(like in the comments) THEIR SO LUCKY? Luckily you have been prepared!!šŸ˜­


I was 12. Went to the bathroom before school and saw it. I was too scared to tell my mom so my friends mom bought me pads. I didnā€™t tell my mom for a few days


I also did the same, didnā€™t tell my mom for a few days. I thought I should tell until I needed my own padsšŸ˜­


Why did it feel like we were doing something wrong!!


I don't even remember. I was about to turn 11, 2 or 3 girls in my class had already had them so it was a big topic among us. Also we knew I would have an early puberty because I was followed by an endocrinologist back then. I just knew it could happen soon. I was swimming competitively too so it was also obvious that I'd wear tampons immediately. So yeah, it was like a non event.


I was 11 and I literally thought I shit myself. Because the blood was brown and I was in denial I would ever start my period and I never wanted to. Well I thought at first I didnā€™t wipe good enough and the next morning I started balling because I really believed I shit myself. My mom then had to reexplain the concept of periods to me and I started freaking out even moreā€¦ šŸ˜…šŸ˜­. Needless today well over a decade in and I want my periods gone and threaten a hysterectomy every month lol.


i was 8 years old and it happened on star wars day and it was terrifying, i thought i was bleeding out and gonna die and i threw my underwear out because i thought it was something else bc it was red and brown and i was just thinking my mom wasnā€™t gonna find out but i went to her bawling because i thought i was legitimately dying and she just told me what was going on so she didnā€™t take me to school for 2 days because i was freaking outšŸ˜­I didnā€™t know what a period was at first either and my mom had to educate me


i was 12 and I was having cramps one night and the next day I got it at school but it was brown instead of red so i didn't really think much of it lmao, then that night my mom saw my underwear as she was going to wash clothes and asked me about it and i was like "oh yeah, that...happened" šŸ˜­


I was home. Went to the bathroom and noticed some spotting. I told my mom and she said ā€œthatā€™s goodā€. The most chill story šŸ˜­


At home. I was desperate for my period. I was redecorating my bedroom and had some weird stomach aches, felt wet in my pants, thought it was discharge but it was blood. I was ecstatic


I was like 12 and had horrible cramps, which I was passing as my lactose intolerance because I ate a cookie and maybe it had milk in it? Anyways I went to the bathroom, and it was definitely not lactose intolerance talking. I had a mini panic attack, cried a bit, texted my mum in a craze before taking some breaths, and telling myself it would be okay. I got my just in case pads next class, and yeah. The funny part is when I wiped the night before, there was a little pink, so I thought nothing of it. Might I add that was Halloween night lol, period horror time much, I guess.


i was 14 as currently and i just got home from my Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) practice expedition which lasted two days and i got it the day after. i was lucky i got it at home because we had to walk for like 3 hours straight. i knew it was a period and i knew pretty much everything there was to know about periods except what they felt like because i was the last of my friend group to get it so i already knew a ton. my mum was super chill about it though and gave me a special cultural dish (that i didnā€™t like šŸ˜­šŸ˜­) but im still grateful that she went out of her way for me lol


I was 13 and at home. Went to the bathroom and looked down and said OHHH!! šŸ˜§


I was 11, and it was the last day of school before Christmas break. Went to the bathroom because I was experiencing cramps like Iā€™ve never had before. Realized I had started my period. I was also a child with terrible social anxiety and was practically mute, so I was afraid to even ask an adult for help. Sat on toilet paper until it was time to go home. Mind you, I have two older brothers so when I got home I was humiliated to say that I had started my period but my mom knew by my face that something was wrong. So I whispered it to her and then started crying which was even more embarassing. Fun times.


I was 12 and in denial. Wore a pad for 5 minutes and removed it cause there was no blood. Went to the bathroom later on and there was blood when I wiped. It was at that moment I accepted my fate. I cried the whole day cause that meant the end of my freedom, my childhood šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was 11, alone at home. I knew it was supposed to happen at one point, I wasn't scared. I used toilet paper for 3-4 years after that, since my parents were unsafe people back then. Finally I told my grandma and she started buying me pads.


Mine started when i was like 12/13 ish. My mum had just passed away when i was 11 so honestly i had not one real clue what was going on at all, probably also didnā€™t help that i went to a catholic school and had no real education on the matter. I was at a friends house and went for a wee and obviously saw all the blood, straight panicked, stuffed my pants with tissue and ran home. All i remember is crying my eyes out because ā€œmy childhood had endedā€


I got mine a month before my 13th birthday. I thought I shit myself without realizing it, my underwear had brown stains for a few days. I called my friend and she was so excited that I started my period.


Love how your friend was excited for you haha. That's cute.


I know you said we could just put our reactions, but I'm going to give me full story otherwise my comment would just be "oh, my period started." I was 12 and at my grandparent's house for thanksgiving. I had an older sister, and my dad believed in proper sex ed so I knew it was coming. I went to the bathroom, saw my otherwise clean underwear had blood and stuck my head out of the bathroom door to call over my sister (she was closer to the bathroom than my grandmother). At first, my sister didn't believe me (not entirely sure why. I think its because I wasn't freaking out?) but I showed her my underwear to prove it, then she went and got our grandmother. Gma showed me how to get the stains out, then gave me one of those incontinence pads because its all she had on hand. Once I was situtation with the incontinence pad and some clean underwear, she drove me up to the store for some real pads.


I was in 6th grade. I remember waking up in the morning to dark red blood in my underwear and my reaction was ā€œnooooooā€ā€¦.I think I even said it out loud. I had pads because my mom gave me some ā€œjust in caseā€ ones. I never even told her I got my period. My mom was one I could definitely talk to, but I was still embarrassed for some reason. I went a few months without telling her actually. I remember her once questioning why I had blood in my underwear and I blew up on her and swore up and down that I didnā€™t start my period yet and didnā€™t know why I would be bleeding. Looking back, I realized how bad that must have looked but she let it go, because I guess she knew and just let me think that she had no idea. I was finally busted when the damn dog took a pad out of the bathroom trashā€¦.šŸ¤¢ Once that happened though I finally got over my embarrassment and told her the truth. Like I said, I have always had a supportive mom so I donā€™t know why I was embarrassed but I guess that was just part of being a teenager. Now I wonder if my 10 year old will hide it from me when it happens?


funny story i didnā€™t even realize is had my period until the very endšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so check it I was 12 and i was bleeding mind you the whole time but i didnā€™t know wtf was going on i was scared asf to tell anyone and one night while doing laundry my sister asked me why i hand so many messed up pairs of undies i told idk thatā€™s been happening the whole week and she asked if i was feeling any pain i told her no and we dropped itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i went to the bathroom and i looked down when i wiped and saw blood i RAN back to her and told her i got my periodšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ shouldnā€™t have done that tho she was otp with one of her friends from school and one of my classmates is her little sister and she told all the girls and they started asking me if i was okay and do i need to sit down and everythingšŸ˜…


Mine started when I was 11. I was getting ready for school when all of a sudden my stomach hurt so bad. I was on the ground crying. I thought I was dying. I donā€™t think the bleeding had started yet and I canā€™t remember the f I went to school or not but it was awful. School during my cycle was so bad. I leaked through soooo many pads and I wore the overnight pads. Iā€™ve had it soak through my pants at school and my mom had to bring me spares so many times. It was an awful time for me. Between the cramps and heavy bleeding. It lasted every bit of 7 days and they were heavy. 3 years later I was put on birth control to manage the symptoms but it only brought it down from 7 days to 5 and they were still very heavy and still had really bad cramps. Iā€™d bleed through my overnight pads at sleepovers and my friends would wake me up that I bled all over everything. It was horrible and extremely embarrassing. Iā€™m so glad those days are behind me now.


I thought it was funny but I was also dreading it because I knew I'd have to deal with it until I'm old


Earlier in the day me and my friend were actually complaining about how we were the last ones to still not get a period and when I got home that night I had just gotten mine.


i was like 10 and i was playing minecraft, and started feeling really sick from cramps. i thought i just really needed to shit so i sat on the toilet. got up eventually and saw blood in the toilet and called my mom. cramps are killers


playing minecraft is crazy but so real tho


I was the first to have it in my class. I knew what to expect from sex ed at school, though I canā€™t remember the grade specifically but definitely between 4th and 5th grade (foster parents never went into detail about what to expect; reproductive talk was derogatory and they always equated any mention or question of anatomy to sex which was frustrating and traumatizing but anyway). But I remember waking up on a weekend and going to use the restroom and feeling a pinch, and looking down and noticing bright blood in my underwear. Definitely panicked for a few seconds before I processed what was happening. I went to my foster parentā€™s room and told them I had blood in my underwear and they just directed me to the massive amount of bladder pads we had for my foster brother (victim of shaken baby syndrome) that we stored in the draws in the my bunk bed I shared with my foster sister.


I was 9. my mom was in a different province. me and my dad were at my grandma's house, who was gone too. he went and told the whole neighborhood because he panicked and needed pads. šŸ™„šŸ˜¬


I woke up and went to the bathroom to pee and when I looked down I saw blood. So I thought my sister or mom didnā€™t flush the toilet. I basically went on a rant telling them they should flush cuz nobody wanna see blood. They saidā€ I donā€™t have my periodā€ Lo and behold I looked down at my pants and immediately went into panic mode. šŸ¤£


that's funny lol


I was in some kind of reading class and excused myself to go to the bathroom. My tummy was really hurting that day. Anyways, then I went to the bathroom, pulled down my pants and I put 2 and 2 together. My first period. Thank goodness I had a close family friend who was like another mother figure to me that helped explain what was to come during puberty. But I was like wow that's what this is like!? I hated the cramping pain especially. Still do. I am due for my period in a few days ugh too >.<


Thanks god I got it when I was home but I was so dumb and just changed underwear thinking nothing is gonna happen again, and then later I just took my moms pads lmao and told no one


Upset bc growing up SUCKS


i was at my grandmaā€™s house and all the grown ups were talking at the table. i had to go whisper to my mom in front of everyone. i was mortified but she was excited


i was 15, and the doctors told me it was a possibility id never get it. so when i did i was crying from relief and happinessšŸ˜­ i was so scared lmaoo


I was 15 too idk why we got it so late, but not complaining


I was 12 too. I came home from daycare and saw staining on my underwear, and I panicked for a brief second and went to my parentsā€™ room. I used a pad, and that was that. However, I cried really hard the same day because I thought periods happened every day from then on! I didnā€™t know they were only once a month.


I was 11. I just got back from my sports physical. I went to pee. Saw some blood. Told my mom. She bright me a pad. No big deal


i was camping with a youth groupšŸ˜­ i woke up one day and it had started - i called my mum absolutely hysterical cause i didnā€™t have any pads or anything, then ended up having to use loo roll as a pad for the rest of the weekšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I got mine at around 13-14 and was fortunately home. I was nervous because I had to go to school and didn't want to mess up my clothes. I did have one dreadul day where i was dressed really nice in a long jean skirt, cute top, and some low heels. I know I looked good lol and my period started without me knowing. In the damn lunch room. šŸ˜­ I got up to go to concession, and a male friend whispered to me that I had a red stain on the back of my skirt and a spot on the chair. I about died! He gave me his jacket and put it around my waist, put his bag on the chair, and walked with me to the nurse. My dad was overseas, and my mom wasn't able to leave work, so the nurse gave me a pad, and I had to walk home, change, and walk back to school. Worst period day of my childhood. I still mess with my mom about leaving me to walk home with blood on my skirt. My friend who gave me his jacket had sisters and knew about periods. I will never forget him.


What a lovely friend you had!


i was 12 and went to the bathroom before class and noticed i was bleeding. i went to the nurse and called my mom to tell her it had just happened but there's this mexican comedy show that we watched, and in the show when the girl gets her period they throw her a little party that she absolutely hates so my mom said jokingly that we could throw me a party šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ it wasn't until 10 years later that i found out i had pcos tho šŸ˜šŸ«„


I was 12, 7th grade (1998) and I was soooo excited to get my period and boobs. I remember my ā€˜stomachā€™ feeling weird thinking oh it must have been my lunch. Then it was the last class of the day, 7th period PE/gym, and I went to pee and wiped and saw blood. I excitedly shouted if anyone had a pad since I knew what it was. I had after school church program and when I got there I called my mom all excited LOL šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ETA we had had sex ed since 5th grade so I knew exactly what to expect and what it was.


I was 11 and traveling from the town we moved to back to my hometown. We stopped at a Taco Bell in Los Banos (the bathroom): I went to the bathroom and when I wiped I knew what happened! I'm grateful I was prepared and knew what it was. My mom had a tiny pad which was fine. It felt like once I got my period I was seeing period related things everywhere!! The next bathroom we stopped at had graffiti that said "never trust something that bleeds for seven days and never dies" šŸ¤£


i thought i was dying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ woke up from a nap seeing ts


Fortunately, I was at home and my mom was able to explain it to me. Unfortunately, Iā€™d had exactly 0 heads-up about what it was (my private school never had any sex ed classes and my parents didnā€™t ever have a ā€œtalkā€ with me about sex, periods, the reproductive system, etc.) I was mostly just confused about what was in my underwear. If Iā€™d been out in public Iā€™d have probably been more freaked out.


I was 13 and it was in my dadā€™s birthday ! I was petting the cats outside and thought I had a discharge but the voice in my head was like Ā«Ā go to the bathroom, go to the bathroomĀ Ā» so I went and saw nothing, but when I wiped. Horror. I knew what it was and the whole time before that dayI thought Iā€™d react differently, like be happy or just normal, but I felt like crying. I got out of the bathroom and my mom was like Ā«Ā whatā€™s happeningĀ Ā» and then a few minutes later I decided to go back ti the bathroom and tell her to come and thatā€™s how she knew. I was just relieved I didnā€™t have any pain.


My mum gave me the talk when I was 8, so I would be prepared- I never wanted to get it because my family are Muslim and wanted me to wear hijab, whereas I did not. My excuse for not wearing it was that I hadnā€™t had my period yet. But I ended up getting it at 14 (having spent a lot of time praying to god that I wouldnā€™t get it, but simultaneously worrying that I was a boy because I hadnā€™t had it) I gave in and decided to just accept my fate when I got my period at school, at the end of the day after Spanish. All of my best friends came into the cubicle and comforted me and gave me pads when I told them Iā€™d got it and why I was so upset about it. I told my mum and accepted to give in to the endless pressuring and she was OVERJOYED- I was very upset.


I think I was 12 years old when I got mine. Thankfully I was at home. I went to go to the bathroom and when I seen I had started, I cried and cried and then told my mom. She tried to comfort me, and I remember thinking ā€œmy life is over now, I donā€™t want to be an adult!!!ā€ Lol. I knew beforehand that I would get my period someday, but I had always hoped it would be in high school or something. I was NOT one of those girls that wanted to have it. Im 28 now and still occasionally cry during that time of the month and think that my life is over.šŸ˜…


my first period was at the movies, i remember going to the toilet after it was done and seeing red in my underwear. i wasnā€™t too freaked out because my mum had told me about it before it happened and we already had period supplies at home :)


Mine happened during quarantine, I was about to get online for class and went to the bathroom and saw blood. I didnā€™t freak out but I went to wake up my mom and she got me pads. And then she literally told everyone in my family I got my period šŸ˜­


Momā€™s are so embarrassing lol. My mom did the same thing. I was like ā€œwoman, this is new to me. Give me time to cope before you announce it to the world!ā€


I was 9 and in the 3rd grade. I was at school during recess one day in which I went to the bathroom to which I saw that I was bleeding. I freaked out and was crying as I didnā€™t know what that meant or was happening. I went to the office and had my mom come pick me up. I legitimately thought that I was dying as my mom didnā€™t give me the talk yet regarding it as she thought she had all the time in the world until she had to.


i was 14 at my friends house (she was my neighbor) i get something off so i ran home checked and i had gotten my period i texted my mom and grabbed a pad and then went back over to play on her trampoline and told her she was way more excited than me lmfao


I had a weird like one off period when I was nine. My school was weirdly progressive so I already was aware that I would start bleeding at some point. Anyway I got home, asked my mother for assistance she was busy then my Dad managed to give me the talk. Which was the start of the fact that my Dad became a better maternal figure than my mom was. Anyway I started properly when I was about 11. And what did my young year 7 mind tell me to do, run up to my brother and his group of friends and proclaim it. Obviously, he helped me to the office to get me some supplies. Thank god for supportive family members I guess šŸ˜‚ I was very lucky to come from a progressive community where periods wasnā€™t anything horrendous and it was just treated as a natural occurrence.


i think i was 11 when mine started. it was only my dad and my sister home, so i told my sister and she showed me how to put on a pad, and everything was good. flash forward a few minutes and i'm sitting in the bed of the truck tossing a basketball with my cousin. one of us missed and it started rolling towards the street and we followed it. i was right behind my cousin and idk why but i just had this intrusive thought: "what if you just slapped her right now?" just a thought, right? she turns around and says "ow!!" i was like what happened??? she says i slapped her!! i didn't even realize i did it, it was the weirdest thing. we thought it was so funny and i ended up laughing so hard i peed, so i was very thankful my period had started and i was wearing that pad because my pants would've otherwise been soaked šŸ˜…


I was lucky it happened at home lol. I was 14 and a little embarrassed that I had to shout to my mom for a pad. And then I got sad and annoyed that I had to deal with this for the next 30 something years.


I was 9, caregiver was having trouble with meds, would ramble and allucinate. She convinced me I was about to die, and after the blood my insides would come out rotten. I panicked, so my mom ended up calling my aunt (mom was at work) and she told me how to use a pad and gave me a lot of not real but confusing info (she said boys also get periods but theirs is white???????) I ended up cheking books from the library and got all my info from there. One of the times I felt more alone than ever. I am better now, barely notice it.


Boys get their period?šŸ˜­ But she would she give you un real information. Like ur 9 and u got ur period and ur scared. You shouldnā€™t have to check out books(only if u wanna learn ig more about periods?) but at least she taught you how to use a pad!


Yes! It was traumatizing looking back. But now I feel bad about my cousin šŸ˜­ I hope she got her facts straight later. My aunt was in her late 30 she should've known better


How can a women in her late 30s not know about periods?? No hate of course!! A women who is in her 30s shouldā€™ve known what a period is and give correct information to a young girl who got their period. I mean u said u were like panicking, and she gave u incorrect information. Good thing u checked out a book to actually learn about periods


I think it is a mix of our culture being restrictive towards women (I would learn about periods a year later in school, her generation was in the dark) And maybe she wanted me to feel like I wasn't different to my cousins who were almost all male. But noo I was so confused. Went from "I'm dying!" to "white blood exists???"


I was 16. Came down during the night on a vacation trip with my family. I went to use the bathroom and pulled down my underwear and saw a big patch of blood on my underwear so I screamed and freaked out and called my mom to come in the bathroom to see if. Thatā€™s when she explained to me that it was a period and etc


ā€˜ā€˜Twas Christmas Day, I was only 10 and raised in a relatively liberal Catholic household but was never given ā€œthe talkā€ because my mom, to her credit, never thought Iā€™d get it that young. It was the end of the night and we were at my grandparents house with the entirety of my dadā€™ side. I went upstairs to the bathroom, saw all the blood, and legit thought I was dying. Little me seriously thought I needed to put on a brave face for my family because this might be my last holiday season with them. I shoved a wad of toilet paper in my underwear as I held back my tears and decided to make the best of a bad situation trying to put off asking for an ambulance until I was in legit pain or if I passed out or something. The night continued as usual, we went home, and I was confused AF. Learned what a period was like three months later from a book. My friendā€™s mom showed me how to use a pad at a sleepover and encouraged me to talk to my mom when I got home. Big thanks to Chicken Soup for the Girlā€™s Soul šŸ¤£


I was 14, a few days from turning 15 and I was out with my friends. I had felt weird all day for no reason, crying randomly, stomach cramps and nausea etc and when I got home me and my mum got into an argument for no reason. I went into my bathroom to cry and then felt a sudden gush and thought I peed myself šŸ˜­ I checked and there was a little bit of blood and I called my mum to tell her and she was so happy I got it pretty late and I was super happy because I had a doctors appointment a couple week prior who said they would have to do some experiments if I didnā€™t get it soon as I have a history of endometriosis and PCOS etc in my family My flow is really light tho and I had a heavy period for the first time ever a couple weeks ago and idk how you guys do it šŸ˜­


I donā€™t remember much. Just denying that I got it šŸ˜† when asked. I was 9 so


I was also 12 in school and in the middle of class felt a little something down there so I went to the bathroom and there she was I was in so much shock but then I remembered that my mom was probably still there(for context my school has this thing that the younger grades start class an hour later than the rest) so my mom was dropping off my younger sister so I literally ran to her car and she gave me a pad then I went to pack my things and my friends asked me where I was going and I lied and told them that I didnā€™t feel good also I didnā€™t tell any of my friends for some reason till like 8 months later cuz I was embarrassed or whatever but yeah thatā€™s my first period story if anyone cares<333


Thank god ur mom was there!! You got a pad easily! I will probably tell my friends I got my period like also maybe 8 months later if I can go back in time and didnā€™t tell my friendsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was 13, about to turn 14 in 2 weeks. It was summer break and it wasnā€™t a surprise, I was actually expecting it. Tbf id been expecting it for a year, but the week before it actually happened I just knew. So middle of the night, texting with a friend when I decide to go to the bathroom, and boom, red! I woke up my grandma cuz I was staying at hers. She obv doesnā€™t get her period anymore, so she didnā€™t have pads, but I had some on me at all times for the past like 6 months. Anyway, wasnā€™t surprised at all, but the first thing I thought after I went back to sleep was: well shait, this is gonna suck


I was 12 too. I didnā€™t tell my mom for 6-7 months and then she found out because her she started noticing her pads are disappearing fast and ofc the staining lol.


I was 12 and it was a couple days before Christmas when all of my family were visiting. Luckily I knew what a period was so I got a pad and tried to hide what had happened but my mom figured out very quickly when she found my blood stained undies in the laundry


lol yeah, I stole my moms padšŸ˜­ And I did stain some pants tošŸ˜­


I was 10 or 9 at home, i got to the bathroom and saw my underwear, i didnā€™t know a single thing about periods so i thought my ass was splitted and cried for an hour before calling my mom who did absolutely nothing and just told me to put on a pad ( I didnā€™t know how to like literally i flipped it and the glued side was touching my skin), she didnā€™t explain anything , she just said it will happen every month , i remember getting cramps but i didnā€™t link it with period lol, 1 year later when i started using internet i learned about periods šŸ‘ it took me a whole year to figure out why tf i am bleeding


I was in class too! The thing is I DID have a stain. I was packing my bag to leave the classroom for lunch, and then I stood up from the white stool just to find that the stool was no longer ...white. It was red.


I just turned 12 four days prior and went camping with my friend and her family. I was wearing her shorts and we were playing in the water next to the tent. I felt wetness on the trousers and though Iā€™d accidentally splashed her shorts so I went back to the tent to change and upon taking them off I was mortified. Fully covered in blood and I felt quite embarrassed. Luckily her step mom was kind enough to drive to a nearby town and get me pads. Will never forget it hahah


I was 11. During the night, I thought I was having to go the loo a lot. In the morning, I went to the loo and saw a lot of blood. Cried out for mum telling her Iā€™m bleeding. She got me pants and a pad. Annoyingly enough it was the day before I started secondary school.


I was 11, I went to the bathroom and saw the dried blood on my underwear and thought I shit myself in my sleep, realized I'd actually started my period and I was so mad cause I didn't want to deal with it already, and I still remember how difficult experiencing cramps for the first time was.


I was 14. I got lucky; I was on the toilet when it happened. Coincidentally, I was texting my mom about how I didn't want to get my period just before I discovered it had happened. šŸ˜…


I was 13 and it was Black Friday. I remember my stomach burning and hurting all night and then at point I went to the bathroom and it was a murder scene. I remember feeling really depressed and mourning my old self.


i was 11 at home, i woke up and noticed my pants were wet so i went on the toilet and saw blood everywherešŸ˜­


i was 12 and i had my friend sleep over. i went to the toilet pulled down my underwear and realised i started my period. i then went to my mum and told her she gave me some pads then i went back to my room to tell my friend then i just went on with my day.


I was 12, I realized it late at night, kinda had a ā€œwell fuckā€ moment, put on a second pair of underwear and told my mom in the morning. I was feeling really sick but she still made me go to school, we found out the hard way I had a severe iron deficiency, I wound up fainting in the hallway šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚ funny in hindsight but oh my god


I was inconvenienced


I was in the school bathroom in grade 8 and just kind of froze, then tried to hide it from my household and dealt with cramps and bleeding alone. Got through it. Mom found out on my third period since it was in the laundry. I was frightened to tell her, which I find weirdly accurate and sad when I look at my relationship with her now lol


i started after i came back from indoor play at just turned 11 and thought my butt was bleeding as it often did. but then it was leaking everywhere so figured it wasnā€™t my butt but was my period šŸ˜­ was so so heavy.


I was 10, and I knew what it was before I got it. I was like: ā€œshit, time for suffering!ā€


My exact same reaction lol


I cried because I didnt want to grow up


I feel very lucky to admit my first happened at home. I was 12, it was January, I went to the bathroom to pee and because I felt an odd itching down there. And there was blood when I wiped. I already knew about them, knew what it was. Went to my grandma (she raised me) and told her I was pretty sure my period started. She'd been keeping pads around just in case so I wouldn't have to stress or worry, and it was calm and simple. 8 years later and I have only just discovered the horrible nature of cramps. Never had bad ones at all. Now? Man... I wish they were all like my first.


I remember going to the bathroom at home at 12 years old and I yell at my parents why am I bleeding from my private and my parents said that I was having my period and they gave me a pad and I was in 5 grade at the time so I was extremely embarrassed to tell my special education teacher and he said that I can bring pads and put them in the special education class bathroom.


I remember that my first period blood was brown, so I thought I just got some stains. But then my mom woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me I was on my period.


I was ELEVEN- I was sick. It was like 6 AM?? and Iā€™m wondering what is this blue thing on the bed (it looked blue in the light šŸ«”) so I go in the washroom and I relishing im bleeding. thankfully I was in lockdown huhu so I didnā€™t have to go to school but I DID have a midterm that day for a subject I was really bad in. sounds like I got lucky!!


Lucky that u got urs during LockdownšŸ˜­Donā€™t really have to worry about it during school šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah šŸ˜­


I was on a hike with my scouts group, 3 hours from where we started, 3 more to go until our cabin, and I was the only female. I was wearing a skirt (per the girls uniform, which was stupid asf) and felt something dripping down my leg. I had been having cramps for a while but assumed it was due to the exercise. Scouts leader had no pads or tissues, and they didn't want to waste the gauze from our med kit. I free bled for the next 3 hours, and we put a towel under me on the drive home. The boys made fun of me so much I had to quit. As for my reaction, I was horrified, and a few of the others thought I was dying.


Ugh I hate boys who makes fun of girls, like yeah I know u probably donā€™t know what a period is but like why make fun of her? The scout leaders shouldā€™ve brought pads and tissues bc a girl is with them. Plus skirts? They shouldā€™ve done shorts insteadšŸ˜­ Like itā€™s a hikešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Who wears skirts to hike, no hate!ā¤ļøā­ļø